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Framework & CSS Framework ???

A framework is a standardized set of concepts,

practices and criteria for dealing with a common type of problem, which can be used as a reference to help us approach and resolve new problems of a similar nature Collection of components, CSS and Even JS.

Why use framework

Rapid Development
Less effort 80 2o rules

Responsive what is and why

A responsive website changes its appearance and

layout based on the size of the screen the website is displayed on. Flexible layouts 85% of mobile phones sold in 2011 were web enabled.* 25% of web users are mobile only*

Fixed: Fixed Widths and Heights
Fluid: Widhts and Heights in % Adaptive: Media Queries

Responsive: Combination of Fluid and Adaptive

Foundation histroy
ZURB is a privately held interaction design company

based in Campbell, California, United States. The firm was founded in 1998 In October 2011, ZURB released Foundation 2.0 as open-source under the MIT License

Difference between Bootstrap and foundation

Boostrap is rich in component side
REM vs PX Foundations grid shrinks and stretches according to

the current browser width. Bootstrap has a pre-defined set of grid sizes for main devices and screens.

Bootstrap will abruptly change its grid like a

transformer while you resize the browser width. Foundation will flexibly adapt its grid to the current browser width, that is what they call layout will morph like a Transformer while resizing the browser width.

Some more detail discussion on Foundation Classes

and Sample Template GRID Base ..? ( Modernizer are used to support xbrowser compatibility that are faced especially in html5 and css3.

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