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There is no more important invention for mankind , there were several that changed the world and chronologically can mention : the fire and the wheel in prehistory. Fire enabled sewing meat and man no longer needed large teeth and jaws to eat raw meat , this was the shrinking of the mouth, thanks to them formed the glottis , and vocal cords , humans began to make sounds guttural first and talk later grew the brain mass and thus increased the intelligence , all thanks to the fire. This intelligence created the wheel changed how to translate objetos. Another important step in prehistory was the discovery of agriculture , transforming man from nomadic to sedentary. The Sumerians , !!! "# cuneiform left us with which man began to write his story , adobe brick , mi$ture mud and %%%% sun drying , which enabled the first houses , the system se$agecimal to time &still used today ' and the first calendars (ittites learned to smelt iron that ended with bron)e weapons . The *gyptians gave us the papyrus , the first paper where he wrote , previously done on clay tablets and sundial. The #hinese came to us gunpowder, and the compass + ! , year ,!+!, the first changed the art of war and the second allowed sea travel away from the coast . -ast but not least the movable type of .. /utenberg in ,0 1 that changed the printing of books , before she were reproduced manually , slow system and costs. These are in my opinion the most important inventions of mankind


Tania Gutierrez Molina 213+ ,,,

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