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Ten tips for mindful working kulananda If you walk to the bus stop, Tube or train station, turn

off your phone. Feel yo ur feet on the ground and the movement in your legs and hips. Notice how you re br eathing. If you drive to work, take a few moments when you first get into your car just t o notice your breath and your body. As you sit at your desk or workstation, take a few moments from time to time to tune in to your body sensations. Notice any tension that might be there and brea the into it softening and easing. When you have a break, instead of reading the paper or searching on the internet , get away from your computer take a short walk and get outside if you can. At lunchtime, turn off your phone and get some air. Pause. If you meet with coll eagues over lunch, try talking about things other than work. Find ways of setting up mindfulness cues in your workspace. Perhaps when your ph one rings you could use that as an opportunity to check in with your breathing. Before heading home, review the day. Acknowledge what you ve achieved, make a list of what you need to do tomorrow and, if you can, put your work down. Use your journey home as a way of making a transition. Walk or drive mindfully. Take your time. Change out of your work clothes soon after you get in and make a point of greeti ng everyone at home in turn. If you live alone, feel what it is like to enter the quiet space of your own hom e.

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