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ICTY Indictee Ljubomir Borovcanin: A Comprehensive Summary Created: December 19, 2013 Ljubomir Borovcanin is a war criminal indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. This research sample is a 29-page brief that compiles biographical, legal, and other relevant information from various sources. It was created to summarize all the information necessary to prepare the employer to interview Ljubomir Borovcanin in a Danish prison. Risk Factors and Permissive Factors of Mass Atrocity and Genocide: Literature Review Created: December 11, 2013 This research sample is a 33-page literature review identifying 20 risk/permissive factors of mass atrocity and genocide and referencing 89 sources. This document was created to present the employer with a partial survey of existing literature to support the employers research for her forthcoming book on the subject. Tsarnaev Family: Comprehensive Summary Created: January 23, 2013 This research sample is a 43-page brief that compiles all information related to the alleged Boston Marathon Bombers, Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. This document summarizes the events of the Boston Marathon Bombing and provides the employer with an exhaustive outline of all currently available public information related to the Tsarnaev family, their personal acquaintances, and their extended network. It includes facts, testimonies, and narratives from a variety of world news sources with the aim of putting the the Boston Marathon Bombing in context and offering possible insight into the alleged attackers motivations.



John Horgan Director of the Center for Terrorism and Security Studies, UMASS Lowell Employer, February 2014 Present Jessica Stern, Ph.D. National Security and Terrorism Expert Employer, July-December, 2013 Denise Garcia, Ph.D. Department of Political Science and International Affairs, Northeastern University Professor, September-December, 2013 Jennifer Bender CEO of New Sector Alliance Employer, January June 2012

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