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+/$+(, 23*4,5,6$(,7*8%,6*(9$%:, Ali Alabbad Professor Williams ENGL 1102-010 02-06-2014

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Observation One Episode 1 Description of the Location: The How I Met Your Mother series is contained of two different areas, which are the apartment, the bar, and the restaurant. The first place that is the apartment consists of a big living room that has a big couch in the middle that enough for five people. Also, it has 3-4 desks that are different in the size. Behind the couch, there is a big black color Piano that gives the living room a good view. The other place is the bar, which represents the main place to gather and to solve some issues in daily life. The bar consists of 5-8 booths that are located surrounded the bar. In the front of the bar, there is a bartender whom the people buy the beers from. Another place in this particular episode was the restaurant. The restaurant is called The Burger, it consists of three big tables in the middle that each one has four chairs. In the corner, there is a small kitchen where the food be cooked. Also, there are a lot of famous pictures that are hanging on the wall. Figured worlds are a set of rules in terms of social and culture that are known to all people. Also, figured worlds are kind of rule in which people determine their situations to others Rules and Conventions for Appropriate Behavior: Generally, this show tends to make people know some strategies about communication. Also, it tends to make people have an idea about how to solve issues that regularly happen between friends and families. In this TV series, an unappropriate behavior is betraying your friends for the sake of ones personal matters. As in most of the episodes, the TV series focuses most on how us as humans must always make our family and friends on the top of our priorities. Also, this series focuses on how to communicate with your friends properly to keep friends forever. On the other hand, a very likeable behavior in this TV show is how all of the cast would help each other whenever one of them is in need of it. Also, I like the way that the actors communicate with each other by making jokes sometimes in order to have fun and to be close to each other by making them happy. In addition, one of the most significant behaviors that I observed in this episode is how they come up with new ideas if anyone of them in trouble in order to solve this issue, and to make their friend not feel lonely when he gets in trouble. That was a very pleasant role that was included in this TV show.

Ali Alabbad! 2/6/14 8:22 AM Comment [1]: ,<9$%$,)#,',4%*+.,)+,(9$, #(%8=(8%$>,5,9'&$,(*,4%)($,(9%$$,)+#($'1,*?, <4*,"$='8#$,5,/*()*+$1,(9%$$,@0'=$#,+*(, (4*>,, Ali Alabbad! 2/7/14 12:52 PM Comment [2]: 5#,)(,*+$,@$%#*+,)+, @'%()=80'%,@)'+*,*%,)#,)(,?*%,$&$%A*+$B,5#, (9$%$,#*/$*+$,(9'(,@0'A#,*+,(9'(,@)'+*,*%, +*(B,

Ali Alabbad! 2/6/14 8:32 AM Comment [3]: C)&$,'+,$D'/@0$,'"*8(, #*/$,)##8$#,(9'(,9'&$,"$$+,#*0&$1,)+,(9)#, #$%)$#>, Ali Alabbad! 2/7/14 12:58 PM Comment [4]: E8(,'+,)008#(%'()*+,"A, .)&)+.,'+,$D'/@0$>,)(,4)00,9$0@,.)&$,(9$, %$'1$%#,'+,)1$',*?,49'(,/'F$#,(9)#,#)(=*/, .%$'(>,

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Actors: Actors are characteristics that will be presented by actors. Also, actors are people who play a big role in different spaces Cobie Smulders (Robin Scheebatsky) Robin works as an anchor in the 4th channel; she is Canadian who is trying to pursue her dream carrier by becoming the best anchor in America. She was first in love with Ted and then got inside the group with ted and his friends. But after a couple of episodes things did not work so well between them. In this TV series robin is the type of girl who acts a similar to men, that was a result of how her father raised her as a boy. After she has moved to the U.S her past haunted her who was the showing her friends that she was actually a teen pop star in her teen years. Neil Patrick Harris (Barney Stinson) Barney work is still undefined by the series. He is the guy who is care free of what happens tomorrow and is a pervert. Is character is defined as a person who always wants is buddies to be unattached to life and go to parties with him. Most of the time he gets in trouble with the girls for his dorky acts, but ted his friends are always their for him to help him out. Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby- main character) Ted is the main character of this series. Ted is an architect professor who teaches in college. In this series, ted is trying to tell his children how he met their mother, which is basically what this whole series is about. Never the less Ted is the more reasonable average guy is trying to work his way through life. In this series he explains how he is trying to find what is called true love and how he went through different relationships in order to find his true love. Ted is a very reasonable guy who is always there for his friends. Alyson Hannigan (lily Aldrin- marshals wife) n this TV series, Lily has the longest girl boy friend relationship with Ted in the series. She acts as Teds sister, and by that she over cares for him and always is helping him in a girl way. She is also Marshals wife, and their love is true and Ted envys them and is trying to find that special thing they have between themselves. She is a kinder garden teacher, but after a couple seasons in this TV series she then drops out of her carrier and peruses her dream carrier, which is becoming a world famous painter Lason segel (Marshall Erikson). Marshal is Teds long life friend and he is a very close friend to ted. Marshal is a lawyer and is trying to help the environment by becoming an environmental lawyer. Although he has a strong degree he is having troubles on perusing his dream, and he is trying to organize his life throughout this series.

Artifacts are work or products that are made by humans. Also, it could be transformed into a tradition in the culture. GNB Bag and shirt (GOLIATH NATIONAL BANK). This artifact is very important to Barney because he always feels excited whenever he sees or hears about this bank GNB. Also, this artifact meant a lot to Barney because it gives him the motivation and the hopefulness. Additionally, the bag and the

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shirt make Barney an optimistic guy who always predicts with good things and this artifact considered as a lucky thing that Barney believes of in finding job. Marshalls Mirror: This item is very essential to Marshall because most of the time he tells a lot of things or information that is hidden inside him. Also, Marshall considers this mirror kind of motivation, he said to that mirror You are confident, you are energetic, you are focused. Also, this mirror gives him the enthusiasm to rush to a new step.

Discourse Community: Discourse Community is a group of people that have a lot in common in terms of how to share thing together and also how to communicate with each other. Pranksters: Barney is the one who makes a lot of pranks on his friends in order to make his friends laugh. However, Marshall and Ted do not like these pranks sometimes because they prefer acting seriously instead of making pranks every time. Lilly and Robin love Barney because he always happy and always makes pranks and jokes. Lilly and Robin encourage Barney to do these things Sometimes because they are going through very difficult times and they need a bit of humor out of the sadness atmosphere. Seriousness: Lilly, Robin, Ted, and Marshall like to be serious whenever the case or the matter requires the seriousness. These four actors like to show their personalities by being serious in the way they solve their issues and in the way they communicate with each other.

Ali Alabbad! 2/6/14 8:34 AM Comment [5]: I'+,*+$,@$%#*+,J8#()?A,', 1)#=*8%#$,=*//8+)(AB,,5(,9'#,(*,"$,.%*8@>,,,

Literacy practice: Literacy practice is a way of showing how people communicate with each other. Also, when people within a culture use a text from, which they drive their culture based on their understanding of what the context meant. Barneys Jokes: Barney in this particular episode represents himself as a funny man who communicates with his friends by makes jokes or pranks on his friends. He likes to communicate with them makes jokes because he feels these jokes make him a unique guy who is lovable to all his friends. Moreover, the rest actors love him because whenever they are angry, he makes joke that makes them laugh instead of being angry and sad Marshall and Lilly (Coded Words): In this series, these two actors represent themselves as a boyfriend with his girlfriend. These two actors sometimes use some of funny body language or signs in order to communicate with each other. Additionally, they sometimes need to do something without letting others know what was that thing. They use strange movement to communicate with each other such as strange smile, wink, strange hand movements, and issuing strange sounds.


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In this observation, I will observe the episode2, season4 of How I Met Your Mother that is called The Best Burger In New York. This episode generally talks about how Marshall became addicted to a burger that he tried before long time, but now he has a big problem in finding the place he ate the burger at because he could not find the location of it. 0-8:20 In the beginning of the episode Ted complains on how New York has changed over the years. Most of the old places such as the restaurants and lounges have changed into coffee shops and banks. Mean while, marshal is going through tough times as he tries to pursue his dreams on becoming an environmental lawyer, but unfortunately things have not been working so well for him, and this is affecting his life and emotions and how he reacts with his friends. Now Barney, got a new job at GNB (goliath national bank) and is trying to get Marshal out of his misery by offering him a job at GNB, but lily refused the offer and is persistent on making Marshal follow his dream job. This conflict has made marshal miserable, thus now hes taking it all on the food especially the burger, as he missing that burger meal that he ate 7 years ago, which was by his expression the best burger ever. 8:20-16:35 After Marshal has said how much he misses that burger that he has eaten 7 years ago, he then gets depressed again by telling his friends that he forgot where is the location of the restaurant. Thus his friends get anxious to help him by going around New York City in order to find the restaurant and eat dinner there. But as they try to find the restaurant, Robin gets furious with them because she complains that she has not eaten food for two days, and that marshal is over reacting over the burger. Next, marshal gets over hyped and determinant in order to find the restaurant regardless of what robin says. After Marshal has gone, lily tells the group that Marshals is not doing so well, due he got refused from a lot of companys and now his self a steam is getting lower by the day. Now all of them are trying to help marshal to get out of his misery by finding the restaurant that he ate the best burger he has ever had. 16:35 21:00 As the friends go around New York City to find the restaurant, they stop for a couple of minutes and argue with each other, on how marshal is too attached to some parts of his life such as the burger restaurant and his dream of becoming an environmental lawyer. Barney and Ted told marshal not to give up on his dream but to approach it in a different way, which is by taking the job that Barney previously offered him and develop himself their until he is more prepared for his dream job. Marshal agreed and they continued the search for the restaurant until they found it, and that was the last time marshal was attached to anything of his past.
Ali Alabbad! 2/6/14 8:38 AM Comment [6]: 5,0)F$,9*4,A*8,=*&$%$1,'+, $0'@#$1,'/*8+(,*?,()/$,)+#($'1,*?,1*)+., /)+8($,"A,/)+8($>,

Ali Alabbad! 2/7/14 1:03 PM Comment [7]: L9A,1*,(9$A,%$?8#$,9)%)+., 9)/B,I*801,A*8,1$#=%)"$,/*%$,(*,0$(,(9$, %$'1$%,.$(()+.,(9$,?800,@)=(8%$,*?,(9$,#(*%A>,,

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Artifacts: , Marshalls charts: Marshall has a lot of charts that he considered them as important items in his life for a reason. These charts considered as a source of inspiration, which gives him the hope in life, thinking and planning for the long term, and not to give up no matter how difficult the circumstances. Due these charts, he became a wise man in his actions who does things at the right time at the right place.

Observation: In this observation, I will be observing an episode that is called at the right time at the right place. This episode generally talks about how take an action in your life without having risks. Also, it tells us how to have a hope in life and never give up. Finally, it teaches us an important step in our life that would lead us to success, which is doing things at the right time at the right place. 0-02:00 In the beginning of this episode, there were two guys arguing with Ted about opening a restaurant that is called Rib Town Because Ted is an architect, they telling him to design the restaurant to be like cowboy hat. Ted was surprised that they want the design like cowboy shape. Then, Ted said to them that is a brilliant design. However, he said that because he does not want to make his friends being angry. Mean while, Ted was pretending that he has a vision of how the restaurant will be, but the fact that Ted was having no idea about the design of that restaurant. 02:00-03:30 Ted went out of his apartment and he was upset because he did not know how to design that restaurant. He was walking on the street and having no idea where to go. With a sudden, it started raining, which gives him kind of optimism in life. While he was standing on the walk side, an inspiration came to his mind to not be upset and to keep going forward in life because every thing is going to be fine. At that time, he was giving advices to his children such as that you have to take an action in your life to be successful and to end up when you are supposed to be at the right place at the right time as Ted stated. 03:30-08:00 Robing was interviewing Eunice about her product that is a collection of purses. While she was interviewing Eunice, she throws up. Ted and Barney want to know what is the reason that makes Robin throws up. Robin did not want to tell Ted that she got food poisoning from a place that he likes a lot. However, Ted insists that Robin has to tell him, indeed she did, and the place was Schlegels Bagels. Then, Ted shouting saying why did you tell me that because now he will not eat from that restaurant any more. 08:00-13:02

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Ted, Marshall, Barney, and Robin were gathering together in the bar discussing some issues. Marshall has made up a little chart that illustrates in what Barney spends most of his time. Additionally, Marshall and Ted recommend him not to waste his time following girls. Therefore, he will go to fail in his life if he keeps taking this path. 13:02:16:20 Marshall had an obsession with charts. He started to make a lot of charts and represent them to his friends. However, his friends got bored of these charts and they start to throw away every chart that Marshall made. Also, his friends try hardly to let Marshall get back on his feet because recently his friends notice that Marshall has been doing unexpected behavior by showing these charts. 16:20-20:00 Marshall has to do a presentation at his work, but unfortunately, he has to do the presentation with charts that his friends throw away. Marshall called Ted many times asked him to give back his charts because this time is the appropriate time to use them. Then, Marshall finished his presentation well. Therefore, this was a lesson to Marshall to let him know that he has to do things at the right time and at the right place. Observation Three Episode 3 00:00-5:24 In this episode ted introduces his friends at the bar his old high school girlfriend Karen, and he tries to make-up with her and make her his girlfriend now. While this may sound cute, his friends dont seem to accept this girl as teds new girl friend. This decision is based on how Karen treats ted and his friends in a very disrespectful way, also his friends now that ted is only with her so he would forget that his recent fianc left him in the alter for her ex- husband. After ted leaves with Karen, Robin is surprised that none of her friends watch her early in the morning new show. And by that she gets upset by them, Marshal then promises robin that him, lily and barney would watch her show on Friday. As the group was waiting for Robins show to begin Ted comes by to say that Karen broke up with him because she saw Robins earing on his bed. The group was very excited and happy for Ted about this news. 5:24 12:20 After Ted broke the news to his friends; he has found Robins other earing on Marshals dresser, Ted then confronted Marshal with this evidence and got mad because marshal says he has nothing to do with those earrings. Lily then tells Ted that she was the one who deliberately broke him with Karen. Ted got really shocked from lily and asked her why, while lily and ted were talking, Robins show was airing on the TV but the show was on mute by Ted so he would talk with his friends about this disturbing issue. Lily then explains to Ted that she did this on purpose because she knew that Ted deserves better than Karen, and that Karen would only ruin Teds life if she becomes his wife. Later Marshal and Ted have argument about which one of them has the best pajamas, as marshal tells Barney that his pajamas makes you live longer and sleep better, on the other hand Lilly tells Ted that she has been watching over his relationships for so long and broke him up with other girls that they didnt deserve him, while these conversations were made Robins show was still airing and no one was paying attention to it.

Ali Alabbad! 2/7/14 1:04 PM Comment [8]: 3*4,1)1,9$,9'&$,(9'(, *"#$##)*+B,<'0F,'"*8(,49'(,)#O'%$, P?'=(*%O#Q,(9'(,0$(,6'%#9'00,"$)+.,)+,(9)#, #)(8'()*+>,,

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Unexpected matter happened to Ted that Lilly broke him up with Robin without his knowledge. Then, Ted became angry because he did not know such a thing would happen. Ted went to the bar because he is upset from what Lilly did, but Lilly made Ted a surprise includes a letter from Lilly that says, Ted I am sorry, it does not matter to me who you marry. I know they will be awesome because they will think you are. To show I mean it, I put together a little surprise for you Karen upstairs. Love, Lilly. Then, Lilly let Ted and Robin got back to each other again and she made them a dinner on the occasion of getting back together. Lilly has a purpose of the whole thing that she did, the aim is to let Ted and Robin put Future plans to their relationship and to let this relationship goes on without any problems.

Interview I will be interviewing one of the most famous actors in this show who is Barney.
1/ Tell me about your experience in this series? It's a good job that I represented in this series, acquired many of the talents that will help me in the future. The most important of these talents that I learned how to communicate with people who have various backgrounds. Also, being an actor in this series let me know what real friends looks like. Real friends always be side-by-side and never let your friend a lone when he in need of something. 2/ Tell me about your role in the series and how do you find it? I play a role of a funny guy who sleeps around with a lot of women who then ditches them and never calls them again, but over the years, he starts to realize that sleeping around with clueless women is actually not filling the emptiness he has inside. After a while, he meets a girl that he decides to change for, because she meant a lot to him. After that, another girl in the series tries to win him back after they broke up. I really love this role because it frankly makes people laugh and smile. Also, I think being the funniest actor in this series, makes unique because it is not easy to act funny while my personality in reality is being serious. 3/ Tell me about what does it mean to you being famous on TV? It means a lot because a lot of people around the world watch me. Also, every person comprehends each action differently, which means that my acting has to make a difference or at least change the perspectives of different kinds of people. 4/ Tell me about the strangest thing a role required you to do? They asked me to play a role of this guy who runs towards girls to have meaningless sex and then leave them, full knowingly that I am gay. This role, I did not like it because it does not reflect my personality in reality. 5/Tell me about what role would you love to play that you haven't yet? Probably a role of a dad, scolding my children and playing the role of that guy in control of everything in his family, showing people how fun discipline can be if you do it right. Being a dad is something that I always dream to play a role with this character because I like to be leader. Also, I like to be the one who suffers a lot in life in order to afford good life for my children.

Ali Alabbad! 2/7/14 1:04 PM Comment [9]: 5#,)(,*F,(*,)+($%&)$4,(9$, '=(8'0,@$%#*+,49*,)#,@0'A)+.,(9$,=9'%'=($%, *%,1*$#,)(,9'&$,(*,"$,(9$,=9'%'=($%B, Ali Alabbad! 2/6/14 8:44 AM Comment [10]: S#)+.,1)??$%$+(,4'A,)+, '#F)+.,T8$#()*+#,)+#($'1,*?,%$@$'()+.,<$00, /$,/*%$,(9'+,*+=$>,,

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