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1)Ncleo paraventricular (PVN) para liberao do hormonio do stress e ativao simptica 2) BNST for anxiety-like responses; 3)Lateral septum

m (LS) which may be critical for anxiety and enhancement of aversively conditioned responses by DMH/PeF activation 4)DPAG for locomotor and flight responses 5)The NE systems of the locus ceruleus (LC) and 5-HT systems of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) to regulate arousal and 6)brainstemregions such as the lateral parabracial nucleusfor regulating respiratory responses; 7)Rostroventrolateral medulla for pressor responses 8) Raphe pallidus for tachycardia of the spinal cord for mobilizing sympathetic activity 10)Ncleo do trato solitrio (nTS) para desensibilizao parassimptica das respostas parassimpticas

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