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Parker Story Lassassinat dHenry IV This French myth takes place in Paris in 1610.

The leader of France at this time was King Henry IV. An astrologer called La Brosse made a horoscope that detailed to King Henry IV that he would run into great danger on May 14 in case he went abroad (Mansfield 2008). The king did not believe this astrologer and on May 14, 1610 he went into Paris on his royal couch. On their route from Rue Saint Honor to Rue de la Ferronire a man named Franois Ravaillac stabbed King Henry IV two times in the chest. The king was rushed to the Louvre where he eventually died. Obviously the two people that played a major role in this besides the king were the astrologist, La Brosse, and the assassin, Ravaillac. This event is still important today because it is a mystery as to why Ravaillac killed Henry IV. Ravaillac said he was persuaded to kill the king but never said who, so this mystery still plagues the country today. There is a plaque on Rue de la Ferronire where the assassination happened. The characteristic that is evaluated in this myth is pride. The king was too proud to listen to La Brosse and heed her warning, even (according to the myth) going as far as crumpling the piece of paper that had the horoscope written on it. And because of this he left the safety of his home that day and was killed. The emotions that are associated with this myth are mainly wonder (as in wondering/questioning) and sadness. There is confusion and people wondering why it happened because no one ever found out why Ravaillac assassinated him. There is sadness because Henry IV was known as Le Bon Roy or the good king. Henry IV was said to have an instrumental part in ending the French Wars of Religion. One article says Henry IV was the only king whose memory the people of France have treasured. The effects of this that one will see today include: a plaque on Rue de la Ferronire and a ton of books commemorating Henry IV. From what I have seen while researching, I have not come across any depictions or allusions to King Henry IV in pop culture today.

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