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Treating a Blister

Claudia NRJ 112110186

Blisters often develop when faced with friction, heat, dirt, and moisture. These factors are present when hiking, doing gymnastics or figure skating, especially with inappropriate socks or boots. They are frequently caused by wearing that brand new pair of footwear for extended periods. The first step, clean around the area of the blister with warm water and soap. Second step, To pop, or not to pop. Decide if you want to let the blister heal by itself or whether you want to drain it. If the blister is not making walking painful, then you should let it heal by itself. Start by sterilizing a needle with alcohol or boiling water. Next, Pop the bubble. Carefully Insert the needle at the side and base of the blister. Allow all the liquid to drain. Disinfect the blistered area. Apply some povidone-iodine antiseptic to the blister site. Cover the blistered area. Use a gauze bandage, plaster, mole skin or other protective cover. Then, Allow the blister to heal. Remove any bandages, and keep the injured appendage in the open air as much as possible. Keep it clean. Last step, Check the blister daily and continue to keep it clean, applying further iodine antiseptic where required.

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