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Name:________________ Date:_________________ Grade Nine

All About Shakespeare

Directions: Click on the attached links and use the literary resources to answer corresponding questions about the life and works of William Shakespeare Step 1: Go to https:!!www youtube com!watch" #$gee#%%&#b'()feature$youtube_gdata *uestion +: When and where was William Shakespeare born" ,Shakespeare is belie#ed to ha#e been born around +pril -./ &01%/ in Stratford2on2+#on/ near 3ondon *uestion 4: What genres of plays did Shakespeare write and produce" ,Shakespeare wrote Comedies/ 5ragedies/ 6istories/ and 5ragic2Comedies *uestion C: 6ow many sonnets is Shakespeare belie#ed to ha#e written" ,Shakespeare wrote appro7imately &0% sonnets Step 2: Continue to http:!!www folger edu!template cfm"cid$&--8 *uestion +: Shakespeare created new words as he saw fit/ and has contributed countless words that are now commonplace in the 9nglish language :n this page/ you will encounter some of Shakespeare;s lesser known

#erbal in#entions What does <hugger mugger< mean" Can you use it in a sentence" ,Concealment or secrecy *uestion 4: What is a <gull2catcher<" Gi#e an e7ample of a Shakespearean character who fits this description + trickster/ or a cheat Step 3: Go to http:!!www pbslearningmedia org!resource!shak&. ela lit globe!the2globe2theatre! *uestion +: What problem did Shakespeare encounter with his landlord" 6ow did he sol#e this problem" ,5he lease for the land had e7pired Shakespeare and his friends took the theater apart piece by piece/ and rebuilt it on a new piece of land *uestion 4: What was the first play to be performed at the Globe 5heater" ,6enry the =ifth Step 4: =ollow >p +ssignment http:!!www pbs org!wnet!shakespeare2 unco#ered!blog!which2shakespeare2character2are2you! Go to the following website and take the/ ?Which Shakespeare Character are @ou"A quiBC Day careful attention to your results +s we read Shakespeare;s plays in class/ you will each be required to write a modern interpretation of a particular scene in which your character appears

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