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Is More Than Just A Seven Letter Word

a book by Veronica: of the Chapman family

as in


First Edition: September 2009


his book is all about freedom. think it !ill surprise you ho! much you actually do not kno! about that sub"ect. #nd ho! $ery little% in essence% you really need to kno! in order to attain it. hope that% by the time you ha$e read it all the !ay throu'h% your path into the future !ill be ob$ious to you. (ou should disco$er that% e$en at the a'e of ) years old% you had more po!er than any *o$ernment% +udiciary% ,olice Force and -ilitary combined. .ut you did not realise it. #nd therefore% throu'hout your life% you ha$e thro!n it a!ay. .ut take heart% it is still there. #nd you can learn ho! to use it. #fter ha$in' read the Chapters on Taking and Money% you may be !onderin' !hy you paid a price for a copy of this book. &he ans!er is pretty ob$ious. &he -onetary .elief System is still /kin'/% ho!e$er much one !ould !ish it a!ay. Suffice to say% the ma"ority of that price !as the production% printin' and any posta'e costs. #s the #uthor% my royalty has been reduced to the barest minimum% in order to keep do!n the o$erall cost. Conse0uently% in that respect% it forms a labour of lo$e on my part. 1hat is !orth more than all the 'old in the !orld is your appreciation that% ha$in' read this book% you ha$e become empo!ered in the !ay you al!ays should ha$e been - had you been educated% rather than indoctrinated - durin' your childhood. apolo'ise% up front% for the use of !ord-stressin' in the te2t of this book. /m compelled to do that in order to attempt to o$ercome the in'rained indoctrination to !hich !e ha$e all been sub"ect throu'hout our li$es. #nd the li$es of our ancestors li$in' or no! deceased. only ha$e /the printed !ord/ 3in its $arious forms4 at my disposal. ,lease also note that% if you !ish% you may 0uote any part of this book under one restriction only: &hat you 0uote e2actly as is and within context ... because cannot be held responsible if you should mis0uote me. 5ne final thin'. ,lease don6t !orry about the 'rammar or

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word the style. t6s !ritten e2actly the !ay the #uthor !anted it !ritten. kno! that% because 6m that #uthor. Veronica: of the Chapman family% September 2009% Feltham% 78.

dedicate this book to e$eryone in the Freedom -o$ement% !ithout !hom 3and !ithout !hose support4 !ritin' it !ould not ha$e been possible. You are heroes. You are heroines. And you now who you are. Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason. The law which is perfection of reason Sir Ed!ard Coke% 9ord Chief +ustice of En'land :;;2-:<=>. Corruption is not the problem. It s the acceptance of corruption that s problem ,atrick ?atti'an @A. I !ust say what I say because e"eryone is entitle# to my opinion Saffire: of the Elder family 3a'ed )4. I write this !oo "or Yana# and Sa""ire# and a$$ the $itt$e ones $i e

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

them. And I than Yana%s mother "or the cover desi&n.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Foreword )ha*ter '+ Ta in& )ha*ter -+ Money )ha*ter ,+ Le&a$ese )ha*ter 0+ 1e$i&ion )ha*ter 2+ 3$o!a$ 4$ite56sycho*aths )ha*ter .+ 6romises 8 )ontracts )ha*ter 9+ :onour# ;ishonour 8 <oticin& )ha*ter 7+ Societies 8 Statutes '( ', '. -/ ,2 ,7 0. 222

)ha*ter /+ )ommon Law# The Law-o"-the-Land .( )ha*ter '(+ <otices# Invitations 8 Summonses .0 )ha*ter ''+ Le&a$ Fiction 6erson )ha*ter '-+ So$icitors# Lawyers 8 <otaries .. 9(

)ha*ter ',+ =eronica>s =ery )unnin& --Ste* 6$an "or Freedom 9, )ha*ter '0+ The 6rinci*$es o" the A**$ication o" )ommon Law 9. )ha*ter '2+ Fundamenta$ 4sta!$ished Axioms )ha*ter '.+ Si&natures )ha*ter '9+ )ourts 8 6roceedin&s 97 79 77

)ha*ter '7+ Lia!i$ity 8 The ?$timate Sanctions '(8

)ha*ter '/+ The Law-o"-Waters )ha*ter -(+ <ames )ha*ter -'+ Orders )ha*ter --+ Laws# 1e&u$ations# 3uide$ines 8 Soverei&nty )ha*ter -,+ The :ive Mind )ha*ter -0+ Without 6re@udice

'(2 ''' ''0 ''2 ''/ '-'

)ha*ter -2+ Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement '-, 4*i$o&ue A**endix A+ Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer ',0 ',9

A**endix A+ Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury '2' A**endix )+ Ma&na )arta '-'2 '7-

A**endix ;+ <otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht '// A**endix 4+ Summary o" Freeman 6rinci*$es --(

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

am not a Solicitor. am not a 9a!yer. am not an #ccountant. am not an Economist. am not% in any !ay /le'ally-trained/% nor am 0ualified to pontificate on /monetary or economic policy/. t is hoped that% if you read this book all the !ay throu'h% you !ill be $ery 'lad am none of those thin's. So% !hat are my 0ualificationsB 1ell% ha$e some academic ones 3in en'ineerin'4% but they are not directly rele$ant to the fundamental messa'es contained in these pa'es. &hey do pro$ide me !ith a back'round in /!orkin' thin's out/% but that6s all. -y fundamental 0ualification for !ritin' this book% my primary one% is that am a Cuman .ein'. .lessed !ith a li$in' soul. +ust like you. #nd that6s the only 0ualification need for !ritin' this book% and the only 0ualification you need for readin' it. #nd% hope% for understandin' it. belie$e ha$e Common Sense. belie$e you do% as !ell. belie$e that6s all that6s actually necessary. belie$e that% by simply tappin' into your Common Sense% !e !ill end up in complete a'reement. certainly hope so. E$erythin' stated in this book is either based on my o!n personal e2periences% or on the e2periences of people kno! and trust. #nd it6s all based on Common Sense any!ay. t really is "ust the practical application of Common Sense% as you !ill see. So !here do !e startB 1ell% first of all 6d like to 0uote -ahatma *andhi !hen he said: There is no path to peace $ peace I% the path. s it% therefore% 58 if say: There is no path to free#om $ free#om I% the pathB reckon it6s 58 to say that. .ecause it6s true. 1hoaD 1hat does that meanB 1ell it means that to be free - you ha$e to be free. #nd nothin' else !ill do.

Foreword ha$e de$ised a Very Cunnin' 2-Step ,lan to achie$e freedom. e2pand on this in more detail% in a Chapter all of its o!n. .ut% fundamentally% the t!o steps are: :. (ou are free because you say you are free. .ecause no-one else !ill say it for you. 2. &he second step is to make sure e$eryone you encounter reco'nises Step 5ne. t sounds easy% but ob$iously it isn6t. n fact e$en Step 5ne is e2tremely hard because it takes a constant effort to hold the line. &his line has to be held 2>E). For e2ample% most people in the .ritish sles% !ill say: &f course I m free' I li"e in a #emocracy, #on t I( I ha"e free#om of speech, #on t I( 1ell% the strai'ht ans!ers to that are: )o% )o and: )o. 6ll add one more 0uotation% from :FthE:9th century philosopher +ohann 1olf'an' $on *oethe: Those most hopelessly ensla"e# are those who falsely belie"e they are free. #nd that6s the nub. 5r maybe you could say% the rub. s one6s belief in one6s freedom false or trueB s one really free% or hopelessly ensla$edB &here6s a pretty simple test. Ao you think somethin'G somethin' that happens 3or has happened4 to you% is 3or !as4 unfairB #nd you can6t see ho! to put it ri'htB t doesn6t matter !hat it is G but: *i# it happen to you, was it unfair, an# was there "ery little you coul# #o about itB f the ans!er to that 0uestion is: +es% then you are hopelessly ensla$ed. CeyD Aon6t !orryD ,lenty of that has happened to meD Co!e$er% by the time you6$e read this book% hope you !ill be in the position of kno!in' /ho! to put it ri'ht/. 3@ot necessarily ho! you can ri'ht !ron's done to you in the past% but ho! to pre$ent !ron's happenin' to you H your lo$ed ones in the future4. .ecause% 'enerally speakin'% !e all understand the difference bet!een ri'ht and !ron'. 1e are built that !ay. t6s called Common Sense. 1e "ust feel it% more

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word often than not. .ut% "ust because !e are only feelin' it% doesn6t mean that !e can% or should% i'nore such feelin's. .ecause !ithin them lies the truth. 9isten: 6m an2ious to 'et on !ith !hat plan to say. #nd 6m sure you feel the same !ay. #ll fired up and rarin' to 'oD So% ha$in' laid "ust a little bit of 'round!ork% let6s 0uickly mo$e on to the first Chapter. Co! does that soundB 58% !ell "ust a couple of final thin's before !e can do that% because "ust need to say% in order to fully comprehend the purpose behind this book% the ?eader needs to be familiar !ith the !orks of other !riters% such as Aa$id cke% +ordan -a2!ell% 3the late% 'reat4 1illiam Cooper% Eustace -ullins and *. Ed!ard *riffin etc. f you are not% then su''est you make up for it as soon as you possibly can. @e$ertheless it is assumed that you kno!% deep do!n in your soul% that: %omething is wrong with the set,up into !hich you !ere born. 1riters such as Aa$id H +ordan H others e2plain !hat those /somethin's/ are in $ery 'reat detail. #nd% if you kno! !hat those /somethin's/ are% then you6ll fully understand !hy 6m !ritin' this book. Co!e$er% if you don6t kno! !hat those /somethin's/ are% then !e !ill "ust ha$e to soldier on as best !e can. ?e'ardless. #nd simply rely on your /basic% 'ut% feelin's/. 3 think it !ill all !ork out in the end4. ,erhaps the $ery first thin' to do is to start at the be'innin' 3al!ays a 'ood place% 6$e disco$eredD4. t !ill probably be a little bit of a surprise% but the first thin' do is to analyse the !ord: Take 3includin' its deri$ati$es4. #nd the reason for that% as you !ill see% is that it all starts from there.


Ta in&

Chapter 1: Taking

uhB +ust /takin'/ is !ron'% isn6t itB &akin' is /'reedy/% isn6t itB ,eople are !ron' to "ust takeD Scroun'ers% ta2 dod'ers G the lot of IemD can6t stand people !ho think it is 58 to "ust takeD 1hat ri'ht do they think they ha$e to do thatB Fair6s fairD #nd "ust takin' isn6t fairD !orked hard for !hat ha$eD Errr G /scuse me. +ust a moment. Can interrupt% "ust one momentB ,leaseB ,retty pleaseB &hanks. 1hat !as the first thin' you did !hen you !ere bornB -ost people !ill say: I screame# my hea# off, so my mother sai#' 1ell% no !ay% 6m afraid. .efore you could scream you must ha$e ta en a breath. #nd% !hat6s more% you continue to ta e breaths throu'hout your entire life. Aoes the atmosphere e$er send you a billB Such that you pay it - for all the breaths you ta eB t !ould be a bit of a nuisance if it did that% !ouldn6t itB Ao you drink !aterB 1here does it come fromB Ao you e2pect to pay back the sky% for all the rainfall you too J and drankB 1here does the li'ht H heat come fromB Ao you e2pect the Sun to be paid back for all the li'ht and heat you too from it% throu'hout your lifeB Ao you e2pect an in$oice% from the Sun% to land on your doormat one fine dayB 1here do you 'et your minerals fromB 5hD &he EarthD (es% of courseD Aoes &he Earth send out in$oices% askin' for payment for all the minerals ta en from it 3in your name4B 1ell% no. ,eople and Companies send in$oices% but the atmosphere% the Sun H the Earth don6t bother doin' such an absurd thin'.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word We ta e everythin&. We have to. There is no other way. &he alternati$e is death. #nd !e are not alone in this. E$ery sin'le life form J from the lo!liest amoeba to the 'randest specimen of Como Sapiens 3i.e. you4% does the same thin'. &hat includes all animals% fish% reptiles% plants G e$erythin' or'anic. 1hat% in point of fact% do !e 3life forms4 'i$e backB 1aste. Se!a'e. ,ollution. 3 can6t think of anythin' else% on the physical le$el. 1ith the e2ception of pollution% !e do% after takin'% actually contribute to the 9ife Cycle of the planet% in terms of the carbon dio2ide !e e2hale% the or'anic !aste !e e2crete% and the !aste materials !e lea$e behind !hen !e die. Co!e$er the point is that !e ha$e to ta e% in the first place% in order to li$e4. There is no dishonour whatsoever in >ta in&># *rovided you do not ta e more than your "air share. &he dishonour comes J or at least came J !hen certain families 3historically4 elbo!ed their !ay to the front of the 0ueue% thrustin' all others out of their !ay% and said: T-I% I% .// MI)0' 0"eryone else so# off' That%s dishonour. &akin' "ust !hat you need% no more% no less% is fair% reasonable% ri'ht% "ust and honourable. .ecause your only other option is death. Scroun'ers% ehB 1ell scroun'ers actually ask permission% 'enerally speakin': 0re, mate, gissacupla 1ui#, will ya( G. Cor, fanks, mate' +ou re a bloo#y #iamon#' @o!% sit back and ima'ine somethin'. ma'ine a !orld in !hich e$eryone 3that6s e$eryoneD4 @ust too . +ust took !hat they needed% !hene$er they needed it. +ust !hat they needed% no more% no less. @o% don6t lau'h. &ry to ima'ine it. t6s really important. t is !hat is 'oin' to set us free. Cere6s a 0uick e2ample. &he Farmer 'ro!s !heat. &he -iller "ust takes the !heat% and 'rinds it into flour. &he .aker "ust takes the flour% and bakes it into bread. &he


Ta in& Farmer and the -iller "ust take the bread and eat it. &he .aker eats his o!n bread. #ll three sur$i$e. @o! that !as a $ery simplistic e2ample% "ust to make the point. 5b$iously one has to e2pand that e2ample to encompass all !alks of life% but that can be done. Co!e$er% certain /!alks of life/ J those that are not in any !ay producti$e% !ould disappear. &hey !ould become ob$ious under a /moneyless/ paradi'm. 3.asically it !ould be e$eryone !ho you currently accept% 'rud'in'ly% as: 2ell, I suppose they are !ust #oing their !ob4 &he fundamental point is: &hat e2ample is precisely !hat is happenin' already. &he only factor left out of that e2ample !as /money/. 5r should say /methods of payment/B So% ho! !ould that !ork !ithout /moneyEpayments/B 1ell it !ould% can assure you. 5nce a'ain% 6m ha$in' to lea$e the detail until later% because don6t !ant to o$erload your Common Sense at this point. +ust keep readin'. &his !hole book. #ll !ill be e2plained. #ll !ant to achie$e% at this point% is that Common Sense tells you there is no dishonour% nothin' to be ashamed of% in takin' !hate$er you need% because you ha$e no alternati$e. &hat nature pro$ides for e$erythin' you need% and there is no alternati$e to nature. #nd Common Sense tells you that the Farmer% -iller H .aker !ould sur$i$e in that e2ample. So 'uess the ne2t sta'e% in order to flesh out the situation in !hich !e find oursel$es% is to reco'nise three $ery po!erful *rand Aeceptions% !hich ha$e to'ether suppressed many people6s ability to listen to their o!n Common Sense. So% let6s make a start !ith G !ith !hatB 1ell% !e ha$e three choices: /Money/% //egalese/ and /Religion/. &hey are all *rand Aeceptions% so let6s start !ith Money.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 2: Money


he first *rand Aeception is /money/. It>s an i$$usion. .ut% my 'oodness% a po!erful oneD &his is probably the hardest part to understand. So am 'oin' to ha$e to e2plain as carefully as can. 1ell% !hat is /money/B -ost people !ill think of a K:0 or K20 note% and say: That3s money of course' #nd the problem is: &hat/s not money% of course. &hey are "ust pieces of paper% !ith a desi'n printed on them% and a splash of sil$er-coloured ink. Fundamentally people kno! that% coina'e is not /!orth/ the /$alue/ stamped on it i.e. coins cost peanuts to make. #nd banknotes the same. Surely no-one really belie$es it actually costs K; to create a fi$erB 5r K:0 to make a tennerB #nd so onB plead to your Common SenseD prostrate myself% and 'ro$el% at the feet of your Common SenseD So% if /money/ is /not !orth the paper it is printed on/% !hat% e2actly% is it !orthB ,erhaps one ans!er to that can be 'ained by definin' it. 1hat is the definition of Imoney6B Cere/s Chambers 5nline: money: noun (plural in sense 1b and 4 monies or moneys) 1 a coins or banknotes used as a means of buying things; b any currency used as legal tender. !ealth in general. 1ron'D 9et/s see if a 9a! Aictionary can be of more help. Cere/s .lack/s Fth edition: money: 1. The medium of e"change authorised or adopted by a go#ernment as part of its currency; esp. domestic currency $coins and currency are money% &''1( )1 (b) ( 4) . *ssets that can be easily con#erted into cash $demand deposits are money% +. 'apital that is in#ested or


Money traded as a commodity $the money market% 4. ,unds; sums of money $in#estment monies% 1ron'D #nd% not only that% lo$e the !ay 3>4 defines money as /sums of money/. &hat/s kno!n as a Circular Aefinition. &hese are !ron' because they define /cash/% not /money/. &hat/s the same thin'% is itB 1ell then% ho! come there is al!ays talk about: L... hea#ing for a cashless societyB #nd the benefits of itB /$e ne$er heard any mention of: ... hea#ing for a moneyless society in the -ainstream -edia. #s you !ill see% if you read on% the /moneyless society/ is the one !e need% and 3 belie$e4 !e are 'oin' to 'et - for the simple reason that !e can/t 'o on for much lon'er under the absurd and preposterous illusion of money. #nd far too many people are !akin' up to that. &here are a number of $ery serious proposals for !orkin' /moneyless societies/% such as the ?esource-based Economy proposed by The 4enus 5ro!ect and 6eitgeist Mo"ement 3*oo'le them for more information4. -y definition of /money/ is% think you !ill find% a lot more accurate. Cere/s me: money: 'on#eniently transportable tokens of 'redit. sn/t that the same thin'% thenB #bsolutely notD 9et/s e2amine my definition. 1ell% first of all% /con$eniently/ and /transportable/ are ad"ecti$es. &herefore all they do is to limit the scope of the sub"ect of the definition. &ake /red/ as an e2ample. f said: .ll cars% then !ould mean e$ery sin'le car on the planet. f added the ad"ecti$e /red/ as: .ll re# cars% !ould not be talkin' about cars of a different colour% !ould only be referrin' to the red ones. .ut !ould still be talkin' about /cars/. So% the ad"ecti$es do nothin' more than limit the scope of the sub"ect% !hich% in the case of /money/% is: /tokens of Credit/.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word (es% /cash/ is nothin' more than tokens. 1e ha$e already seen% by Common Sense% that the coins and banknotes - the cash - is fundamentally !orthless. t has no more $alue% in reality% than tokens for a Fruit -achine. 5r *reen Shield Stamps 3if you can remember those4. ,erhaps Supermarket Vouchers is a more up-todate e2ampleB 1hat is a /token/B # token is somethin' real% somethin' substantial in this ;-sense reality% somethin' that can be touched% held% felt G that stands in place of in other !ords represents - somethin' that cannot represent itself. # table does not need a token to represent it. # table is real% and can represent itself. # chair like!ise. #nd so on. &he thin' that cannot represent itself is /credit/. Aecause >credit> is nothin& more than an idea. A conce*t. Ima&inary. A !e$ie". # belief that a Shopkeeper has% such that if he s!aps some 'oods for a K:0 note% then he can use that K:0 note at a later date% to make a s!ap !ith someone else. .ut this mechanism only !orks because e$eryone concerned belie$es it. 3#nd only because of that4 say a'ain: .ecause they belie$e it. #nd !here are beliefs keptB (es% in your head. In your !rain. In your ima&ination. #nd that/s the only place beliefs are kept. So the idea that /money/ is real G is an illusion. # -onetary System is nothin' more than a .elief System. &hat/s !hy% throu'hout the !orld% .elief Systems can be different. &here !as a time% not so lon' a'o% !hen the *ermans belie$ed in deutschmarks% and the French belie$ed in francs% and the .ritish belie$ed in pounds sterlin'. #t the time of !ritin' the .ritish still belie$e in pounds sterlin'% !hile the French and *ermans no! belie$e in Euros. This is on$y *ossi!$e with a Ae$ie" System.


Money &he .ritish% French% *ermans% Autch% talians% etc. all still kno! that a table is a table% and a chair is al!ays a chair. #nd !hat to do !ith them. 1e don/t need to belie$e in tables H chairs for that to be the case. So% !hat is a banknote% or a coinB 1ell .ritish banknotes 'i$e the 'ame a!ay% because they actually contain a printed promise. t 'oes like this: BI 61OMIS4 TO 6AY T:4 A4A141 O< ;4MA<; T:4 S?M OF CBG and then follo!ed by the amount !ritten numerically 3kno!n as the /denomination/ of the note% K;% K:0% K20 for e2ample4. 3&here is ob$iously not enou'h space for similar inscriptions on coina'e4. 1hat does this meanB It>s a *romise. &hus a banknote is a ,romissory @ote. # piece of paper containin' a promise. #nd bearin' the si'nature of !homsoe$er is makin' the promise. #nyone in their ri'ht mind !ould call it an 57D So% the .ritish are passin' around 57s% from the .ank of En'land% 2>E)D Ao !e e$er e2pect the .ank of En'land to pay up% to make 'ood% on their promiseB #ctually% at least one person kno! about% did try. &he .ank of En'land 0uickly sho!ed her the door 3and called the ,oliceD4. Someone else kno! tried the same thin' at .arclay/s. 5nce a'ain she !as also sho!n the door 3!hich% by the !ay% !as locked and bolted immediately after she leftD4 1ell% if you think the .ank of En'land !ill make 'ood on their promise% then feel free to try. $ery much doubt you !ill succeed !here others ha$e failed% for the simple reason that the .ank of En'land cannot fulfill on a .elief System. &he ,romissory @otes the .ritish mo$e around 2>E) are nothin' more than empty% meanin'less% 57s. #nd they call it /money/. #nd !ars are fou'ht o$er it. ,eople die% and are sub"ected to atrocities for it. ,eople


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word commit suicide o$er it. n point of fact "ust about e$ery Icide6 3'enocide% patricide% homicide% suicide% etc.4 is committed in the name of empty% meanin'less% promises. 57s by any other name. &his !ould all stop on the day that !hat /$e !ritten herein is reco'nised as the truth% and Common Sense. s it such a lar'e step% by the !ay% to see ho! these empty% meanin'less% promises can be con$erted to numbers in computer databases% and implants on plastic cardsB Furthermore is it such a lar'e step to ima'ine that !e could run a !orld 0uite !ell% !ithout the need to slin' empty% meanin'less% promises all o$er the shopB #fter all% the Euro notes don/t e$en bother to make the promise% because the !hole thin' is so utterly !orthless and superfluous. /m fairly sure that% if the .ank 5f En'land/s notes said: I 5R&MI%0 T& 5.+ T-0 70.R0R &) *0M.)* 8 9)IC&R)%% and so on% people !ould start to cotton on. .y sayin': 3%cuse me, but what the hell is the goo# of 8 mythical creatures( 1ell% of course% the .ank of En'land/s current promises are actually mythical creatures. ,eople say: 2ithout money, there woul# be no incenti"e for anyone to #o anything. 1hat a terribly myopic thou'htDB &ry sittin' around% doin' nothin'% for any period of time. submit you !ould be climbin' the !alls lookin' for somethin' to do. Somethin' constructi$e to do. 1ell% you need to eat% don/t youB So% at the $ery least you !ould need to: :et up off your bum, an# go get some foo#. #nd the same for your children% etc. &hat may not be o$erly constructi$e to the 'ood of the community in 'eneral% but it is an incenti$e. #nd it is an incenti$e that does not need to be tri''ered by money. 3 t/s tri''ered by hun'er4 +ust about e$ery e2ample one can think of can be thou'ht throu'h rationally% in much the same !ay. t "ust

Money needs to be thou'ht about carefully% that/s all. t is no 'ood half-thinkin'. 5nly !hole-thinkin' !ill return the correct conclusions. *o back to the e2ample of the Farmer% -iller H .aker. 1hy does that e2ample need to include the necessity to hand around empty% meanin'less% 57s from the .ank of En'land% for that e2ample to !orkB 1hen all they actually need to do% is to say: %o# it. 2e3ll !ust #o it' think you6ll find the reason is pretty ob$ious. &he Farmer% -iller H .aker are in a real situation. #ddin' a component called /method of payments/ is only addin' beliefs to that reality. &his belief contributes nothin' !hatsoe$er to the actions taken by the Farmer% -iller H .aker. &hey could farm% mill H bake !ithout any kno!led'e G other than farmin'% millin' H bakin'. Subtractin' the beliefs from the reality is subtractin' Mero from the o$erall e0uation. Subtractin' Mero from either side of an e0uation lea$es the resultin' balance unchan'ed. 1hat/s the difference bet!een: I know it works. I can see it works. I think;belie"e it works this way% and: I know it works. I can see it worksB #ns!er: )othing. 7oth say e<actly the same thing, in fact. t/s "ust that% in the former case% the added belief may - or may not be correct. .ut that doesn6t matter% because it6s only a belief% any!ay G and there"ore tota$$y discarda!$e. AuhD (ou don/t need to barter% baby% you "ust need to /do it/ 3honourably contribute4D SheeshD 1hat ri'ht does some *rivate bankin' cartel 3the .ank of En'land4 ha$e to say only its empty% meanin'less% promises are the ones to useB 1hy are its empty% meanin'less% promises so much better than some empty% meanin'less% promise of yoursB 5r better than those real promises the Farmer% -iller and .aker make to each otherB f the Farmer suddenly ups and says: )o, you can3t ha"e any more wheat% then the -iller can say: In that case I can3t make any flour, an# the 7aker can3t make any brea#, an# therefore you won3t ha"e any brea# to


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word eat. &hat !ould not happen because it !ould be so blindin'ly ob$ious. Common Sense. -oney is an illusion. .ased on empty% meanin'less% promises from the .ank of En'land in the 78% and the Federal ?eser$e 3yet another *rivate bankin' cartel4 in the 7S. 3 f you are readin' this some!here else in the !orld% don/t !orry G it/s e2actly the same !here you are located. &he *rand Aeception% the illusion of /money/% is the same throu'hout the !orld4. 1ho says soB Cer -a"esty/s &reasury say so. n reply to a Freedom of nformation ?e0uest made. 3See an #ppendi2 for details4. 6ll be returnin' to this sub"ect later% !hen discuss Min# Control an# 0nsla"ement. .ecause the -onetary System is one of the primary mechanisms for -ass -ind Control and Ensla$ement. Co!e$er% in the mean!hile% here are a fe! thin's to consider in odd moments% as you may read on in this book. &hink about this. 9i'ht. 1here does it come fromB t doesn6t take much ima'ination to kno! that dayli'ht comes from the Sun. So% !ithout 'oin' into to the deep science of the situation% !e can freely say that: The %un is the source of all our #aylight. Ceat. 1e can say a similar thin' for heat that !arms our planet. t comes from the Sun. 1ater. &hat comes from the sky% drops as rain% and e$entually e$aporates back into the sky a'ain. n a cycle. .ut !here did the ori'inal !ater come fromB 5nce a'ain% no real science is in$ol$ed in the ans!er. t has been there since the planet !as formed. &he point of this e2planation is: These things ha"e an ultimate source $ for practical purposes, anyway.


Money #nd a little thou'ht says that e$erythin' must come from some!here. E$erythin' has to ha$e an ultimate source% for practical purposes. #nd so it must be that money has an ultimate source% does it notB f so% !hat is that ultimate sourceB Ca$e you e$er thou'ht about itB Aoes it 'ro! on treesB Aoes it come from the SunB Aoes it drop like rainfallB 1ell% no% it doesn6t. E$eryone understands that. So !here does it come from% thenB #sk anyone !here their money comes from% and they !ill 'enerally reply: LI work, to earn itN. So you can then ask: L7ut who gi"es it to you( and they !ill say: LThe Company I work for, of course' &hen you can ask: L2here #oes the Company you work for get it from, so that it has some to pay o"er to you( and they !ill say: 2ell, they sell goo#s to Consumers, or they pro"i#e ser"ices to Consumers $ an# they charge for it. %o that s how they get their money. #nd so you can say: L2ell, where #o these Consumers get their money from, so as to pay for these goo#s = ser"ices( and the ans!er !ill come back: L2ell, they work for other Companies $ who pay them for the work they #o' Cor' .re you #aft, or something( So no! !e are "ust 'oin' round and round% aren6t !eB 1e ha$e still not established the ultimate source of !here money comes from% in the first place. ,robin' a little deeper% an ans!er mi'ht be: LMy Company gets it from a 7ank, I suppose. So then it is possible to ask: L2ell, where #oes the 7ank get it from, then( #nd then you6ll possibly 'et: L2ell, I suppose the 7anks must make it $ I #on t know' So you can then say: L2ell, if the 7anks make it, then why #o they e<pect you > if you take out a loan > to pay

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word them back( I mean, if they can !ust make it anyway( .n# why #i# they nee# a bailout of it, in late ?@@A( .n# why #i# 7anks go out of business, if they can !ust make money( #nd you are $ery likely to end up !ith the retort: L2ell, I #on t know' .sk them' &o !hich the ob$ious re"oinder is: L2ell, #o you not think it woul# help you to know( 7ecause, if you #i# > know where it came from, I mean > then maybe > !ust maybe > you coul# go an# get some $ to help you o"er any money problems you might ha"e( -a"e you ne"er ha# any money problems( Most people ha"e. *o you not think that knowing where money actually comes from, in the first place, might help you( &he response !ill probably be: LI #unno. #nd that6s the point. Who# *recise$y# nows where money actua$$y comes "romD In the "irst *$aceD Who nows how it &ets into circu$ationD So let6s look around for the possible sources. -y ne2t door nei'hbourB @o G he6s in the same trouble as am. -y employerB @o G !e6$e already been throu'h that. &he .anksB 1ell% no G at least not most of them G but there is the .ank of En'land% and that doesn6t 'o out of business% did not need a bailout% and its name is printed on e$ery banknote. So they are a distinct possibility. 9et6s keep them in mind. 1hat about C- ?e$enue H CustomsB @o G they !ant money% so they can6t be the source of it. &he AV9#B @o G they also !ant money% so they can6t be the source. &he 9ocal CouncilsB @o G they also !ant money. &he *o$ernmentB 1ell% yes this is possible. .ut one of the *o$ernment #'encies is called C- ?e$enue H Customs% and they want money. So that6s a bit stran'e% isn6t itB 9et6s also keep that in mind.


Money @o! there is a *o$ernment #'ency that ne$er asks for money. !onder if there is somethin' in thatB &he #'ency in 0uestion is located in Corse *uards ?oad% 9ondon. t is called C- &reasury. Ca$e you e$er recei$ed a demand from C- &reasuryB ha$en6t% in my entire life. So ho! does C- &reasury operate% !ithout demandin' money !ith menacesB &hat6s a 0uestion% surelyB #nd it can be sho!n that the .ank of En'land is also a pri$ate .ank% "ust like ?.S% CS.C% .arclay/s% etc. So they should be in the same position% needin' a bailout. .ut% !hat the pri$ately-o!ned .ank of En'land has% in its fa$our J !hich none of the others ha$e J is the a!i$ity to *rint money. A *rivate$y-owned Aan # with the a!i$ity to *rint money. &hat/s an interestin' situation to be in% of course. .ut that6s only printin' it. t still doesn6t e2plain ho! these printed notes% and minted coins% actually 'et into circulation. 1e kno! that someone does not stand in &hreadneedle Street% !ith a bucketful of it% and hand it out to passers-by. 1e also kno! that they don6t hire an aircraft and bail it out% lettin' it float do!n to !homsoe$er can catch it. .ut !e also kno! that !e ne$er recei$e demands from C- &reasury% the .ank of En'land% nor the ?oyal -int. #nd !e also kno! that !e do recei$e demands from "ust about e$eryone else. So% think% !e ha$e some clues to su''est that money is created by C- &reasury% printed by the .ank of En'land in accordance !ith instructions from C&reasury% and minted by the ?oyal -int under similar instructions from C- &reasury. #nd that it is released into circulation $ia a mechanism !e ha$e not been told about 3as yet4.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Aoes anyone ha$e a better ideaB .ecause money must come from some!here% and think ha$e eliminated most of the other possibilities. So no! lets turn to the Istran'eness6 of C- ?e$enue H Customs. n con"unction !ith C- &reasury. &hey are both /C-/s% !hich stands for /Cer -a"esty6s/% of course. So% e$en if C- &reasury is not the ultimate source of money% some /C-/ must be. 9et6s assume it is C- &reasury. 3#fter all% !hat else is their "ob% thenB4. So !e !ould ha$e C- &reasury making money% and C- ?e$enue H Customs !anting money. So why can%t these two >:M>s @ust &et to&ether C and $eave us a$$ a$oneD 1ell% that6s another 0uestion% isn6t itB #nd then !e can add that one of the "obs of the 7S &reasury% embodied in the #ct creatin' it% !as to /issue !arrants for monies/. 5r% to put it another !ay% to pro$ide authority for the creation of 7S currency. #nd then% add to that% the 78 Currency #ct defines the !ei'hts and measures for coins% and also pro$ides for the Chancellor of the E2che0uer to apply an upper limit as to ho! much currency can be authorised into circulation. &he bi''est problem is that C- &reasury !ill not admit to any substantial role in respect to the /creation of money/. Co!e$er% when as ed *oint !$an % -. Treasury !ill not go on the record denying it. So that/s interestin' as !ell% isn/t itB 1hy !ould they be so coyB 9isten: 6m sorry to bat on about this% but some *o$ernment #'ency must !e creatin' /money/. &hus% if /money/ is re0uired to pay for the 3say4 maintenance of roads% then surely there is nothin' to stop the appropriate a'ency that creates Imoney6 from creatin'


Money the /money/ to pay for the maintenance of roads. s thereB 6m really sorry% but why !other you 8 ID t/s not a *o$ernment #'ency creatin' /money/% you sayB 58% !ell% that still doesn6t alter the essential point: f /money/ is re0uired% for the maintenance of roads% then !hoe$er is maintainin' the roads should obtain the /money/ from !hoe$er creates /money/. For cryin& out $oud# there is sti$$ no need at a$$ to !other you 8 I. Is thereD t doesn/t !ork like thatB 58 ... ho! A5ES it !ork thenB 1hy do need to 'et in$ol$ed !ith ?oad &a2B ,edestrians H cyclists use to roads all day and e$ery day. &hey are not bothered !ith these thin's. Co! many more !ays can say the same thin'B Co! many more e2amples do need to offerB Aid you elect your *o$ernment to look after the roads% or did you elect it to make absurd and unrealistic demands on youB Aid you elect it to make the Imoney6% and then ask you for itB Coney% they ma e the Imoney%D 1hy do they !ant it back in ?oad &a2% Sales &a2% Council &a2% nheritance &a2 or &V 9icencin'% etcB 7nless G unless G 'osh-an/'olly-'ee G are (57 the one !ho makes all the /money/B /CoM that means e$erythin' in this little book is complete rubbishD .ut ne$er mind G listen% darlin'% if that6s the case: Can ha$e your address% please G because: *...R/I):' 2here -.40 you been all my life( +es, of course I lo"e you. +es, of course I mean it' +ou are tall, #ark, han#some, #ebonair $ you remin# me of my father, an# all that. )o, the money has nothing to #o with it $ #on t be silly' 5n the other hand% on the off chance it/s not you !ho is makin' all the /money/% then 3&h $ poo' I thought I was on to something there'4 !e are back to s0uare one% aren/t !eB #nd so% as a final rant in this Chapter% it mi'ht be interestin' to consider /!hat 'oes a!ay/ !hen /the .elief System% the llusion of -oney% the totally unnecessary 7tter #bsurdity of -oney% 'oes a!ay/.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 1hat does it take !ith itB Stealin' is the first thin'. &here is nothin' to steal. Coardin' is another thin'. &here is no point in hoardin'% any more than there is any point in stealin' anythin'. ISell6% Ibuy6% I$alue6% Icommerce6% Ie2chan'e6% Ibarter6% Iinterest6% I!a'es6% Isalary6% Idebt6 no lon'er ha$e any meanin'. #nd so on. &he *lobal Elite 3see their o!n Chapter4 are no! seen to be as !orthless as they - in point of fact - al!ays !ere. &heir S!iss .ank #ccounts no! count for nothin' !hatsoe$er. *oodbye to the Stock -arkets. *oodbye to the .anks. *oodbye to the 9oan Sharks. *oodbye to the Aebt Collectors. *oodbye to the .ailiffs% and the #ccountants. #nd the Economists. %er"ices no longer re1uire#. #nd so on. /?ich/ no! becomes /rich in 'ood friends/. /?ich in honour/. /?ich in inte'rity/. #nd so on. +ust like it al!ays should ha$e been. +ust the !ay Common 9a! dictates. #ll these imponderables are !rapped up% Ii6s dotted% It6s crossed% in the final Chapter Mass Min# Control = 0nsla"ement. .ut please don6t skip to it. &here6s a lot more in bet!een. .y the time you ha$e read this book all the !ay throu'h% think you !ill be in possession of a complete set of the most probable ans!ers to all these 0uestions. #ns!ers that fit% !hat !e all kno! to be true% like the pieces of a perfect "i'sa! puMMle. ncludin' the mechanism for releasin' money into circulation in a controlled manner% and !hy e$eryone concerned !ould be so coy about the roles they play.



Chapter 3: Legalese
/m 'oin' to discuss the En'lish $ersion of 9e'alese. E$ery nation on the planet !ill ha$e its o!n $ersion. 3For reasons !hich% hope% !ill become ob$ious4. &he same discussion and comments !ill apply. .ecause there is no other !ay. 9e'alese is the lan'ua'e of Statutes. t is assumed that Statutes are /the 9a!/. &hey are not% as you !ill see if you keep readin'. Statutes are discussed !ithin their o!n Chapter. For no!% simply !ant to confine the discussion to 9e'alese itself. &o sho! that it is an illusion. #nother arm of the *rand Aeception. &here is an old ?oman 9a! ma2im that states: /et he who will be #ecei"e#, be #ecei"e#. &hat is so% so true. 1hat% e2actly% is 9e'aleseB 1ell% first of all it is a lan'ua'e. t looks like En'lish 3in the .ritish sles4% but it is no more /En'lish/ than is any Forei'n 9an'ua'e. French% for e2ample. 5r *erman. 5r Croatian. t is !ritten by those !ho dra! up .ills for ,arliament 3and Con'ress4. t is assessed by Committees. t is $oted on by -embers of ,arliament 3or Con'ress4. f a'reed it becomes an #ct of ,arliament 3or Con'ress4. t becomes so-called /la!/ !hen it recei$es the ?oyal 3or ,residential4 #ssent. #t that point it becomes a Statute. # Statute !ritten in 9e'alese. # Statute !ritten in a Forei'n 9an'ua'e. @o!% you may be for'i$en for askin': -ow can I be e<pecte# to obey a rule written in a Boreign /anguage( -ow can I e"en be e<pecte# to un#erstan# what I am suppose# to obey as an upright, law,abi#ing, citiCen( % personally% !ould for'i$e you for askin' that. &hose !ho !on/t% are -embers of your *o$ernment% the +udiciary - in terms of +ud'es% Clerks% Solicitors% 9a!yers%

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word .arristers% and ,olicemen. #nd the $ast ma"ority of your fello! Countrymen% 0uite probably includin' your o!n family H friends. #nd also includin' the -edia. .ut !ould for'i$e you% because you !ould be e2actly ri'ht. #nd so% think% !ould any other sane% rational% honest% honourable and decent Cuman .ein'. ?eally anyone still capable of usin' e$en "ust a 'rain of Common Sense. #part from bein' a Forei'n 9an'ua'e 3 /ll e2plain !hy4% it also comprises a number of fictions. #s !e all kno! /fiction/ is not the truth. /Fiction/ is not the reality 3 /ll e2plain this% as !ell4 9e'alese is a Forei'n 9an'ua'e because it re-defines or e2pands the meanin's of certain !ords. En'lish !ords. t does this for its o!n con$enience 3not yours% that/s for sureD4. 5ne 'ood e2ample 3 /ll 'i$e you a better e2ample in a minute4 is the !ord /understand/. 9e'alese e2pands this to mean /stand under/ - specifically 3as !e !ill see4: %tan# un#er, i.e. consent to, /egalese. So !hat does this meanB t means that if a ,oliceman% or anyone in a Court% asks you: *o you un#erstan#(% and you say: +es% then you are a'reein' to consent to the application of Statutes drafted in a Forei'n 9an'ua'e. 39e'alese is nothin' if not thorou'hly incestuousD4. Cere/s the real dooley: n 9e'alese the !ord /person/ is re-defined by e2pansion. &he !ord /person/ still means !hat you and !ould e2pect it to mean $iM: a Cuman .ein'O .ut in 9e'alese it is e2panded to mean: /... any 'roupin' of people% any ,artnership% any CompanyECorporation/. 3 think those !ho drafted this standard for their o!n con$enience% !ere assumin' that they could mo$e a !ord definin' a sin'ular% into a plural G takin' their cue from the fact that some En'lish !ords are like that. /Sheep/ and /fish/ are ob$ious e2amples. Co!e$er% /m only 'uessin'% and !hy they thou'ht they could 'et a!ay !ith it doesn/t matter any!ay4. &he idea !as% of course% to 'i$e Corporations% Companies H Societies the same or similar /ri'hts H


Le&a$ese duties/ as a Cuman .ein'. #n utterly stupid idea% as hope you !ill appreciate% by the time you ha$e read and fully-comprehended this book. So% let/s use some Common Sense to look into the sanity of e2pandin' the definition of the !ord /person/. # Cuman .ein' has a head !ithin !hich there is a brain% !ithin !hich there is - !hat !e !ould call - a -ind. #nd a Cuman .ein' is /a!are/% is conscious% and has a soul. # Cuman .ein' also has eyes% and ears% and limbs. #nd so on. # 'roup of people% taken as a 'roup% has none of these thin's. &he indi$iduals that form the 'roup do 3of course4% but not the 'roup - o" itse$" i.e. when ta en as a E$e&a$ entity% in it%s own ri&ht. t does not matter ho! much 9e'alese !ould like to 'ro! arms H le's on a 'roup% it cannot happen. t is physically impossible. # simple e2ample is /decidin' to do somethin'/. # Cuman .ein' can !ork out !hat to do 3usin' the brain4% and do it% usin' its limbs. # Corporation has to firstly% 'o throu'h the motions of makin' a collecti$e decision% and then 'etEpersuadeEtask a Cuman .ein' 3e.'. an #uthorised Company ?epresentati$e4 to actually do !hate$er has been decided. -ore specifically% si'nin' a document. # Cuman .ein' has limbs !ith !hich to 'rasp a pen% and a brain to control the necessary hand mo$ements% in order to make his or her uni0ue /mark/. # Company has to fall back on taskin' a representati$e to make a /mark/ G on behalf of the Company. 1hen it comes to liability for actions taken% a Cuman .ein' can be fairly and s0uarely placed in the frame. n the case of a Company% buck-passin' is the order of the day. Aon/t e2pect any Cuman .ein'% !ho is a part of any Company% to o!n up to anythin'D Conse0uently% by no stretch% !ould any sane indi$idual consider a sin'le Cuman .ein' to be e0ui$alent to a *roup.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word #nd that/s !here 9e'alese starts. t starts !ith insanity and irrationality G and then steadily 'ets !orse. t layers fiction 3callin' a Company as /person/4 upon fiction. t creates !hat is kno!n as a 9e'al Fiction ,erson from each and e$ery Cuman .ein'. t does this in order to be able to fictionally e0uate a Cuman .ein' to a Isin'leindi$idual-partnership-or-C5?,5?#& 5@6 for Ile'al purposes6. &his is done so that any ad"udication in a Court de facto 3!hat that means is e2plained later4 is 5ne C5?,5?#& 5@ .$s. #nother C5?,5?#& 5@. Very simply because it is perfectly ob$ious that no ad"udication is possible bet!een the rea$ity of a Cuman bein' and the "iction of a C5?,5?#& 5@. Co! can anyone e$er ad"udicate bet!een a reality H and an illusionB &he reality% the &ruth% !ould al!ays !in a'ainst the fiction% the 7ntruth% hands do!nD # Chapter in this book is de$oted to /egal Biction 5ersons. t is also interestin' to note that there is an e2cellent $ideo a$ailable% called The Corporation. &his $ideo not only e2plains ho! and !hy C5?,5?#& 5@s all came about% but 'oes further to compare the actions of any C5?,5?#& 5@ to that of the real Cuman .ein' it purports to impersonate. &he $ideo 'oes into massi$e detail in order to e2plore this concept. #nd% for that reason% it is hi'hly recommended $ie!in'. #nd !hat does it concludeB /t concludes that0 if a '12312*T/14 (any '12312*T/14) !ere a real person0 it !ould be a psychopath. #nd% furthermore% the definitions chan'e from time to time. &hat/s !hy .lack/s 9a! Aictionary is no! in its Fth Edition 3at the time of !ritin'4. ts Fth Edition of pure fantasy and absurdity. (ou !ant some moreB 6m reliably informed that if you look up ICuman .ein'6 the >th Edition of .lack6s 9a! Aictionary% it says: 5ee 6monster7. @ot so% by the


Le&a$ese time !e 'et to the Fth Edition% of course. /t7s a mo#ing carpet. 5f course it is perfectly possible to step back and use a bit of Common Sense. &he $ery fact that 9a! Aictionaries are necessary% 'i$es the bi''est hint. n En'lish !e already ha$e dictionaries to define our lan'ua'e% in terms of normal parlance. &he 52ford En'lish is probably the best kno!n% but there are many others. &hey do not define the !ord /person/ as a Corporation. .ecause 9e'alese is a Forei'n 9an'ua'e it needs its o!n dictionary. f it !ere not a Forei'n 9an'ua'e it !ould not. 9an'ua'es al!ays need a dictionary. f !e could al!ays rely on 52ford En'lish then !e !ould% !ould !e notB 1hat !ould be the point of 52ford En'lish other!iseB Le&a$ese is an i$$usion. # fictional !orld created for the benefit of mind control and ensla$ement. It is an 4n&$ish $oo -a$i e% and no more than that. .ecause it /looks like En'lish/% no-one complains. .ut !e should. 1e should all complain. 1e should all say: This is bloo#y ri#iculous' -ow #are you impose rules to be obeye# when they are written in a Boreign language( :et outta here' #s you !ill see later% in the Chapter discussin' 5romises = Contracts% the $ast ma"ority of the so-called /9e'al ,rofession/ ha$e not the sli'htest clue about all this. 1hich means that if you understand the illusion of 9e'alese% then you can run rin's around them. 6$e 'ot an ideaD 9et6s dump 9e'alese on the ?ubbish &ip of Cistory% and stick to 52ford En'lish% shall !eB &hen !e6d all kno! !here !e stood% !ouldn6t !eB ha$e seen many e2amples of letters from Solicitors% 9a!yers% and so-called /9e'al Scholars/% !hich are a complete mass of double-think. 7nder careful and critical scrutiny "ust about anythin' they !rite can be sho!n to be totally contradictory% and thorou'hly irrational. &he reason for this is because they li$e in a fictional !orld% and are al!ays attemptin' to replace


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Common Sense !ith fiction. &hey achie$e little other than disappearin' up their o!n hind0uarters. &he benefit to you is that you can !rite plain commonsense% and they !ill not understandD &hey !ill not understand because Common Sense does not compute in their fictional% illusory% !orld. .ecause they do not understand they !ill resort to i'norin' !hat you said% and reply to the-0uestion-they!anted-you-to-ask. #nd they !ill reply in their o!n !ay. 3Co! often do ,oliticians do thatB Co! about like: .lwaysB t/s the same old smoke H mirrors4. 1hat this means is that they ha$e /not responded in substance/ to the points you made. &hey could not /respond in substance/ because that !ould not compute !ith their illusion. Since they ha$e /not responded in substance/% they ha$e dishonoured% and you ha$e not. n 9a!: -e who #ishonours, loses. *enerally speakin'% !hen it comes do!n to brass tacks% !e ha$e found that - for all their huffin' H puffin' - they never actually 'o to Court. ,rimarily 3!e think4 this is because - at the end of the day - they kno!% deep do!n% that your Common Sense trumps their 9e'alese. Cands do!n. 5ne of the bi''est 0uestions to arise is: 2hat s the #ifference between Dlegal an# Dlawful ( 1ell here is one bi' clue. /9e'al/ refers to the illusory !orld of 9e'alese. /9a!ful/ means truly bound by 9a! 3lon' established customs H traditions4% in the real% Common Sense% !orld. &he 9a! established o$er centuries% by consent 3Consensus facit legem in 9atin J Consent makes /aw in En'lish4. &here is much more about this later. /et he who will be #ecei"e#, be #ecei"e#. Aon/t be decei$ed.



Chapter 4: Religion

eli'ion is the third of the illusory trium$irate. ,eople !ron'ly e0uate /spiritual/ !ith /reli'ious/. 1hereas /reli'ion/ is no such thin'. ?eli'ion comprises do'ma. For e2ample to tell you that you need to be /sa$ed/. #nd ho! to be sa$ed. 1hen% in point of fact% you need to be sa$ed from three thin's only: /-oney/% /9e'alese/% and /?eli'ion/. &he imposition of reli'ious do'ma is desi'ned to suppress your ability to use Common Sense. @oB 1ell it does. n order to follo! a reli'ion - any reli'ion - you ha$e to be prepared to double-think% to a 'reater or lesser de'ree. Aouble-thinkin' is the antithesis of Common Sense% and any critical thou'ht processes based on Common Sense. /?eli'ion/ is the third arm of the mind control and ensla$ement paradi'm. .e as reli'ious as you !ant. .ut don/t for'et that freedom is freedom. E$en if you become free% !ith the help of later material in this book% is there any point in then surrenderin' any of your 'ains to any reli'ionB 5nce you kno! !hat you are% you don6t need anyone else to tell you. f reli'ion is so empo!erin'% !hy has no reli'ious person 3to the best of my kno!led'e4 e$er !ritten this bookB 5r anythin' like itB #re you su''estin' that plain un$arnished &ruths% contained !ithin plain old Common Sense% aren6t !orth preachin' $oud 8 c$ear from e$ery pulpitB *osh% no. ?eli'ious do'ma is far more important% isn6t itB (ou ha$e all the po!er necessary to sa$e yourself H your lo$ed ones. .ut no ... don6t do that ... let +esus do it.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word ?eadin' Pecharia Sitchin/s book The E?th 5lanet e2plains e2actly ho! !e all came to be here% and !hat /*od/ is. Sitchin is an e2pert on the .iblical 5ld &estament% is fluent in Cebre!% and can read the ori'inal Cebre! $ersions of #ncient &e2ts. Ce e2plains ho! /*od/ occasionally mo$es into the plural J i.e. /*ods/ J by referrin' to /!e/ and /our/% etc. &hese are possibly transcription mistakes from the &ruth contained in the #ncient Sumerian &ablets. 5r they could $ery !ell be deliberate mistakes% left in by the #ncient Scribes 3!ho !ere 0uite probably re-!ritin' history at s!ord-point4% and left in by desi'n% in order to 'i$e later readers Ia clue that all !as not e2actly as transcribed6. 5ne does not kno!. 5ne cannot kno!. .ut Sitchin has picked them all up% and !e all o!e him a debt of 'ratitude for that. n the Chapter on Mass Min# Control = 0nsla"ement e2plain the results of bein' created by these /*ods/ 3the .iblical @efilim4. #nd ho! !e !ould ha$e taken their !ord for the !ay to li$e% and !hy !e !ould ha$e emulated them in all respects. (es% kno! Sitchin has been Iouted6 as one of the ?eptilians. 3&he shape-shifters4. n fact the information in his books% kno!n collecti$ely as The 0arth Chronicles% could surely ha$e only come from that kind of deep kno!led'e. &he information% the insi'hts and the critical thinkin' behind them% are far and a!ay too consistent to be purely intuiti$e. Cis ideas are imparted !ith mathematical precision. Sitchin is undoubtedly 3in my mind at least4 one of the fe! !ho are on Cumanity6s side. #ccordin' to the #ncient Sumerian &ablets% /ta2ation/ !as rife in #ncient Sumer. <%000 years a'o. +esus 3if he e2isted4: Threw the moneylen#ers out of the Temple. #ccordin' to the .ible he !as once asked about ta2ation. Cis reply !as: Ren#er unto Caesar that which is Caesar3s, an# to the /or# that which is the /or#3s.


1e$i&ion t/s a pity none of these people e$er used a modicum of Common Sense% pointin' out that /money/ is an illusion. So it/s no! time to stand up and see ho! !e ha$e all been decei$ed for some =00%000 years. #nd claim our Cumanity.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 5: Global lite!"sy#hopaths

o !e ha$e three ma"or illusions: Money% /egalese and Religion. #ll three deliberately desi'ned for mass mind control and mass ensla$ement. So !ho is runnin' this sho!B 1ell% the best ans!er anyone has yet come up !ith is: &he *lobal Elite. &he .anksters. 3.ut they also o!n e$erythin' else% includin' all the /bi'/ Corporations% and *o$ernments% the media% and le'al systems% etc4. ?eferrin' back to !hat !as said earlier% details of all of this ha$e been e2posed for at least 20 years by researchin' !riters such as Aa$id cke% +ordan -a2!ell% 1illiam Cooper% and others. 5thers include -yron Fa'an% .en"amin Friedman% and +ack .ernstein% 'oin' back as far as the :9<0s. E$en Charlie Chaplin could see Isomethin' !as $ery !ron'6. t is apparent to me that% !hile there has been much discussion on "ust !ho% e2actly% the *lobal Elite are namin' names such as the ?othschilds% ?ockefellers% .rofmans% 1ebbs% 1indsors% etc. - it seems it has yet to be e2plained "ust% e2actly% !hat the *lobal Elite are% in terms of their ob$ious /lack of humanity/. #nd !hat% and !hy% that is. Aa$id cke has referred to them as: -a"ing no empathy. 1hich is true. &hey !ould not ha$e created these *rand Aeceptions if they had been /nice people to do business !ith/. @o!% you/ll probably resent kno!in' this% but you e2ist in a prison-!ithout-bars. # prison that has been carefully constructed% o$er centuries% by those /not $ery nice people to do business !ith/. 7nlike a real prison - !here you see the bars - you/ll firmly belie$e you are - basically - free. .ut% unfortunately% you are not. #s each day 'oes by% your freedoms - many of !hich are essential for a decent and


3$o!a$ 4$ite56sycho*aths reasonable life - are bein' taken a!ay from you by $ery subtle stealth. #nd this has been 'oin' on for a $ery lon' time. Copefully% !hen you ha$e read to the end of this book% you/ll understand the prison% and !ill be able to see the bars% and be in the position of breakin' out of them% usin' the enormous po!er you possess. ,o!er you do not realise you actually ha$e. n his book EFAG *eor'e 5r!ell said: -e who controls the present, controls the past. -e who controls the past, controls the future. &o understand today% one must understand a certain amount of history. &o understand the possibilities for future% one must understand today. *eor'e 5r!ell also said: &mission is the biggest form of a lie. 35ne could% in point of fact% 0uote 5r!ell almost constantly. For the $ery simple reason that% in the :9>0s% he actually 'a$e us an amaMin' number of clues% throu'h that book and his other masterpiece% .nimal Barm4 /&he past/ means /history/. Co! far back in history do !e need to 'oB 1ell% in point of fact you can 'o back as far as you !ish. For the $ery simple reason that /human nature/ has al!ays been !ith us. #nd the lessons !e must learn deri$e from !hat happens !hen human nature is up a'ainst a /less-than-human nature/. 1hat do mean by thatB /ll simply 0uote 5@E% $erifiable% medicalE'enetic statistic: 81ne in e#ery 9 people are born psychopathic8. &hat/s a 0uote from the studious !orks of ,sycholo'ist #ndre! -. 9obacMe!ski. See his book 5olitical 5onerologyH . %cience on the )ature of 0"il .#!uste# for 5olitical 5urposes IEFFAJ. Since there are > 2 2;s in e$ery hundred% this means > people in e$ery hundred% or >Q of the total population are psychopathic. #ccordin' to my arithmetic% and takin' the population of the 7nited 8in'dom as <0

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word million people% that means there are 2%>00%000 psychopaths out there. ;o you thin thisD it mi&ht !e a &ood idea to now

Aoes that mean 2.> million /a2e murderers/B 1ell no% not e2actly% as you !ill see% but it does mean that there is the *otentia$ "or 2.> million /a2e murderers/. ,sychopaths-in-society tend to be much more subtle. 3#nd 'et a heck of a lot further than a2e murderers% as !e !ill see4. t all comes do!n to !hat a psychopath actually is. ,ut simply it is a person !ho has no conscience. @o compassion to!ard others. @o empathy to!ards others. 7nable to feel 'uilt% or shame. Co! does this occurB t occurs because of the lack of a 'ene in such a person/s A@#. &he 'ene that creates /feelin's to!ards others/. .ut a psychopath retains /feelin's to!ards themsel$es/. #lthou'h they don/t feel 'uilt for any action they may take% they do feel /fear/. #nd they kno! !hat !ould happen to them if they 'et cau'ht. So they are afraid of 'ettin' cau'ht. /Fear of 'ettin' cau'ht/ is% in fact% the on$y thin& that actually keeps them in check. So% if the possibility of /'ettin' cau'ht/ can be eliminated% then the psycho has free rein. #nd that% fundamentally% is !hat has happened. Co! has the possibility of 'ettin' cau'ht been eliminatedB -oney and blackmail. f you ha$e enou'h money% you can do anythin'. (ou can buy people off. (ou can arran'e circumstances that create the possibilities for blackmail. (ou can arran'e for /character assassination/ in the media 3because you o!n the mediaD4. (ou can arran'e for actual assassinations. 1ith sufficient money behind you% you can do anythin'. .ack in the :Fth century% #mshel ?othschild said: :i"e me control of a nation3s money supply, an# I care not who makes the laws. (es% the thin' about these psychos is they catch on a lot 0uicker than most of us. -ost people find the idea of a psycho hard to 'rasp at

3$o!a$ 4$ite56sycho*aths first si'ht. So it mi'ht be an idea to think about it in a little depth. # baby is born. &he baby looks like all others i.e. 1inston Churchill. &he baby learns to cra!l% talk a bit% and to toddle. &here is $ery little to distin'uish this small person from any other. t is only !hen this person becomes !hat !e !ould call /a child/ that any symptoms mi'ht be detectable. #nd only then if !e kne! !hat !e !ere lookin' for% and that is far from easy 3in fact may not be possible4% because all children can be nau'hty. ,icture a school play'round. # child falls% or is knocked% o$er. 5ther children rush up% and say: .re you all right( or: Can I help you up(% and so on. &he psychopathic child sees this% and thinks: I #on3t know why they #o that. They aren3t hurt. 2hy shoul# they care( I3m not hurt. I #on3t care. .ut% on the other hand% not to be seen as the odd one out% the psychopathic child learns to do the same. @ot because they care% but "ust because they don/t !ant to be seen as odd. n short% a psycho learns /ho! to emulate a conscience/ - by obser$in' the reactions of others. Aurin' teena'e years% as kno!led'e accumulates% and as situations come and 'o% the psycho could !ell be tempted to say 3to themsel$es4: +ou know, most people are stupi#. They ha"e a problem. They are fore"er looking out for others, when they shoul# be looking out for themsel"es. +es, they ha"e a problem. I #on3t ha"e that problem, I3m gla# to say. I think they are inferior. I think I was born 3superior3. 5erhaps I3m one of that 3master race3 they tol# me about in school. The ones the :ermans belie"e# to e<ist, an# fought 22II o"er. #nd% 'radually% it da!ns on them: I can use this to my a#"antage' I know how to preten#, I3"e #one that &K so far. %o if I carry on preten#ing to care, no,one will realise that I can use my a#"antage, my superiority. Conse0uent to all of this% they !ill 'enerate - !ithin themsel$es - a burnin' ambition to /'et to the top of the

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word tree% by hook or by crook/. 9ettin' nothin' stand in their !ay. .efore lon' they !ill consider it their /destiny/. #nd they !ill "ustify this by sayin' to themsel$es: -ey, taking these people for a ri#e is goo#, because they lea"e themsel"es open to it. They actually .%K for it' They actually #eser"e it' n business% !hen up for promotion% they !ill use e$ery trick in the book - as lon' as they don/t 'et cau'ht - to 'et the "ob on offer. f other people/s li$es are ruined in the process G so !hatB #nd so on. Surely /$e said enou'h to paint the o$erall pictureB 5nce in a position of /po!er/% it is then possible to promote psychos to staff the hierarchy belo!. #nd con"oin them% by $arious forms of blackmail% to pro$ide protection from /'ettin' cau'ht/. &his could be the simple blackmail of: +ou rely on me for your !ob, ne"er forget that. 3&hat/s $ery simple% but $ery po!erful% blackmail G is it notB4. s it possible that such phrases as: It3s #og eat #og out there or: There3s no sentiment in business and: LIf I #i#n3t #o it, someone else woul# 3and so on4 could come strai'ht out of the mouths of such peopleB s it possible that such people could send thousands to fi'ht% kill% maim% bomb innocent men% !omen% children and babies - in some forei'n country - and they% themsel$es% still 'et a 'ood ni'ht/s sleepB @o shame. @o 'uilt. @o responsibility for their actions. /+ustified/ by their /ability to take the hard decisions/B E$en to be cau'ht endlessly lyin'% and yet still smile and carry on re'ardlessB @o shame. @o 'uilt. 3@o resi'nation4. Aoes anyone see a connection here% bet!een !hat /$e said and .ritish ,rime -inistersB #nd 7S ,residentsB #nd French ,residentsB #nd *erman ChancellorsB #nd 7@ Secretary-*eneralsB #nd E7 CommissionersB ?ussian ,residentsB n point of fact the /leaders/ of e$ery nation on EarthB 5r am "ust plain old paranoidB

3$o!a$ 4$ite56sycho*aths Cere is a 0uote from a ,sycholo'ist !ho fully admits to ne$er actually inter$ie!in' &ony . 9iar% ha$in' "ust had the 3unpleasant4 e2perience of analysin' him $ia the &V screen 3this 0uote dates from about 200>% !hen recei$ed it in an e-mail4: I ha"e worke# with a lot of psychopaths, an# the one thing about them that is consistent is that whate"er they are #oing, their eyes rarely change. There is !ust a col#ness there. +ou know, when a healthy person smiles their eyes 3light up3 or con"ersely 3blaCe3 with anger. In all the pictures an# T4 broa#casts I3"e seen of Tony 7,/iar Lsic.M, his eyes are always fi<e# , e"en when he3s smiling as in the 3pictures of the :o#3 comment. 2hen a person starts saying that he consulte# :o# about starting a war that le# to the killing of innocent people as well as our own young ser"icemen, it3s a sure sign he is suffering from psychopathy. 9nfortunately it3s not consi#ere# treatable un#er the Mental -ealth .ct' 7lair must be locke# up in a %pecial -ospital forthwith. 7ut some tribunal will probably let him out to kill again' @ote !hat !as said by the ,sycholo'ist. /,sychopathy/ is the one ma"or mental state for !hich the rest of society cannot be protected under the -ental Cealth #ct. 1hy did &ony . 9iar make it so easy to collect your A@# at e$ery possible opportunityB t 'oes back to the A@#% rememberB A@# analysis can detect !hether you are a psycho like &ony% or not. A@# has nothin' !hatsoe$er to do !ith catchin' criminals% and &ony kne! there are no terrorists to speak of - apart from himself and his 'an' of psychos. (our A@# is in your hair. ,ick a stray hair from someone/s "acket - in a restaurant - and you ha$e somethin' that can be left at a crime scene for the police to find. Co! can that situation possibly !orkB t can/t. @o! let/s summarise. ,sychopaths ha$e been around since the da!n of time. &heir /condition/ 'i$es themsel$es a dri$in' ambition% to /'et to the top by hook

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word or by crook/. .ut !hat/s the point of 'ettin' to the topB &here is only one point: To dominate. &here is no point in ha$in' /po!er/ o$er others unless it is !ielded% !hich pro$ides the fuel for massi$e e'o-massa'in'. Ruite !hy one should feel the dri$in' desire to control others is somethin' don/t% personally% understand. don/t understand the lo'ic and rationale of their mindset. don/t see the point of their mindset. don/t see any ultimate point. don/t see ho! it can e$er ha$e any ultimate point. .ut fully understand that they ha$e that mindset. ,ersonally speakin'% think you should do your thin'% and do my thin'% and !e "ust all 'et alon' amicably !ithout me dominatin' you% or you dominatin' me. can see that idea stretchin' into infinity !ithout introducin' rancour - rancour that !ould e$entually 'enerate re$olution and bloodshed. Conse0uently the psychopathic mindset is utterly myopic% in my humble opinion. .ut that has ne$er stopped them from bein' cle$er. Fiendishly cle$er% in point of fact. #nd that did not stop them from playin' a $ery% $ery% lon' term 'ame. # 'ame that the initiatin' psychos ne$er e2pected to see the results of% but they thou'ht their descendents !ould. &his attitude is the source of the /Ai$ine ?i'ht of 8in's/. 1hich translates as: 2e are superior because we are uninhibite#. 2e can make uninhibite#, #ispassionate, #ecisions with your life an# limb. 3.ack in olden times of course the 8in' also risked his o!n life and limb. .ut that all 'oes a!ay as soon as a !oman takes the throne i.e. Rueen EliMabeth % or Rueens #nne% Victoria% EliMabeth . #nd no!adays the -onarch only /risks their children/. .ut that/s only to some e2tent. .y pullin' strin's% the /risks/ are minimised to almost nothin'4 .ut% remember% it/s all in the A@#. &he /compassion 'ene/ could return% to the bloodline% if marria'es are not $ery carefully arran'ed. @o! do you understand !hy these bloodlines are kept /pure/B t is to ensure that this


3$o!a$ 4$ite56sycho*aths pesky 'ene doesn/t return so as to interfere !ith the /Ai$ine ?i'ht of 8in's/. 1e kno! !hat happens if that pesky 'ene returns. f someone from a psychopathic family% but in possession of a /better nature/% makes it to /the top/% then they are assassinated 3+F84. #nd so is their brother 3?F84. #nd their son 3+F8 +r.4. #nd so that pesky 'ene is eliminated. &his also happens if a non-psychopathic ,ope attains that position. #fter == days% they are poisoned. *ot to keep that pesky 'ene under controlD So that/s !hat !e are dealin' !ith. Aoes it all make a lot more sense no!B Aoes it e2plain !hy demonstrations% letter-!ritin' campai'ns% petitions and so forth - and elections - make not the sli'htest differenceB .ecause all of these are appealin' to the /better nature/ of creatures that do not possess a /better nature/D #s you !ill see% if you read on% your only defence is to kno! your enemy% and put your foot do!n. 7sin' the immense po!er you possess. ,o!er you do not realise you ha$e. &he po!er to make decisions based on Common Sense% and to put those decisions into effect.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter $: "ro%ises & Contra#ts

f Cuman # makes a promise to Cuman .% is Cuman C bound to honour that promiseB 1e kno! this sort of thin' happens% certainly !ithin a family. -um promises ne2t-door nei'hbour that her son !ill come round tomorro! and fi2 the leakin' 'utterin'. -ean!hile her son has arran'ed somethin' for himself for tomorro!. *et the pictureB &h $ Mum' I promise# %teffie I woul# take her out tomorrow' %hit' +ou always #o this to me' t doesn/t !ork% does itB @o G you can/t 'o around makin' other people/s promises. (ou can only make your o!n promises. Common Sense. So% !hat ri'ht does any *o$ernment ha$e - to make promises on your behalfB 1ell G none really. .ut there are e2ceptions. #nd /ll e2plain an ob$ious one by e2ample. 3,lease do not accuse me of chau$inism. !rite this e2ample in the simplest !ay% so as to make the situation clear. (ou can substitute se2es as much as you !ish. &he result% the analo'y% is precisely the same4 # secretary !ill run an #ppointments .ook for her boss. She !ill kno! his business inside and out% and !ill take calls on his behalf. #nd% !hen clients call% she !ill make appointments for him% and he !ill fulfill those appointments. .ecause he trusts her% and she trusts him. &he essence of this e0uitable situation is that little !ord /trust/. #nd% more importantly% this entire arran'ement e2ists because both the secretary and the boss ha$e


6romises 8 )ontracts /consented/ to it in the first place. Ce offered her the "ob% and she consented to accept it. /Consent/ and /trust/ are essential for a situation !here one can make promises on behalf of someone else. /Consent/ and /trust/ are essential for e0uitable arran'ements. 5ther!ise it is not possible to make promises on behalf of someone else. Common SenseB f you don/t trust your *o$ernment% then it has no ri'ht to make promises on your behalf. Common SenseB f the *o$ernment makes treaties !ith the European 7nion% then the *o$ernment is makin' promises !ith the European 7nion. @ot you. (ou are makin' no promises. #nd you cannot be held responsible and la!fully bound by any promises the *o$ernment may make. 5nly the *o$ernment is bound by the promises it makes. 7nless you consent to it% no-one has the ri'ht to make promises on your behalf. @o-one 3unless you consentD4 (ou really need to understand this. t/s "ust plain Common Sense. Aon/t moan you ne$er 'ot a ?eferendum. (ou al!ays ha$e a ?eferendumD t/s called 9a!ful ?ebellion% as !e !ill see. 3#nd you can do 90Q of it from the comfort of your armchair4. .ut !e !ill come to that. 9et/s keep on track% and put promises into conte2t. # Contract is: . promise the /aw will enforce. &hat/s the basic definition. .ut you may notice that is sin'ular. 1hich refers% therefore to a sin'ular Contract. &here are such thin's but% for our purposes% they are not !orth d!ellin' upon. For our purposes% the Contracts that are important are those bet!een t!o ,arties - 'enerally you and someone% or somethin'% else.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word &herefore !ill e2plain the Contract as: . pair of inter#epen#ent mutually e<change# promises the /aw will enforce% bein' the basic definition to e2amine. For a Contract to be enforceable in 9a!% it must fulfill certain commonsense criteria. &here are four of them% and they are desi'ned to make sure the promises are sufficiently e2plicit% such that neither ,arty can later claim: I wasn3t tol# about that bit' &hese components are: :. Fu$$ ;isc$osure: 1hich means that each ,arty !rites do!n e2actly !hat their promise comprises% and all the rele$ant circumstances% so as to put it into the conte2t they consider applicable. f one has any sense% any necessary /'et outs/ should be included !ithin the Full Aisclosure. 2. 4Fua$ )onsiderations: # Contractual Consideration is an Iitem of $alue6. t may be money% or it may be an item. .oth ,arties must consider the e2chan'e to be e0ual in $alue. 3#s !e ha$e already seen% Imoney6 is an illusion% and is nothin' more than an empty% meanin'less 57. Conse0uently most Contracts can be sho!n to fail in this respect% if one has the !ill to do that. &his is e2plained later. 5ne ar'ument% !hen recei$in' a demand for money is: 2hat #o you want me to pay you with( Meaningless, empty,promise, worthless *ebt )otes( &r #o you want something of "alue, in which case you nee# to ask for it4. 5b$iously for Considerations to be e0ual they cannot chan'e% once a'reed. &hus any Contract employin' $ariable nterest ?ates is null H $oid in 9a!. #cceptin' the $alidity of $ariable Considerations% and not standin' up a'ainst them% is precisely ho! so many people embroil themsel$es in debt. #nd% in any case J as !e !ill see !hen !e re-consider /money/ in the Chapter on Mass Min# Control = 0nsla"ement% the funds to create / nterest/ forms no part of our -onetary .elief System. 5r% to put this another !ay% / nterest/ is no!here created% and conse0uently it is

6romises 8 )ontracts impossible to pay off all loans% and impossible for e$eryone to stay out of bankruptcy. &hose !ho stay out of bankruptcy are doin' so purely on the backs of those !ho enter bankruptcy J purely because they !ere simply the first to 'rab !hate$er !as a$ailable. 31hether they realise this or not4. 5hD #nd did mention the real dooleyB # la!ful Contractual Consideration must come entire$y "rom each 6arty%s own resources. &his is !here "ust about e$ery Isupposed6 Contract breaks do!n. For e2ample% a loan or mort'a'e !ill not ha$e come from !hoe$er issued it. t !ill ha$e come from thin air. &his can be sho!n to be the case by demandin' the full accountin'% sho!in' !here the Imoney6 actually came from. &he ans!er !ill be: )owhere but keystrokes. The bank !ust type# a few numbers into one of their computers. &he I.ankin'6% I9oanin'6 and ICredit6 Systems are totally ille'itimate% in reality. &hey depend entirely for their le'itimacy on *o$ernments sayin': This is &K for banks to #o, but for anyone else it is frau#;#eception;counterfeiting. #nd the reasons for this attitude are kno!n% in the $ernacular% as Ikick-backs6. +ou #i#n t gi"e a kick,back( &h, then creating Dmoney out of thin air is frau#' Counterfeiting' +ou #i# gi"e a kick,back( +ou ga"e us the ability to !ust print Dmoney ( &h, creating Dmoney out of nothing is perfectly legal, then' &hat6s the !ay it !orks. .ut Idemandin' the full accountin'6 does tend to cause "ust a fe! little problems !ith that mechanism. Simply because the full accountin' doesn6t% actually% e2ist. =. Law"u$ Terms and )onditions: 1hich% fundamentally% means that there should be no mischief in the proposed a'reements. >. Mutua$ Intent: 1hich means /some manifestation that each ,arty intended to Contract/. &his could be hand-!ritten si'nature /marks/% or can be /conduct/. n other !ords if at least one of the ,arties starts to do !hat !as promised. &his is sometimes e2pressed as /performance/ - or% at least% /the start of performance/.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word (ou ha$e% probably !ithout realisin' it% entered into many Contracts in your life. #nd% as !e shall see% most of them are null and $oid in 9a!% because 3e$en allo!in' for the small print4 they fail on at least one of the components :% 2% = or >. &he most important thin' to realise is that no Ismall print6 can o$erride the fundamental aspects a Contract must fulfill in order to be la!ful% and therefore enforceable. I n$alid small print6 does not actually nullify a Contract% but its pro$isions are irrele$ant because they are unenforceable in 9a!. &herefore any Contract that re$ies u*on unenforceable small print 3for e2ample $ariable nterest ?ates4 is J to all intents and purposes J null H $oid. Aut you have to say so. A )ourt wi$$ not say it "or you. #nd this pro$ides the necessary /'et-outs/. 7ltimately% at any rate. Co!e$er% as !e shall see% you ha$e many more 'et-outs before resortin' to nullifyin' Contractual 5bli'ations. @e$ertheless it is al!ays a 'ood idea to keep these points in mind% and not to for'et them. For the simple reason that you !ill 'ain confidence by kno!in' that - at the end of the day - you can actually !in any-!hich-!ay. ,re$iously referred to your immense po!er. ,art of your po!er is this kno!led'e. #nd the fact that those you deal !ith 3 call them the 5r'anic ?obots4 ha$e absolutely no understandin' of this at all. &hey "ust operate /by rote/. #nd this includes the $ast ma"ority of the so-called /9e'al ,rofession/. &his enables you to run rin's around them. &here are a number of other points. 5ne of the main ones bein' that: .##ing something to the Contract once it has starte# is not allowe#. &here are many instances !here this happens. # prime e2ample of this is /uppin' the nterest ?ate/. @oD @oD @oD &hat/s a breach of Contract% mateyD (ou can/t ad"ust the Considerations once they ha$e been a'reedD 5nce a'reed% they are fi2ed. #nd it/s no 'ood !ritin' them into the Contract in the first place. f you !rite unla!ful Conditions into a


6romises 8 )ontracts Contract% then those pro$isions are not enforceable. On$y the $aw"u$ )onditions are en"orcea!$e in Law. Aut you have to say so. Otherwise they wi$$ wa$ a$$ over you. .ut there are some $ery subtle ones as !ell. f% !hen you buy somethin'% the &erms H Conditions are inside the bo2% then they are null H $oid. &he Contract started !hen you handed o$er the money to purchase the item. #t that point% if the &erms H Conditions !ere not made absolutely clear to you 3before you handed o$er the money4% then appraisin' you of them% in a booklet% inside the bo2% is: Too bloo#y late, mate'. &his is all absolute Common Sense% if you think about it. #nythin' else defines a mo$in' tar'et% a ru' that can be pulled a!ay from under you. Cuman .ein's cannot interact reasonably% sensibly and peacefully on that sort of basis% can theyB @o-one !ould kno! !here they stood% !ould theyB #nd% that/s the point. &hat/s precisely !hy you ne$er kno! !here you really stand. .ecause you don/t kno! the basics of ho! Contracts !ork. (ou assume you must do !hat you are told. #nd you do. #nd that results in not kno!in' !here you stand. f your Common Sense tells you somethin' is !ron'% then it is tellin' you the truth. Somethin' is !ron' 3#ery !ron'D4. Copefully 3as keep sayin'4 by the time you ha$e read this book% you !ill kno! e2actly !hat to do about it.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter ': (ono)r* +ishono)r & ,oti#ing

t all comes do!n to this. n the Chapter on Taking e2plained that there is no dishonour in doin' that in order to sur$i$e in reasonable comfort. Aishonour comes from "ust bein' thorou'hly 'reedy. 5n a day-to-day basis there is more than that% if you decide you !ant to do somethin'% as most people are doin' all the time. f you feel that !hat you !ant to do affects no-one else at all% then you "ust do it. feel like makin' a cup of tea. So "ust do it. don/t ask anyone else. .ut there are many thin's that could easily affect someone else. #nd% !ould 'uess% !e !ould all think it reasonable to be a little bit more cautious in those circumstances. #fter all% !e don/t !ant repercussions% do !eB So ho! do you 'o about thatB Co! do you do somethin' honourablyB &he ans!er is to 'i$e anyone !ho may be affected some notice. n other !ords you send them a @otice. 3(ou /@otice/ them4. 1ell% that/s 58 so far. (ou can !rite do!n !hat you plan to do% e2plainin' it in a letter. #nd send it to !homsoe$er you feel may be affected by your plan. #nd you tell them% in your letter: 5lease let me know if you ob!ect, gi"ing me your reasons. Thank you "ery much. #nd then% if you recei$e ob"ections% you ne'otiate amicably% to arri$e at an arran'ement that is acceptable to all. 1ell% that/s easy enou'h% isn/t itB @oB t/s not that easyB 1hat happens if - as normal they i'nore youB So you don/t recei$e any ob"ections% and you "ust 'o ahead% and then they ob"ectDB


:onour# ;ishonour 8 <oticin& #hhD ,roblemD 1ell% this can be taken care of% !ith honour. 1hat you do% !ithin the @otice you send% is to e2plain that you are 'oin' to assume a reasonable time to recei$e ob"ections. Ruite often this is :> days% but it can be lon'er or shorter dependin' on ho! you feel. (ou can choose the period% of course% but it is only honourable to be reasonable. (ou say that% if you don/t hear back after the time period has elapsed% then you ha$e the ?i'ht to assume they don/t ob"ect. #s a Cuman .ein' you do ha$e that @atural% nalienable% ?i'ht. f you do not 'et any response to your @otice% !ithin the time period you ha$e stated% then you ha$e the ri'ht to assume /ac0uiescence/. n other !ords /tacit consent/ to your plan. 3 t is al!ays a 'ood idea to send your @otice by ?e'istered ,ost% althou'h the so-called /9e'al ,rofession/% and most 5fficious .odies% employ a rule that says: . letter sent with a Birst Class stamp affi<e# is goo# enough for ser"ice to be assume#. Ruite ho! they think they can 'et a!ay !ith that is totally beyond me. .ut then% as said in the Chapter discussin' /egalese% the /le'al !orld/ is an illusory !orld% de$oid of any rationality at all4. (ou can also send a reminder% 'i$in' a time period e2tension. &his !ould be looked upon more fa$ourably as more honourable% ho!e$er 3in my e2perience4 a response is still unlikely% if you didn/t 'et one from the ori'inal @otice. &his is 'enerally because most people don/t understand !hat /bein' honourable/ is all about. &he assumption is that% if they need to ob"ect% they can do that if you 'o ahead. 1ron'D 5nce you ha$e @oticed them la!fully% they no lon'er ha$e any po!er of ob"ection. 5f course% you need to kno! that yourself% and to stand on it. (ou may recei$e $ery intimidatin' letters from someone/s

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Solicitors. (ou simply need to !rite the appropriate reply. &he reply should point out that you ha$e acted honourably% and supplied due @otice. 3(ou !ould send them a copy of your ori'inal @otice4. (ou point out that you allo!ed for ob"ections% and recei$ed none in the set timescale. (ou then point out that you ha$e obtained% by these honoura!$e actions on your part: 5ermanent an# irre"ocable lawful estoppel by ac1uiescence. &hat shuts them up. 31ell% it !ould shut most people up% !ouldn/t itB 1ell% think it !ould make anyone blink 0uite a fe! times% and take a fe! sharp intakes of breath% at the $ery least4. .ear in mind a Solicitor !ill kno! !hat /estoppel/ means. Ce or she !on/t kno! $ery much% but they !ill kno! that. t is a la!ful /'a'/. #n in"unction if you !ill. 5ne that you can create for yourself. t is desi'ned to say: /ook' 0nough is enough' This cannot go on fore"er. There has to be a cut,off, an# this is it' The to, ing an# fro,ing stops here. The buck stops here. )o more' Cease' *esist' I ha"e acte# honourably, an# you;your Client ha"e not. The /aw says so. %o you can so# off, an# you know you can. (es% it shuts them up all ri'ht. #nd. &hey. Ao. @ot. 9ike. t. 7p /emD #s a stin' in the tail% you can @otice the Solicitor that further correspondence !ith him or her in the matter !ill be char'ed at K;00 3or K;00%000 if you like G anythin' you like G you set the rate4 per letter. &hey do that% and so can you. (ou can do this to anyone. 3Aebt Collectin' #'encies are 'ood ones to be on the recei$in' end of this sort of thin'% as !e !ill see later4 t/s all "ust Common SenseO So don/t be surprised if /the line suddenly 'oes dead/. Lon& Live Law"u$ 1e!e$$ionG


Societies 8 Statutes

Chapter -: .o#ieties & .tat)tes

referred to Statutes in the Chapter on /egalese. @o! come to e2plain them in more detail. 1e are told !e li$e in a society. stress: 2e are tol# that. #nd noone ar'ues because they assume they kno! !hat it means. .ut - "ust a minuteD Cold on thereD &here are thin's called /societies/ that you don/t li$e in. &he 9a! Society% for e2ample. Ao you li$e in &he 9a! SocietyB doubt it. ?eally /li$e in/ should be: .m an accre#ite# Member of% because Societies ha$e -emberships% don/t theyB 1ell% yes they do. Societies are actually defined in a number of !ays. Firstly a @ame% secondly a -ission Statement% thirdly a Set of Society ?ules% and lastly a -embership. Cere/s Chambers 5nline 3!ron' a'ainD4: society noun HsocietiesI ' human ind as a who$e# or a *art o" it such as one nation# considered as a sin&$e community. - a division o" human ind with common characteristics# e& o" nationa$ity# race or re$i&ion. , an or&aniJed &rou* or association# meetin& to share a common interest or activity o I>m a mem!er o" the &$idin& society. 0 a the rich and "ashiona!$e section o" the u**er c$assK ! the socia$ scene o" this c$ass sectionK c as ad@ o a society weddin&. 2 "orma$ com*any o :e *re"ers the society o" women. . eco$ a sma$$ *$ant community within a $ar&er &rou*. 3:4 H 324 conflict% lo'ically% !ith 3=4% 3>4% 3;4 and 3<4. &hat/s !hy it/s !ron'. 3=4 is basically !hat /a Society/ is% in fact. &he essential point bein' the -embership aspect. Societies need to be "oined. -embers ha$e to apply for -embership% and be accepted as -embers.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word *et the ideaB 1hen did you apply for -embership of the Cuman SpeciesB @o% the Cuman Species is not /a Society/. t is /-ankind/% or /the Cuman Species/ or /Como Sapiens/ G make your choice G but /a Society/ it is notD #nd don/t let them fool you that it is. E$en if they mana'e to do that% don/t for'et the other thin' about Societies. (ou apply for -embership because you feel the -ission Statement is somethin' you support. #nd you !ant to help. .ut - if the Society starts off do!n a road you don/t a'ree !ith - you can a$ways resi&nG f the Cuman Species is /a Society/ G ho! can you resi'nB Aeath is the only ob$ious resi'nation% but think that/s "ust a little drastic% myself. ,ersonally 'o for: 3%cuse me' I was ne"er aske# whether or not I wante# to !oin. I #on3t, therefore, consi#er I ha"e !oine# $ whate"er anyone else may think. I consi#er I ha"e been thoroughly #ecei"e#, throughout my entire life. I #on3t nee# to submit my resignation, because I was only !oine# as a Member on someone else3s assumption in the first place. .n# that #oesn3t count, as far as I3m concerne#. @o!% a Statute is defined as /# le'islated rule of a Society/. So ho! can a Statute apply to you% if you are not a -ember of the SocietyB #ns!er: t can/t. 1hat is happenin' here resonates back !ith the business of /someone makin' promises on someone else/s behalf/. @o can do. @o !ay% +oseD (ou mi'ht be findin' this all a bit tricky% but hold on ti'ht. #n e2planation is loomin' on the horiMon. n fact it is 'ettin' closer as you read. t mi'ht% "ust mi'ht% make you stand up% rush to the door% open it% run into the middle of the road% and shout 3at the top of your $oice4: -alley,bloo#y,loo,yah'


Societies 8 Statutes &his is the missin' piece of the "i'sa!: &he 7nited 8in'dom is a Society. So is the united States of #merica. #nd so are most of 3!hat !e call4 /countries/ on this planet. 1e call them Countries. .ecause !e ne$er kne! any different. Co!e$er a $ery lon' time a'o% the Countries% the @ations% !ere re-or'anised into C5?,5?#& 5@S% for the con$enience of the *lobal Elite. &hey are listed on Aun H .radstreet. 5n said !ebsite you can obtain Credit ?eports on them. E$erythin' is C5?,5?#&5@S. &he -inistry of +ustice is a C5?,5?#& 5@% C- &reasury is a C5?,5?#& 5@. &he ,olice Force is a C5?,5?#& 5@. 3&he 78 ,olice ha$e no more authority than Securicor. 5r *roup>4. 1hen the ,olice make an arrest% it has the authority of a CitiMen6s #rrest. #nd nothin' more. # CitiMen6s #rrest backed up !ith Inumbers6% Imuscle6 and Itechnolo'y6. .ut a CitiMen6s #rrest% all the same. 1e pay them to protect us% usin' Inumbers6% Imuscle6 and Itechnolo'y6% to make CitiMen6s #rrests. &hat6s their "ob. &hat6s !hat they s!ear to do by their 5aths of Ser$ice. &hat6s all one set of Cuman .ein's could do G to other Cuman .ein's. f Iall are e0ual6 3under the 9a!4% !hat else could there e$er beB E$en the .ritish 9abour ,arty is the &radin' @ame of a C5?,5?#& 5@ called /#9#S&# ? A#?9 @*% -,/ 3at the time of !ritin'4. #lso note that there is another C5?,5?#& 5@% called /-E-.E?S 5F ,#?9 #-E@&/% and yet another called /CR7EE@ E9 P#.E&C / *ettin' the ideaB So% !hat does this meanB t means that Statutes passed by a C5?,5?#& 5@ called /-E-.E?S 5F ,#?9 #-E@&/ are the /le'islated rules/ of the C5?,5?#& 5@ kno!n as /&CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@/. &hey are the )om*any 6o$icy of the C5?,5?#& 5@ kno!n as /&CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@/.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word #nd% if you don/t !ork for that C5?,5?#& 5@ - if you are not a -ember 3i.e. employee4 of that C5?,5?#& 5@% then the >$e&is$ated ru$es> don>t a**$y to you. /ll repeat this% in order to dri$e it home. Statutes do not apply to you% unless you are a -ember of a C5?,5?#& 5@ called /&CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@/. 3&hese le'islated rules bein' created by the sub-C5?,5?#& 5@% desi'ned for that purpose% called /-E-.E?S 5F ,#?9 #-E@&/. #re you a -ember of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@B 1hen did you applyB 1as your -embership re0uest acceptedB &he ans!er is: (our parents applied !hen you !ere born. .ecause they ?e'istered your birth. #nd% in doin' so% a 9e'al Fiction ,erson !as automatically created for you as a -ember of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@. /egal Biction 5ersons are described in their o!n Chapter. Co!e$er% it is $ery doubtful that your parents realised !hat they !ere actually doin' at the time% and thou'ht they !ere under an obli'ation to do !hat they did. n the same !ay that you may $ery !ell ha$e done the same thin' in the case of your o!n children. @o recriminations% therefore. #nd no recriminations really necessary - for the simple reason that% Common Sense must tell you% Full Aisclosure ne$er occurred at the time - other!ise no ?e'istrations !ould 3 think it can be reasonably assumed4 e$er ha$e occurred. @o-one in their ri'ht mind% appraised of all the facts% !ould !illin'ly hand o$er their ne!born to become an employee of a massi$e con'lomerate C5?,5?#& 5@. #ny assumed Contract% bet!een your parents and that C5?,5?#& 5@ is null H $oid 3in 9a!4% due to lack of Full Aisclosure% lack of E0ual Consideration% and lack of ntent to Contract.


Societies 8 Statutes Ain&oG You are "ree# !ecause you say you are "reeG #ll you ha$e to do is to remember: &he 5r'anic ?obots ha$en/t a clue about all this% and they ha$e loads of /numbers/ and loads of /muscle/. &hey ha$e bra!n% but no brains. 5n the other hand you !ill tend to be dealin' !ith only one or t!o at any 'i$en time. Conse0uently the best thin' to do is to tie them up in knots ... before they 'et the chance to reach for the /muscle/.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter /: Co%%on Law* The Law0o10the0Land

o! !e are cookin' on 'asD &his is !here it all starts and it all ends. 1hat is Common 9a!B 1ell it really doesn/t matter !hat any dictionary says. Co!e$er let/s ha$e a 0uick look at !hat 5sborn/s Concise 9a! Aictionary 3:0th Edition4 says: That part of the law of 0nglan# formulate#, #e"elope# an# a#ministere# by the ol# common law courts base# originally on the common customs of the country, an# unwritten. It is oppose# to e1uity Ithe bo#y of rules a#ministere# by the Court of ChanceryJ; to statute law Ithe law lai# #own in .cts of 5arliamentJ; to special law Ithe law a#ministere# in special courts such as ecclesiastical law an# the law merchantJ; an# to the ci"il law Ithe law of RomeJ. It is Nthe commonsense of the community, crystalise# an# formulate# by our forefathersN. It is not local law, nor the result of legislation. &hat/s as 'ood a definition as any. .ecause% in short% Common 9a! /is/. t "ust /is/. t is there. @o duckin'. @o di$in'. @o !ea$in'. @o !ay out. #pplicable to all. From the hi'hest to the most lo!ly. &hat/s !hat the definition says. .ut then% !ho !ants a !ay outB Common 9a! 3commonsense4 says the !ay to li$e peacefully is to: 'I <ot !reach the *eaceK -I )ause no-one e$se any harmK ,I )ause no-one e$se any $ossK 0I <ot use mischie" in your *romises and a&reements. ,ersonally speakin'% ha$e no problem !hatsoe$er !ith that. n point of fact fully !elcome it as% submit%

)ommon Law# The Law-o"-the-Land so !ould any sane% reasonable% and responsible Cuman .ein'. Common 9a! is the Law-o"-the-Land. t is the 9a! that has come about by means of the customs H traditions of 9and-A!ellers. #nd% the point is% ,arliament has absolutely no say in Common 9a!. t is there% and they cannot touch it. n point of fact% ,arliament 3and Con'ress4 is actua$$y !ound !y it. +ust like e$eryone else. 3@ot that they realise that% of course. 5ne of the bi''est Iupsets6 on the horiMon !ill come !hen enou'h people realise this% and brin' them to book for their 'ross ne'li'ence4. &he only /la!/ that ,arliament can create 3since the 9a!-of-the-9and has already been created4 is the 9a!-of1aters. Cence Statutes are the 9a!-of-1aters. #nd Statutes need your consent% before they can be applied to you% if you are located on dry land. n this case you need to become a -ember of the 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@% and for 9e'alese Fictional purposes actually be prepared to be considered as /a ship on the ocean/. &here is more detail about this in the Chapter on the /aw,of,2aters% !hich has its o!n Chapter in this book. Common 9a! S Common Sense. t has been de$eloped o$er centuries% !ithin Case 9a!% to ha$e - by no! - s0ueeMed "ust about e$ery drop of "ustice out of "ust about e$ery concei$able% fundamental% situation !here Cuman .ein's are in$ol$ed and interact. #d$ances in technolo'y are irrele$ant. Common 9a! rests entirely on /the Cuman Condition/. Cas one indi$idual beha$ed honourably% or notB &hat sort of thin'. t is based fair and s0uare on the /customs H traditions/ from the ancient past. Customs H traditions that !ere e$ol$ed% in a codified manner% so as to create peaceful co-e2istence all round. +ust look at the principles% abo$e. 1hat else is necessaryB #ns!er: @othin'. Stick to those principles% and nothin' else is necessary.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word t has been said: /ook into your heart. 9se your Common %ense to know what is right an# what is wrong. If what you want to #o is fair, an# !ust, then you can #o it. @o amount of Common 9a! de$iates from these principles. 5nly le'islated Statutes aka Company ,olicy of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@ or &CE 7@ &EA S&#&ES 5F #-E? C# C5?,5?#& 5@ 3etc.4% de$iate from these principles. #ny de$iation is null and $oid. .ut you ha$e to say so. (ou ha$e to understand !hat is happenin'% and to firmly% and politely% stand your 'round. &he 0<amples% in the #ppendices of this book% indicate !ays of doin' that. !rote about )otices 3there is a Chapter on them4. #nd ho! you can /put someone on @otice about your intentions/. #nd ho! you can create an estoppel. 1hat you are actually doin' is ma in& Common 9a!. f you take a Solemn 5ath% you are ma in& Common 9a!. f you create an #ffida$it% you are ma in& Common 9a!. .ecause% in either case% you are statin' (our &ruth as you see it. #nd you ha$e the ri'ht to state (our &ruth% as you see it. &hat/s !hy Common 9a! is so ephemeral. t/s e$ery!here. ,ro$ided you do not de$iate from the principles - pro$ided that you act !ith honour - you are makin' (our 5!n Common 9a!D (ou are sayin': This is My Custom. This is My Tra#ition. .n# I will stick to these peaceful principles. Common Sense G yet a'ainD #fter all% !hat is the 9a!% any!ayB Co! does it come aboutB Consensus facit legem. )onsent ma es the Law. &he consent of the o$er!helmin' ma"ority% !hose one primary desire is to li$e their li$es in peace. n peaceful co-e2istence !ith e$eryone else.

)ommon Law# The Law-o"-the-Land Free to do !hate$er it is they choose to do% pro$ided they do not ad$ersely affect anyone else. Free to tra$el at !ill. Free to e2press opinions. Free to e2chan'e. #nd so on. Freedom from imposed fictions H illusions. Freedom from tyranny. Freedom from the domination of the many by the fe!. #nd those Common Sense desires !ere codified in Common 9a!% as a protection of it. #nd this !as done many centuries a'o. t formed the basis of the -a'na Carta% the 7S Constitution% the French Constitution% and so on. t actually forms the basis of e$ery Constitution e$er !ritten. 3#ny Constitution !orth its salt% that is4. &here is an #ppendi2 dedicated to the Magna Carta E?E8% and it is !ell !orth readin'. So the ideas are not ne!. n point of fact the ideas are so old% !e seem to ha$e for'otten them. t is my sincere hope that this book ser$es as an appropriate reminder. Ao you consent to li$e in peaceB hope you do% other!ise this book is not for you. Ao you consent to pay for the use of your o!n property% once purchasedB (our d!ellin' 3Council &a24% your con$eyance 3?oad &a24% your entertainment 3&V 9icence4B .earin' in mind% of course% that none of these impositions on your freedom actually fund !hate$er it is they purport. &hat% in point of fact% they fund "ust about e$erythin' else besides. Ao you consent to aidin' H abettin' 1ar CrimesB (ou don6tB 1ell% in that case there is no 9a! by Consent. s thereB


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 12: ,oti#es* 3n4itations & .)%%onses

'roup these to'ether because they are all% essentially% the same thin'. &hey are /offers to Contract/. (ou see% a Summons 3for e2ample4 is not somethin' that should make your knees 'o to "elly. # Summons is "ust a @otice that should be read as: .n in"itation to go to a place of business, at a certain time, an# on a certain #ate, in or#er to be ma#e an offer for a ser"ice. &he ser$ice in 0uestion bein' the one of /ad"udication/. /#rbitration/ if you !ant to call it that. #nd you are perfectly entitled to !rite back: )o thanks. +our ser"ices are not re1uire#. 1haaaaatDBD 1hen you recei$e a Summons there !ill be accompanyin' paper!ork. (ou !ill be offered the chance to plead 'uilty or not 'uilty% to the char'e made a'ainst you. #ctually% as you !ill see in the appropriate Chapter% the char'e is not le$elled at you - it is le$elled at your /egal Biction 5erson. @e$ertheless% by pleadin' 'uilty or not 'uilty% you are acceptin' the ser$ice of arbitration that is on offer% and in doin' so you are admittin' responsibility for your 9e'al Fiction ,erson. Co!e$er if% instead of pleadin'% you make it 0uite clear that you are not the 9e'al Fiction ,erson% but are actually a li$in'% breathin'% Cuman .ein' !ith a soul% and li$e in the real !orld of Common 9a!% then you are perfectly entitled to !rite back : )o thanks. +our ser"ices are not re1uire#. :oo# #ay% as e2plained% abo$e. (ou do this in the form of a @otice. &heir Summons to you !as a @otice. (ou respond !ith a @otice of your o!n. #nd% in the same !ay they !ould ha$e put a timelimit of the Summons 3it may $ery !ell be the Court Aate4% then you can put a time-limit% for the Court/s response% on your @otice back to them.


<otices# Invitations 8 Summonses (ou !ould head your @otice somethin' like: <OTI)4 OF <O<-A))46TA<)4 OF OFF414; S41=I)4S A<; 14L?4ST FO1 )LA1IFI)ATIO<. (ou !ould then !rite a letter e2plainin' that you are a Cuman .ein'% and !ould they please clarify the situation% because the Summons !as addressed to a 9e'al Fiction ,erson% !hich you cannot accept as such% but you !ish to kno! ho! you% as a Cuman .ein'% ha$e dishonoured any $aw"u$ obli'ation on your part. ?emember: &he char'e a'ainst your 9e'al Fiction ,erson !ill be based in the fictional and illusory !orld of 9e'alese H Statutes. (ou need them to sho! !hich Common 9a! ,rinciple your Cuman Self has breached. &hey !ill not be able to do this. &he Court !ill probably i'nore your @otice% !hich !ill place itse$" 3they% themsel$es4 in dishonour. t may be necessary to actually 'o to the Court% at the date H time of the Cearin'% and to point out their o!n dishonour. Fundamentally by claimin' Common 9a! "urisdiction. #ll is e2plained in the Chapter on Courts = 5rocee#ings. t is likely to be a $ery short Cearin'. ,robably about a minute or so% before you !alk out !ith an enormous smile on your face. I" you do it ri&ht. #nd that means understandin' everythin& in this book.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 11: Legal Fi#tion "erson


he 9e'al Fiction ,erson is mentioned fre0uently in this book. t is one of the basic irrationalities of 9e'alese. .ut 9e'alese e2ists. #nythin' to do !ith the Courts or the ,olice% in re$ation to Statutes% is bound up in 9e'alese. 5n a practical note it is no 'ood "ust tellin' a Solicitor% or a -a'istrate or a +ud'e% or a ,oliceman that they li$e in a fictional !orld of illusion. &hey do. .ut their !orld is so in'rained they !ill not belie$e you. &hey e$en find it impossible to reco'nise their o!n double-think. 5f course% one of the most important thin's about double-think is that you can only do it as lon' as you can/t reco'nise you are doin' it. 3 n that sense it is self-fulfillin'% aka self-supportin'4 1hat you need to do is to kno! the score% and kno! ho! to duck. 5ne of the primary components of kno!in' the score is to kno! !hen somethin' that drops on your doormat is addressin' you% or your 9e'al Fiction ,erson. f it is addressed to you% (our Cuman Self% then you/ll need to deal !ith it% in order to a$oid dishonour. f it is addressed to your 9e'al Fiction ,erson% then there are other !ays of dealin'. ,rimarily to place a 7ni$erse bet!een (our Cuman Self and your 9e'al Fiction ,erson. 3Sometimes called: Tin,plating your own backsi#e4. So% there are three thin's you need to kno!: :. 1hat is a 9e'al Fiction ,erson% any!ayB 2. Co! do you reco'nise your 9e'al Fiction ,erson bein' addressedB =. Co! do you tin-plate the backside of (our Cuman SelfB


Le&a$ Fiction 6erson First of all% a 9e'al Fiction ,erson is often referred to as a S&?#1-#@. &he reason for this is that the letter addressed to the S&?#1-#@ is% actually% clutchin' at a stra!. f you respond as people normally do - because they do not reco'nise the situation - then the 'rasp at the stra! !ill succeed. f you respond as e2plained in this book% the clutch at the stra! !ill come a!ay empty-handed. &his is possibly one of the hardest concepts to 'rasp. &he use of the !ord /person/% in 9e'alese% is $ery subtle and $ery cle$er. Simply because most Cuman .ein's !ill consider themsel$es to be /a person/. #nd% of course% in 52ford En'lish% they are. &he best analo'y ha$e heard is that the !ord /person/ comes% ori'inally% from the !ord /persona/. #nd you need to consider !hat a /persona/ actually is. t is your out!ard manifestation presented to the ;sense !orld. t is !hat you present% as yourself% to the !orld at any 'i$en time. t is $ery much tied to your personality. 3#fter all% the !ord /person/ is the stem of the !ord /personality/4. t can be thou'ht of as a mask. 5r an o$ercoat. 5ne or more you can !ear% !hen circumstances permit. n !et !eather your o$ercoat !ould need to be a rainproof. n cold !eather your o$ercoat !ould need to be one that keeps you !arm% rather than "ust rainproof. Ao you 'et the ideaB n the circle of your family H friends your persona !ould 'enerally be friendly and kindly. n the presence of an enemy your persona !ould be hateful. (our persona depends on the circumstances you are in% at any 'i$en time. Co!e$er you% (our Self% are e2actly the same flesh H blood H soul irrespecti$e of the circumstances. (ou are al!ays the same so$erei'n Cuman .ein'% !ith a li$in' soul.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word (ou are not your persona. (ou are you. (ou take on a persona 3!ear a persona4 accordin' to circumstances. (ou could also think of it as !earin' different masks. 3.y the !ay% you are not your @ame% either. See the Chapter on )ames4. &he clutch at the stra! is attemptin' to make (ou% (our Self% &he Cuman .ein'% !ear the 9e'al Fictional ,erson /o$ercoat/ or /mask/. t is necessary to 'et you to !ear this o$ercoat or mask because that means you accept your role or employment as a -ember of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@% to !hom the Company ,olicy applies. 3&o !hom the Statutes apply4. #s a free Cuman .ein' you can choose to !ear this mask% or not. f you understand !hat is really happenin'% you !ould almost certainly not choose to do so. f you don/t !ear the 9e'al Fiction ,erson mask then you are not a -ember of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@% and its rules don/t apply to you. ts Company ,olicy has no force of la! upon you. (ou can "ust !alk a!ay. &hat/s !hy you are perfectly entitled to say: )o thanks. +our ser"ices are not re1uire#. :oo# #ay% as e2plained in the Chapter on )otices, In"itations = %ummonses. So ho! do you reco'nise a letter addressed to your 9e'al Fiction ,ersonB 1ell% first of all% there is such a thin' as a 9e'al Fiction Status. 5r /&itle/% such as /Mr./% /Mrs./% /Miss/% /Ms./% and so on. &hese are fictional titlesD &hey ha$e no meanin' at allD &hey mi'ht be considered to be a politeness% but once you reco'nise !hat they actually do - they are a lon'% lon'% !ay from bein' polite. &hey are a lon' !ay from bein' polite% because they create a 9e'al Fiction ,erson. # S&?#1-#@. #nd !hen present as the first line of the address on a Aemand or Summons% etc.% they represent an attempt to fraudulently shake you do!n. &o e2tract money from you% !ith menaces. #nd that/s not !hat call /polite/.


Le&a$ Fiction 6erson &his is the most common !ay of addressin' a 9e'al Fiction ,erson. t is 'enerally accompanied by !ritin' all or a part of your name in C#, &#9S. #ctually a /@ame/ is a 9e'al Fiction as !ell. n order to be free% you do not ha$e a @ame. nstead /you respond to !hat you are commonly called/. 1hat /you are commonly called/ can be !ritten by placin' colon 3L+N4 after your *i$en @ames 3all *i$en @ames hyphenated to'ether4% and then !ritin' your Family @ame. &his book has been !ritten by Veronica: Chapman 3for short4 G as commonly called G or Veronica: of the Chapman family 3for lon'4. n practice% since this 9a!ful ?ebellion is all so ne! to the !orld% and the 5r'anic ?obots ha$e yet to come to terms !ith it% do accept TVeronica ChapmanT as addressin' -y Cuman Self. n other !ords do not stamp my foot at the missin' colon. Co!e$er flatly re"ect /Ms./ or /Miss/ prepended. &hat/s 9e'al Fiction Status$ille. Co!e$er perhaps should point out that this system of !ritin' /!hat you are commonly called/ - has no /le'al basis6. t is "ust a con$ention that has been adopted by those in 9a!ful ?ebellion. Can !e do thatB (es G of course !e canD 1hy the hell notB &he fact that it has no /le'al basis/ is 'ood% because it separates us from the illusory !orld of 9e'alese.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 12: .oli#itors* Lawyers & ,otaries

hat is the "irst duty of your 9e'al ?epresentati$eB &o you% the ClientB *osh% noD 1ron'D &he first duty of a 9e'al ?epresentati$e is to the Court. &hen to the public. #nd then to you% the Client. So% if the Court barks% your 9e'al ?epresentati$e "umpsD 1hat is your relationship to the Court if you are le'ally representedB (ou are bein' re-*resented to the )ourt 3represented in Court4 as an /imbecilic child/. t doesn/t matter !hat your actual a'e is% in years. #s far as the Court is concerned you are a /!ard of the Court/. (ou are considered a /child/% and your 9e'al ?epresentati$e is the /adult/ !ho is lookin' after you. #nd you are e2pected to pay for the pri$ile'e of bein' $ie!ed in this !ay. #ctually% it does all make sense. n the illusory !orld of 9e'alese. (ou are - to all intents and purposes - a noncomprehendin' creature 3a child in essence4% and you do need an /adult/ lookin' after you. #n adult !ho understands 9e'alese% and therefore !hat is 'oin' on. So% here is yet another reason for% firstly% representin' (our Self% and secondly standin' on Common 9a! - thus a$oidin' any contact !ith 9e'alese% and the /le'al/ !orld. #nd remainin' !ithin the real !orld of Common Sense. Very fe!% if any% Solicitors andEor 9a!yers are prepared to defend you on Common 9a! principles. &hey !ill tell you it is: 7aseless. &hat it has: )o legal stan#ing. 5f course it is perfectly true that it: -as no legal stan#ing. #bsolutelyD


So$icitors# Lawyers 8 <otaries .ut the point is that: /t has :*;,&: standing% and that al!ays trumps /le'al standin'/% so it is a Million miles from /baseless/. &he Court system does not like this. t hates !hat it calls 9iti'ants-in-,erson% because that upsets its apple cart. &hey. Ao. @ot. 9ike. t. 7p /emD Co! is this deri$edB 1ell consider the sections from the Corpus +uris Secundum 3C.+.S.4 le'al encyclopedia% $olume )% section >% in Fi'ures : throu'h >. &o !hat or !hom is an attorney/s first dutyB See Fi'ure :. 1hat is the le'al relationship bet!een an attorney and hisEher clientB See Fi'ure 2.

Fi'ure :: &he relationship bet!een 9e'al ?epresentati$e H Client

Fi'ure 2: &he relationship bet!een (ou H the Court.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Fi'ure =: # 1ard of the Court.

Fi'ure >: # 9iti'ant-in-,erson. 1hat is a !ard of the courtB See Fi'ure =. Ao you need to challen'e "urisdictionB .etter see Fi'ure >% particularly the part that says: ... because if plea#e# by an attorney .... It means you acce*t the @urisdiction o" the )ourt.


=eronica%s =ery )unnin& --Ste* 6$an "or Freedom

Chapter 13: 5eroni#a6s 5ery C)nning 20.tep "lan 1or Freedo%

already mentioned this in the Fore!ord% but need to e2pand upon it. &hese steps are nothin' more than Common Sense. #nd that is the same as Common 9a!. #nd most nations on this planet operate under Common 9a! as a fundamental basis% particularly those that - historically - !ere spa!ned from the .ritish sles 3e.'. the united States of #merica and Common!ealth countries% left o$er from the days of the .ritish Empire4. Ste* '+ (ou are free because you say you are free. .ecause no-one else !ill. (ou ha$e to thin free 2>E)% !e free 2>E) and act free 2>E). f you don/t do that% then you are fakin' it% and playin' !ith fire% and are likely to 'et your fin'ers burned. Ste* -+ (ou ha$e to ensure e$eryone else reco'nises it% and treats you accordin'ly. &his is the tricky bit. (ou ha$e to be prepared to lead by e2ample. (ou ha$e to learn !hat freedom is - !hich means takin' the full responsibility for your !ords and deeds% such that you peacefully co-e2ist !ith all other lifeforms as far as possible. (ou ha$e to think - seriously - about !hat that means. (ou ha$e to learn that breachin' the peace is a serious offence a'ainst all Common Sense% and 3therefore4 Common 9a!. &hat causin' harm or loss to another is also a'ainst Common Sense and Common 9a!. &hat employin' mischief in your daily business is like!ise a'ainst Common Sense and Common 9a!. #nythin' that de$i!erate$y pro$okes or causes rancour is contrary to Common Sense and Common 9a! - and these% therefore% are not only basic crimes% but the only crimes. &hose are the basics and% once you understand them% e$erythin' else falls naturally into place.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word n point of fact Common Sense is !orld!ide ... stemmin' from humanity itself. &he e2ceptions are stron'ly reli'ious States !ho suppress Common Sense !ith irrational do'ma. t is hard to understand ho! those poor souls can e$er be free% but one must% suppose% ne$er 'i$e up hope for them. 11 has been ra'in' since the end of 11 . 1e !ere led to belie$e that 11 !ould be the ultimate @uclear 1ar. Since !e ha$e been decei$ed in all other areas of our li$es% it is no surprise to find that !e !ere decei$ed in that respect as !ell. 11 is an In"ormation 1ar. # !ar for the control of your -ind. #nd the applied -ind Control has been tremendously successful in that respect% to the point !here it has become in'rained. &he Freedom -o$ement is the antithesis of -ind Control. &he Freedom -o$ement says: %tep out of being a Min#,Controlle# &rganic Robot, an# start thinking for yourself. /ook into your heart. /isten to it. .ll the answers are there. #nd that/s all the Freedom -o$ement says. &he rest is "ust left to your Common Sense. Co!e$er this does not mean to say you ha$e to take e$erythin' on board all at the same time. &here is plenty of room for ed'in' your !ay into 9a!ful ?ebellion. For e2ample% you do not ha$e to abandon your @ational nsurance @umber until you can make it on your o!n. t !ould be stupid to do that. &here is nothin' to stop you usin' it less and less% until - one day - you can say: I #on3t nee# that any more. (ou can claim the ?i'hts $ia a 4otice of &nderstanding and /ntent and 'laim of 2ight% and ha$e included mine in an #ppendi2. &his does not mean ha$e to immediately e2ecute the ?i'hts claimed. can lea$e them in abeyance for as lon' as like. &hat/s entirely my o!n choice. +ust because one may possess a bicycle% doesn/t mean one can/t 'o to !ork in one6s car. 3Especially if it is rainin'4. (ou mi'ht find it more effecti$e to simply introduce these ideas to as many friends as possible 3rather than anythin' else4% by startin' a local 'roup of like-minded

=eronica%s =ery )unnin& --Ste* 6$an "or Freedom indi$iduals. &hen you may $ery !ell find that you can arran'e thin's in a !ay that is e0uitable to all. #part from spreadin' the !ord% this also helps to keep the !hole 'roup more self-sufficient% remo$in' reliance on the corrupt State. n this !ay you/d ha$e to 'et all your ideas strai'ht. &here/s nothin' like e2plainin' an idea for strai'htenin' it out in your o!n mind. #ll that is necessary is to hold on to the 2-Steps as your ultimate 'oals. .ut you can implement them bit by bit. @e$er take on any more than you can che! at any one time. Ao not try to run before you can !alk. #nd you must never $et yourse$" !ecome intimidated by anyone or anythin'. f you kno! your ?i'hts 3your heart !ill tell you !hat they are4% you must stand your &round. t does not matter !hat they say. They are wron&. (ou must al!ays remain reasonably polite% but firm% and be prepared to /say it like it is/. #ll that is really important is to understand the techni0ues of sho!in' them they are !ron'. (ou/ll find those methodolo'ies in the 0<ample Templates% included in an #ppendi2. &his may be difficult for those !ith partners !ho are not fully behind you. n such cases it is probably better not to start !hat cannot be finished.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 14: The "rin#iples o1 the 7ppli#ation o1 Co%%on Law

t is imperati$e that you understand them. &hey are really not hard% because they are based entirely on the Common Sense of peaceful and e0uitable coe2istence. 7nder Common 9a! crimes are% of course% possible. &hese !ill ha$e the follo!in' components: :. # description of the Crime% bein' the act that !as criminal 3e.'. murder% fraud% etc4 2. # party !ho !as in"ured - suffered harm% or loss% or !as decei$ed by mischief. &his must be a Cuman .ein'. =. Someone !ho makes this claim. &his must be a Cuman .ein'. .ecause only a Cuman bein' has a -ind !ith !hich to de$ise a claim. t cannot be /&CE C57?&/% or /&CE C?51@ ,?5SEC7& 5@ SE?V CE/% etc.% because these are not Cuman .ein's% and ha$e no -ind !ith !hich to de$ise the claim. n summary% therefore% a crime comprises the #C& C5-- &&EA% the @+7?EA ,#?&(% and the C9# -#@&. n any circumstance% therefore% someone !ho is bein' accused of anythin' at all% can reasonably ask: 2hat is the CRIM0, who makes the C/.IM, an# who is the I)O9R0* 5.RT+( #nd these 0uestions !ill be unans!erable if no Common 9a! trans'ression had occurred. ,erhaps it is also essential to point out that a C? -E itself has t!o components% bein' the act itself% and that the action !as de$i!erate. &his takes into account 'enuinely accidental dama'e% !hich could not ha$e been reasonably foreseen. n other !ords% for a crime to be pro$en% it has to be pro$ed that the trans'ressor !as *uilty of -ind 3/mens rea/% in 9a!4 Contracts stem from Common 9a!. Contracts bet!een t!o Cuman .ein's. #nd this is the cru2 of the /Freeman

The 6rinci*$es o" the A**$ication o" )ommon Law business/. #nd this is !hy 9e'alese attempts the subterfu'e of definin' ,artnerships as bein' e0ui$alent to Cuman .ein's $ia the 9e'al Fiction ,erson construct. .ecause% for a Contract to be la!fully-bindin' 3enforceable4% it must comprise the four components described in the Chapter on 5romises = Contracts. &he only positi$e !ay to a$oid enterin' into a la!fullybindin' Contract is to use the ntent component% by statin'% up front: LI #o not consent 3in front of !itnesses4. #lthou'h a better !ay% !hich re0uires no !itnesses% is to state it in a letter.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 15: F)nda%ental stablished 78io%s


hese are as simplified as can make them% based on the !ork of ?obert-#rthur: -enard% -aryEliMabeth: Croft and 3to some e2tent 1inston Shrout and rene--aus: *ra$enhorst4. # 'ood F0Q of it is their !ork% t!eaked a bit by re-!ritin'% and remo$in' the unnecessary /*od/ bits - thereby reducin' it to absolute fundamentals. :4 /9a!ful/ is !hat it is all about. /9a!ful/ .$s. /unla!ful/. @e$er 'et trapped into discussin' /le'al/E/ille'al/. For e2ample% if you recei$e back a response% !hich does not address the substance of your letter% then in$ariably it !ill be attemptin' to inform you of some /statutory obli'ation/. Some /le'al obli'ation/ you are assumed to ha$e. 3&he ?espondent !ill be actin' by rote% of course. .ecause that is the only !orld inhabited by 5r'anic ?obots4. (ou ha$e no statutory or le'al obli'ations% unless you consent. &herefore it is possible to respond alon' the follo!in' lines: If your counsel has been a#"ising you on the basis of the fictional worl# of /egalese an# %tatutes, then I suggest that you shoul# consi#er sacking him or her for the perpetration of a frau#. Bor the simple reason that they are being grossly negligent by ignoring the real worl# of Common /aw, as you will #isco"er 1uite shortly, shoul# you continue to pursue this matter base# in his or her a#"ice. LI hereby gi"e you )otice that further correspon#ence in this matter will be charge# at P8@@ per letter from me. If your counsel a#"ises you that I cannot #o that, then that woul# support my contention in the pre"ious paragraph. him if he #oes it( .n# ask him what gi"es him the right to #o it. The answer isH Common /aw. Then get him or her to re,a#"ise you accor#ingly. To a#"ise you, for e<ample, that you nee# to respon# in substance, in or#er to a"oi# #ishonour. .n# make sure he or she

Fundamenta$ 4sta!$ished Axioms a#"ises you that there is such a thing as a Counterclaim. Bor harassment. .n# that I3m not afrai# to use itJ G is the sort of thin'. &he Solicitor or 9a!yer !ould then respond to the Client: 2ell, I suppose, they may ha"e a point. It might, I suppose, be an i#ea to humour them( Oust in case( I ha"e hear# a bit about Common /aw, but I3m not terribly au fait with that si#e of things. Send them a copy of this book3B4 24 n order to empo!er a representati$e% you must ha$e the po!er yourself. (ou cannot 'i$e to anyone somethin' you% yourself do not possess. (ou cannot 'i$e them any more than you% yourself% possess. Conse0uently you can look at anythin' any representati$e does% and say: I must be entitle# to #o that myself, without , necessarily , empowering someone else to #o it for me. # 'ood e2ample of this is ,eace 5fficers. f you can empo!er your representati$es 3your *o$ernment4 to create a ,eace Force 3they !ould call it a ,olice Force4% then you must ha$e the po!er to create a ,eace Force of your o!n. #fter all% !here does a ,eople/s *o$ernment/s po!er come from - if not from the ,eopleB =4 n a democracy% /a ma"ority/ does not depend on /lar'e numbers/. # ma"ority can be as lo! as one. #nd that one must% of itself% 3therefore4 carry sufficient empo!erment to put any motion into practice. 3&he 7S Supreme Court has 9 -embers. # ; - > ma"ority carries any rulin'. &hat/s /democracy/4 >4 Conse0uent to #2iom =% abo$e% no *o$ernment has more po!er than you do% yourself. The *owers are eFua$. &he only difference is that your po!er is nalienable - it can/t be taken a!ay from you - !hereas a *o$ernment can be replaced by some other set of role players. )onseFuent$y you are >su*reme>. ;4 /?e0uestin' permission/ is the act of a child. /9icencin'/ is /be''in' for permission/ and /submittin' to someone else/s !ill/. #dults do not be' permission for somethin' they are la!fully entitled to do% and prepared to take full responsibility for so doin'. #nythin' for !hich

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word a licence can be 'ranted must% by definition% be fundamentally la!ful 3other!ise it !ould be incapable of bein' licenced4% and there is% therefore% absolutely no need for an adult to /ask such permission/. &he act of /obtainin' a licence/ is the act of thro!in' a!ay a fundamental ?i'ht% and substitutin' a 3re$ocable4 pri$ile'e instead. <4 /?e'istration/ of anythin' transfers superior o!nership to the entity acceptin' the re'istration. 5nce an item has been re'istered% you are no lon'er the 51@E? 3e$en thou'h you !ill still be payin' for the item4% but instead you become the 8EE,E?. &his includes cars% houses% children 3!ho become /!ards of the state/ by $irtue of a birth re'istration4% etc. 3/re'is .../ S handin' o!nership to &he Cro!n ... !hich% by the !ay% is the .ritish Cro!n in &emple .ar% and not EliMabeth 4. @ot con$incedB ,erhaps you can think of it this !ay: 1hat is the benefit of re'isterin' anythin'B 5hD t makes it /official/D .ut !hat% precisely% does that meanB Aoes re'isterin': :. #lter the siMe of anythin'B 2. #lter the shape of anythin'B =. #lter the colour of anythin'B >. #lter the $alue of anythin'B @oB 1ell G !hat does /re'istration/ do thenB 1hat does /makin' it official/ doB For you% mean. For you% the /re'istrant/B @ot sureB 1ell% it must do somethin'% because it is - apparently - so important. Surely there is only one possible ans!er. /?e'isterin'/ transfers 5!nership. #!ay from you% and to !hoe$er accepts the re'istration. 1hat else could it possibly doB repeat: 2hat else coul# it possibly #o( 3,lease don6t say: I #on t know% because you kno! as much as anyone else4. 1hat are your benefits from ha$in' /re'istered somethin'/B &he only one can think of is /freedom from undue H unnecessary harassment/. .ut that/s hardly a benefit% surelyB n the case of cars% for e2ample% the

Fundamenta$ 4sta!$ished Axioms /benefit of re'isterin' your car is that you 'et re'ular demands for the payment of ?oad &a2 - because you are the 8eeper 3check your V;% it calls you the 8eeper4% and no lon'er the 5!ner/. .ut it is still up to you to pay for e$erythin'% includin' the -5& and all ser$icin' costs. &his is a /benefit/B f this is considered a /benefit/% then it sounds to me like someone is usin' the !ron' dictionary. 1hat is the benefit of re'isterin' a childB So that it can be pumped full of to2ic $accinations !hile it cannot in any !ay defend itselfB #t the time !hen it must trust you mostB 3Check the in'redients of $accines% they !ill make your hair stand on end. Vaccinations do not !ork. &hey are nothin' more than to2ic4. ?e'istration so your child can be /treated/ by a *eneral ,ractitioner !ho is blindly follo!in' the rules laid do!n by the .ritish -edical #ssociation to create nothin' more than /consensus medicine/B 1here each one does !hat all the others do - ri'htly or !ron'ly - such that none of them can be picked out and sued for harmful practicesB -ean!hile there are Colistic ,ractitioners !ho !ill offer actual cures 3!ithout side effects% and as opposed to "ust /treatments/4. f any of this is ne!s to you% check out the 1ebSite of the @urses -o$ement for ?esponsibility in -edicine 3!!!.nmrm.or'4 for more information. #nd then% of course% there is the /benefit/ of indoctrination from the a'e of ; years. Sorry% meant /education/. @ot indoctrinationB 1ell% ho! much of the contents of this book did you learn at schoolB Aid you learn about the *rand Aeceptions of -oney% 9e'alese H ?eli'ion at schoolB 5r did they "ust train you to be nothin' more than a compliant !orkhorse% as they did meB #fter finishin' 3let/s say4 /schoolin'/% your child !ill 'o out to !ork% trailin' his or her @ational nsurance @umber all o$er the place. &his allo!s your child to be ta2ed to the hilt. 1hich is all a complete fraud as the Chapters on -oney and -ass -ind Control and Ensla$ement fully e2plain.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word ?e'istration of cars and children ha$e benefitsB ?eallyB ?e'istration of your car means the *o$ernment o!ns your car% and you are the 8eeper. #nd you ha$e all the e2penses. ?e'istration of your child means the *o$ernment o!ns your child% and you are the *uardian. #nd you ha$e all the e2penses. 3.ut yes% you still 'et all the lo$e G unless they decide to take your child a!ay from you G !hich they can% and do% sometimes on the sli'htest prete2t4. ?e'istration of your house means the *o$ernment o!ns your house% and you are the 5ccupier. #nd you ha$e all the e2penses. &he *o$ernment can take back your house if you don/t lea$e it to a ne2t of kin. &he *o$ernment doesn/t care. t !ill 'et it one day. n the meantime you fund all the upkeep. )4 1hen parts of the -a'na Carta !ere /transferred/ into Statutes !hat !as actually happenin' !as that fundamental ?i'hts !ere bein' transferred into revoca!$e pri$ile'es. &hus they !ere bein' !atered do!n. Aiffused. .ein' rendered po!erless. Co!e$er the -a'na Carta Statute did not re$oke the -a'na Carta ,eace &reaty% si'ned by +ohn !ith the ?oyal Seal in :2:;. # Statute cannot do that. &hus !hate$er parts !ere left out of the -a'na Carta Statute 3notably #rticle <:% creatin' the ri'ht H duty of 9a!ful ?ebellion4% and !hate$er parts of the -a'na Carta Statute ha$e been repealed% the entire ori'inal -a'na Carta ,eace &reaty :2:; stands in perpetuity as an irre$ocable foundation of the Common 9a!. F4 n all cases you are al!ays !ein& o""ered a service - !hich includes /benefits/ - in the form of pri$ile'es. (ou are al!ays fully entitled to !ai$e such ser$ices% and of course you !ill also be !ai$in' the attendant benefits% as you so choose. (our choice is ultimately - to either assert your 3inalienable4 ?i'hts% or accept 3re$ocable4 pri$ile'es. 94 9a! can 'i$e rise to a fiction% but a fiction cannot 'i$e rise to 9a!. Conse0uently a 9e'al Fiction called &CE *5VE?@-E@& has no po!er to make 9a!. t is% in point of fact% !ound !y Law 3like e$eryone else% and

Fundamenta$ 4sta!$ished Axioms includin' all other 9e'al Fictions4. ,#?9 #-E@& is another 9e'al Fiction entity. Statutes created by ,arliament are not% therefore% the 9a!. &hey are /le'islated rules for a Society/ and only applicable to the -embers of that Society. +oin a different Society% and you !ould be bound by a different set of rules. 3 f this !ere not the case it !ould be impossible to become% for e2ample% a Freemason and be bound by the rules of Freemasonry4. Statutes are nothin' more than the Company ,olicy of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5C5?,5?#& 5@% or &CE 7@ &EA S&#&ES 5F #-E? C# C5?,5?#& 5@% etc. 3See /Society/% belo!4 :04 5nly a so$erei'n flesh and blood Cuman .ein'% !ith a li$in' soul% has a -ind. 5nly somethin' !ith a -ind is capable of de$isin' a Claim. 9e'al Fictions are soulless% and do not possess a distinct -ind. &hey cannot% therefore% in 9a!% make a Claim. ::4 Conse0uent to the fore'oin'% and since the +udiciary in a Court de facto deri$es all its po!er from colour-of-la!EStatutes% then no Court de facto has any po!er o$er you as a so$erei'n Cuman .ein'% in "act 3althou'h% of course% they don/t bother to tell youD4. # Court de "ure is the only kind of court to !hich you are sub"ect under Common 9a!% and there are fe! of those left 3unless you insist that the Court operates de "ure% by demandin' a &rial by +ury. .ut they !ill attempt to resist that !ith e$ery fibre in their /corporate/% soulless% /bodies/4. Courts de "ure only tend to e2ist as the Ci'her Courts% !here 3for e2ample4 murder trials take place. @e$ertheless the -a'na Carta 'i$es e$eryone the ?i'ht to &rial .y +ury J or: ... by the law,of,the,/an# ... !hich is Common 9a!% of course. :24 (ou% and your fello! Countrymen% constitute the entire and total /!ealth/ of your country. &he resources may be considered as assets% but !ithout you H your fello! Countrymen they are !orthless. # field must be plou'hed% and seeded% before potatoes !ill 'ro!. 5nce 'ro!n they must be du' up% ba''ed% and transported before they can do the !orth!hile "ob of sustainin' life. 1ithout the efforts of you% and your Countrymen%


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word nothin& can ha**en% and your Country itself is a !orthless lump of soil. :=4 # Society is% in essence% nothin' more than a 'roupin' of like-minded souls% since it is defined as a number of people "oined by mutual consent to deliberate% determine and act for a common 'oal. # Society makes its o!n rules% and its -embers are dutybound to follo! them. Aifferent Societies can e2ist% ha$in' their o!n uni0ue set of rules. 5ne !ay of /chokin'/ the action of a Court de facto is to claim -embership of a Society that only e2ists in Common 9a! "urisdiction. &he 1orld Freeman Society 3*oo'le it4 has been set up precisely for this purpose. :>4 Contractual 5bli'ation. For any Contract to be la!ful it must comprise the follo!in': #4 Fu$$ ;isc$osure by both ,arties. @either ,arty can later claim /you should ha$e kno!n/ if it !as not specifically declared at the time of makin' the Contract. .4 4Fua$ )onsiderations offered by both ,arties% this bein' the sub"ect of the e2chan'e. t must be a sum of money% or an item of $alue% and must come from a ,arty6s o!n resources. .oth ,arties a'ree that their Consideration is !orth 3to them4 the other ,arty/s Consideration. &he Considerations% once a'reed% must be fi2ed J other!ise they cannot remain /e0ual/. C4 Law"u$ Terms 8 )onditions for the Contract% to !hich both ,arties a'ree. &hese should rest entirely on Common 9a!. A4 Mani"estations o" Intent by both ,arties% such as /!et/ 3hand!ritten4 si'natures% or some conduct or performance !hich sho!s / ntent to Contract/. E$en thou'h businesses and officials act as thou'h there is a la!ful contract in place% 99 times out of :00 these rules ha$e not been follo!ed. 3-aybe it is 999 times out of :%000 - or e$en moreD4. Standin' on these four rules% re0uestin' ,roofs% is the simplest !ay of stalematin' "ust about e$ery action that may be taken a'ainst you. 3See #2iom :<% belo!4


Fundamenta$ 4sta!$ished Axioms :;. #'reement to ,ay. Conse0uent to #2iom :>% abo$e% all /payment demands/% that could result in court actions a'ainst you% can be stopped by /conditionally a'reein' to pay the sum demanded/% sub"ect to ,roofs that the four rules !ere follo!ed in the first place. 3-ake sure you send this letter by re'istered post% headin' it <otice o" )onditiona$ A&reement and includin' /Without 6re@udice/ in a suitable place4. n almost all cases no ,roofs are possible 3because the rules !ere ne$er follo!ed la!fully4. Co!e$er% by /a'reein' to pay/ you ha$e remo$ed all Contro$ersy. &hus a court action% !hich is only there to ad"udicate on Contro$ersy% cannot take place. f you recei$e a Summons% you can !rite back 3re'isteredD4 !ith a copy of your Conditional #'reement to ,ay% sub"ect to the ,roofs bein' presented. &he Court should consider that any further action is /fri$olous/% i.e. a complete !aste of its time% since there is no Contro$ersy on !hich it can ad"udicate. 3&he Court may e$en consider !hoe$er applied to be in contempt4. 3See #2iom :<% belo!4 :<. I feel 3guilty3, because I owe the money. I took it an# spent it. 4o0 you don<t o!e a damn thing= 1hen takin' out the loan% you !ere /loaned/ back !hat !as yours in the first place. (ou created the /money/ !hen you si'ned the 9oan or Credit #pplication. .y doin' so% you &ave them a @e'otiable nstrument called /the money/. &hey cashed this in3U4% and then used that to loan you back your o!n money. (ou don/t o!e a damn thin'D &hey o!e you - an apolo'y at the $ery least - for applyin' this confidence trick on you - and for chasin' you for somethin' you already 'a$e themD 3U #ctually they "ust could ha$e !alked a!ay !ith your cash. .ut they didn/t% because they are 'reedy% 'reedy% 'reedy% 'reedy. &hey kne! they could 'et you to pay e$erythin' back% and also to pay them nterest on top of that. Thus they had a$ready !een *aid in "u$$ once% !hen they cashed in on your money% they took a risk by offerin' it back to you% and reckoned on !ein& *aid twice or even more% $ia the nterest. #re you "ust be'innin' to feel sli'htly less sympatheticB f not% don/t

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word kno! !hat else to say% e2cept maybe to *oo'le Money as *ebt% the superb animation by ,aul *rin'non% !hich e2plains the entire process step by step% and ho! it all came about% historically4. :). /?esponsibility/ .$s. /#uthority/. (ou can de$e&ate #uthority% but you can only share ?esponsibility. n other !ords% if you task 3dele'ate4 someone to do somethin'% you still retain the responsibility for 'ettin' it done% and for anythin' that may happen as a result. f% for e2ample% a ,olice 5fficer carries out any order% 'i$en by a superior% then that officer is personally responsible for !hat may occur as a result% and a$$ those u* the chain o" command are considered accom*$ices# in Law. 3&hat/s !hat the @urember' &rials !ere all about4. &herefore it is important that% if you dele'ate #uthority% you dele'ate to the ri'ht indi$idual or 'roup of indi$iduals. (ou dele'ate to an indi$idual !ho !ill accomplish the task !ithout come-backs. #nd !ho you choose is your choice% and al!ays remains your ?esponsibility. :F. # Solicitor or 9a!yer has his or her "irst duty to the )ourt H the public% not to the )$ient. n this situation% in Court% they are considered to be an /adult/% and the Client is considered to be /a !ard of the Court/. # !ard of the Court is considered to be a /noncomprehendin' child/. 1ith 'ood reason% if you think about it. #ctually the Client/s status is% in essence% that of an /imbecilic child/. #nd% furthermore% because the first duty is to the Court% and therefore its "urisdiction% the /imbecilic child/ has immediately tacitly consented to Statute 9a! "urisdiction in the 9e'alese !orld of illusion. 37nless you 'et this totally strai'ht !ith the Solicitor or 9a!yer at the outset. Co!e$er you !ill 'o a lon' !ay before findin' a compliant one4.



Chapter 1$: .ignat)res

o not si'n anythin' unless you intend to Contract. &his sounds ob$ious but it is not ob$ious. @ot si'nin' anythin' includes letters of rebuttal.

&he reason is simple. n this day and a'e counterfeitin' your Si'nature is perfectly possible. #nd it happens. #nd has happened. 5b$iously the counterfeitin' mechanism !ill not be perfect% but a Cuman/s Si'nature -ark $aries o$er time. t is one thin' to say% in Court: That signature is a forgery% but it is another thin' to pro$e it% unless you are prepared to pay the fees of a Cand!ritin' E2pert. t may be that you can sho!% by means of other correspondence% that you ne$er had any intention to Contract. # Court may% or may not% accept this reasonin'. &he best thin' to do is to not let anyone 'et a specimen of your Si'nature. &here are a number of possible tricks. (ou could 'et a friend to si'n the bottom of a document. &his !ould be a sure !ay of pro$in' a for'ery and conse0uent per"ury. #nother !ay su''ested is to affi2 a stamp% and si'n o$er the top of it% thereby makin' it $ery hard to e2tract that section of your actual Si'nature. #nother possibility is to print a complicated 'raphic as a Si'nature .o2% and make your mark inside it. #nother possibility is to use a ?ubber Stamp !ith some miscellaneous pattern on it. Finally it is possible to simply not si'n it.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 1': Co)rts & "ro#eedings

efore 'oin' any further it is necessary to e2plain the Courts. &here are t!o kinds% kno!n as a /Court de "ure/ and a /Court de facto/. /Ae "ure/ means /of +ustice/% thus a Court de "ure is a Court of +ustice. /Ae facto/ means /of fact/. t is. t "ust /is/ 3established4. .ut that/s it. t is a pri$ate concern pro$idin' an arbitration ser$ice. 3Supposedly independent% but !ith the o$erall desire - as do all pri$ate concerns - to simply make a profit4. # Court of +ustice !ill be operatin' under Common 9a! 3i.e. !ill ha$e Common 9a! "urisdiction4. &rials !ill take place. n front of a +ury% !hose $erdict is sacrosanct. &he +ud'e is not allo!ed to s!ay the $erdict of a +ury. f he or she tries% then you !ould need to intercede. &he +ury may return a $erdict of: )ot guilty if they consider they !ould ha$e done the same thin' in your shoes at the time% irrespecti$e of !hat /the 9a!/ mi'ht demand. &he +ury !ould need to be told this by you. &hese days% it is unlikely that the +ud'e !ill e2plain this to the +ury 3it is all part of the *rand Aeception% desi'ned to suppress "ustice in the form of +ury &rials4. # +ud'e !ill 'enerally e2plain the la! 3as he or she sees itD4 to the +ury% and not point out that the true @o! of the +ury is actua$$y to ma e the Law# in the s*eci"ic circumstances o" the case in hand. Courts de "ure are $ery rare these days. 5nly the Ci'hest Courts function /de "ure/ and% as said% they are rarely directed properly. *enerally speakin' you !ill recei$e Summonses for Courts de facto. (ou !ill 'et $ery little /"ustice/ in a Court de facto. ts entire 'roundin' is based on the illusion of money. Cence the possibilities for corruption are in-built and endless. 1hat is a Court de factoB @othin' more than a pri$ate Company% publicly tradin'. (ou !ill be able to obtain a Credit ?eport on it% $ia Aun H .radstreet.


)ourts 8 6roceedin&s .ack in the ::th% :2th and :=th centuries these Courts e$ol$ed as pri$ate businesses% offerin' the ser$ice of supposed-impartial ad"udication. For a fee. &he idea !as to reduce contro$ersies settled at s!ord-point. t !as% ho!e$er% due to some $ery stran'e ad"udications 3presumably based on backhanders G al!ays the possibility !hen Ifees6 are in$ol$ed% of courseD4 that sparked off the ultimate confrontation% in :2:;% at ?unnymede. &here comes a point 3does there notB4 !here Ienou'h is enou'h6. belie$e !e are% yet a'ain% at such a point in the 2:st century. n a Court de facto there !ill be three 3'enerally4 /ad"udicators/ sittin' as a /panel/% or /bench/. &hey !ill either call themsel$es -a'istrates or +ud'es 3+ud'es in the Ci'her Courts4. # Court de facto does not ha$e Common 9a! "urisdiction. t is only allo!ed to ad"udicate on the basis of Statutes 3!hich are actually -aritime 9a!4. t is% therefore% an #dmiralty Court% in fact. n such a Court there !ill be a Cearin'% not a &rial. f% after ha$in' had correspondence !ith the 5r'anic ?obots% they still persist in Court action% you ha$e a number of options. &he Court !ill almost certainly be a Court de facto. (ou !ill be able to tell by lookin' at !hat you ha$e been accused of breachin'. f it is a Speedin' or ,arkin' offence% then that !ill come from a Statute% and not from Common 9a!. f you harmed another Cuman .ein'% or caused them a loss% or breached the peace% or are accused of defraudin' them% then the char'e !ill probably be a Common 9a! char'e% and the best thin' you could do !ould be to fi'ht it normally 3plead 'uilty or not 'uilty% and place your case in front of a +ury4. #nythin' else% includin' !hen accused of defraudin' 3say4 the State% or any of its #'encies% !ould be a char'e under Statute% and you can fi'ht it by means of the 0<ample Templates 'i$en in the #ppendices. #nd !here necessary - ultimately claimin' Common 9a! "urisdiction 3as e2plained belo!4.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word &he steps to take are firstly to rebut the Summons. &his is discussed in the Chapter on )otices, In"itations = %ummonses - the methodolo'y bein' to initially send your o!n @otice back to the Court. &hey are unlikely to respond in substance% !hich then places the Court themsel$es in dishonour. #nd this is somethin' you can point out since% in 9a!: -e who #ishonours, loses. f it looks like they ha$e i'nored your @otice% then you !ill need to fi'ht. &he ne2t step is then to send the Court copies of all correspondence% pointin' out that you ha$e offered Conditional #'reement% and thus you see no Contro$ersy. (ou also demand that all your correspondence should be placed into the -a'istrate/s or +ud'e/s e$idence% if the Cearin' actually 'oes ahead. (ou may 'et back a reply sayin': Case with#rawn. &his !ill happen only if !hoe$er you are dealin' !ith has a 'rain of sense% and does not ha$e a brain the siMe of a pea. Conse0uently you !ill not 'et that reply if they are all bein' a stupid as each other. 35r'anic ?obots can be like that% especially in these Common ,urpose days4. So it may% ultimately% be necessary to actually attend the Cearin'. ,rimarily to ensure that% if the Cearin' 'oes ahead% and your Common 9a! claim fails% then your correspondence is read out. (ou cannot afford to trust anyone other than yourself. Co!e$er% it still may not 'et to that. f you arri$e a half-hour before the time stated% then there !ill be an 7sher or Clerk outside the Court. E2plainin' that you are only present in order to make a S*ecia$ A**earance% in order to esta!$ish @urisdiction% because you !ill not be crossin' the .ar% into their shi*HMI% and !ill be: 'laiming 'ommon :a! >urisdiction an# !ill not be accepting any offers of ser#ices0 and !ill be !ai#ing all the benefits is likely to send said person into a tiMMy. Especially if you dra! attention to the correspondence that you !ould use as your e$idence.

)ourts 8 6roceedin&s 3U t6s an #dmiralty CourtD4. (ou are likely to be told that all of this: Is baseless% or: -as no legal basis or stan#ing. &he response is that: I absolutely agree that it is legally baseless, howe"er it has .7%&/9T0 /.2B9/ stan#ing and is not% therefore% in any !ay /9#1F799( baseless/. And that is the im*ortant as*ect. And the on$y im*ortant as*ect. f told the -a'istrates H the Court ha$e Istatutory obli'ation6 of any kind% the response is: It may "ery well be the case that your Company has some statutory obligation as a part of its business practices. -owe"er, as a %o"ereign -uman 7eing, I am un#er no obligation whatsoe"er to accept any ser"ices any Company may ha"e on offer, an# that inclu#es the .#!u#ication %er"ice pro"i#e# by your Company. 5b$iously: 2hat #o you mean, we are not a Company'% is countered !ith: &h yes you are. . pri"ate Company acti"ely tra#ing. *o you not e"en know who, or what, you actually work for( (ou must al!ays remain reasonably polite% but firm% not be intimidated by anyone% or anythin'% and be prepared to Isay it like it is6. 3You may have to insist. &hey. Aon/t. 9ike. t. 7p /emD4 &he likelihood of this 'oin' any further is $ery small. 5ne likely possibility is that% after consultation !ith /a Superior/% it has been decided to ad"ourn the Cearin'. 3@ote: &his is before you ha$e stepped into the Courtroom4. (ou could then ask for &ra$el E2penses% if that/s the case. (ou are likely to 'et a letter% !ithin a day or so% sayin' the case has been !ithdra!n 3they !on/t tell you !hy4. f you don/t% then you may ha$e to 'o throu'h the !hole ri'marole a'ain% on the #d"ournment Aate. f the amount on the case is not lar'e% then they ha$e a lar'e incenti$e to "ust 'i$e up on you% as in: 2hat the hell( 2e can3t win e"ery single one' .n# this one isn3t going to be "ery profitable.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word (es% there is a /!earin' do!n/ factor that is on your side. Finally% ho!e$er% you may actually end up in Court. n the actual Cearin' itself. 1hen you hear your name% you approach the outer reaches of the Court and say: I am here making a %50CI./ .550.R.)C0 in or#er to 0%T.7/I%- O9RI%*ICTI&). I claim my Inalienable -uman Right to Common /aw !uris#iction, an# *& )&T C&)%0)T T& C&)TR.CT for any %0R4IC0% you may ha"e on &BB0R, an# I 2.I40 .// T-0 70)0BIT%. Ao not say anythin' else. f any 0uestion is put to you% repeat the e2act same mantra. f you are told that you !ill be in Contempt of Court if you repeat that mantra once more% then ask: 2oul# that be CI4I/ C&)T0M5T, or CRIMI)./ C&)T0M5T( &hen do not say any more% e2cept to repeat that second mantra if any 0uestion is put to you. f they respond: Ci"il% 3the most likely4 then ask: 2here is the Contract( I ha"e ma#e no Contract with you. I specifically state# that I refuse# all your Contractual &ffers. &hey mi'ht then chan'e it to: Criminal% in !hich case the response is: 2hat is the CRIM0, who makes the C/.IM, an# who is the I)O9R0* 5.RT+( &hey mi'ht "ust ha$e a final 'o: The Court Ior Crown 5rosecution %er"ice, or Ministry of Oustice, or whate"erJ makes the Claim% to !hich the response is: +ou know that only a -uman 7eing can #e"ise a Claim. #t this point the Court has completely run out of possibilities% because there is no n"ured ,arty% any!ay. f% on the other hand% the proceedin's still continue% make sure your correspondence is read into e$idence. f you e$entually lose% then it !as a total 8an'aroo Court% and they !ere /totally out to 'et you% by hook or by crook/. 1hate$er you !ould ha$e done !ould ha$e had the same result. n this case you !ould need to appeal $ia a +udicial ?e$ie! or present a Case Stated% in order to 'et the 8an'aroo Aecision 0uashed. &he $ery

)ourts 8 6roceedin&s last thin' to do is to 'i$e up. # Ci'her Court !ould almost certainly 0uash it on a technicality. # Freedom of nformation ?e0uest !as made to a -a'istrates Court in the Ci'h ,eaks area. &he 0uestion !as posed: .re you a Court #e !ure, or a Court #e facto( &he ans!er recei$ed !as: 2e #o not un#erstan# the 1uestion. So% in essence !e ha$e the fact that the Courts don/t e$en kno! !hat they are% and li$e in the 9e'alese !orld of illusion. .ased on e2perience% and !hat has been said abo$e% one possibility mi'ht be a con$ersation !ith the Clerk or 7sher outside the Courtroom 3please do not dismiss the likelihood of this% it is more than likely and - any!ay !hat is there to loseB4: 0<cuse me, is this a Court #e !ure or a Court #e facto( I beg your par#on( I aske# if this was a Court #e !ure or a Court #e facto( I3m, sorry, I #on3t know what you mean . Court of Oustice, or a Court of .#!u#ication 2ell, errr ... I suppose a Court of Oustice %o will there be a Oury, then( . Oury( )o ... there won3t be a Oury -ow can it be a Court of Oustice, then( 0rrr ... well I suppose it must the other kin# you mentione# . Court #e facto( 2ith -earings instea# of Trials( &h' +es ... there will be a -earing' %o it3s a Court #e facto, then( +es, that3s the case 2ell why #i# you tell me it was a Court of Oustice, then( &h, well, ne"er min#, in that case I refuse its offer of the ser"ice of arbitration, an# I wai"e all the benefits

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word I beg your par#on( I #on3t consent to any .rbitration %er"ice. I remain in Common /aw !uris#iction. I3m only sub!ect to Courts #e !ure. /ike we all are if we realise it 2hat #o you mean ... you are only sub!ect to Courts #e !ure( 2hat I sai#. %o woul# you be so kin# as to pay my e<penses for coming, since I3m here un#er false pretences, PE@ will suffice, an# I3ll be on my way &n your ... what #o you mean 3false pretences3( 2ell, what Common /aw ha"e I broken( I #on3t un#erstan# ... I3ll ha"e to speak with my %uperior ... +es, that3s a goo# i#ea. Maybe he knows what kin# of a court it is. I ha"e to say that I fin# it a little alarming that you sit there , #oing what you #o , an# you #i#n3t e"en know what kin# of court it was. I certainly hope your %uperior knows ... 3Comes back4 2e #on3t nee# your consent to this -earing ... I beg your par#on ... #i# I hear you say you #on3t nee# my consent( +es, we #on3t nee# your consent -ow can that be( 2ell, I #on3t really know ... that3s what I3"e been tol# ... Then please be so kin# as to go back to whoe"er tol# you that an# point out we are all e1ual un#er the /aw,of, the,/an#, an# if you #on3t nee# my consent, then I #on3t nee# you to pro"i#e any .rbitration %er"ice 3*oes a!ay to re-confer ... comes back4 There seems to be a little problem. +our -earing has been a#!ourne# for a month )ow I beg your par#on' They3"e a#!ourne# it for a month

)ourts 8 6roceedin&s To gi"e themsel"es time to turn this into a Court #e !ure( They can #o that in !ust one month( I #on3t know about that 2ell, with all #ue respect, woul# you please be so kin# as to fin# out about that( .fter all, I3m here, the court is here, you are here, your %uperior is here, why #o we nee# an a#!ournment( I3ll go an# fin# out +es, thank you 3*oes a!ay to re-confer ... yet a'ain ... comes back4 (ou could $ery easily be lookin' at: Case with#rawn. &here is nothin' to stop you ha$in' this con$ersation !ell before the date of the Cearin'. +ust 'o do!n to the Court and ask the same 0uestions% ad"ustin' !hat you say accordin'ly. Solicitors% 9a!yers and @otaries li$e entirely in the !orld of illusory 9e'alese% and almost e$ery sentence they !rite can% under careful scrutiny% be sho!n that they are double-thinkin'% and attemptin' to compute fiction !ith fact% totally unsuccessfully. #n e2ample heard of !as: 2hen you were born your parents ga"e you a name. They registere# your birth, an# you are, therefore, Mr. 7lah 7lah. First of all the parents do not re'ister the birth. &he *o$ernment #'ency% kno!n as &he ?e'istrar of .irth H Aeaths% re'isters the birth. &he parents merely pro$ide the re0uisite information. &he parents merely inform. So strike that one out. Secondly the Solicitor admits% in the first sentence% that the sub"ect !as I'i$en6 a @ame% by the parents. &hat indicates the Flesh H .lood% and the @ame% are ob$iously t!o totally different thin's that became attached% follo!in' the birth. 3&here is more about this in the Chapter on )ames4. So here the Solicitor is usin' Common Sense% !ithout realisin' it% and desperately tryin' to dra! the fictional conclusion in the second sentence. Ce is thus completely contradictin' himself. Strike t!o out.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Furthermore% !hene$er asked to 'i$e or confirm your @ame and Aate of .irth you are e2pressin' hearsay in Court. (ou only ha$e your parent/s and .irth Certificate/s !ord for those t!o thin's. (ou only /kno!/ these thin's by hearsay. #nd hearsay e$idence is not allo!ed in a Court. So% in essence !e ha$e the fact that +ud'es% Solicitors% 9a!yers and @otaries% etc.% do not kno! !hat they doin'% and !hat they are talkin' about. #nd !e ha$e a force of ,olicymen !ho do not comprehend the immense difference bet!een Common 9a! 3la!ful4 and Company ,olicy 3le'al4. s it really any !onder there is so much trouble all roundB :ot o"" the *ress# Au&ust -((/. #t the time of publication it seems the !ord has 'one round to say there are some people !ho - !hen faced !ith a Court Cearin' - claim Common 9a! "urisdiction% and !ill not enter the Court proper. # number of incidents ha$e 'i$en rise to this assumption. For e2ample% Aefendants !ho remain in the ,ublic *allery% sayin': I am here to make a %pecial .ppearance, in or#er to establish !uris#iction. I claim Common /aw !uris#iction an# #o not accept your offers of a#!u#ication ser"ices. .n# I wai"e all the benefits G are told: +ou must come forwar#, an# stan# here, an# i#entify yourself correctly. 1hy !ould this beB 1hy does one need to stand in a /desi'nated place/ and /identify themsel$es correctly/B &he ans!ers are% of course% that the /desi'nated place/ is on board their /ship/. #nd /correct identification/ means /acceptin' responsibility as the 9e'al Fiction ,erson% by $irtue of admittin' to the 9e'al Fiction @ame on their paper!ork/. t can/t really mean anythin' else. f one chooses not to obey these instructions% it appears that the Courts ha$e been instructed to proceed any!ay% in absentia of the 9e'al Fiction ,erson bein'

)ourts 8 6roceedin&s present. #fter a short retirement 3usually4 the -a'istrates and the Clerk return and say: /iable person not present. &his is really 'ood% isn/t itB So much for /"ustice/% thenD .efore the Cearin' starts% the /person/ is already condemned as /liable/D Co!e$er this is a bit of a double-!hammy - back on the Clerk of the Court. .ecause% if one is sittin' in the ,ublic *allery% then one is certainly /present in the room/. @ot present on the /ship/% of course% but present in the room to hear !hat has been said. Conse0uently it !ould be possible to respond: In that case, since I3m present to hear it, you ha"e #eclare# that I, the -uman 7eing, am not liable , any more than any of you are liable. Thus, if anything untowar# shoul# happen to me, for e<ample any Common /aw trespass upon me, or my property, I can hol# you all personally responsible, can3t I( +ou can sit in your fictional ship, but I can hear you. The truth is that no liable person will boar# your fictional ship, an# will not accept your fictional a#!u#ication. 2hich is precisely what I ha"e alrea#y sai# by claiming Common /aw !uris#iction. +ou ha"e no !uris#iction o"er me as a -uman 7eing, an# you might as well a#mit it. #t the time of !ritin'% !e a!ait their response to that. &o date no-one% !ho has been placed in that position% has responded in that manner. &his is due% in total% to them not thinkin' about it on the spur of the moment. Co!e$er% it is nothin' more than Common Sense. #fter all% they are up a'ainst a serious problem% !hich is that it is impossible ad"udicate bet!een Fictions 3,ersonsECorporations4 and ?eality 3Cumans4. t is only possible to ad"udicate bet!een Fictions 5? bet!een Cumans. 35f course% in the former case% the ad"udication is: Is this fiction more fictional than that fiction(4. 5ne reaction !e ha$e seen is to Icall the police6. &he rebuttal to this is: If you nee# to in"ol"e the police, then you3"e lost the argument, ha"en3t you( +ou are, in effect, saying that 3might is right3. Is that not so( 2hat

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word other reason coul# you possibly ha"e( I3m not causing any "iolence nor breaching any peace. The fact is you are simply reaching for 3muscle3, when the honest thing woul# be to a#mit that you3"e lost the argument. +ou are acting thoroughly #ishonourably an# #isreputably, an# that is #emonstrate# by your own actions. :ot o"" the *ress# Se*tem!er -((/. 1hile% on the one hand% the content of this book is true% the /po!ers that be/ do not 'i$e up !ithout a fi'ht. n the front line are the 5r'anic ?obots !ho simply /operate by the book/. So here are some e2amples of ho! to stop 8an'aroo Courts. 9etters !ritten to 5r'anic ?obots% based on the &emplates included in the #ppendi2% are /outside the realm of their 5peration -anuals/. &herefore they simply do not kno! !hat to do !ith your letters. So they i'nore them. n fact you/ll disco$er% as you try 9a!ful ?ebellion% you !ill either be i'nored% or responded to by repetition of your so-called /Statutory obli'ations/. &he point is here that by operatin' on the Freeman ,rinciples% as described in this book% you !ill ha$e built up all the e$idence you actually need G @ 9#1. &he trouble is that% !hen 3e$entually4 /in$ited to their place of business in order to be made the offer of their ad"udication ser$ices/ 3i.e. Summonsed4% you !ill be railroaded into submission - if you do not kno! ho! to 'uard a'ainst this happenin'. -ost Summonses !ill be to Cearin's 3@ote: @ot &rials4 that !ill take place in a -a'istrate/s Court. &he -a'istrates are not trained in either Ile'al6 or Ila!ful6. &he Clerk of the Court !ill ha$e e2tensi$e /9E*#9 trainin'/% and is often referred to as T&he -a'istrate/s 9e'al #d$isorT. Co!e$er he or she !ill most probably ha$e lon' for'otten any /9#1F79 trainin'/ 3if sEhe e$er had any4 - in the desperate stru''le to /slap do!n as many miscreants as possible/ $ia the Con$eyor .elt of the -a'istrates Court. So it !ould be possible to ask:


)ourts 8 6roceedin&s +es, I can see you ha"e a /egal .#"isor, but who is your /.2B9/ .#"isor( # real e2ample is that% of :)F Summonses issued for one day% only = people turned up for their Cearin'. #nd this is !hat /they/ e2pect. #nd Ithey6 e2pect to deal !ith the :); 3!ho !ere hopin' that it !ould /all 'o a!ay if they didn/t turn up/4 by simply rubber-stampin' the claims made by the ,laintiffs 3e.'. the Council% for Council &a24. 3&here is an ar'ument that% if the mechanisms !ere fair and abo$e board% and e$eryone kne! their ?i'hts% then more Aefendants !ould turn up to challen'e the claims made a'ainst them. &his is one of the reasons !hy /they/ cannot afford for you to kno! your ?i'hts. .ecause you !ould destroy the Con$eyor .elt4. So% !hat can you do to break the Con$eyor .eltB 1ell% the ans!er to that is to kno! ho! it operates% and to thro! spanners into the !orks% and unco$er sufficient 'rounds for an #ppeal. &here !ill be plenty of material to choose from because% fundamentally% the Con$eyor .elt only !orks by cuttin' corners. So don/t allo! these corners to be cut% andEor note !hene$er they are. Cere are some 3real% assure you4 e2amples 3as !itnessed by me% personally4: :. &hey !ill insist that you /identify yourself correctly/. &his !ill take the form of you acceptin' your 9e'al Fiction @ame% Aate of .irth% and your #ddress. E$en thou'h you may state that you are: QQQH of the +++ family, as commonly calle#% they !ill normally insist that they !ill refer to you by your 9e'al Fiction @ame. &hey !ill claim this is a /courtesy/ but% of course% it immediately places you under their "urisdiction if not constantly challen'ed. &he !ay around this is to ask: -ow woul# you wish to be a##resse#( &hey !ill say: +ou call me D+our 2orship . So you can say: If that is your wish, then I will a##ress you as D+our 2orship , as a common courtesy to you. )ow, I e<pect you to reciprocate by a##ressing me the way I wish, which is by calling me


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word QQQ $ an# not 3Mr. +++3 $ since I ha"e alrea#y tol# you I consi#er the latter to be #iscourteous. 5h boy G are they in trouble no! G because you ha$e brou'ht them back to the bedrock of Common 9a! addressin' you as a Cuman .ein'D #nd% not only that% !ith all this ar'y-bar'y 'oin' on% they could easily for'et to insist on confirmation of your Aate of .irth and #ddressD 1hen asked for your Aate of .irth% you can say: Is hearsay allowe# then( &hey !ill say: )o. (ou can then say: I am only aware of my *ate of 7irth because I was tol# by my parents, so conse1uently the answer to that 1uestion is hearsay from me. +ou woul# nee# to ask my parents, specifically my mother, to confirm my *ate of 7irth. &hey !ill be spittin' blood. .ut note G they !ill still continue. Co!e$er you no! ha$e 'rounds for an #ppeal% because they continued !ithout properly identifyin' !ho they !ere proceedin' a'ainst. 2. #nother ma"or stumblin' block% for them% is to insist that you take an 5ath. &his is 'enerally a !aste of time because they !on/t let you say $ery much. C51EVE? &C#&/S &CE 1C59E ,5 @& @ (57? F#V57?D &hey !ill be $ery careful to choose your 5ath in accordance !ith your /reli'ion/. 35ne thin' to try G !hich has not been tried G is to say: My religion is "ery personal to me, an# it is my business, not yours. &his !ould tend to 'i$e them a problem4. Co!e$er% the /bi''ie/ is that - !hate$er 5ath you take G you !ill need to s!ear to: $ tell the truth, the 2-&/0 truth $ etc. (ou can ar'ue: I cannot swear to tell the 2-&/0 truth, because I #o not know e"erything there is to know. There is a 7ible o"er there. If I knew the 2-&/0 truth my name woul# be in it. 3&his has been done. t confusesD4


)ourts 8 6roceedin&s &hey !ill o$ercome this by a'reein' that /the 1C59E/ truth is only that !hich concerns the matter at hand. Co!e$er this kind of filibusterin' makes them annoyed% and therefore they make mistakes. #nd% any!ay% they !ill stop you from sayin' $ery much because - as soon as you open your mouth to defend yourself - they cannot let that happenD &he ob"ecti$e is to /process you $ia the Con$eyor .elt/ G not to let you defend yourself. So you need to point this out% either in the Court% or $ia an #ppeal 3if they still take no notice4: +ou ha"e insiste# that I swear an &ath to tell the truth, an# then you stop me, running rough,sho# o"er me, when e"er I try to #o that in or#er to pro"i#e my #efence. )ot allowing me the B9// opportunity to #efen# myself, as I see fit, is groun#s for an .ppeal , irrespecti"e of any #ecision you may come to. =. &hey may refuse to let you ask 0uestions 3crosse2amine4 the claims made a'ainst you. ha$e seen this happen. 7h-uhD *rounds for #ppealD t is your ?i'ht% in 9a!% to cross-e2amine all claims made a'ainst you. #ll in all you !ill certainly end up !ith 'rounds for an #ppeal - on the basis that you !ere not allo!ed the chance to defend yourself. 3 t !as called a Cearin'% but no-one !as /listenin'/D4 #n #ppeal costs K); in the 78% and is a pretty simple form to fill in. t is% ho!e$er% 0uite essential that your #ppeal is supported by as many 1itness Statements as possible. Ca$e a couple of friends% takin' notes% in the ,ublic *allery. #n #ppeal can 'et the "ud'ment set aside% and the case thro!n back to the -a'istrates Court. .ut the second time they/ll think t!ice about i'norin' you.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 1-: Liability & The 9lti%ate .an#tions


he $ast ma"ority of /offences/ 3they are not actually /offences/% but IStatute $iolations6% of course4 in$ol$e /money/. Specifically: The non,payment of

&he Chapter on Money e2plains ho! it does not e2ist in reality% and is nothin' more than a .elief System. For this reason the most that can e$er be e2tracted from you is /belief in somethin' you $alue/% in other !ords your Credit ?atin'% or your 9iberty. 1hile the -onetary System is kin'% a Credit ?atin' can be assumed to ha$e $alue. Co!e$er% ha$e to say that% in my o!n case% paid off my Credit Card in the early :9F0s 3#CCESS Card% if you can remember them4% and cut it up. did this because realised !as on a hidin' to nothin'. #nd /$e ne$er used a Credit Card since 3e$en thou'h /$e been constantly bombarded !ith "unk mail offerin' them to me4. .ut that/s me. Co!e$er% it does e2plain !hy % personally% ha$e no idea !hat my Credit ?atin' is% and really don/t care. t/s not somethin' consider to ha$e any $alue. f !ant somethin'% !ait until can afford it% and buy it. t is as simple as that. .ut that did not stop the nland ?e$enue from placin' me in 3!hat they called4 /@otional Aebt/% and proceedin' a'ainst me into bankruptcy 3because did not consider o!ed them anythin'4. #nd it did not stop the -ar'aret &hatcher *o$ernment from proceedin' a'ainst me% and placin' me in prison for refusin' to pay her ,oll &a2. So !rite all this on the basis of t!o personal e2periences. Firstly% bein' made bankrupt and losin' any Credit ?atin' had. #nd secondly% spendin' time in prison and losin' my 9iberty for a !hile. And# havin& actua$$y ex*erienced a$$ that# I "irm$y !e$ieve <O<4 o" it wou$d have ha**ened i" I

Lia!i$ity 8 The ?$timate Sanctions had nown then# what I now now+ The Freeman 6rinci*$es. am a!so$ute$y *ositive could ha$e stopped both actions a'ainst me% dead in their tracks. kno! !hat !as said at the time% because !as there. #nd no! kno! !hat could ha$e said% but didn/t entirely due to lack of kno!led'e. E$en !ithout this kno!led'e did J in point of fact J ha$e t!o Isuccesses6. *uided purely by Common Sense fou'ht both by simply not co-operatin'. &he result !as that the 9ocal Council ne$er bothered me a'ain 3because% presume% they had come to realise it !asn6t !orth the effort G after all did tell them that on a number of occasions4% and the nland ?e$enue ne$er bothered me a'ain% for 3 assume4 the same% or similar% reason. 1hich pro$es% to me at least% that !hen they operate by rote they may !in the battle% but they don6t !in the !ar. Co!e$er% any procedure a'ainst you is al!ays in t!o sta'es: :. &o establish 9iability% and make a correspondin' Court 5rder a'ainst you for the amount demandedO 2. Failure to pay the amount demanded% !ithin the stated timescale% in$okes a ne! Summons to demand that you be placed into bankruptcy% or into prison. 1hich of these demands is made% depends on the circumstances 3the Statutes4. n the case of Council &a2% for e2ample% they !ill demand a prison sentence for non-payment. &he sanction bein' to take a!ay your 9iberty. &his is because it !ould be pointless makin' you bankrupt ... because they !ould ha$e no means of makin' any further demands on you until the bankruptcy e2pires. 3#nd !e can6t ha$e that% can !eD4. 7ntil this su!seFuent Cearin' has taken place no *rison sentence has !een *assed on you% and so there is no !ay you could actually be carted off to prison. &here has to be a sentence passed before they can do that. n this case% !hich is a Ci$il 5ffence% you can e2tricate yourself from the !hole situation at any time by payin'


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word up. E$en if you 'et as far as prison. &hey !ill take the len'th of the sentence% and di$ide it into the amount% and come up !ith /an amount per day incarcerated/. #s each incarcerated day passes% that amount is !ritten off. &he remainder !ill al!ays buy you out. 5n the last day of your sentence it has all been !ritten off% and you are free once more. 3&here is no parole for a Ci$il 5ffence4. n the case of failure to pay% for e2ample% ncome &a2% the likelihood is that they !ould 'o for bankruptcy. &he idea bein' that they can take your house% to pay off their /@otional Aebt/ 3/notional/% because /money/ is an illusion4. &hey !ould tend not to !orry about the fact that they could not 'rab anythin' from you for a !hile 3i.e. until the bankruptcy has been dischar'ed4% on the basis of creamin' as much as possible this one-time. /9on'-si'htedness/ is not one of their stron'er points. 35ther!ise they !ouldn6t be doin' their "ob in the first placeD4. f you co-operate !ith the 5fficial Aecei$er 3?ecei$er4% then a bankruptcy is auto-dischar'ed after = years. 3.ut they !on6t bother to tell you% 0uite probably4. 3 t may e$en be 2 years by no!4. Co!e$er% the o$erall point here is the Second ,hase. Either the ncarceration ,etition or the .ankruptcy ,etition. @othin' can happen to you until this Second ,hase has been successfully accomplished by !homsoe$er is makin' the demand. #ll too often people do not realise !hat is actually 'oin' on% and !hat is happenin'% and that there are these t!o% distinct% phases. #nd that both can be challen'ed by Common 9a! "urisdiction. f the 9iability ,etition is dismissed because the Court is /de facto/% and does not ha$e Common la! "urisdiction% then the 7ltimate Sanction ,hase cannot occur.


The Law-o"-Waters

Chapter 1/: The Law0o10:aters

n the Chapter on Common /aw it !as e2plained that Common 9a! is the 9a!-of-the-9and. t is the on$y 9a!-of-the-9and. #nd the only 9a! that needs to be obeyed on dry land. t fully defines peaceful co-e2istence !ithin its principles. @othin' can 'o !ron' !here e$eryone adheres to the 9a!-of-the-9and. @othin' else is necessary. #dherence to Common 9a! 'i$es e$eryone total freedom% pro$ided they remain honourable% and is capable of comin' do!n like a ton of bricks on anyone !ho de$iates from honourable% peaceful% co-e2istence. So% !hat the hell has ,arliament been doin'% thenB Since it !as all sorted out in the ::th% :2th and :=th centuriesB 1hat a bloody 'ood 0uestionD &he ans!er is that% dri$en by the .anksters% it has been $ery slo!ly% and in the most subtle manner% in'rainin' the *rand Aeceptions. t has been doin' this by fully-utilisin' the 'ullible nature of -ankind in 'eneral. t could be ar'ued that !hile the 9a!-of-the-9and sorts out !hat happens on dry land% but !hat happens on !aterB Aon/t !e need a 9a!-of-1aters% to take account of the hi'h seasB Common Sense should tell anyone that the ans!er is possibly: )o. &hat the Common 9a! still !orks perfectly !ell on the hi'h seas% because it fundamentally addresses the Cuman Condition 3honour% dishonour% etc4 and Cumans on the hi'h seas should still remain honourable. 5ne the other hand there are such thin's a ,irates% and Sal$a'e% and also different Cultures% and so on. #nd you can/t reasonably e2pect ,irates to be honourable% and you can/t e2pect to impose your o!n 9a!-of-the9and on to some other culture/s 9a!-of-their-9and. &here

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word !ill be remarkable similarities% but there may be ?eli'ious differences 3!hich they ha$e to contend !ith% poor souls% and you do not4. So it is reasonable to assume that a 9a!-of-1aters !hich needs to be fully nternational% contendin' !ith the aspirations of all different Cultures - is somethin' that needs to be created and mutually a'reed. Sure% that/s all $ery fine H dandy. t/s fine to create some 9a! applicable on !aters G but to impose that same 9a! on dry landB 5h% come onD @o-one !ould fall for that one% !ould theyB Errr G !ell G yes% by subterfu'e e$eryone fell for that one% and can be most $ociferous in supportin' the irrationalityD &ry e2plainin' to a ,oliceman that he or she s!ore% on 5ath% to uphold the 9a!-of-the-9and. #nd% by bleatin' on about Statutes% he or she is imposin' the 9a!-of-1aters on dry land. &he fact that the ,olice ha$e a duty to understand this% and are 'rossly ne'li'ent if they do not - actually committin' serious crimes if they do not - is somethin' that passes completely under their radar. Co!e$er before you% the ?eader% 'et the impression that ha$e an a2e to 'rind !ith re'ard to ,olicemen% it mi'ht be an idea to correct that assumption. 1hen in the course of their duties% they uphold the 9a!-of-the-9and% in accordance !ith their 5ath of Ser$ice% they are actin' as ,eace 5fficers. n that role ha$e as much admiration and respect for them as anyone else. Someone needs to do that "ob. Someone% some 'roup% some force% needs to impose the ,rinciples of Common 9a! on those !ho choose to act outside its boundaries. &his is for my protection% as !ell as e$eryone else. t is only !hen they e2ceed their "urisdiction% and the authority $ested in them $ia their 5ath of Ser$ice% that 3and most% by Common Sense% think4 ha$e a problem !ith the !ay they act. +ust the mere act of stoppin' and 0uestionin' someone% !ithout la!ful e2cuse% is $astly e2ceedin' their Common 9a! "urisdiction% and that is


The Law-o"-Waters !ithout considerin' their in$ol$ement in traffic 3for e2ample4. 5n the other hand they do thin's that !ould not !ish to do. ,ickin' up torn limbs resultin' from road traffic accidents% for e2ample. salute them% and all the Emer'ency Ser$ices% in that respect. #ctin' as ,eace 5fficers is !hat they are paid to do. ha$e no problem !ith that% and !elcome it. #ctin' as Company ,olicy Enforcement 5fficers 3,olicymen4% enforcin' the 9a!-of-1aters on dry land% and not realisin' it% and makin' absolutely no attempt to realise it% is !here they ha$e no authority% no "urisdiction% and are beha$in' in a 'rossly ne'li'ent manner. &hat/s !here the problem arises for me. #nd furthermore su''est that% deep do!n !ithin their Common Sense% most people feel the same% !ithout actually bein' able to put their fin'er on it. So no! you kno!. 1hen actin' as ,olicymen% they are enforcin' the Company ?ules of a Company you did not e$en realise you !ere !orkin' for. @o !onder you !ere confusedD Common 9a! pro$ides the uninhibited ?i'ht to &ra$el. #ctually across @ational .oundaries without the need "or any ind o" 6ass*ort% as it happens. Common 9a! says the follo!in' are crimes: n"urin' someone% or causin' them loss. f you are tra$ellin' at 90 mph on a -otor!ay% and you 'et from # to .% !hat in"ury ha$e you causedB 1hat loss ha$e you causedB 1hat crime ha$e you committedB #ns!er: @one. #hD #hD #hD &he ,olicymen !ill say: 7ut you coul# ha"e hurt someone' %o there' Can3t ha"e you possibly hurting someone' )ee# to book you. Oust #oing our !ob' Firstly if you pick up a knife% to cut a sand!ich% you could easily hurt someone% if you dropped it. (ou could hurt yourself% or someone standin' near you. Cas no-one e$er accidentally dropped somethin'B @oB @e$er happenedB

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word For cryin' out loudD *i$e o$erD &he *otentia$ for harm is e$er present. 2>E)D The *otentia$. .ut% because most of us actually kno! !hat !e are doin'% the potential doesn/t normally turn into a reality. f the potential e$er turns into reality% then !e ha$e% indeed% committed a crime and the 9a! should% indeed% be brou'ht to bear on us. &hat/s precisely !hat the 9a!of-the-9and is forD &o rein in those !ho cause harm or loss to others% due to irresponsibility. .ut 'oin' from # to . at 90 mph is not irresponsible. f it is% then 'oin' from # to . at )0 mph is almost as irresponsible. 1hat/s the differenceB 20 bloody mphD AuhD -ost people understand this by Common Sense. &hat/s !hy you can be doin' )0 mph on a 78 -otor!ay% and cars !hiMM by you. @o-one is particularly concerned. /m certainly not. ,eople are "ust relyin' totally on their o!n Common Sense% and basically sayin': %o# the stupi#ity of %tatutes. t/s a form of /$otin' !ith your feet/. You a$ways have that vote. 3 f this doesn/t tell the 78 ,arliament% and its "obs!orth ,olicymen% /somethin'/% /m not sure !hat e$er !ill. #ctually think it does. @one of the cameras seem to !ork% and on a >-hour "ourney recently% did not see one ,olicyman4. Statutes are the Company ,olicy of &CE 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@. &hey are the 9a!-of-1aters bein' applied on dry land. &hat/s 58 if you consent. .ut not% if you don/tD Various other names are the same thin': 9a! -erchant% Commerce 9a!% E0uity 9a!% Fleet 9a!% -aritime 9a! G you-name-it 9a! G "ust $arious speciality fla$ours of the 9a!-of-1aters. In *oint o" "act there are on$y two @urisdictions+ )ommon Law and the ?ni"orm )ommercia$ )ode. #nd they co-e2ist side-by-side. &he 7niform Commercial Code applies !orld!ide% and determines !hat happens !hen transactions in Sales of *oods 3or a Sales of the


The Law-o"-Waters 9eases of *oods4 takes place. &hat/s it. >3oods> must !e mova!$e. Conse0uently ?eal Estate transactions 3they are not /'oods/% because they are not mo$able4% and a$$ Services fall under Common 9a!% the 9a!-of-the-9and. &herefore the Ser$ice pro$ided by the Courts and the ,olice should be one of ,eace 8eepin' under Common 9a! principles% and nothin' more. t6s pretty easy to see !hy this should come about. &he 9a!-of-1aters% as a 7niform Commercial Code 3!orld!ide4 pro$ides &radin' Standards for *oods mo$ed bet!een @ations G o$er inter$enin' sea!ays. .ut ho! on earth could 7niform Commercial Standards be applied to Ser$ices% takin' place on dry lands% but split across a sea!ayB Co! can diners be located in En'land% !hile the !aiters 3pro$idin' the Ser$ice4 be located in% say% FranceB &he only thin' applicable to the manner in !hich those Ser$ices are pro$ided% is the 9a!of-the-9and 3the customs H traditions4 !ithin !hich the restaurant% the diners% the kitchen staff and the !aiters are all located. ?eturnin' to !ater6s connotations for a moment% in anticipation of our ac0uiescence to be duped% and to remain duped% by the application of the 9a!-of-1aters on dry land% many !ords in common usa'e ha$e been adopted. #ll ha$e associations !ith !ater. .anks S the t!o sides of a ri$er% !hich contain the flo! of !ater% the current. 1hich lends itself to the !ord /currency/ to determine the flo! of /money/. &he idea that% !hen your mother/s !aters broke% you came do!n the .irth Canal% and can therefore be considered to be a small /ship/. .ecause of this you !ere 'i$en a .erth Certificate 3althou'h% to hide this% they !rite it /.irth/% but the pronunciation is e2actly the same4% because you can be considered to be a small ship /at berth/. # /berth/ bein' the place !here a ship is moored. f you are called into a Court% you !ill be e2pected to stand in the Aock. # Aock is also another name for


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word !here a ship is moored. &he basic idea is that% if a ship is impounded 3in a Aock4% then the 5!ner !ill appear to sort the situation out. &his is synonymous !ith you% as a Cuman .ein'% bein' the 5!ner of your 9e'al Fiction /ship/. #nd !hen you /appear to sort the situation out/ they can ha$e your body% and do !hat they like !ith it. For e2ample% cuff you and send you to prison% should they decide there is a necessity to do that. -ore /!ater/ association comes from the /shipassociated/ !ords in our lan'ua'e: CitiMenship% ?elationship% Courtship% 9adyship% 9ordship% 1orship 31arshipB 1horeshipB #ctually from 1orthship ... but at all seems to amount to the same thin'% from !hat ha$e seen4% 5!nership% etc. &here are "ust far too many co-incidences for these !ater-associations to be accidental% or random in any !ay. ndeed% e$en 'i$in' people the pseudo-title /5fficer/% is indicati$e of a ship/s personnel. #nd that/s the !ay it is.



Chapter 22: ,a%es


ticks an# stones may break my bones, but names will ne"er hurt me. So they say. /f only that !ere true and% by the time you ha$e read this Chapter% you !ill understand !hy say that. For the simple reason you are not your <ame. (our @ame !as /'i$en/ to you G usually by your parents. .ut% if you think hard about it% !hat - precisely - is a @ameB t is a !ord. 5r% more specifically% a 'roup of !ords. t consists of the !ord you !ere /'i$en/ by your parents 3they may ha$e /'i$en/ you more than one4% and the name of a family into !hich you !ere born i.e. your Family @ame. &hese are nothin' more than words. &hey can be !ritten on paper% and can be sounded by someone speakin'. f you hear your name spoken% or you see it !ritten% you assume you must respond to it. (ou assume (ou% (our Cuman Self% (our Flesh H .lood% (our So$erei'n Soul G must respond to it. This is a me&adece*tion. Ao you not see an enormous difference bet!een (our Cuman Self% (our Flesh H .lood% (our So$erei'n Soul G and some marks made on a piece of paperB 5r sound pressure !a$es in the airB @oB 1ell% let/s ha$e another 'o then. Ca$e you e$er heard of a Aeed ,ollB !ould 'uess you probably ha$e. 1hat does it doB t allo!s you to chan&e your @ame. &o any collections of !ords you choose. (ou are sayin': My -uman %elf, My Blesh = 7loo#, My %o"ereign /i"ing %oul, will henceforth only respon# to this new collection of wor#s, whether written or spoken. &hat/s !hat a Aeed ,oll does. #nd this could only happen if it !ere possible to AE&#CC one set of !ords to respond to 3your ori'inal @ame4% and to #&&#CC an


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word alternati$e set of !ords to !hich you henceforth respond 3your ne!ly-chosen @ame4. /@ames/ are attachedD &hey are attached to flesh and blood% purely for con$enience. ma'ine a family !ith three children. &he parents decided not to bother to name them. So% !hen one child is nau'hty% the parent shouts: %top #oing that' #ll three !ould turn to look% to see !hich child the parent !as lookin' at. Ce or she !ould then ha$e to say: *o you mean me( think you !ill find that% a lon'% lon'% time a'o 3in a far-off 'ala2yB4 it !as decided that - for con$enience fleshes and bloods should be told /istenH 2hene"er I, or anyone else, says this wor#, I mean you. &K( #nd the child !ould - e$entually - comprehend. 5f course% it isn/t done like that in practice. t/s done the same !ay !e do !ith domestic pets. ?epetition. So they 'et used to the sound. .ut the practical con$enience% behind the process% is e2actly the same. 1hy is this so importantB 1ell% simply because your *o$ernment thinks your @ame is the same as (ou. 31ell% it probably doesn/t really% but it al!ays acts as thou'h it does% so you ne$er fi'ure out the difference. #nd it certainly doesn/t inform you of the difference. Aid they tell you this at schoolB4. E$ery letter you recei$e is addressed to (57? @#-E. *et itB #ddressed to your @ame. @ot to (our Cuman Self. .ecause Cuman Sel$es are born /nameless/. 1e are not born !ith a @ame tattooed on our foreheads% are !eB &his is !hy your name is actually a 9e'al Fiction @ame. f anyone !rites to you% or calls you% usin' that @ame% then you are perfectly entitled to i'nore it% or respond: L/%cuse me, are you talking to me( If you are, then I3m commonly calle# #ah,#e,#ah. n my case it/s: L/%cuse me, are you talking to me( If you are, then I3m commonly calle# 4eronica. #nd !hen they continue: +es, Ms. Chapman, I $% interrupt by sayin': I !ust tol# you I3m commonly calle# 4eronica. 3Ms. Chapman3 is


<ames a /egal Biction. I am -uman an# real. I am not fictional, legal or otherwise, as you must surely be able to see( 1ithin their "urisdiction% they can only address your 9e'al Fiction @ame. So. &hey. Ao. @ot. 9ike. t. 7p /emD -aybe you /'et it/ no!B 1hat/s in a @ameB E$erythin'% babyD EVE?(&C @*D Forced to carry an A Card% (ou H (our @ame are bein' 'lued to'ether. Forced to ha$e a microchip implanted% (ou and (our @ame are one and the same thin'. #nd there is somethin' else of considerable importance. f% in a Court% you are asked to confirm your @ame 3and Aate of .irth4% you cannot. (ou cannot for the simple reason that any kno!led'e you ha$e is hearsay. (ou !ould be confirmin' only !hat your parents told you. &hey could ha$e lied about these thin's% for all you kno!. Sure% they probably didn6t% but ho! do you kno!B Sure% you !ere around at the time G but not in the position of understandin' !hat !as 'oin' onD Cearsay is not allo!ed in a Court% and you can remind them 3politelyD4% e2plainin' that the best you could do !ould be to repeat% as hearsay% !hat your parents told you.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

Chapter 21: ;rders

f you 'o into a shop that sells curtains% and place an order for some curtains% do you e2pect to payB &he ans!er is: +es. f you place an order !ith a -ail 5rder firm% do you e2pect to pay commensurate !ith recei$in' the 'oodsB &he ans!er is: L+es. #n 5rder is char'eableD &he amount to char'e is dependent on the one !ho carries out the order. &he -ail 5rder firm% and the shop% set their rates. (ou decide !hether or not you are prepared to pay that amount before you place any order. f someone 'i$es you an order 3e.'. a ,CS5% ,olicyman% or a -a'istrate4% you can say: LIs that an or#er(. f the ans!er is: )o% then you can say: In that case I respectfully #ecline to pro"i#e that ser"ice. f the ans!er is: L+es% you can say: LIn that case, since an or#er is chargeable, I will charge you P8@,@@@ for carrying it out. .re you prepare# to pay( lea$e you% dear ?eader% to 'uess !hat the ans!er !ill be. f they are silly enou'h to a'ree% in front of !itnesses% then you ha$e a 9a!ful Contract !ith them 3a 9ien4. So% it is possible to remind them: L7ase# on the fact that you are agreeing to a lawfully enforceable Contract, woul# you like the chance to re,consi#er( 3 think you6ll find they 'enerally tend to re-consider4.


Laws# 1e&u$ations# 3uide$ines 8 Soverei&nty

Chapter 22: Laws* Reg)lations* G)idelines & .o4ereignty

/m the 9e'al Fiction% baby ... no! here/s the t!ist ... ... don/t ... e2istD 3!ith apolo'ies to the .onMo Ao's% featurin' the late Vi$ Stanshall4. .efore 'oin' any!here in this morass% !e need a fe! basics. &here are t!o fundamental kinds of I9a!6: @atural and -an-made. 9et6s characterise them. think you mi'ht a'ree there are three main characteristics in each case. <atura$ Laws or the Laws o" <ature# Science# etc. :4 -ankind does not make them. -ankind obser$es them H their effects% then enumerates and e$aluates themO in most cases bein' able to de$ise mathematical formulae to e2press them% utilise them and inter-utilise i.e. apply them. E2amples: &he 9a! of *ra$ity 3@e!ton6s 9a!s4% .oyle6s 9a!% -a2!ell6s 9a!s% Charles6 9a!% 5hm6s 9a!% etc. 24 &hey apply uni$ersally and unilaterally !ithout fear or fa$our. =4 &here is no penalty for breakin' them because they cannot be broken. Man-made Laws# Acts# Statutes# etc. :4 -ankind does make them. -ankind chan'es them in accordance !ith its o!n desires% !ishes% needs% etc. -ankind can !ipe them a!ay 3repeal them4 at the stroke of a pen. 24 &hey are applied by Courts of 9a!. &hey are not applied e0ually because they al!ays depend on /"ud'ment/. t is often said: There is one law for the rich an# one law for the poor. =4 &here is al!ays a penalty for breakin' them because they can be broken if one is prepared to accept the conse0uences.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Stated that !ay submit it is possible to see that the t!o kinds are exact o**osites. Each characteristic is the exact inverse of the other. #nd yet !e use the same !ord J /9a!/ J to describe them bothD So !hat happensB &he latter become psycholo'ically imbued !ith the characteristics of the formerD So: I "e got to pay it $because it s the /aw takes on the same characteristics as: If I !ump off this cliff I will fall #ownwar#s. #ctually% in summary% the most important difference bet!een the t!o is a simple !ord: /consent/. f you "ump off the cliff you !ill fall do!n!ards. &he fallin' does not re0uire your consent. t !ill happen. (our consent is !hether or not you actually "ump J or !hether or not you are standin' on the ed'e of the cliff at all. n the second case 3I "e got to pay $4 your consent is $ery much re0uired. (ou ha$e to consent to reach for your che0uebook and fill in a che0ue J and post it% etc. Co!e$er% the essential point bein' made here is that e$en if you do not consent to !rite that che0ue% your consent is still needed in all sta'es of: 2hat may happen if the bill is not pai#. (our /consent/ is built-in as an essential to the system of -an-made 9a!s% Statues% etc. (our consent is irrele$ant to the 9a!s of @ature. &he 9a! of *ra$ity is set in tablets of stone% and operates !hether someone has !ritten it do!n or not. (ou !ill ha$e been led to belie$e% throu'hout your entire life% that Statutes are e0ually set in tablets of stone. &hey are not. &hey are nothin' more than Company ,olicy !ritten do!n usin' ink on paper. &he trick% the *rand Aeception% is to create the 9e'al Fiction ,erson for you% and to address e$erythin' Istatutory or officious6 to that fiction% usin' a 9e'al Fiction @ame G !hich is sufficiently similar to !hat you !ould naturally respond 3i.e. to 2hat you are commonly calle#4. &hereafter you ha$e become tricked

Laws# 1e&u$ations# 3uide$ines 8 Soverei&nty into acceptin' a role in this: .ll the worl# s a stage, an# we are !ust players of bit parts. &o do this they 'et you to pretend to be !hat you are not. .ut they call this /thin'/ somethin' you !ill naturally assume that you are. #nd they kno! that you !ill naturally make this assumption. #nd they utterly rely on it. 5nly a system that is utterly e$il and thorou'hly corrupt - !ithout any possibility of redemption - could ha$e dreamed up this dooley% !hich is fully described in the Chapters de$oted to /egalese and to the /egal Biction 5erson. From the point of $ie! of you% yourself% the Cuman .ein' !ith the li$in' soul% -an-made 9a!s or Statutes can be treated as 'uidance and nothin' more. &hey are not 9a!s. &hey are ?e'ulations. #s far as you are concerned they can be considered to be *uidelines G but that6s only if you choose to consider them that !ay. t is perfectly possible to re"ect any or all of them% as not ha$in' your consent. #nd this leads to the idea of Iso$erei'nty6. 1e often hear that: .ll are create# e1ual J and% of course% !e are. #ny baby arri$es 3basically4 the same !ay% and has the e2act same needs. t doesn6t matter !hether you are born in the Rueen6s Cospital or in a &ra$eller6s Van. .ut% !hat does: .ll are create# e1ual translate toB n practiceB Co! can e$eryone be created e0ualB &he only !ay is by some standardised mechanism. &his is usually stated as: In the image of the Creator% !hich implies that each created indi$idual is a clone from the same model. E$en if you don6t belie$e in a Creator 3as don6t J belie$e in a 7ni$ersal 9ife Force% 7ni$ersal Consciousness J you can call it *od if you like4% it still amounts to the same thin' J "ust usin' different rhetoric. 5f course: .ll are create# e1ual% thus no-one should be treated differently from anyone else.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word .ut am not you% and you are not me. 3&hat6s ar'uable% actually% if !e are all deri$ed from 5ne Consciousness4 So that6s a bi' difference. .ut there is a bi' similarity: 1e are indi$idually responsible for our indi$idual actions. #nd that6s one of the basic tenets of life. #nd the only !ay that can be responsible for my o!n actions% and J at the same time J you be responsible for your o!n actions is if !e are both soverei&n individua$s% and e0ual in all cases 3In the same image4. 6m sorry if lost you. &hink of it this !ay. (ou say your Country is Iso$erei'n6. 1hat does that meanB t means it is e0ual to all other countries. t means it has the ri'ht to 'o$ern itself% !ithout e2ternal interference. (our country considers itself to be e0ual to all other countries. &he same applies to you. 1hy notB # Icountry6 is only a collection of indi$iduals !ho% to'ether% make up the population. (ou must be as so$erei'n as your Country. #nd so must e$eryone else in your Country. 5ther!ise ho! can your Country be so$erei'nB 1here does your Country6s so$erei'nty come from% thenB F#C&: (ou are a so$erei'n Cuman .ein' by birth% because your s*irit is soverei&n. (ou are responsible for your o!n actions J certainly after the /a'e of ma"ority/. (ou ha$e t!o choices: (ou can take your so$erei'nty% and !ield it. 5r you can% by consent% 'i$e it a!ay. So no! !e are back to /consent/. #nd !e are also back to /person/ because J by consentin' to !ear the 9e'al Fiction ,erson o$ercoat% you tacitly accept the "urisdiction of any Statute 9a!E?e'ulationE*uideline you may be accused of $iolatin'.


The :ive Mind

Chapter 23: The (i4e Mind

e must 'et out of the habit of fallin' into the /Ci$e -ind &rap/ constantly and consistently. #lmost% it seems% !ith e$ery breath !e take. ,erhaps one of the best !ays of e2pressin' the Ci$e -ind is by e2ample. 1hen asked: 2hy #o you #o that(% a Ci$ed -ind response is: It3s what we #o now. That3s the way we #o it. End of story. End of con$ersation. End of discussion. End of ar'ument. @o G it/s not the end of the discussionD @othin' likeD &he ori'inal 0uestion is not ans!ered by that response. Co!e$er% it is 'enerally the only ans!er you/ll 'et from some 5r'anic ?obot !ho has a Ci$e -ind. n other !ords that/s a Ci$e -ind ans!er. .ut there are also Ci$e -ind 0uestions. For e2ample: -ow #o we #o this officially(% is that kind of 0uestion. &he 0uestion should ha$e been: ;hat<s the best !ay to do this honourably? mean% !hat has /officially/ 'ot to do !ith anythin'B &he Ci$e -ind is in'rained into our psyche due to the indoctrination !e suffer durin' childhood. t comes from our parents and schoolin'. t comes from these sources because they !ere similarly indoctrinated - as opposed to bein' properly educated - durin' their o!n childhoods. 2hat woul# the neighbours think( !as a perennial fa$ourite of my o!n mother. t used to tell her: I #on3t gi"e a shit what they think. That3s their problem, not mine. 3 can only presume !as born a rebel4. hated school G due to its Ci$e -ind attitude. #lthou'h couldn/t put my fin'er on it at the time. "ust kne! it !as all !ron' /someho!/. # .uilder can make a house. # house cannot make a .uilder. &he .uilder is /abo$e/ the house.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word # Cuman .ein' can make a 9a!. &he 9a! cannot make a Cuman .ein'. &he Cuman .ein' is /abo$e/ the 9a!. t has to be that !ay. #nd the 9a! has already been made. Centuries a'o. #lthou'h there !ere attempts beforehand% a ma"or boost% to codify it properly% occurred in :2:;. 1hen !e are in Ci$e -ind mode !e are not /abo$e/ anythin'. 5ur mentality is /belo!/ the situation. 1e are lookin' up!ards% and !onderin': -ow to #o this officially( 1e are lookin' for /'uidance from abo$e/. &he correct attitude is to use our Common Sense% and to take an honourable course of action. &hen our mentality is ri'ht !here is should be: A!ove the situation at hand. /m often told that many people !ant /to be led/. &his ar'ument can - to some e2tent - be countered by !onderin' !hether or not their childhood indoctrination has left them in that stateB #nd !hether or not% if they had been educated instead of indoctrinated durin' that period of their li$es% perhaps they !ould not !ant to let the *o$ernment 3and it propa'anda arm% called /&he -edia/4 do all their thinkin' for themB .ut /m ob$iously out on a limb !ith that ans!er. Simply because /m unable to pro$e it% of course. -y Common Sense tells me G but that/s all. .ut my Common Sense also tells me that - e$en if the $ast ma"ority !ould not !ant to be led by the nose had they been properly educated - then there is still the possibility that some !ould !ant it that !ay. 58. Fine. 9et them be sheep% and led by the nose - by some nannyin' .i' .rother-style *o$ernment. .ut don/t include me in that% sunshineD .ecause don/t accept bein' treated as a /lo!est common denominator/. #nd% belie$e% there are millions of us !ho ob"ect to bein' treated like that. #nd !e ha$e a $oice. #nd that/s !hat this book is all about.


Without 6re@udice

Chapter 24: :itho)t "re<)di#e

ou !ill find that letters considered to be /of importance/ may include the !ords: 2ithout 5re!u#ice some!here prominent% either at the top or the bottom. #nd you can use this yourself on correspondence you create. 1hat% actually% does this meanB 1ell% it doesn/t mean that !hoe$er !rites it is /not pre"udiced a'ainst the addressee/. #nd it is important to kno! this% if you decide to use it yourself. n Court% you may $ery !ell be asked to e2plain !hat it means% and if you say: It means I3m not pre!u#ice# against anyone% they !ill kno! you don/t kno! !hat you are talkin' about% and !hat you are really doin'. So it/s a $ery 'ood idea to kno! e2actly !hat it means% and e2actly !hat it does% before employin' this techni0ue. 5r% con$ersely% !hat it means if you recei$e a letter that says: 2ithout 5re!u#ice. 1hat it means is: :. &he Sender of the correspondence is reser$in' all ?i'hts% and nothin' in that correspondence should% or could% be taken to 'i$e up any ?i'hts. 3&he thin's that are not bein' /pre"udiced/ are one/s @atural nalienable ?i'hts4. t means that the Sender openly statin': )ot to be boun# by any Contract unknowingly entere# into, an# only boun# by those that meet the four criteria of Bull *isclosure, 01ual Consi#erations, /awful Terms = Con#itions, an# Manifeste# Intent to Contract. 2. t - therefore - means that the correspondence cannot be entered into Court e$idence without the *ermission o" the )reator. So you can send anyone a letter% sayin' !hate$er you like. f you add: 2ithout 5re!u#ice% then that letter cannot be used a'ainst you in Court% unless you a'ree. 35b$iously you can al!ays submit your o!n correspondence into e$idence G that/s al!ays yours to submit if you choose G you "ust can/t


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word submit theirs - if either side had !ritten: 2ithout 5re!u#ice% see blo!4. =. #nd the same thin' for them% of course. .ut there is more. 5nce either ,arty has used: 2ithout 5re!u#ice% a$$ "urther corres*ondence# "rom either side# in the current matter# is protected by the ori'inal 2ithout 5re!u#ice - !hether it is employed from then on!ards 3in further correspondence4 or not. So ho! does one use it% thenB #ctually there is a $ery stron' ar'ument for not usin' it. f one is sure of one/s position% and makin' stron'% asserti$e% statements 3!hich is the Freeman-on-the-9and !ay of !ritin'4% then one/s @atural nalienable ?i'hts !ill be bein' asserted. #nd this needs no protection from any future Court case. Ruite the opposite% of course. @ormally you !ould !ant !hat you said to the other ,arty to form a ma"or part of your defence a'ainst them. &hus% in that scenario% if you are sure of yourself 3as you should beD4 there is no point in usin': 2ithout 5re!u#ice. .ut then% there/s nothin' you can do to stop them usin' it. #nd then all your correspondence% from then on!ards becomes% /protected/ 3see 3=4% abo$e4 - as !ell as all theirs. .ut this still does not alter the fact that you could submit your o!n correspondence into e$idence and% if they chose to hide theirs% your statements !ould stand un-rebutted. 1hich !ould put you in a $ery po!erful position. suppose it/s a bit like a 'ame of ,oker. .ut a Freeman-on-the-9and doesn/t need to be bluffin'% and therefore doesn/t need to hide his or her cards - as lon' as they understand the 'ame% and kno! !hat they are doin'.


Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement

Chapter 25: Mass Mind Control & nsla4e%ent

re$ious Chapters ha$e e2plained the trium$irate of the *rand Aeception% namely Money% /egalese and Religion. #nd it is all fundamentally bound up !ith the illusion of /money/. Ca$e you e$er asked yourself: L2here #oes money come from, in the first place( (ou ha$eB 1ell% con'ratulationsD 1hat !as your ans!erB /ll tell you !hat mine !as. decided that e$erythin' must ha$e an ultimate source. -y Common Sense told me that. kne! you could obtain money by !orkin' for some Company% as a salary or !a'es% and kne! you could also obtain money by sellin' thin's. didn/t think !as $ery far out on a limb !ith these thou'hts. .ut then thou'ht: 2ell, yes to all that $ but where #i# it come from originally( @o! most people !ould say: The 7ank of 0nglan#. The Royal Mint. They make it, #on3t they( *aft 1uestion, 4' So thou'ht: 2ell, is it such a #aft 1uestion( I mean how #o they put it into circulation( *o they hire a plane, an# #rop it from the sky( 2ell, I3"e ne"er hear# of that. *oes someone stan# with a bucketful of it, in Threa#nee#le %treet, an# throw it up in the air, for anyone to catch( 2ell, no, I3"e ne"er hear# of that either. decided that there must by a /system/. # mechanism. # contro$$in& mechanism. #m bonkersB 3Aon/t you dare ans!er thatD4 1ell% decided that !asn/t 0uite ready for the "ust yet. 3E$en thou'h% by the !ay% !as actually born in one. n Sed'efield% in County Aurham% durin' 11 . @o% my mother !asn/t mad. She had been e$acuated to there. From out of 9ondon4

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word So continued thinkin'. #nd looked around. #nd sa! .anks. #nd sa! them 'oin' cap-in-hand for bailouts. #nd sa! some .anks and .uildin' Societies 'oin' titsup. #nd thou'ht: If they go belly up, then they can3t be the source, because , if they were > going belly,up woul#n3t happen. So decided didn/t ha$e the ans!er to my puMMle. #nd !as left !ith a fe! serious 3in my $ie!4 0uestions% !hich !ere: :. Co! is Imoney6 createdB 2. 1ho% or !hat% authorises itB =. Co! is Ian amount of it6 createdB >. Co! does it 'et into circulationB thou'ht% for a moment% that /d bitten off more than could che!. .ut then remembered !hat is supposed to be a *o$ernment #'ency 3but actually isn/tD4 called /Cer -a"esty/s &reasury/. So did a Freedom of nformation ?e0uest to C&reasury% askin' them if they could kindly help me ans!er these 0uestions. #nd% to cut a lon' story short% they $ery kindly replied. #nd ha$e obtained four responses from them% !hich include in an #ppendi2. &he responses obtained ha$e been $ery helpful 3in many !ays4% but not one has actually ans!ered any of my four 0uestions. 1ell% you mi'ht su''est: That3s probably because they #on3t know, 4eronica' #nd% suppose% that is possible. .ut% if C- &reasury don/t kno!% then !ho doesB Aoes /money/ "ust appear by ma'ic% thenB 3&hey say it doesn/t 'ro! on trees% but ob$iously that/s !here all the banknotes actually start their li$es4. .ut here/s another important facet. n one of the letters sent to C- &reasury% e2plained e2actly !hat understood the ans!ers to my 0uestions !ere. 3@e$er ask a 0uestion unless you kno! the ans!er% other!ise you ne$er kno! !hether or not the ans!er you are 'i$en

Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement is bullshit4. #nd asked them to please confirm or deny my understandin'. #nd% do you kno! !hatB &hey did not confirm - .7& A A @5& AE@( - my understandin'D #nd denial !ould ha$e been so easy. #ll they had to do !as to say: )o, sorry, but you are wrong. Aut they didn>tG (ou can check out the entire correspondence in the appropriate #ppendi2. (ou !ill see that C- &reasury did impart some $ery useful nu''ets. Such as the fact that /money/ has not been backed by any precious metal since :9=:. 3 n other !ords my lifetime% and probably yours4. #nd that currency is fiat% i.e. /it has no intrinsic $alue/. #nd that the best you can e$er do is to s!ap a tenner for t!o fi$ers% and so on. #nd that the issuance of /money/ 3from !here$er the ultimate source lies4 is limited by *o$ernment Statute called &he Currency #ct. (es /limited/ G but on !ho% !hich #uthority% is this limitation placedB &hat/s the 0uestionD 1hat !ere the ans!ers 'a$e to C- &reasury% that they did not denyB / asked the @uestions in this !ay: :. 1hat% precise% mechanism causes the release of /some amount/B t must re0uire some authority. 1hose authorityB 2. 1hat defines /the amount/B =. Co! does this created money /'et into circulation/B / self(ans!ered those @uestions0 back to -. Treasury0 in this !ay: @o! !e kno! the ans!er to 3=4 abo$e is not that it is dropped from an airplane. @or is it "ust because a .ank may up and demand it 3other!ise .anks and .uildin' Societies !ould not 'o out of business ... and !hat 'i$es them a priority ri'ht to make such a demand% any!ayB4. 3#lthou'h% of course% the recent bailouts !ere% precisely%


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word /because the .anks demanded it/. .ut this is $ery unusual% as /m sure you !ill a'ree. Cence all the furoreD4 f you !ant me to su''est ans!ers for your consideration% ans!ers that 'et to the heart of the matter% and may therefore e2plain to you !hat consider to be the heart of the matter% then my considered understandin's !ould be: :. &he precise mechanism for the creation of money is based on a ,romissory @ote% an 57% si'ned by #@( indi$idual !hen applyin' for a loan% mort'a'e% or e0ui$alent. # /promise to pay back/. 3.ut% as you ha$e already said% /money is fiat% it has no $alue/ ... so the /pay back/ is an empty promise ... "ust like the empty promise on a banknote itself4 2. &he amount is the amount of the loan. =. t is mo$ed into circulation by makin' the amount a$ailable to !hoe$er made the promise as a credit to an account on !hich sEhe can dra! upon. 5b$iously% as you ha$e e2plained% there are Statutory 9imits placed on this mechanism% such that it doesn/t run off into infinity. For e2ample by raisin' nterest ?ates such that the ,romissory @otes 'enerated by 9oan #pplications 3:4 become fe!er. C- &reasury did not deny these ans!ers. &hey i'nored them. So !hat the hell does this meanB t means that you apply for a loan of some kind. &his could be a strai'ht monetary loan% or a Credit Card% or a mort'a'e. #nythin' similar. (ou make an application% by fillin' out an #pplication Form. (ou thin it is an #pplication Form% askin' the 9oan Shark 3commonly called a .ank% .ankster% Credit Company% 9oan Company% .uildin' Society G you 'et the picture4 to lend you some of their o!n money.

Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement (ou think this because e$eryone else thinks the same thin'. E$en most of the 5r'anic ?obots !ho !ork for the 9oan Sharks% processin' applications% think that/s !hat/s happenin'. .ut% it isn/t. 1hen you si'n the 9oan #pplication% you are - in point of fact - actua$$y si&nin& a cheFue Ha Ai$$ o" 4xchan&eI. # che0ue dra!n on an #ccount you did not realise you had. t is an #ccount that is automatically created% in the name of your /egal Biction 5erson% !hen your birth !as re'istered by your parents. t is% fundamentally% a /notional/ #ccount. ?eally "ust numbers on a led'er 3a computer database% these days4. &he #ccount @umber is someho! tied to your @ational nsurance @umber and your .irth Certificate @umber% and is named by takin' your name in all capitals. &hus mine is VE?5@ C# CC#,-#@% for e2ample. (ou send this che0ue to the 9oan Sharks% and they rub their hands in 'leeD .ecause you ha$e made some /money/ for themD &hey then send this che0ue to C&reasury% or some *o$ernment Aepartment /kno!n only to them/. 3 t is this kno!led'e% that is ob$iously sort-of secret that enables a 9oan Shark to start up in business. -y Freedom of nformation ?e0uest !as desi'ned to e2tract that secret% but !as "ust stone-!alled% because /m not a 9oan Shark. .ut notice G my ans!ers !ere not deniedD4 &he /source of all money creation/ !ill take the che0ue and /cash/ it. /Cashin' it/ comprises /#uthorisin' credit to the .earer of the che0ue/. 3T ,?5- SE &5 ,#( &CE .E#?E? 5@ AE-#@A GT% rememberB4 So the 9oan Shark is credited !ith the amount you si'ned for. f you applied for K;0%000 then he is /up/ by K;0%000D 9o$ely "ubblyD Clap hands G !alk a!ay !ith your money 3if he !anted toD4. Ce could send you back a


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word letter sayin': &h, sorry. +our /oan .pplication faile#, after all' *nd you !ould be none the !iser. .ut he kno!s% if he al!ays did that% people !ould stop applyin' for loans. .ecause there !ould be no point. #nd he also kno!s if he mo$es that K;0%000 into a ,ersonal #ccount you can dra!n on% then you !ill dra! on it. #nd spend it. #nd you !ill think you ha$e to pay it back 3because e$eryone thinks thatD4% and you !ill also assume that you ha$e to pay an additional amount called /interest/ 3because e$eryone thinks thatD4 #nd he kno!s that% in this latter situation% bearin' in mind the !ay Compound nterest !orks% he is likely to end up !ith bein' paid &1 CE 3at the $ery least4D Aein& *aid twice "or money you madeG 9o$ely% lo$ely% "ubblyD :e stea$s somethin& "rom you in the "irst *$ace# and &ets you to *ay it !ac with Interest. 5h boyD 1hat are the !ords /m lookin' forB ha$e a bi' problem findin' the !ords% because fraud% theft% 'rand larceny "ust do not do the situation "ustice% in my humble opinion. .ut that/s not e$en !here it ends. 5h yes ... there/s lots more to come. First of all% !ithin that mechanism% e$en if it !ere not utterly fraudulent% there is only the mechanism for /creatin'/ the K;0%000. There is no mechanism at all for creating the /nterest= &here is no mechanism for creatin' nterest. 1hich means that% under the current fraud% all loans could never# ever# !e *aid o""G t is impossibleD #nd that situation creates the do'-eat-do' so-called /ci$ilisation/% !hich !e all kno! only too !ell. .ecause !e ha$e to li$e in it% 2>E).


Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement 5nly utter psychopaths% such as described in the Chapter on the :lobal 0lite% could ha$e desi'ned this% surelyB (ou !ould need to be inhuman% surelyB .ut there is more. &hink about it. (ou ha$e a *o$ernment #'ency /creatin' money/. 3 t doesn/t matter !hich one it is G it ain/t you% that/s for sureD4. (ou ha$e another *o$ernment #'ency /!antin' money/. n the 78 these t!o #'encies are C- &reasury and C- ?e$enue H Customs. n the united States this !ould be the 7S &reasury and the ?S. @o!% !hy can/t C- ?e$enue H Customs% if they /!ant money/% 'et it directly from C- &reasury% !ho can /make money/B /-ake as much money/ as C- ?e$enue H Customs !ould e$er needB 1hy bother you H B can only think of one possible% plausible% reason: Money has to pass through us in or#er to keep our noses to the grin#stone. In short, to keep us ensla"e#. It also has to pass through the /oan %harks because the :lobal 0lite own them, an# that s how they obtain their massi"e wealth. .n# they own the :o"ernments, thus they can ensure the legislation that enables these rip, offs. :enerally without the knowle#ge of Ooe 7loggs. To ee* us in the *rison-without-!ars. So no! !hat is a bailoutB 5h% it6s pretty simple isn6t itB #nd !hy there is so much an'st in$ol$ed. # bailout is the creation of money without direct$y ens$avin& anyone to E*ay it !ac N interest%G &hat6s the reason for the an'st. .ut there is one more final thin' to say. 1hile the 9oan Sharks are 'ettin' you H to pay back J to them J the Imoney6 !e% oursel$es% created G *$ease note+ They don%t have any need Hin turnI to *ay it !ac to where they &ot it "rom C i.e. the Treasury. 5h lo$ely% lo$ely% lo$ely% lo$ely "ubblyDD


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word @o!% perhaps% you can understand !hy this Chapter !as called Mass Min# Control an# 0nsla"ementB hope so. /$e done my best to e2plain. 1hy am so con$inced my ans!ers are correct% and that this system operates the !ay ha$e e2plainedB Aecause there is no other way. &here is no other !ay to apply domination and mass mind-control o$er the entire planet. @o other !ay such that e$en a dullard could not see throu'h. E$ery scrap of practical e$idence !e ha$e supports this contention. E$ery pre$arication !e encounter uni$ersally supports this contention. E$ery media article is uni$ersally desi'ned to hide this contention. E$ery book of 9a!% #ccountancy% or Economics like!ise. E$ery co'niti$e dissonance% from e$ery 5r'anic ?obot% supports this contention. #nd our o!n Common Sense literally screams this contention. 1ell% it does to me% at any rate. &hink about it. ha$e e2plained ho! Money H /egalese 3supported by Religions4 are massi$e illusions. -erely .elief Systems that could be "ettisoned at the snap of fin'er and thumb. .ut% if that !ere the case% then domination and ensla$ement !ould no lon'er be possible. 5n the other hand% the set-up of these .elief Systems !as based on panderin' to innate 'reed. t is $ery easy to see ho! the concept of /money/ could ha$e been slipped into the uni$ersal psyche% based on: +ou worke# har# for that, you shoul# ha"e some return and: This system is so much easier, more con"enient, an# more fle<ible than bartering. .ll we ha"e to #o is to set some stan#ar#s. Constantly supported% at e$ery turn% by psycholo'ies !hose desi'n basis !as /'reed/ 3?oman Empire - 'reed for dominationB Feudal System - 'reed of the @obility and the -onarchsB4 @e$er once did anyone 3of importance4 3apparently4 say: I ha"e to take, because I3m ali"e. 7ut all I nee# is all I nee#. I #on3t nee# any more, thanks. It is

Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement #ishonourable to take more than I nee#. I #on3t nee# to be gree#y. I firmly belie"e we shoul# all think that way. The only rewar# I will e"er nee# is simply the honour of contributing selflessly to the goo# of one an# all. .n# I think that shoul# be the only rewar# anyone e"er nee#s. *on3t nee# 3money3. *on3t nee# 3legal3. *on3t nee# 3religion3. *on3t nee# illusions' .ack in the relati$ely unci$ilised days% !hen it all started% it is easy to see ho! people could be fooled. &here !as a time !hen they belie$ed !holeheartedly in a *od !ho made the Sun% and made it re$ol$e around the 3flat4 Earth. #nd they ne$er 0uestioned these thin's. So !hy should they 0uestion /the introduction of a -onetary System for their con$enience/B (ou !ould% and still do% need to take a step back and realise there is no dishonour in takin'% and think about the Farmer% -iller% and .aker e2ample% before it is possible to see the hood!inkin'. (ou also ha$e to understand the psycholo'y of sicko psychopaths% !ho !ould actually !ant to create these illusions. (ou ha$e to do this before the audacity of it e$er has the sli'htest chance of da!nin' upon you. #nd% e$en then% you !ould still need to ans!er !hy you e$en asked the 0uestion: 2hat makes you so sure, 4eronica, that your answers are right( &he fact that this latter 0uestion e$en crosses your mind sho!s ho! in'rained the !hole system of illusions has become. (ou ha$e to remember that !e !ere made by sicko psychos% in the first place. &he #nnunaki 3the .iblical ElohimE@efilim4. #nd their o!n half% of their creation% implanted the sickness of 'reed !ithin us% so they kne! e2actly ho! to pander to it. 1e took our e2ample from them. 1e kne! no better. 1e copied their appallin' e2ample. 1e sa! the !ay they beha$ed% and copied it% on the assumption that !as the !ay to beha$e. 1e !ere told they !ere *ods - !hat chance did !e actually ha$e to kno! any betterB 1e can kno! better because of one thin'. 1e are also half human. #nd% !here$er /human/ came from% it came !ith compassion% conscience% empathy. t came !ith

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Common Sense. 1e ha$e that% and they don/t. 1e ha$e a /better nature/% and they don/t. &hat allo!s us to unra$el their carefully constructed illusions% !hich hope ha$e done in some small part. @e$ertheless the reality they ha$e constructed% in order to maintain their domination% is immense and $ery% $ery% thorou'h. .ut there is a !ay out. &he 0<amples in this book sho! that. t comprises !hat is called 9a!ful ?ebellion. t/s a sort of /la!ful +udo/% !here you take the momentum of the attacker and use it a'ainst them% in your o!n defence% by addin' dollops of Common Sense. t is pointless tellin' me you ha$e Idemocracy6 a$ailable to sort anythin' out% because your Idemocracy6 doesn6t !ork. t doesn6t !ork because those !ho attain the Ihi'hest positions6 all !ork for the same -asters 3the *lobal Elite4. t doesn6t matter to the *lobal Elite !hether the current ,rime -inister is &ony . 9iar% *ordon .ro!n% Aa$id Cameron 3or !hoe$er J at the time of !ritin'4% anymore than it makes any difference !hether the 7S ,resident is a A -ocrat or a ?epuliC5@. &he only thin' anyone has at their disposal is not a useless Idemocratic $ote6% but 9a!ful ?ebellion - used to its most potent effect. The vast ma@ority o" which can !e done "rom your armchair# sittin& in "ront o" your com*uter# and writin& $etters in your own de"ence. The more *eo*$e that do this# and to stand u* "or themse$ves 8 their $oved ones# the !etter. /m sure you/ll 'et the idea from these 0<amples. f not then you can "oin in the Forums that ha$e been setup up at "orum."mot$.com. &he only reason !hy Ithey6 'et a!ay !ith any of this% is simple: 6eo*$e @ust do not now their 1i&hts. ?i'hts that many of our forefathers 'a$e their li$es to protect. t seems to me 3at least4 !e need to do three thin's: '. Learn or re-discover themK

Mass Mind )ontro$ 8 4ns$avement -. ?se them at a$$ timesK ,. Teach them to our chi$dren# so they never &et $ost or "or&otten ever a&ain. 9ike them% you are a ma'nificent part of all that is% all that e$er !as% and all that e$er !ill be. #nd it6s lon' past time you claimed your freedom to be !hat you truly are. t6s a lot more than "ust a se$en-letter !ord.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word


othin' ha$e !ritten herein incites or induces $iolence of any kind. @or any form of racial hatred. n point of fact% 0uite the contrary. #ll /$e done is used Common Sense to point out the ob$ious% and documented methods by !hich perfectly peaceful% and perfectly la!ful% rebellion can be achie$ed - entirely !ithin the 9a!-of-the-9and. #nd no!here ha$e e$en su''ested that anyone should break the 9a!-of-the-9and G or e$en Statutes for that matter. 5nce a'ain% 0uite to the contrary. #nd the -a'na Carta :2:; says 0uite clearly% in #rticle <:% that it is the nalienable @atural ?i'ht and Auty of each and e$ery one of us to rebel !ith la!ful e2cuse% as e$er it may become necessary. &he content of this book indicates that such necessity is upon us% in my humble opinion. am fully prepared to 'o toe-to-toe !ith any +ud'e% -a'istrate% 9a!yer% Solicitor% ,olicyman% *eneral% #dmiral% ,olitician% 8in'% Rueen - indeed anyone - and stand on the Common Sense ha$e documented. &his is not bluff. am not bluffin'. #nd am not afraid of you. (es G you kno! !ho mean. .ut% of course% you !ould ne$er do that% !ould youB *o toe-to-toe openlyB (ou !ould use your undoubted /muscle/% supplied by your meticulously-created -ind-Controlled 5r'anic ?obots% to lock me a!ay !ithout discussion. 5r you !ould make sure someho! disappeared. /Character assassination/E/actual assassination/ G you don/t care G as lon' as the &ruth remains co$ered up. /Suicide/ is your fa$ourite one% of course. &hat and /Stran'e


4*i$o&ue accidents% !hen the CC&V "ust didn/t happen to be !orkin'/. (ou are sni$ellin'% psychopathic co!ards - and that/s the !ay you act. &hat/s the !ay you ha$e to act. &hat/s the !ay you/$e al!ays acted% since the be'innin' of time. .ecause your actions could ne$er !ithstand any scrutiny in the li'ht of day. &he /hand/ has to be kept /hidden/% doesn/t itB (ou dis'ust me% to the root of my soul. .ut do hate youB @o% not at all. "ust !ant you locked up% a!ay from decent people% to ha$e a $ery lon' life J and the opportunity to consider all the e$il and corruption you ha$e perpetrated upon decent souls. !ant to 'i$e you as lon' as possible to think about all that. n a real prison. 1ith real bars. So there6s no mistakin' the situation: It s not corruption that s the problem. It s the acceptance of corruption that s the problem said ,at ?atti'an in 200>. #nd anyone !ho reads this book !ill kno! !hat you are. f anythin' happens to me% as it has done to others !ho ha$e re$ealed &ruths% then !hat ha$e said becomes &ruth any!ay. .ut then left to stand as it is% the blindin' ob$iousness of !hat 6$e !ritten is% frankly% rather hard to rebut% is it notB .it of a problem% then. #nd you do% after all% ha$e an a!ful lot to lose. .ut% for me: Bree#om3s !ust another wor# for nothing left to lose% as 8ris 8ristofferson once !rote. Sue me. ,ro$e you are not a psychopath. 9et6s ha$e your A@# e2amined by a Court G e$en a de facto one. You have no c$othesG You 4m*erors have no c$othesG The !its o" !$ue c$oth you wear# with meta$$ic trin ets attached# the wi&s you don# the tra**in&s 8 ro!es you wear C sti$$ $eave you as na ed as the day that you were !ornG


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 3 f e$er say anythin' different% /it !ill be the dru's talkin'/. &he ones your ?obots !ill ha$e used% !ithout my permission or my consent4.


Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer

7ppendi8 7: Te%plates & 9sage +is#lai%er

isc$aimer+ Aou are playing !ith fire. *nd you kno! !hat happens if you do that0 !ithout kno!ing e"actly !hat you are doing. /t is0 therefore0 absolutely essential that you ha#e read this book from end to end before attempting to rebut any legal action taken against you. *nd0 furthermore0 you do it in accordance !ith the information herein entirely at your o!n risk. The techni@ues e"plained herein !ill not0 necessarily !ork in any case if you ha#e already been through 'ourt 3roceedings because0 at that point0 you !ill ha#e tacitly agreed to be the :egal ,iction 3erson. A$$ the in"ormation contained in this !oo is used entire$y at your own discretion. In no way shou$d anythin& !e read herein other than to encoura&e you to consider *ossi!i$ities. And to use your )ommon Sense to understand the dece*tive wor$d in which you $ive. There is no encoura&ement or incitement to ta e any actions o" any ind. &he &emplates can be found on the nternet% on the links 'i$en belo!. &his is the best !ay to present them% because of their /dynamic/ nature. &hey can be used for more than one circumstance% for e2ample if more than one 9e'al Fiction ,erson is in$ol$ed i.e. /Mr. 8 Mrs./. Furthermore certain prefi2in' can be in$oked dependin' on circumstances &he responses to them !ill either be /standard/ 'enerally to repeat Statutes in return 3fundamentally they ha$e no idea !hat you are talkin' about% and respond by rote4. 1here necessary the &emplates include the condition of /esto**e$ !y acFuiescence>% and so this should be pointed out in the reply% specifically:


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 3a4 @o response to the Cuman Self has been forthcomin' 3response !as still addressed to 9e'al Fiction ,erson4% and this is the last time you !ill reply pointin' this outO 3b4 @o response in substance has been forthcomin'O 3c4 &hus /*ermanent and irrevoca!$e $aw"u$ esto**e$ !y acFuiescence> has been 'ained% due to their dishonourO 3d4 (our ori'inal Conditional #'reement remo$ed all Contro$ersy% and thus remo$ed the possibility of Court #ction on their partO 3e4 @otice that henceforth a char'e of K;00 !ill be le$ied for letters sent that appertain to the matter in hand 3!here a communication is addressed to your Cuman Self4. Correspondence continued to be addressed to your 9e'al Fiction ,erson !ill be returned unopened% marked: 4o :egal ,ictions d!ell here. 1nly -uman Beings. Try :a(:a :andO &hese thin's tend to tie them up on knots. f they still persist% let them. (ou6$e already !on% so !hy should you care !hat they doB (ou can !rite back and tell them that you6$e already !on so% !hate$er they do J they6$e already lost. ,oint out that% if they 'o to Court% their case !ill be dismissed% and that you !ill make a Counterclaim for harassment in the sum of K;0%000 for all the 7@9#1F79 stress you ha$e suffered. 3-ake sure you al!ays do this from !hat you are commonly called% and not the 9e'al Fiction @ame they addressed% L1ithout ,re"udiceN% etc. &he &emplates make sure of all this4. &he best thin' is not to open letters addressed to your 9e'al Fiction ,erson% but to return them unopened% as e2plained abo$e. ,hone calls: Aon6t admit to your name% and A5 @5& 0uote the Lfirst line of your addressN. 3ive them a!so$ute$y nothin& Hnot even the time o" day# i" *ossi!$eI. Ca$e actually done this myselfB (es. 5n a number of occasions. 1hat happened to meB @othin' ... as yet. E2cept the chance to !rite this book. t is felt that the &emplates should be self-e2planatory.

Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer ha$e been asked: 2hich template #o I useH(. &he ans!er to that is: The templates are the ?n# 5hase. The Est 5hase is to stop paying. +ou will then recei"e a letter, which you will nee# to rebut. +ou will then know which Rebuttal Template to use. &he only &emplates presented herein are those that ha$e been pro$en to !ork. Co!e$er% !hile they start the /rebuttal ball rollin'/% they do not - necessarily - stop the process immediately. t is often necessary to follo! up% e2plainin' the difference bet!een /le'al/ and /la!ful/ 3their response !ill al!ays be in the /le'al sense/4% and pointin' out that the Ilack of response in substance6 has 'ained the estoppel% e2plained abo$e. &ype tem*$ates."mot$.com into your .ro!ser to obtain personalised rebuttal letters for the follo!in' situations:


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word ;e!t )o$$ection A&ency 1e!utta$. &his &emplate is a$ailable in dynamic form $ia tem*$ates."mot$.com. .elo! is a 'eneralised sample% !here B@B are numbers to be replaced by the follo!in': B:B S (our #ddress 9ine : B2B S (our #ddress 9ine 2 B=B S (our #ddress 9ine = B>B S (our #ddress 9ine > B;B S (our #ddress 9ine ; B<B S (our #ddress 9ine < B)B S (our ,ostCode BFB S (our 9etter Aate B9B S AC# ?eference @umber B:0B S AC# ?eference Aate B::B S AC# #ddress 9ine : B:2B S AC# #ddress 9ine 2 B:=B S AC# #ddress 9ine = B:>B S AC# #ddress 9ine > B:;B S AC# #ddress 9ine ; B:<B S AC# #ddress 9ine < B:)B S (our *i$en @ame B:FB S (our Family @ame ;O <OT SI3< IT. There is no need. EThey% o"ten do not si&n anythin& written to you# so why &ive them a Si&nature to "or&eD Send it Ere&istered%.


Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer n care of: B:B B2B B=B B>B B;B B<B @ear: VB)BW BFB 1e+ D/D# dated D'(D. <otice o" 1eFuest To )ease :arrassment. &o: B::B B:2B B:=B B:>B B:;B B:<B Aear Sirs% ,lease read the follo!in' notice thorou'hly and carefully before respondin'. t is a notice. t informs you. t means !hat it says. refer to your letter dated B:0B. #s you are a third party inter$ener in this matter actin' !ithout authority% A5 @5& 'i$e you permission to interfere in my commercial affairs as you ha$e no le'al standin'. do not ha$e a contract !ith you and any permission that you belie$e you may ha$e from me is hereby !ithdra!n. f you belie$e that you ha$e po!er of attorney to act on my behalf you are hereby fired% and any consent that you belie$e you may ha$e% tacit or other!ise% is hereby !ithdra!n. am familiar !ith the terms of Section >0 of the #dministration of +ustice #ct :9)0% and the ,rotection from Carassment #ct :99). #nd belie$e% should you continue in contactin' me after my re0uest for you to cease your acti$ity% that you !ill be 'uilty of harassment

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word and blackmail% and you !ill be in breach of these acts% and you !ill be reported to the rele$ant bodies. am !ell a!are of Section >0% sub-section 3=4 !hich you may consider entitles you to proceed. Co!e$er upon full commercial liability and penalty of per"ury you !ill need to supply the follo!in' ,roofs of Claims: :. ,roof of Claim that your actions are reasonable. 2. ,roof of Claim that any obli'ation on my part is due% or belie$ed by you to be due to you% and not to some other party. =a. ,roof of Claim that any obli'ation on my part is to yourself by pro$idin' si'ht of the appropriate contract% or =b. ,roof of Claim that any obli'ation on my part to persons for !hom you act by pro$idin' si'ht of the appropriate contract. >. ,roof of Claim that any obli'ation on my part protects you from any future loss. ;. ,roof of Claim that any obli'ation on my part is enforcement of a le'al process on a Cuman .ein' under Common 9a! "urisdiction% !ho cannot possibly ha$e such liability under said "urisdiction. (ou !ould of course need to pro$ide these ,roofs% includin' sho!in' the full and audited accountin'% if you chose to 'o to la!. ,lease also note that if you contact me by telephone% after a formal re0uest not to% you !ill also be in breach of the 1ireless &ele'raphy #ct 3:9>94 and% as such% !ill report you to both &radin' Standards and &he 5ffice of Fair &radin'. #nd take further note that continued telephone calls after the receipt of a re0uest not to call may constitute a criminal offence under Section :2) of the Communications #ct 200=. Finally% you do not% nor ha$e you e$er had% my permission to use or process my personal data in any !ay% and so pursuant to the Aata ,rotection #ct :99F% hereby demand that you cease use of any and all data !ith re'ard to me% and that you immediately destroy all

Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer of my data held on your records. Failure to do so !ill result in a report bein' submitted to &he nformation Commissioner for Aata ,rotection breaches. (ou !ill be deemed to ha$e been ser$ed notice of my re0uest and !ill deem it ser$ed three 3=4 days from the date of this letter. &his has been sent by recorded deli$ery. am ad$isin' you that any communications from you includin' but not limited to letters% phone calls and te2t messa'es recei$ed after this date !ill be recordedEnoted !ith the intention of them bein' used as e$idence. Ao not contact me a'ain. Sincerely and !ithout ill !ill% $e2ation or fri$olity% B:)B: of the B:FB family 1 &C57& ,?E+7A CE% i.e. all @atural nalienable ?i'hts ?eser$ed 5lease a##ress all future correspon#ence in the matter to a #irect -uman %elf, namely (ER(H of the (EA( family, as commonly calle#. Encl: 5ri'inal paper!ork as recei$ed.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word )har&e or ;emand 1e!utta$ Hinc$. Fixed 6ena$ty <oticesI. &his &emplate is a$ailable in dynamic form $ia tem*$ates."mot$.com. .elo! is a 'eneralised sample% !here B@B are numbers to be replaced by the follo!in': B:B S (our #ddress 9ine : B2B S (our #ddress 9ine 2 B=B S (our #ddress 9ine = B>B S (our #ddress 9ine > B;B S (our #ddress 9ine ; B<B S (our #ddress 9ine < B)B S (our ,ostCode BFB S (our 9etter Aate B9B S Char'eEAemand ?eference @umber B:0B S Char'eEAemand ?eference Aate B::B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine : B:2B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine 2 B:=B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine = B:>B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine > B:;B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine ; B:<B S Char'eEAemand #ddress 9ine < B:)B S (our *i$en @ame B:FB S (our Family @ame B:9B S &he 9e'al Fiction @ame% exact$y as *rinted in the ;emand. B20B S &he #mount Aemanded &his has been or'anised for a Fi2ed ,enalty Char'e. &his same 3or similar4 !ordin' could be used for any Aemand in 'eneral. ;O <OT SI3< IT. There is no need. EThey% o"ten do not si&n anythin& written to you# so why &ive them a Si&nature to "or&eD Send it Ere&istered%.


Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer n care of: B:B B2B B=B B>B B;B B<B @ear: VB)BW BFB 1e+ D/D# dated D'(D. <otice o" ;ischar&e o" Outstandin& Fixed 6ena$ty )har&e and 1eFuest "or )$ari"ication. B::B B:2B B:=B B:>B B:;B B:<B Aear Sirs% ,lease read the follo!in' notice thorou'hly and carefully before respondin'. t is a notice. t informs you. t means !hat it says. &he reason !hy you need to read carefully is simple. am offerin' conditional a'reement. &his remo$es contro$ersy% and means that you no lon'er ha$e any ultimate recourse to a court of la! in this matter% because there is no contro$ersy upon !hich it could ad"udicate. (ou al!ays ha$e the option of dra''in' these conditions into a court of la! only to be told that they are% indeed% perfectly la!ful. &hat is% of course% al!ays your prero'ati$e should you decide to !aste your time. For this reason it is important that you consider and respond to the offer in substance. &he /nearest official form/ !ill not suffice% and conse0uently is likely to be i'nored by myself !ithout any dishonour on my part. 5n the other hand there is a time-limit on the a'reement bein' offered. t is reasonable% and if it runs

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word out then you and all associated parties are in default% remo$in' any and all la!ful e2cuse on your part for proceedin' in this matter. For these reasons it is recommended that you carefully consider this notice and respond in substance% !hich means actually addressin' the points raised herein. (ou ha$e apparently made alle'ations of unacceptable conduct on my part. (ou ha$e apparently made demands upon me. do not understand those apparent demands and therefore cannot la!fully fulfill them. seek clarification of your document so that may act accordin' to the la! and maintain my entire body of inalienable @atural ?i'hts. Failure to accept this offer to clarify and to do so completely and in 'ood faith !ithin ) 3se$en4 days !ill be deemed by all parties to mean you and your principal or other parties abandon all demands upon me. conditionally accept your offer to a'ree that am le'al fiction /person/ B:9B and that o!e KB20B for ser$ices rendered by your company% upon proof of claim of all of the follo!in': :. 7pon proof of claim that am a person% and not a human bein'. 2. 7pon proof of claim that you kno! !hat a /person/ actually is% in le'al terms. =. 7pon proof of claim that you kno! the difference bet!een a /human bein'/ and a /person/% le'ally speakin'. >. 7pon proof of claim that you kno! the difference bet!een /le'al/ and a /la!ful/. ;. 7pon proof of claim that am le'al fiction /person/ B :9B% bein' the entity to !hich your paper!ork !as addressed% and not B:)B: of the B:FB family% as commonly called.


Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer <. 7pon proof of claim that the char'e !as the result of a la!ful in$esti'ation unmarred by pre"udice. ). 7pon proof of claim that am a member of the society !hose statutes and subsistin' re'ulations you are enforcin'. F. 7pon proof of claim that sho!ed you some sort of identification. 9 7pon proof of claim that there is a nameable society that belon' to and that the la!s co$ered !ithin any alle'ed trans'ressions state that they apply to me !ithin that named society. Sincerely and !ithout ill !ill% $e2ation or fri$olity% B:)B: of the B:FB family 1 &C57& ,?E+7A CE% i.e. all @atural nalienable ?i'hts ?eser$ed 5lease a##ress all future correspon#ence in the matter to a #irect -uman %elf, namely (ER(H of the (EA( family, as commonly calle#. Encl: 5ri'inal paper!ork as recei$ed.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word )ourt de "acto Summons 1e!utta$. &his &emplate is a$ailable in dynamic form $ia tem*$ates."mot$.com. .elo! is a 'eneralised sample% !here B@B are numbers to be replaced by the follo!in': B:B S (our #ddress 9ine : B2B S (our #ddress 9ine 2 B=B S (our #ddress 9ine = B>B S (our #ddress 9ine > B;B S (our #ddress 9ine ; B<B S (our #ddress 9ine < B)B S (our ,ostCode BFB S (our 9etter Aate B9B S Summons ?eference @umber B:0B S Summons ?eference Aate B::B S Court @ameE#ddress 9ine : B:2B S Court #ddress 9ine 2 B:=B S Court #ddress 9ine = B:>B S Court #ddress 9ine > B:;B S Court #ddress 9ine ; B:<B S Court #ddress 9ine < B:)B S (our *i$en @ame B:FB S (our Family @ame B:9B S &he 9e'al Fiction @ame% exact$y as *rinted in the Summons. ;O <OT SI3< IT. There is no need. EThey% o"ten do not si&n anythin& written to you# so why &ive them a Si&nature to "or&eD Send it Ere&istered%.


Tem*$ates 8 ?sa&e ;isc$aimer n care of: B:B B2B B=B B>B B;B B<B @ear: VB)BW BFB 1e+ D/D# dated D'(D. <otice o" 1eFuest "or )$ari"ication o" 6a*erwor 1eceived. &o: &he Clerk of the Court B::B B:2B B:=B B:>B B:;B B:<B Aear Sirs% &he enclosed paper!ork !as deli$ered to the address at !hich d!ell. t !as addressed in the name B:9B. ha$e been led to belie$e this si'nifies that the paper!ork !as addressed to a le'al fiction kno!n as a ,E?S5@% !hich is% in point of fact% the name of some C5?,5?#& 5@. !ould be most 'rateful if you !ould kindly confirm or deny my understandin' in this respect. #s a so$erei'n Cuman .ein'% !ith a li$in' soul% and conse0uently 3as understand it4 under Common 9a! "urisdiction 3i.e. the la!-of-the-land% as opposed to Corporate or Statute 9a!% namely the la!-of-the-sea4% am not entirely sure !hy ha$e recei$ed this paper!ork% and !ould be 'rateful for any clarification in this matter. ha$e no !ish to dishonour any $alid and la!ful obli'ation on my part.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word #rticle >; of the -a'na Carta :2:; states 0uite clearly: 8;e !ill appoint as >ustices0 constables0 sheriffs0 or bailiffs only those !ho kno! the la! of the realm and !ho !ish to obser#e it !ell8% and this cannot be repealed or $oided in any !ay because it pre-dates all ,arliaments% and furthermore the document itself says so in other #rticles. #nd said document bears the ?oyal Seal. n conse0uence of this assume you can clarify% in lay terms% the points raised herein. #ccordin' to Aun H .radstreet there is a re'istered company kno!n as B::B. Since it is possible to obtain a AH. Credit ?eport on said company% it seems reasonable to assume that it is in business% acti$ely tradin'% and offerin' ser$ices. ,lease confirm that your 'ood sel$es ha$e no connection !ith said &radin' Company% and that said paper!ork !as not an issuance from it% bein' merely an offer to pro$ide a ser$ice. Sincerely and !ithout ill !ill% $e2ation or fri$olity% B:)B: of the B:FB family 1 &C57& ,?E+7A CE% i.e. all @atural nalienable ?i'hts ?eser$ed 5lease a##ress all future correspon#ence in the matter to a #irect -uman %elf, namely (ER(H of the (EA( family, as commonly calle#. Encl: 5ri'inal paper!ork as recei$ed.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury

7ppendi8 =: Freedo% o1 3n1or%ation intera#tions with (M Treas)ry


here is a 1ebsite that pro$ides for 78 Freedom of nformation ?e0uests% called 2hat* made the follo!in' Freedom of nformation ?e0uest to C- &reasury on =rd February% 2009: Cear 5ir or .adam0 &nder the ,reedom of /nformation *ct / !ould like an ans!er to the follo!ing @uestion: -o!0 precisely0 is money created? ,or your information / ha#e been gi#en to understand that it is created by means of 3romissory 4otes. /n more detail0 !hen a human being signs a <promise to pay< (kno!n collo@uially as an /1&)0 !hich can stand until the end of time. *nd that the human being<s signature on that promise renders said promise la!ful. 'an you please be so kind as to confirm or deny my understanding and0 if necessary0 correct my understanding? Thank you. Aours faithfully0 D etc. !as told that they did not need to ans!er such 0uestions under the Freedom of nformation #ct. &hat they !ere only re0uired to pull numbers from their databases% in response to re0uests for such numbers. Co!e$er% as a kindness to me% they !ould respond as they !ere able. A co*y o" their res*onse is Fi&ures A' 8 A-. ,aul -orran had not ans!ered my 0uestion% but did supply% in ,ara'raph )% sentence 2% the ans!er: L+ou are

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word correct in essence that this amounts to an I&9. #nd there !ere some nu''ets of information in ,ara'raph ;% for e2ample% sentence =: NMo#ern Dcurrency is known as Dfiat money; it is artificially create#, has no "alue in itself $.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury Fi'ure .:: First response from C- &reasury 3:st ,a'e4.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Fi'ure .2: First response from C- &reasury 32nd ,a'e4.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury ?ather than bo' up the Freedom of nformation !ebsite% decided to take ,aul -orran up on this offer to contact him further. So sent the follo!in' e-mail: Cear 5irs0 / recently submitted a ,reedom of /nformation re@uest that can be read #ia this link: http:EE!!!.!hatdotheykno!.comEre@uestEthe FcreationFofFmoney /t !as responded to #ery courteously by your colleague .r. 3aul .orran. -o!e#er the fundamental @uestion !as only ans!ered by default. 4e#ertheless that default ans!er is no! the la!(of(the(land0 in other !ords no! becomes a part of established 'ommon :a!. Based on that situation0 and under 'ommon :a! courtesy0 / am no! !riting to you for further ( more detailed ( ans!ers in the form of specific clarifications. 3lease remain assured that / do not !ish to <pull rank<. That is0 by being a .ember of the 3ublic. * -uman Being !ho0 by #irtue of my supreme and absolute po!er0 colludes !ith others of the same rank to pro#ide your ultimate authorisation for e"istence as <-. Treasury<. Aou may consider that your authorisation deri#es from empo!erment by Go#ernment 5tatute. That is fair enough0 but !ho empo!ers the Go#ernment? The Hueen? ;rong ans!er0 because !ho empo!ers the Hueen? There is only one ans!er. Those !ith the po!er to do that. ;hich is us0 the -uman Beings !ho populate this 'ountry of ours.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word ;e empo!er the Hueen #ia the 'oronation 1ath. ;e empo!er the Go#ernment by elections. Aou cannot gi#e someone0 or e#en some <body< (such as a group of representati#es)0 more than you0 yourself0 possess. 'onse@uently no(one can empo!er either the .onarch0 or the Go#ernment (or -. Treasury) !ith more po!er than they0 themsel#es0 possess. *ll this is >ust saying one thing: /f / ask a @uestion !ith due courtesy0 / ha#e the inalienable 2ight to ha#e it ans!ered courteously0 /4 ,&::0 on pain of per>ury and full commercial liability0 and /4 T2&T- (as far as is practicable). Aou ha#e e"tended 'ommon :a! courtesy until no!. *nd / ha#e responded as courteously as !as (/ think) possible. *nd / sincerely hope that !ill continue. 5o no! / ask you (<money< is henceforth in @uotes as defined by .r. .orran in his original ans!er): 1) ;ho authorises the creation of <money<? &pon !hose signature (or signatures) is it created? ) ,or !hat reason is *4 *.1&4T created? +) Co you hold a :i#e Birth Trust (or some such) for each indi#idual !ho is ali#e? /f so0 is the 2eference 4umber the same as a 4ational /nsurance 4umber0 and is any such account <named< to the legal fiction 3I2514 of that indi#idual? *nd0 furthermore0 if this is the case0 is the associated -uman Being 3rime 'reditor on the account? There may be more @uestions0 depending on your truthful ans!ers0 !hich / trust can be responded to !ithin a matter of a fe! days at the #ery most.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury /f there is any reason !hy you cannot gi#e ans!ers0 then please be so kind as to direct me to a source of them. / thank you in anticipation0 5incerely0 !ithout ill(!ill0 fri#olity or #e"ation0 Jeronica: of the 'hapman family as commonly called0 a li#e -uman being !ith a li#ing soul. 8Jeronica: 'hapman80 for short (there is no 8.s.80 8.iss8 or because those are legal fiction 3I25145 and not my -uman 5elf. 1nly my -uman 5elf has (a) a .ind !ith !hich to de#ise these @uestions and interpretEcomprehend the ans!ers and (b) Iyes !ith !hich to read the ans!ers) And I received !ac A, 8 A0. the $etter shown in Fi&ures

I ana$ysed this res*onse as "o$$ows+ -y re0uests seem to find their !ay back to ,aul: of the -orran family. Ce is turnin' into bein' one of my fa$ourite people of all time. <otice he addresses me as =eronica+ o" the )ha*man "ami$yG .ut !hat does his response meanB


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Fi'ure .=: Second response for C- &reasury 3:st ,a'e4.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury Fi'ure .>: Second response from C- &reasury 32nd ,a'e4.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 1ell% first of all !e are bein' directed to the Currency #ct :9F=. #t the time of !ritin' ha$e not looked at this% but certainly !ill. H<ow !een $oo ed at ... see !e$owI -ore importantly% in my $ie!% !e no! ha$e it in !ritin' that: Ncurrency is issue# in response to #eman#N. #nd: NIf #eman# e<cee#e# a"ailability, users woul# be constraine# to make greater use of che1ues an# electronic transfersN. Very curious !ay of sayin' somethin'B .ecause !hat% e2actly% is it actually sayin'B Finally ,aul: -orran 'oes on to deny the e2istence of 9i$e .irth &rusts% and any connection !ith one/s @ational nsurance @umber. #n interestin' response% all told% but it be's so many 0uestions: :. currency is issued in response to demandB 1hose demandB -aybe this is co$ered in the Currency #ctB 2. /f demand e"ceeded a#ailability0 users !ould be constrained to make greater use of che@ues and electronic transfers. f demand e2ceeded a$ailabilityB 1hose demand ... see abo$e. /Avai$a!i$ity> ... !haaaaatB ,aul has already told us that: /money has no "alue3. /The avai$a!i$ity o" somethin& without va$ue> means !hatB /-oney/ is nothin' more than an idea# a !e$ie". The avai$a!i$ity o" !e$ie"s is in"inite. =. /users>B s that usB assume so. .ut that is not% necessarily the case. t could easily mean "ust .anks% .uildin' Societies% etc. &hose !ho directly interface !ith C- &reasury. /m not sure !hat this means. >. #nd: these users !ould be constrained to make greater use of che@ues and electronic transfersB &o do !hatB &o pass /money/ around% but !hat moneyB 1here is it


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury comin' from 3to be passed around under constraints4B #ll in all% this seems to be totally circular. 1ell% almost. think pro'ress is bein' made% slo!ly but surely. can/t see ho! anythin' here actually contradicts anythin' else /$e said% e2cept that !e are ha$in' 9i$e .irth &rusts dismissed. find the latter so hard to belie$e. #ccountin' and bookkeepin' practices absolutely scream some kind of mechanism like that% tied to the @ational nsurance @umber. &hey could not possibly run a free-for-all system. t is a'ainst the in'rained robotic nature of any #ccountant. Accounts must add u*. 5ther!ise #ccountants ha$e no /profession/ to speak of. #nd !hy% in that case% is our @ational nsurance @umber demanded left% ri'ht% centre% on a$$ /official paper!ork/% and a considerable amount of /pri$ate/% or /non-official/% paper!orkB And# su!seFuent$y# a"ter readin& most o" the )urrency Act+ &his "ust seems to deal !ith the standards for mintin'% etc. 3#s if it makes any difference to a .elief System. #n dea. #n llusion4 @otice ... there it is a'ain: /!an notes> means notes o" the Aan *aya!$e to !earer on demand. &otally circular. Chasin' the roots of /money/ !ill ha$e you runnin' round in circles. (ou mi'ht as !ell chase rainbo!s or unicorns% !hich is the same thin'. E$eryone !ould 'et the actual idea if the banknote said: I promise to pay the 7earer on #eman# 8 unicorns. 1hich !ould be "ust as true as !hat it actually says. Co!e$er there !as one bit lau'hed at: I?J Bor the purposes of this section, the limit is PES,8@@ million or such other amount as may from time to


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word time be specifie# in a #irection gi"en by the Treasury. (ea ... tell that to *ordon .ro!n. So. @o. 1e still don/t kno! the ans!ers to the 0uestions asked. &hese are: '. :ow is >money> createdD H:ow is the !e$ie" mani"ested in the "orm o" To ensDI -. For what reason is >an amount> createdD ,. Who $oo s at that reason# decides it is va$id# and there"ore authorises the creation o" >an amount>D 0. :ow is >an amount that has !een created *assed into circu$ation>D Who is it *assed to# and whyD #nd the ans!ers are contained !ithin this book. Aecause there is no other way. 1hy am so concerned about thisB s it because !ant buckets of itB #ctually no% that/s not the reason at all. !ould like to see us 'et rid of it once and for all. &he reason /m so concerned is because I don>t $i e havin& the michae$ ta en out o" me. &hat/s the reason. #nd don/t see !hy the michael should be taken out of e$eryone else% either. &hat/s the reason. #nd don/t see !hy people of all shapes% siMes and a'es should be bombed% shot% maimed% killed% tortured% put throu'h e2cruciatin' a'onies% ensla$ed in the most draconian manner ... all based on a mickey-take. &hat/s the main reason. So I sent another e-mai$. This is what I said+ 3:I*5I ,12;*2C T-/5 I(.*/: (*5 4I'I55*2A) T1 A1&2 '1::I*G&I 3*&:: .122*4 Cear 3aul: of the .orran family0 / cannot thank you enough for the responses you ha#e already made. / don<t kno! !hether or not you are irritated by my

Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury persistence. / hope not0 because the @uestions /<#e asked affect yourself0 your family0 your friends0 and e#eryone else. / fully appreciate that you ha#e stri#ed manfully to ans!er the @uestions / ha#e raised in the past. But !e still ha#e not got to the heart of the matter. Thank you for the reference to the 'urrency *ct 1KL+0 but ( by my reading ( that only defines the standards for coinage and banknotes such as to be acceptable legal tender0 and does not really ans!er my @uestions. .ay !e please start again? .ay / please ask you the follo!ing @uestion? 8/s -. Treasury the 51:I authority that regulates the issuance of <an amount< /4T1 '/2'&:*T/14 at any point in time?8 (This does not mean the production of coins andEor banknotes that represent <money<. Aou ha#e already ans!ered that as the 2oyal .int and the Bank of Ingland0 respecti#ely) ;hat /<m trying to get to is: ;ho tells the 2oyal .int to issue a certain number of coins? ;ho tells the Bank of Ingland to issue a certain number of banknotes? ;ho ... if not -. Treasury? Best M thanking you in anticipation M apologies if you find this irritating0 Jeronica: of the 'hapman family. The res*onse I received is Fi&ures A2 8 A..


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Fi'ure .;: &hird response for C- &reasury 3:st ,a'e4.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury Fi'ure .<: &hird response from C- &reasury 32nd ,a'e4.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word I decided it was time to *u$$ out a$$ the sto*s# so I sent the "o$$owin& e-mai$+ Cear 3aul0 Thank you once again for your kind response. Aou say0 in (9) you are disappointed at my statement about 6not yet ha#ing got to the heart of the matter7 and that you ha#e to consider the resources a#ailable to ans!er me. / understand that0 of course. -o!e#er / do !rite on behalf of not >ust myself. *ll the information you ha#e pro#ided is #aluable0 in my humble opinion. *nd many others are !atching this correspondence !hich is ( after all ( public information0 of course. / !ould say that your ans!ers ha#e0 actually0 mo#ed the situation a little closer to the heart of the matter each time0 and some progress has been made. 1N. ;ell0 in (9) you say that you do not understand !hat the heart of the matter is for me. .ay / then please try to e"plain0 as far as / am able? The heart of the matter0 !hat /<m trying to get to0 !as actually in my #ery first ,o/ @uestion. *nd / suggested an ans!er0 and re@uested confirmation or denial. / suggested that money !as created on the basis of 3romissory 4otes. *nd0 in your first response0 you said that this !as true 8in essence8. But you did not say it !as true 8in fact8. ;hich is different. 5o0 the heart of the matter is this: 1. ;hat0 precise0 mechanism causes the release of <some amount<? /t must re@uire some authority. ;hose authority?


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury . ;hat defines <the amount<? +. -o! does this created money <get into circulation<? 4o! !e kno! the ans!er to (+) abo#e is not that it is dropped from an airplane. 4or is it >ust because a bank may up and demand it (other!ise banks and building societies !ould not go out of business ... and !hat gi#es them a priority right to make such a demand0 any!ay?). (*lthough0 of course0 the recent bailouts !ere0 precisely0 <because the banks demanded it<. But this is #ery unusual0 as /<m sure you !ill agree. -ence all the furor) /f you !ant me to suggest ans!ers for your consideration0 ans!ers that get to the heart of the matter0 and may therefore e"plain to you !hat / consider to be the heart of the matter0 then my considered understandings !ould be: 1. The precise mechanism for the creation of money is based on a 3romissory 4ote0 an /1&0 signed by *4A indi#idual !hen applying for a loan0 mortgage0 or e@ui#alent. * <promise to pay back<. (But0 as you ha#e already said0 <money is fiat0 it has no #alue< ... so the <pay back< is an empty promise ... >ust like the empty promise on a banknote itself) . The amount is the amount of the loan. +. /t is mo#ed into circulation by making the amount a#ailable to !hoe#er made the promise as a credit to an account on !hich sEhe can dra! upon. (1b#iously0 as you ha#e e"plained0 there are 5tatutory limits placed on this mechanism0 such that it doesn<t run off into infinity. ,or e"ample by raising /nterest 2ates such that the 3romissory 4otes generated by loan applications (1) become fe!er)

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 4o! that is !hat / consider to be the heart of the matter. That<s !hat / asked. Those are my understood ans!ers. *m / right or am / !rong? -a#e / made my standpoint clear? Nind regards M thanks for your kind attention0 Jeronica: of the 'hapman family I received the res*onse shown as Fi&ure A9. decided to partially 'i$e up 3althou'h not completely4% and sent back on passin' shot: Cear 3aul: of the .orran family0 Thank you for your e(mail. / specifically ga#e you the ans!ers to the @uestions / actually asked0 in terms of confirmation or denial. / did not !ish to do that0 because / did not !ish to be accused of putting !ords into your mouth0 preferring instead to rely on your intellectual honesty. But0 as our correspondence progressed0 you left me no choice. Aou did not deny my suggested ans!ers. But0 of course0 you did not confirm them either. / lea#e you to consider !hether or not intellectual honesty reined supreme. *ny!ay0 / !ill assume you ha#e done your best in #ery trying circumstances (i.e. <someone like me<)0 and so / !ill >ust say thank you for the information you did pro#ide. The link to the Bank of Ingland you supplied0 goes to a page that mainly comprises 5ponsorship *d#erts and information about /nterest 2ates. / kno! / mentioned /nterest 2ates in my pre#ious e( mail0 but that !as only in the nature of an e"ample.

Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury / care not one >ot about any 2ates of /nterest0 and did not ask any @uestions about them. 5imply because the mechanism for creating money does not create sufficient to co#er any /nterest at all. This lea#es the entire economy (in total) in perpetual0 ne#er(ending0 <can(ne#er(be(paid( off< debt ( as /<m sure you can understand. 1r0 perhaps you can tell me ho! the monies to create the /nterest are produced? ;ell0 no0 because you refuse to confirm ho! the 3rincipal is e#en created ... so / !on<t e#en bother to ask. Aou hoped to <allay my fears<. Cid / gi#e the impression / !as fearful in any !ay? /f so0 then / humbly apologise. That !as ne#er my intent. / care not one >ot about counterfeiting either. ;ith respect0 / think that is the Bank of Ingland<s problem0 not mine. *ny percei#ed #alue that results from counterfeiting acti#ities is only the same as the percei#ed #alue of the banknotes themsel#es. *nd you ha#e already told me the banknotes themsel#es are intrinsically !orthless. 'onse@uently those notes issued by the Bank of Ingland ha#e as much !orth as counterfeit banknotes0 do they not? 5o !hy is counterfeiting a problem? 4o need to ans!er that last @uestion because the only difference is that counterfeit notes are not issued under <authority<. But !hose authority ... that<s the @uestion. ;hich specific person pro#ides0 or specific persons pro#ide0 the authority? Co they !ork for -. Treasury? ;hat are their names O 1fficial Titles? *nd ho! do they decide ho! much fiat paper to authorise at any one time? *nd !hy? 1n !hat basis is authority for issuance granted? That<s !hat / asked ( o#er an o#er again.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word But it<s @uite plain those @uestions must remain officially unans!ered. I"cept that !e kno!. That<s ho! !e kne! !hat @uestions to ask0 of course. 4ot confirmed ... but 41T denied. / doubt you ha#e heard the last of this because0 as you so rightly say0 others are catching on. ,or some reason they (a) &nderstand !hat /<m getting at and (b) 5eem to think my @uestions are reasonable0 and should be fully ans!ered in detail. 2egards M thanks for your help0 any!ay0 Jeronica: of the 'hapman family. 1hat is the result of all thisB 1ell% !e ha$e a flat denial that a >Live Airth Trust Account> e2ists. .ut !e ha$e no denial that it is not called by some other name: >4xem*tion Account>% or /1edem*tion Account> are t!o su''estions. 1e ha$e a flat denial that this is tied to @ational nsurance @umbers% but !e ha$e no denial that it may be linked to .irth Certificate @umbers. 1e ha$e no denials because !e ha$e not asked these 0uestions% in the appropriate !ay% is my best 'uess. 1e ha$e been 'i$en reasonable suspicion that the 0uestions need to be asked in a specific !ay% other!ise denial is ob$iously possible. f you use the !ron' name% then the fact that it does not e2ist is perfectly deniable. 1e ha$e no e2planation for the fact that our @ational nsurance @umbers are re0uired on "ust about e$ery scrap of 5fficious ,aper!ork. 1e are left to !onder !hy that should be. #nd !e ha$e not had a denial that my su''ested ans!ers to: -ow money is create# !ere in any !ay incorrect. #nd denial !ould ha$e been a piece of cake. #ll it !ould ha$e amounted to !as: I can confirm that you are wrong. So% there it sits. #t the time of !ritin'. .ut% as Freemanship opens out% the ans!ers !ill% firmly belie$e% ha$e to be forthcomin'. &he 0uestions ha$e

Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury asked strike ri'ht into the heart of the illusion. 5ne must e2pect a certain amount of resistance.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Fi'ure .): Fourth response from C- &reasury


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury .ut then% none of this should be a surprise. t appears that a 'enuinely-concerned -,% by the name of Stokes% had a 'o at tryin' to find out somethin'% alon' similar lines% back in the :9>0s. Ce did not succeed either. #ll he recei$ed !ere smarmy% de$ious% dismissi$e% responses. :ere>s some :ansard on and around this su!@ect+ ?<IT4; OI<3;OM )O16O1ATIO<. CC Aeb 22 5ctober :9>0 $ol =<; c9>21 9>21 X -r. Cra$en-Ellis: asked the ,resident of the .oard of &rade !hether the formation by the *o$ernment of the 7nited 8in'dom Corporation is only a !ar-time measureO and !ill he 'i$e assurance that the corporation !ill be !ound up immediately after hostilities cease% so that the e2port trade may flo! throu'h its normal peace-time channelsB X -r. +ohnstone: &he corporation !as formed !ith a $ie! to meetin' difficulties in o$erseas trade !hich are due to conditions arisin' out of the !ar. t is impossible to foresee the conditions that !ill obtain !hen hostilities cease and% therefore% cannot say !hether at that date it !ill be desirable to terminate the acti$ities of the corporation. &hese acti$ities do not% think% disturb the normal channels of trade but can assure my hon. Friend that Cis -a"esty/s *o$ernment ha$e e$ery desire that trade should be freed from !ar-time restrictions and be conducted in a normal manner at the earliest possible date. ?<IT4; OI<3;OM )OMM41)IAL )O16O1ATIO< CC Aeb :F #pril :9>> $ol =99 cc=9->21 >01


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word X -r. ,arker :asked the Chancellor of the E2che0uer if he !ill 'i$e a list of the names of the present directors of the 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation% to'ether !ith a list of other directorships !hich they hold. X Sir +. #nderson: &he list of directors of the 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation and of other directorships held by them is as follo!s: P6$ease note+ Many# i" not a$$# o" these *eo*$e are now dead. The interestin& *art# "or research *ur*oses# is the )om*anies invo$vedQ Sir Francis +oseph% .t.% 8...E.% A.9. 3#ctin' Chairman4 Airectorships held: Settle Speakman and Company 9imited. -ossfield Colliery 9imited. .i'nall Cill Colliery Company 9imited. Stirrup and ,ye 9imited. Fenton Collieries 9imited. Stafford Coal and ron Company 9imited. &imber and 1ood 3-erseyside4 9imited. #. H S. Cenry and Company 9imited. .la!-8no2 9imited. 9ondon -idland and Scottish ?ail!ay Company 9imited. .irmin'ham ?ail!ay Carria'e and 1a'on Company 9imited. -idland .ank 9imited. -idland .ank E2ecutor and &rustee Company 9imited. ?io &into Company 9imited. .irmin'ham Small #rms Company 9imited. .irmin'ham Canal @a$i'ations. Aundalk% @e!ry and *reenore ?ail!ay Company. -r. #. Chester .eatty Airectorships held: #merican -etal Company 9imited. .oart ,roducts% 9imited.

Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury Consolidated #frican Selection &rust 9imited. Consolidated Aiamond -ines of South 1est #frica 9imited. -ufulira Copper -ines 9imited. @orthern ?hodesia ,o!er Corporation 9imited. ?hodesian Selection &rust 9imited. ?oan #ntelope Copper -ines 9imited. Selection &rust 9imited. Seltrust n$estments 9imited. Sierra 9eone Selection &rust 9imited. &repea -ines 9imited. 7nion Corporation 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,ortu'al4 9imited. Selection -anufacturin' Company 9imited. Central -inin' and n$estment Corporation 9imited. 8aramiat Estates 9imited. -r. *. #. -cE!en Airectorships held: Co-operati$e 1holesale Society 9imited. Chinese ,urchasin' #'ency. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Spain4 9imited. U9ord S!inton% -inister ?esident in 1est #frica% still retains the post of Chairman of the Corporation. Sir Frank @i2on Airectorships held: 7nited 9imited. 7nited 9imited. 7nited 9imited. 7nited 9imited. 7nited 9imited. 7nited 9imited. 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Spain4 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,ortu'al4 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Ethiopia4 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3E'ypt4 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Eritrea4 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3 ran4


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word 7nited 8in'dom 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom 9ebanon4 9td. 7nited 8in'dom #frica4 9imited. Commercial Corporation 3 ra04 Commercial Corporation 3,alestine4 Commercial Corporation 3Sudan4 Commercial Corporation 3Syria and Commercial Corporation 3East

-r. +. C. Cambro Airectorships held: Cambros .ank% 9imited. Cambro &rust% 9imited. #shdo!n n$estment &rust% 9imited. .ritish and Continental .ankin' Company% 9imited. +ohn Aickinson and Company% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Spain4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,ortu'al4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Ethiopia4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3East #frica4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3E'ypt4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Eritrea4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3 ran4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3 ra04% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,alestine4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Sudan4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Syria and 9ebanon4% 9imited.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury -r. C. ,. 9ister Airectorships held: ?. #. 9ister and Company% 9imited. .lackstone and Company% 9imited. S.#. ?. #. 9ister et Cie. -r. 9. C. ,aton Airectorships held: Carrisons and Crosfield 3Canada4% 9imited. Carrisons and Crosfield 3.orneo4% 9imited. Carrisons% .arker and Company% 9imited. 1ilkinson ?ubber 9inate2% 9imited. 1ilkinson Sales Corporation 3Canada4% 9imited. .ritish .orneo &imber Company% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,ortu'al4% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Spain4% 9imited. Captain +. #. 9ei'hton Airectorships held: Stelp and 9ei'hton% 9imited. +. C. 1ackerbarth and Company% 9imited. Southampton Steamship Company. Crete Shippin' Company. Sark -otorships% 9imited. *uernsey% #lderney and Sark Steamship Company. ?. C. Cardman Sons% 9imited. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3,ortu'al4% 9imited. 9ionel Ed!ards% 9imited% Calcutta% ndia and any associated or subsidiary companies re'istered in ndia% .urma or Ceylon% and includin' the name T9ionel Ed!ardsT in their title. 7nited 8in'dom Commercial Corporation 3Spain4% 9imited. -r. E. +. Shearer Airectorships held: -olyneu2 et Cie% 9imited. Sur$ey and *eneral 9oan Company% 9imited.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

-r. #. A. Campbell Airectorships held: Forbes% Campbell and Company% 9imited. *eor'e and ?. Ae!hurst% 9imited. -anchester Ship Canal Company. 1arin' and *illo! 3:9=:24% 9imited. -artins .ank 3-anchester .ranch4. -anchester Chamber of Commerce. -r. E. C. 9e$er Airectorships held: ?ichard &homas and Company% 9imited. *lasbrook .rothers% 9imited. Clayton &in ,late Company% 9imited. *ra$esend Steel and &inplate Company% 9imited. C. F. Spencer and Company% 9imited. 9ancaster/s Steam Coal Collieries% 9imited. -onks% Call and Company% 9imited. @e! Sharlston Collieries Company% 9imited. ?.&. -etal ,roductions% 9imited. ?ichard @e$ill and Company% 9imited. S. +. .urrell ,rior% 9imited. South 1ales &inplate Corporation% 9imited. S!ansea @a$i'ation Collieries% 9imited. 1. *ilbertson and Company% 9imited. 1hitehead &homas .ar and Strip Company% 9imited. <ew Money H)reationI CC Aeb :F #pril :9>> $ol =99 cc=0-: =0 X ;F. -r. Stokes: asked the Chancellor of the E2che0uer !hether he !ill in future ha$e recourse to the creation of ne! money !ithout interest instead of addin' to the $olume of bank ad$ances to the &reasury as this !ould be no more inflationary and !ould cost the country less. X Sir +. #nderson: @o% Sir. X -r. Stokes: 1ill the Chancellor e2plain !hy it is preferable in the national interest to create ne! money !ith interest rather than create ne! money !ithoutB


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury X Sir +. #nderson: -y hon. Friend kno!s $ery !ell that do not accept his monetary theories. Ce really cannot e2pect me to ar'ue the matter !ith him at Ruestion time. <ew Money CC Aeb 2) #pril :9>> $ol =99 cc92>-; 92> X -r. Stokes: asked the Chancellor of the E2che0uer ho! he keeps check of the amount of ne! money created. X &he Chancellor of the E2che0uer 3Sir +ohn #nderson4: do not find it necessary to attempt any such record as my hon. Friend su''ests. X -r. Stokes: .ut that is not an ans!er to my Ruestion. #m to understand from the Chancellor that he keeps no check on the amount of ne! money brou'ht into circulationB X Sir +. #nderson: keep no such check as my hon. Friend seems to ha$e in mind. f he !ill study the 1hite ,aper% published on &uesdayY!hich he !ill find a $eritable mine of informationYperhaps he !ill then be 'ood enou'h to indicate to me "ust !hat practical purpose he thinks such a record or check as he has in mind !ould ser$e. X -r. Stokes: .ut is the Chancellor a!are that competent authorities are of the opinion that somethin' in the order of K:%;00%000%000 has been created by the banks since the !ar be'an% at little cost to the banks and at 'reat cost to the communityB Aoes he not think it is his responsibility to see ho! much ne! money has been createdB Surely it b a matter of business. X Sir +. #nderson: -y hon. Friend referred to Tcompetent authorities%T but am a!are that the 0uestion of !ho is a competent authority is also a matter of opinion. 3overnment Stoc HInterest 6aymentsI

CC Aeb :: -ay :9>> $ol =99 cc20F<-) 20F)


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word X -r. *raham 1hite: asked the Financial Secretary to the &reasury if consideration has been 'i$en to the desirability of sa$in' labour and paper by makin' arran'ements for the payment of interest on 2Z per cent. Consols and other &rustee Securities by half-yearly instead of 0uarterly payments. X -r. #ssheton: (es% Sir. #s re'ards *o$ernment stocks on !hich di$idends are paid 0uarterly% it has been established that in $ie! of the limited amount of debt in$ol$ed% no appreciable sa$in' of labour or paper !ould be achie$ed by the su''ested alteration. &he arran'ement has definite ad$anta'es% for certain classes of in$estors. # chan'e of practice !ould re0uire amendment of the la!% and do not think that a case has been made for it.


Freedom o" In"ormation interactions with :M Treasury Internationa$ Monetary Fund HJoint StatementI CC Aeb :< -ay :9>> $ol >00 c=: =: X -r. Stokes: asked the Chancellor of the E2che0uer !hether the .ritish e2perts !ho collaborated in dra!in' up the +oint Statement by e2perts on the establishment of an nternational -onetary Fund !ere &reasury officialsO and% if not% from !hat or'anisations !ere they selected. X Sir +. #nderson: (es% Sir. #part from 9ord 8eynes% the 7nited 8in'dom e2perts !ho collaborated in dra!in' up the +oint Statement !ere permanent &reasury officials and !hole-time temporary officials !ho ha$e been in the ser$ice of the *o$ernment throu'hout the !ar. X -r. Stokes: Can the Chancellor assure the Couse that the !hole-time temporary ser$ants !ho ha$e been in the employment of the &reasury for the period of the !ar are not dra!n either from commercial or bankin' interestsB X Sir +. #nderson: @o% Sir% do not think could 'i$e such an assurance as that.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

7ppendi8 C: Magna Carta 1215


his is the -a'na Carta :2:;. &he ori'inal one. t contains !ithin it !ordin' to the effect that it cannot be superseded. t stands behind all other 9a!% specifically Statute 9a!. &he reason is simply that there !as no such thin' as /,arliament/ !hen this &reaty !as enacted bet!een the @obility 3at the time4 and the -onarch 3at the time J 8in' +ohn4. #s a conse0uence any ,arliamentary Statute is bound by it. #ny Statute that attempts to supersede it is null H $oid in 9a!. &his renders all ,arliamentary Statutes either 3a4 @ull H $oid or 3b4 neffecti$e - since they can only 0uote Common 9a! any!ay% and it is pointless to enforce somethin' that is already in force as 9a!. #nd this renders each and e$ery one of the :::%000plus Statutes% enacted on the basis of implementin' E7 Airecti$es% as totally pointless !astes of time H effort. #ll you ha$e to do is now. And stand u* "or yourse$". You have an E4? 1e"erendum%. -0 hours *er day# 9 days *er wee . Some of the most important sections of the *reat Charter ha$e been hi'hli'hted in bold italics: +ohn% by the 'race of *od% kin' of En'land% lord of reland% duke of @ormandy and #0uitaine% and count of #n"ou% to the archbishops% bishops% abbots% earls% barons% "usticiars% foresters% sheriffs% ste!ards% ser$ants% and to all his bailiffs and faithful sub"ects% 'reetin'. 8no! that !e% out of re$erence for *od and for the sal$ation of our soul and those of all our ancestors and heirs% for the honour of *od and the e2altation of holy church% and for the reform of our realm% on the ad$ice of our $enerable fathers% Stephen% archbishop of Canterbury% primate of all En'land and cardinal of the holy ?oman


Ma&na )arta '-'2 church% Cenry archbishop of Aublin% 1illiam of 9ondon% ,eter of 1inchester% +ocelyn of .ath and *lastonbury% Cu'h of 9incoln% 1alter of 1orcester% 1illiam of Co$entry and .enedict of ?ochester% bishops% of master ,andulf% subdeacon and member of the household of the lord pope% of brother #ymeric% master of the order of 8ni'hts &emplar in En'land% and of the noble men 1illiam -arshal earl of ,embroke% 1illiam earl of Salisbury% 1illiam earl of 1arenne% 1illiam earl of #rundel% #lan of *allo!ay constable of Scotland% 1arin fitM *erold% ,eter fitM Cerbert% Cubert de .ur'h seneschal of ,oitou% Cu'h de @e$ille% -atthe! fitM Cerbert% &homas .asset% #lan .asset% ,hilip de #ubeney% ?obert of ?opsley% +ohn -arshal% +ohn fitM Cu'h% and others% our faithful sub"ects: V:W n the first place ha$e 'ranted to *od% and by this our present charter confirmed for us and our heirs for e$er that the En'lish church shall be free% and shall ha$e its ri'hts undiminished and its liberties unimpairedO and it is our !ill that it be thus obser$edO !hich is e$ident from the fact that% before the 0uarrel bet!een us and our barons be'an% !e !illin'ly and spontaneously 'ranted and by our charter confirmed the freedom of elections !hich is reckoned most important and $ery essential to the En'lish church% and obtained confirmation of it from the lord pope nnocent O the !hich !e !ill obser$e and !e !ish our heirs to obser$e it in 'ood faith for e$er. ;e ha#e also granted to all free men of our kingdom0 for oursel#es and our heirs for e#er0 all the liberties !ritten belo!0 to be had and held by them and their heirs0 of us and our heirs for e#er: P-Q f any of our earls or barons or others holdin' of us in chief by kni'ht ser$ice dies% and at his death his heir be of full a'e and o!e

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word relief he shall ha$e his inheritance on payment of the old relief% namely the heir or heirs of an earl K :00 for a !hole earl/s barony% the heir or heirs of a baron K:00 for a !hole barony% the heir or heirs of a kni'ht :00s% at most% for a !hole kni'ht/s feeO and he !ho o!es less shall 'i$e less accordin' to the ancient usa'e of fiefs. P,Q f% ho!e$er% the heir of any such be under a'e and a !ard% he shall ha$e his inheritance !hen he comes of a'e !ithout payin' relief and !ithout makin' fine. P0Q &he 'uardian of the land of such an heir !ho is under a'e shall take from the land of the heir no more than reasonable re$enues% reasonable customary dues and reasonable ser$ices and that !ithout destruction and !aste of men or 'oodsO and if !e commit the !ardship of the land of any such to a sheriff% or to any other !ho is ans!erable to us for its re$enues% and he destroys or !astes !hat he has !ardship of% !e !ill take compensation from him and the land shall be committed to t!o la!ful and discreet men of that fief% !ho shall be ans!erable for the re$enues to us or to him to !hom !e ha$e assi'ned themO and if !e 'i$e or sell to anyone the !ardship of any such land and he causes destruction or !aste therein% he shall lose that !ardship% and it shall be transferred to t!o la!ful and discreet men of that fief% !ho shall similarly be ans!erable to us as is aforesaid. P2Q -oreo$er% so lon' as he has the !ardship of the land% the 'uardian shall keep in repair the houses% parks% preser$es% ponds% mills and other thin's pertainin' to the land out of the re$enues from itO and he shall restore to the heir !hen he comes of a'e his land fully stocked !ith plou'hs and the means of husbandry accordin' to !hat the season of


Ma&na )arta '-'2 husbandry re0uires and the re$enues of the land can reasonably bear. P.Q Ceirs shall be married !ithout dispara'ement% yet so that before the marria'e is contracted those nearest in blood to the heir shall ha$e notice. PQR * !ido! shall ha#e her marriage portion and inheritance forth!ith and !ithout difficulty after the death of her husband; nor shall she pay anything to ha#e her do!er or her marriage portion or the inheritance !hich she and her husband held on the day of her husband<s death; and she may remain in her husband<s house for forty days after his death0 !ithin !hich time her do!er shall be assigned to her. P7Q @o !ido! shall be forced to marry so lon' as she !ishes to li$e !ithout a husband% pro$ided that she 'i$es security not to marry !ithout our consent if she holds of us% or !ithout the consent of her lord of !hom she holds% if she holds of another. P/Q @either !e nor our bailiffs !ill seiMe for any debt any land or rent% so lon' as the chattels of the debtor are sufficient to repay the debtO nor !ill those !ho ha$e 'one surety for the debtor be distrained so lon' as the principal debtor is himself able to pay the debtO and if the principal debtor fails to pay the debt% ha$in' nothin' !here!ith to pay it% then shall the sureties ans!er for the debtO and they shall% if they !ish% ha$e the lands and rents of the debtor until they are reimbursed for the debt !hich they ha$e paid for him% unless the principal debtor can sho! that he has dischar'ed his obli'ation in the matter to the said sureties. P'(Q f anyone !ho has borro!ed from the +e!s any sum% 'reat or small% dies before it is

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word repaid% the debt shall not bear interest as lon' as the heir is under a'e% of !homsoe$er he holdsO and if the debt falls into our hands% !e !ill not take anythin' e2cept the principal mentioned in the bond. P''Q #nd if anyone dies indebted to the +e!s% his !ife shall ha$e her do!er and pay nothin' of that debtO and if the dead man lea$es children !ho are under a'e% they shall be pro$ided !ith necessaries befittin' the holdin' of the deceasedO and the debt shall be paid out of the residue% reser$in'% ho!e$er% ser$ice due to lords of the landO debts o!in' to others than +e!s shall be dealt !ith in like manner. P'-Q @o scuta'e or aid shall be imposed in our kin'dom unless by common counsel of our kin'dom% e2cept for ransomin' our person% for makin' our eldest son a kni'ht% and for once marryin' our eldest dau'hter% and for these only a reasonable aid shall be le$ied. .e it done in like manner concernin' aids from the city of 9ondon. P1+R *nd the city of :ondon shall ha#e all its ancient liberties and free customs as !ell by land as by !ater. ,urthermore0 !e !ill and grant that all other cities0 boroughs0 to!ns0 and ports shall ha#e all their liberties and free customs. P'0Q #nd to obtain the common counsel of the kin'dom about the assessin' of an aid 3e2cept in the three cases aforesaid4 or of a scuta'e% !e !ill cause to be summoned the archbishops% bishops% abbots% earls and 'reater barons% indi$idually by our letters-and% in addition% !e !ill cause to be summoned 'enerally throu'h our sheriffs and bailiffs all those holdin' of us in chief--for a fi2ed date% namely% after the e2piry of at least forty days% and to a fi2ed placeO and in all letters of such summons !e !ill specify the

Ma&na )arta '-'2 reason for the summons. #nd !hen the summons has thus been made% the business shall proceed on the day appointed% accordin' to the counsel of those present% thou'h not all ha$e come !ho !ere summoned. P'2Q 1e !ill not in future 'rant any one the ri'ht to take an aid from his free men% e2cept for ransomin' his person% for makin' his eldest son a kni'ht and for once marryin' his eldest dau'hter% and for these only a reasonable aid shall be le$ied. P'.Q @o one shall be compelled to do 'reater ser$ice for a kni'ht/s fee or for any other free holdin' than is due from it. P'9Q Common pleas shall not follo! our court% but shall be held in some fi2ed place. P'7Q ?eco'nitions of no$el disseisin% of mort d/ancester% and of darrein presentment% shall not be held else!here than in the counties to !hich they relate% and in this manner--!e% or% if !e should be out of the realm% our chief "usticiar% !ill send t!o "ustices throu'h each county four times a year% !ho% !ith four kni'hts of each county chosen by the county% shall hold the said assiMes in the county and on the day and in the place of meetin' of the county court. P'/Q #nd if the said assiMes cannot all be held on the day of the county court% there shall stay behind as many of the kni'hts and freeholders !ho !ere present at the county court on that day as are necessary for the sufficient makin' of "ud'ments% accordin' to the amount of business to be done. P )R * free man shall not be amerced for a tri#ial offence e"cept in accordance !ith the degree of the offence0 and for a gra#e offence he shall be amerced in accordance !ith its gra#ity0 yet sa#ing


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word his !ay of li#ing; and a merchant in the same !ay0 sa#ing his stock(in(trade; and a #illein shall be amerced in the same !ay0 sa#ing his means of li#elihood((if they ha#e fallen into our mercy: and none of the aforesaid amercements shall be imposed e"cept by the oath of good men of the neighbourhood. P-'Q Earls and barons shall not be amerced e2cept by their peers% and only in accordance !ith the de'ree of the offence. P--Q @o clerk shall be amerced in respect of his lay holdin' e2cept after the manner of the others aforesaid and not accordin' to the amount of his ecclesiastical benefice. P-,Q @o $ill or indi$idual shall be compelled to make brid'es at ri$er banks% e2cept those !ho from of old are le'ally bound to do so. P-0Q @o sheriff% constable% coroners% or others of our bailiffs% shall hold pleas of our cro!n. P-2Q #ll counties% hundreds% !apentakes and trithin's shall be at the old rents !ithout any additional payment% e2ept our demesne manors. P-.Q f anyone holdin' a lay fief of us dies and our sheriff or bailiff sho!s our letters patent of summons for a debt that the deceased o!ed us% it shall be la!ful for our sheriff or bailiff to attach and make a list of chattels of the deceased found upon the lay fief to the $alue of that debt under the super$ision of la!!orthy men% pro$ided that none of the chattels shall be remo$ed until the debt !hich is manifest has been paid to us in fullO and the residue shall be left to the e2ecutors for carryin' out the !ill of the deceased. #nd if nothin' is o!in' to us from him% all the chattels shall accrue to the deceased% sa$in'


Ma&na )arta '-'2 to his !ife and children their reasonable shares. P-9Q f any free man dies !ithout lea$in' a !ill% his chattels shall be distributed by his nearest kinsfolk and friends under the super$ision of the church% sa$in' to e$ery one the debts !hich the deceased o!ed him. P-7Q @o constable or other bailiff of ours shall take anyone/s corn or other chattels unless he pays on the spot in cash for them or can delay payment by arran'ement !ith the seller. P-/Q @o constable shall compel any kni'ht to 'i$e money instead of castle-'uard if he is !illin' to do the 'uard himself or throu'h another 'ood man% if for some 'ood reason he cannot do it himselfO and if !e lead or send him on military ser$ice% he shall be e2cused 'uard in proportion to the time that because of us he has been on ser$ice. P+)R 4o sheriff0 or bailiff of ours0 or anyone else shall take the horses or carts of any free man for transport !ork sa#e !ith the agreement of that freeman. P,'Q @either !e nor our bailiffs !ill take% for castles or other !orks of ours% timber !hich is not ours% e2cept !ith the a'reement of him !hose timber it is. P,-Q 1e !ill not hold for more than a year and a day the lands of those con$icted of felony% and then the lands shall be handed o$er to the lords of the fiefs. P,,Q Cenceforth all fish-!eirs shall be cleared completely from the &hames and the -ed!ay and throu'hout all En'land% e2cept alon' the sea coast. P,0Q &he !rit called ,raecipe shall not in future be issued to anyone in respect of any


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word holdin' !hereby a free man may lose his court. V=;W 9et there be one measure for !ine throu'hout our kin'dom% and one measure for ale% and one measure for corn% namely Tthe 9ondon 0uarterTO and one !idth for cloths !hether dyed% russet or halber'et% namely t!o ells !ithin the sel$ed'es. 9et it be the same !ith !ei'hts as !ith measures. P,.Q @othin' shall be 'i$en or taken in future for the !rit of in0uisition of life or limbs: instead it shall be 'ranted free of char'e and not refused. P,9Q f anyone holds of us by fee-farm% by soca'e% or by bur'a'e% and holds land of another by kni'ht ser$ice% !e !ill not% by reason of that fee-farm% soca'e% or bur'a'e% ha$e the !ardship of his heir or of land of his that is of the fief of the otherO nor !ill !e ha$e custody of the fee-farm% soca'e% or bur'a'e% unless such fee-farm o!es kni'ht ser$ice. 1e !ill not ha$e custody of anyone/s heir or land !hich he holds of another by kni'ht ser$ice by reason of any petty ser"eanty !hich he holds of us by the ser$ice of renderin' to us kni$es or arro!s or the like. P+LR /n future no official shall place a man on trial upon his o!n un(supported statement0 !ithout producing credible !itnesses to the truth of it. P+KR 4o free man shall be seiSed or imprisoned0 or stripped of his rights and possessions0 or outla!ed or e"iled0 or depri#ed of his standing in any other !ay0 nor !ill !e proceed !ith force against him0 or send others to do so0 e"cept by the la!ful >udgement of his e@uals or by the la! of the land.


Ma&na )arta '-'2 P4)R To no one !ill !e sell0 to no one deny or delay right or >ustice. P0'Q #ll merchants shall be able to 'o out of and come into En'land safely and securely and stay and tra$el throu'hout En'land% as !ell by land as by !ater% for buyin' and sellin' by the ancient and ri'ht customs free from all e$il tolls% e2cept in time of !ar and if they are of the land that is at !ar !ith us. #nd if such are found in our land at the be'innin' of a !ar% they shall be attached% !ithout in"ury to their persons or 'oods% until !e% or our chief "usticiar% kno! ho! merchants of our land are treated !ho !ere found in the land at !ar !ith us !hen !ar broke out% and if ours are safe there% the others shall be safe in our land. P0-Q t shall be la!ful in future for anyone% !ithout pre"udicin' the alle'iance due to us% to lea$e our kin'dom and return safely and securely by land and !ater% sa$e% in the public interest% for a short period in time of !ar-e2cept for those imprisoned or outla!ed in accordance !ith the la! of the kin'dom and nati$es of a land that is at !ar !ith us and merchants 3!ho shall be treated as aforesaid4. P0,Q f anyone !ho holds of some escheat such as the honour of 1allin'ford% @ottin'ham% .oulo'ne% 9ancaster% or of other escheats !hich are in our hands and are baronies dies% his heir shall 'i$e no other relief and do no other ser$ice to us than he !ould ha$e done to the baron if that barony had been in the baron/s handsO and !e !ill hold it in the same manner in !hich the baron held it. P00Q -en !ho li$e outside the forest need not henceforth come before our "ustices of the forest upon a 'eneral summons% unless they are impleaded or are sureties for any person or persons !ho are attached for forest offences.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word P49R ;e !ill appoint as >ustices0 constables0 sheriffs0 or other officials0 only men that kno! the la! of the realm and are minded to keep it !ell P0.Q #ll barons !ho ha$e founded abbeys for !hich they ha$e charters of the kin's of En'land or ancient tenure shall ha$e the custody of them durin' $acancies% as they ou'ht to ha$e. P09Q #ll forests that ha$e been made forest in our time shall be immediately disafforestedO and so be it done !ith ri$erbanks that ha$e been made preser$es by us in our time. P07Q #ll e$il customs connected !ith forests and !arrens% foresters and !arreners% sheriffs and their officials% ri$erbanks and their !ardens shall immediately be in0uired into in each county by t!el$e s!orn kni'hts of the same county !ho are to be chosen by 'ood men of the same county% and !ithin forty days of the completion of the in0uiry shall be utterly abolished by them so as ne$er to be restored% pro$ided that !e% or our "usticiar if !e are not in En'land% kno! of it first. P0/Q 1e !ill immediately return all hosta'es and charters 'i$en to us by En'lishmen% as security for peace or faithful ser$ice. P2(Q 1e !ill remo$e completely from office the relations of *erard de #th[e so that in future they shall ha$e no office in En'land% namely En'elard de Ci'o'n[% ,eter and *uy and #ndre! de Chanceau2% *uy de Ci'o'n[% *eoffrey de -arti'ny and his brothers% ,hilip -arc and his brothers and his nephe! *eoffrey% and all their follo!in'. P2'Q #s soon as peace is restored% !e !ill remo$e from the kin'dom all forei'n kni'hts% cross-bo!men% ser"eants% and mercenaries%


Ma&na )arta '-'2 !ho ha$e come !ith horses and arms to the detriment of the kin'dom. P9 R /f anyone has been disseised of or kept out of his lands0 castles0 franchises or his right by us !ithout the legal >udgment of his peers0 !e !ill immediately restore them to himH and if a dispute arises o$er this% then let it be decided by the "ud'ment of the t!enty-fi$e barons !ho are mentioned belo! in the clause for securin' the peace: for all the thin's% ho!e$er% !hich anyone has been disseised or kept out of !ithout the la!ful "ud'ment of his peers by kin' Cenry% our father% or by kin' ?ichard% our brother% !hich !e ha$e in our hand or are held by others% to !hom !e are bound to !arrant them% !e !ill ha$e the usual period of respite of crusaders% e2ceptin' those thin's about !hich a plea !as started or an in0uest made by our command before !e took the crossO !hen ho!e$er !e return from our pil'rima'e% or if by any chance !e do not 'o on it% !e !ill at once do full "ustice therein. P2,Q 1e !ill ha$e the same respite% and in the same manner% in the doin' of "ustice in the matter of the disafforestin' or retainin' of the forests !hich Cenry our father or ?ichard our brother afforested% and in the matter of the !ardship of lands !hich are of the fief of another% !ardships of !hich sort !e ha$e hitherto had by reason of a fief !hich anyone held of us by kni'ht ser$ice% and in the matter of abbeys founded on the fief of another% not on a fief of our o!n% in !hich the lord of the fief claims he has a ri'htO and !hen !e ha$e returned% or if !e do not set out on our pil'rima'e% !e !ill at once do full "ustice to those !ho complain of these thin's. P20Q @o one shall be arrested or imprisoned upon the appeal of a !oman for the death of anyone e2cept her husband.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word P99R *ll fines made !ith us un>ustly and against the la! of the land0 and all amercements imposed un>ustly and against the la! of the land0 shall be entirely remitted0 or else let them be settled by the >udgment of the t!enty( fi#e barons !ho are mentioned belo! in the clause for securing the peace P5ee *rticle T1R% or by the "ud'ment of the ma"ority of the same% alon' !ith the aforesaid Stephen% archbishop of Canterbury% if he can be present% and such others as he may !ish to associate !ith himself for this purpose% and if he cannot be present the business shall ne$ertheless proceed !ithout him% pro$ided that if any one or more of the aforesaid t!enty-fi$e barons are in a like suit% they shall be remo$ed from the "ud'ment of the case in 0uestion% and others chosen% s!orn and put in their place by the rest of the same t!enty-fi$e for this case only. P2.Q f !e ha$e disseised or kept out 1elshmen from lands or liberties or other thin's !ithout the le'al "ud'ment of their peers in En'land or in 1ales% they shall be immediately restored to themO and if a dispute arises o$er this% then let it be decided in the -arch by the "ud'ment of their peers--for holdin's in En'land accordin' to the la! of En'land% for holdin's in 1ales accordin' to the la! of 1ales% and for holdin's in the -arch accordin' to the la! of the -arch. 1elshmen shall do the same to us and ours. P29Q For all the thin's% ho!e$er% !hich any 1elshman !as disseised of or kept out of !ithout the la!ful "ud'ment of his peers by kin' Cenry% our father% or kin' ?ichard% our brother% !hich !e ha$e in our hand or !hich are held by others% to !hom !e are bound to !arrant them% !e !ill ha$e the usual period of respite of crusaders% e2ceptin' those thin's

Ma&na )arta '-'2 about !hich a plea !as started or an in0uest made by our command before !e took the crossO !hen ho!e$er !e return% or if by any chance !e do not set out on our pil'rima'e% !e !ill at once do full "ustice to them in accordance !ith the la!s of the 1elsh and the foresaid re'ions. P27Q 1e !ill 'i$e back at once the son of 9ly!elyn and all the hosta'es from 1ales and the charters that !ere handed o$er to us as security for peace. P2/Q 1e !ill act to!ard #le2ander% kin' of the Scots% concernin' the return of his sisters and hosta'es and concernin' his franchises and his ri'ht in the same manner in !hich !e act to!ards our other barons of En'land% unless it ou'ht to be other!ise by the charters !hich !e ha$e from 1illiam his father% formerly kin' of the Scots% and this shall be determined by the "ud'ment of his peers in our court. P.(Q #ll these aforesaid customs and liberties !hich !e ha$e 'ranted to be obser$ed in our kin'dom as far as it pertains to us to!ards our men% all of our kin'dom% clerks as !ell as laymen% shall obser$e as far as it pertains to them to!ards their men. P.'Q PLaw"u$ 1e!e$$ionQ Since% moreo$er% for *od and the betterment of our kin'dom and for the better allayin' of the discord that has arisen bet!een us and our barons !e ha$e 'ranted all these thin's aforesaid% !ishin' them to en"oy the use of them unimpaired and unshaken for e$er% !e 'i$e and 'rant them the under-!ritten security% namely% that the barons shall choose any t!enty-fi$e barons of the kin'dom they !ish% !ho must !ith all their mi'ht obser$e% hold and cause to be obser$ed% the peace and liberties !hich !e ha$e 'ranted and confirmed to them by this present charter of ours% so that if !e% or our "usticiar% or our

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word bailiffs or any one of our ser$ants offend in any !ay a'ainst anyone or trans'ress any of the articles of the peace or the security and the offence be notified to four of the aforesaid t!enty-fi$e barons% those four barons shall come to us% or to our "usticiar if !e are out of the kin'dom% and% layin' the trans'ression before us% shall petition us to ha$e that trans'ression corrected !ithout delay. *nd if !e do not correct the transgression0 or if !e are out of the kingdom0 if our >usticiar does not correct it0 !ithin forty days0 reckoning from the time it !as brought to our notice or to that of our >usticiar if !e !ere out of the kingdom0 the aforesaid four barons shall refer that case to the rest of the t!enty(fi#e barons and those t!enty(fi#e barons together !ith the community of the !hole land shall distrain and distress us in e#ery !ay they can0 namely0 by seiSing castles0 lands0 possessions0 and in such other !ays as they can0 sa#ing our person and the persons of our @ueen and our children0 until0 in their opinion0 amends ha#e been made; and !hen amends ha#e been made0 they shall obey us as they did before. #nd let anyone in the land !ho !ishes take an oath to obey the orders of the said t!enty-fi$e barons for the e2ecution of all the aforesaid matters% and !ith them to distress us as much as he can% and !e publicly and freely 'i$e anyone lea$e to take the oath !ho !ishes to take it and !e !ill ne$er prohibit anyone from takin' it. ndeed% all those in the land !ho are un!illin' of themsel$es and of their o!n accord to take an oath to the t!enty-fi$e barons to help them to distrain and distress us% !e !ill make them take the oath as aforesaid at our command. #nd if any of the t!enty-fi$e barons dies or lea$es the country or is in any other !ay

Ma&na )arta '-'2 pre$ented from carryin' out the thin's aforesaid% the rest of the aforesaid t!enty-fi$e barons shall choose as they think fit another one in his place% and he shall take the oath like the rest. n all matters the e2ecution of !hich is committed to these t!enty-fi$e barons% if it should happen that these t!entyfi$e are present yet disa'ree amon' themsel$es about anythin'% or if some of those summoned !ill not or cannot be present% that shall be held as fi2ed and established !hich the ma"ority of those present ordained or commanded% e2actly as if all the t!enty-fi$e had consented to itO and the said t!enty-fi$e shall s!ear that they !ill faithfully obser$e all the thin's aforesaid and !ill do all they can to 'et them obser$ed. *nd !e !ill procure nothing from anyone0 either personally or through anyone else0 !hereby any of these concessions and liberties might be re#oked or diminished; and if any such thing is procured0 let it be #oid and null0 and !e !ill ne#er use it either personally or through another. P.-Q #nd !e ha$e fully remitted and pardoned to e$eryone all the ill-!ill% indi'nation and rancour that ha$e arisen bet!een us and our men% cler'y and laity% from the time of the 0uarrel. Furthermore% !e ha$e fully remitted to all% cler'y and laity% and as far as pertains to us ha$e completely for'i$en% all trespasses occasioned by the same 0uarrel bet!een Easter in the si2teenth year of our rei'n and the restoration of peace. #nd% besides% !e ha$e caused to be made for them letters testimonial patent of the lord Stephen archbishop of Canterbury% of the lord Cenry archbishop of Aublin and of the aforementioned bishops and of master ,andulf about this security and the aforementioned concessions.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word P.,Q 1herefore !e !ish and firmly en"oin that the En'lish church shall be free% and that the men in our kingdom shall ha#e and hold all the aforesaid liberties0 rights and concessions !ell and peacefully0 freely and @uietly0 fully and completely0 for themsel#es and their heirs from us and our heirs0 in all matters and in all places for e#er0 as is aforesaid. *n oath0 moreo#er0 has been taken0 as !ell on our part as on the part of the barons0 that all these things aforesaid shall be obser#ed in good faith and !ithout e#il disposition. ;itness the abo#e( mentioned and many others. Gi#en by our hand in the meado! !hich is called 2unnymede bet!een ;indsor and 5taines on the fifteenth day of Uune0 in the se#enteenth year of our reign.


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht

7ppendi8 +: ,oti#e o1 9nderstanding and 3ntent and Clai% o1 Right

ou can make your o!n 9a!. 9a! that applies only to you. t is 3basically4 an #ffida$it and an 5ath combined. # Statement of &ruth ... as you see it. ,ro$ided it is not ob"ected to% in the manner described in the Chapter on )oticing% then it becomes (our &ruth. 4ven thou&h you may !e wron&. ?emember: f you !ere !ron' then it should ha$e recei$ed ob"ections !ithin the stated time period. Ruite ob$iously you cannot claim ?i'hts that are other!ise una$ailable to you under Common 9a!. (ou cannot% for e2ample% claim the ?i'ht to breach the peace% murder someone% or defraud someone. Co!e$er !hat you can do is to state specific instances of !hat you consider the &ruth to be ... in your specific case. (ou do this by statin' !hat you understand the situation to be. (ou then state% cate'orically% your intention to li$e in peaceful co-e2istence !ith e$eryone else. (ou then make claims based on that. (ou pro$ide this @otice to !homsoe$er you think needs to kno!. (ou can use the ma2im of: %er"ice to 5rincipal is consi#ere# ser"ice to .gent, an# ser"ice to .gent is consi#ere# ser"ice to 5rincipal. &his means that% in any or'anisation% one hand is responsible for tellin' the other hand !hat is 'oin' on. no! include 3belo!4 my o!n% !hich !as sent to the 78 Come 5ffice in -arch% 2009. did not 'et any response% and thus recei$ed no ob"ections in the time period. 5f course% they !ere "ust i'norin' me ... as if didn/t count. Co!e$er the test !ill come should anythin' unto!ard happen to me. Each clause is numbered. did this in order to resol$e any ob"ections easily. included a Fee Schedule for any

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word trans'ressions a'ainst me. used /terms of imprisonment/% but could ha$e set /monetary amounts/. &he terms of imprisonment can be anythin' choose% and any monetary amounts like!ise. did not set monetary amounts for the simple reason that /money/ is an illusion. &his !as sent !ith an appropriate co$erin' letter e2plainin' the need to create any necessary /ser$ices to #'ents/. -y @57 C5? 3as it is called for short4 is on the follo!in' pa'es. t should be noted that do not ha$e to e2ercise all the Claims ha$e made. &hey can be left in abeyance for as lon' as determine the need to lea$e them unused. &hese are -y Claims. -y ?i'hts. can utilise them in !hate$er !ay choose% and as see fit. <otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht % Veronica: of the Chapman family% hereinafter kno!n as Veronica: Chapman% a flesh and blood human bein' in possession of a so$erei'n and indi$idual spirit% a li$in' soul% do hereby make 5ath and state the follo!in' is -y &ruth and -y 9a!: V0:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that in terms of earthly e2istence there is no species more supreme than a li$in'% breathin'% ima'inati$e human bein' blessed !ith a li$in' soul% and V020W 1hereas it is my understandin' that it is impossible to distin'uish one soul from any other% and therefore all souls must at all times and in all situations be considered e0ual in all respects in any fair% "ust and reasonable conte2t% and V0=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that anythin' and e$erythin' must in practice deri$e from the aforesaid a2ioms% and V0>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that any numerical 'roupin' of such souls can be referred to as /people/% and V0;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a society is% in essence% nothin' more than a 'roupin' of likeminded souls since it is defined as a number of

<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht people "oined by mutual consent to deliberate% determine and act for a common 'oal% and V0<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' a statute is defined as a le'islated rule of a society% and V0)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' a le'islated rule of a society can be 'i$en the force of la! to act upon% or la!fully bind% all members of that society% and V0F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' if a li$in' soul chooses by free !ill not to be a member of any society then statutes created by said society do not bind that soul to said statute la!% and V090W 1hereas it is my understandin' a li$in' soul !ho chooses by free !ill not to be a member of any society can be referred to as a Freeman-on-theland% and V:00W 1hereas it is my understandin' a Freemanon-the-land remains entirely and solely under Common 9a! "urisdiction% and V::0W 1hereas Veronica: Chapman am a Freemanon-the-land% and V:20W 1hereas it is my understandin' that all authority possessed by elected representati$es must inherently deri$e from those !ho elect said representation% and V:=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if ha$e the ri'ht to empo!er representation by castin' a $ote then am empo!ered to represent myself% and V:>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the ri'ht of empo!erment does not deri$e from any 'o$ernment other!ise it !ould be possible for a 'o$ernment to re$oke it% and V:;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if the ri'ht to empo!er representation !ere re$oked then no representation !ould thereafter be possible% and


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word V:<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' the only form of 'o$ernment reco'niMed as la!ful in the 7nited 8in'dom is a representati$e one% and% V:)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' representation re0uires mutual consent% and V:F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that in the absence of mutual consent neither representation nor 'o$ernance can e2ist% and V:90W 1hereas it is my understandin' the 7nited 8in'dom is a Common 9a! "urisdiction en"oyin' the protection of Common 9a!% and V200W 1hereas it is my understandin' e0uality before the la! is paramount and mandatory% and V2:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that for somethin' to e2ist le'ally it must ha$e a name% and V220W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- is in reality a corporation in Chapter :: bankruptcy and thus still allo!ed to trade% and V2=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that by $irtue of my birth !ithin the boundaries of my Country En'land am a sin'le share o!ner in said 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@% and V2>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' all #cts are statutes restricted in scope and applicability by the .ritish Constitution and Common 9a!% and V2;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' a statute bein' defined as a le'islated rule of a society is% !ithin the 7nited 8in'dom% in fact a rule of said 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- C5?,5?#& 5@% and V2<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' rules of a corporation are limited in applicability to those !ho are a'ents of said corporation% and V2)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' those !ho ha$e a @ational nsurance @umber are in fact employees of the 'o$ernment and thus are bound


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht by the statutes created by the said 'o$ernment% and V2F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that it is la!ful to abandon one6s @ational nsurance @umber !hile at the same time not affectin' the ri'ht to any pension claim based on @ational nsurance Contributions pre$iously paid% and V290W 1hereas it is my understandin' people in the 7nited 8in'dom ha$e a ri'ht to re$oke or deny consent to be represented and thus 'o$erned% and V=00W 1hereas it is my understandin' if anyone does re$oke or deny consent they e2ist free of 'o$ernment control and statutory restraints% and V=:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a claim of ri'ht establishes a la!ful e2cuse% and V=20W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if one has la!ful e2cuse one may choose to not obey a court% tribunal% statute% #ct or order% and V==0W 1hereas a Freeman-on-the-9and has la!fully re$oked consent and does e2ist free of statutory restrictions% obli'ations% and limitations% and V=>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that % Veronica: Chapman as a Freeman-on-the-9and% actin' peacefully !ithin community standards% !ould not in that capacity breach the peace% and V=;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that all e2istin' courts and 'o$ernments are de facto only and not de "ure% and V=<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a !oman actin' as EliMabeth #le2andra -ary 1indsor did take the throne of En'land on the Second Aay of +une% @ineteen Cundred and Fifty &hree% and V=)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that durin' a Coronation ceremony said !oman actin' as EliMabeth #le2andra -ary 1indsor !as asked by a man actin' in the role of the then #rchbishop of Canterbury T1ill you solemnly promise and s!ear


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word to 'o$ern the ,eoples of the 7nited 8in'dom of *reat .ritain and @orthern reland% Canada% #ustralia% @e! Pealand% the 7nion of South #frica% ,akistan% and Ceylon% and of your ,ossessions and the other &erritories to any of them belon'in' or pertainin'% accordin' to their respecti$e la!s and customsBT and she responded T solemnly promise so to doT% and V=F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that this ceremony did install said !oman as Rueen of En'land and the 7nited 8in'dom% and V=90W 1hereas it is my understandin' that on or after the Se$enteenth Aay of 5ctober @ineteen Cundred and Se$enty &!o said !oman did si'n into statute an #ct of ,arliament kno!n as the European Communities #ct of @ineteen Cundred and Se$enty &!o 3EC#:9)24 !hich accepted !ithout my consent a treaty kno!n as the &reaty of ?ome% and V>00W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the terms of the &reaty of ?ome are counter in many respects to the Lrespecti$e la!s and customsN of those nations of !hich said !oman is Rueen includin' En'land !hich is my Country of birth% and V>:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that anyone !ho participates in allo!in' or by culpable ne'lect enablin' my Country to be 'o$erned in any !ay by any forei'n po!er is an act of treason as defined by the .ritish Constitution% and V>20W 1hereas it is my understandin'% therefore% that by si'nin' of the EC#:9)2 as opposed to dissol$in' by ?oyal ,rero'ati$e the ,arliament that created the treacherous #ct !as in itself by collusion an attempted act of treason a'ainst my Country% and V>=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that as a Freeman-on-the-9and in this common la! "urisdiction that ha$e the duty to stand in defence of the 7nited 8in'dom and its people a'ainst


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht forei'n armed troops !ho attempt to in$ade% 'o$ern or police me or my Country% and V>>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that this duty is not affected by a'reements made by treasonous and de facto 'o$ernment a'ents% and V>;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a'reements made on behalf of the 7nited 8in'dom by traitors to the 7nited 8in'dom do not bind the people of 7nited 8in'dom% and V><0W 1hereas do firmly and truly belie$e the aforementioned a'reement is an o$ert act of treason% and V>)0W 1hereas honourably refuse to be bound by a'reements made by traitors such as said EliMabeth #le2andra -ary 1indsor in collusion !ith the then ,rime -inister Ed!ard Ceath% and V>F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that any peace officer !ho co-operates !ith forei'n armed troops to 'o$ern or re'ulate the population is also committin' treason% and V>90W 1hereas it is my understandin' that historically the purpose of a national armed force !as to ensure that forei'n po!ers ne$er in$aded and 'o$erned under a 'un% and V;00W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the e2istence of armed forei'n troops patrollin' and policin' our streets !ould be e$idence of a !ar fou'ht unsuccessfully% and V;:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a'reein' or conspirin' to a'ree to allo! armed forei'n troops to patrol and police our streets is an act of treason% and V;20W 1hereas it is my understandin' that any action for !hich one can apply for and recei$e a licence must itself be a fundamentally la!ful action% and


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word V;=0W 1hereas as not a child and am a Freemanon-the-9and !ho operates !ith full responsibility and do not see the need to ask permission to en'a'e in la!ful and peaceful acti$ities% especially from those !ho claim limited liability% and V;>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that ha$e a ri'ht to use my property !ithout ha$in' to pay for the use or en"oyment of it% and V;;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that all Ipublic transportation/ is in fact and actuality public property to !hich ha$e the ri'ht of use and access !ithout ha$in' to pay% and V;<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' peace officers ha$e a duty to distin'uish bet!een statutes and la! and those !ho attempt to enforce statutes a'ainst a Freeman-on-the-9and are in fact breakin' the la!% and V;)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that ha$e the po!er to refuse intercourse or interaction !ith peace officers !ho ha$e not obser$ed me breach the peace% and V;F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that permanent estoppel by ac0uiescence barrin' any peace officer or prosecutor from brin'in' char'es a'ainst a Freeman-on-the-9and under any #ct is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time% and V;90W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the Common 9a! ri'ht to tra$el on the hi'h!ays !ithout license pro$ided one is not en'a'in' in commerce thereupon is la!ful and still e2ists althou'h it does appear to ha$e been decepti$ely hidden% and V<00W 1hereas the ?oad &raffic #cts of the 7nited 8in'dom do make it possible for peace officers in the role of policy enforcement officers to stop an automobile in order to pro$ide ser$ices and demand somethin' of $alue% and


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht V<:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if they are not pro$idin' a ser$ice they ha$e no reason to stop any one and if proof of re'istration% insurance and licence is not $aluable they ha$e no need to ask for it% and V<20W 1hereas it is my understandin' that ha$e the ri'ht to refuse to interact or co-operate !ith criminals% de facto 'o$ernment a'ents or 'rossly ne'li'ent peace officers% and V<=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if ha$e the po!er to elect a representati$e and empo!er them to appoint peace officers then also ha$e the po!er to appoint directly% and V<>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if ha$e the po!er to appoint directly or by pro2y must ha$e the po!er to fulfil those duties my self% and V<;0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the 7nited 8in'dom ,olice Force althou'h ha$in' an illustrious history has had members recently actin' in a 'rossly criminal manner !hich does tarnish the pre$ious history and record% and V<<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the 9a! pro$ides remedy at all times% e$en a'ainst ro'ue or ne'li'ent peace officers and de facto 'o$ernments apparently hi"acked by soulless corporate interests% and V<)0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that in order to be a peace maker and deal !ith ro'ue and possibly armed police officers !ho fail to act !ith respect to the code of Common 9a! !ill need use of and access to firearms of e0ual or 'reater po!er then those people !ho act criminally ha$e access to% and V<F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the act of re'isterin' the birth of a baby creates a le'al entity called a person that e2ists in association !ith that baby and that the manner in !hich offsprin' are re'istered transfers superior 'uardianship ri'hts o$er that offsprin' to the 'o$ernment% and

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word V<90W 1hereas it is my understandin' that this creation of a person and transfer of authority is not fully disclosed to the parents and if it !as all 'ood parents !ould refuse to re'ister their offsprin'% and V)00W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the person and the human bein' to !hich it is associated are t!o $ery separate and different thin's and that the people playin' roles in 'o$ernment only ha$e the ri'ht to act upon the person% and V):0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that if do not e2ist in association !ith a person cannot be la!fully 'o$erned by the people playin' roles in 'o$ernment% and V)20W 1hereas it is my understandin' a by-la! is defined as a rule of a corporation% and V)=0W 1hereas it is my understandin' corporations are le'al fictions and re0uire contracts in order to claim authority or control o$er other parties% and V)>0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a summons is merely an in$itation to attend and those issued by the -inistry of +ustice or its franchises !hich are de facto corporations create no obli'ation or dishonour if i'nored% and V);0W 1hereas it is my understandin' le'al fictions lack a soul and cannot e2ert any control o$er those !ho are thus blessed and operate !ith respect to that kno!led'e as only a fool !ould allo! soulless fictions to dictate one6s actions% and V)<0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that the people in the 'o$ernment are merely playin' roles% and V))0W 1hereas #- @5& ,9#( @*% and V)F0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that am not obli'ed to obey the orders of any one claimin' to be a Rueen or 8in' or those actin' on behalf of such an insane entity% as no one !ho does make


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht preposterous claims that abandon and erode the concept of e0uality has any authority o$er me% and V)90W 1hereas it is my understandin' that can use a @otary ,ublic to perform duties found under any #ct includin' thus they ha$e the po!er to hold court and hear e$idence and issue bindin' la!ful "ud'ments% and VF00W 1hereas it is my understandin' that a @otary ,ublic can also be used to brin' criminal char'es to bear a'ainst traitors% e$en if they hold the hi'hest office% and VF:0W 1hereas it is my understandin' that there may be more of this to follo! VF20W &herefore be it no! kno!n to any and all interested% concerned or affected parties% that % Veronica: Chapman am a Freeman-on-the-9and and do hereby ser$e notice and state clearly specifically and une0ui$ocally my intent to peacefully and la!fully e2ist free of all statutory obli'ations% restrictions and that maintain all ri'hts at la! to trade% e2chan'e or barter and e2ist !ithout decepti$e 'o$ernance and to do so !ithout limitations% restrictions or re'ulations created by others and !ithout my consent. VF=0W .e it also no! kno!n to any and all interested% concerned or affected parties% that % Veronica: Chapman as a Freeman-on-the-9and and do hereby ser$e notice and state clearly specifically and une0ui$ocally that !ould ne$er conspire nor !ould in any !ay entreat others to disobey the Common 9a! of the 9and !hich ensures peaceful co-e2istence. VF>0W Furthermore% claim that these actions are not outside my communities6 standards and !ill in fact support said community in our desire for truth and ma2imum freedom. VF;0W Furthermore% claim the ri'ht to en'a'e in these actions and further claim that all property held by me is held under a claim of ri'ht.

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word VF<0W Furthermore% claim that anyone !ho interferes !ith my la!ful acti$ities after ha$in' been ser$ed notice of this claim and !ho fails to properly dispute or make la!ful counterclaim is breakin' the la!% cannot claim 'ood faith or colour of ri'ht and that such trans'ressions !ill be dealt !ith in a properly con$ened court de "ure. VF)0W Furthermore% claim it is my ri'ht and solemn duty not only to keep the peace -y Self but also to inter$ene !here$er may be necessary to ensure that the peace is kept in a situation !here peace officers are not present or are un!illin' for !hate$er reason to uphold their s!orn and solemn duty so to do. VFF0W Furthermore% claim that the identity of -y Self is fore$er possible to establish correctly by my ,resence as a li$in'% breathin'% Cuman .ein' !ith a soul to'ether as may be necessary s!orn attestations from friends% family% and other associates. Furthermore claim that this supersedes any necessity to obtain or carry any form of e2ternal token such as an dentity Card for any la!ful purpose of establishin' my true identity for the simple reason that no such token can e$er represent the so$erei'n soul !ith !hich am blessed. VF90W Furthermore% claim that the courts in &he 7nited 8in'dom are de-facto and bound by the 9a! and E0uity #cts and are in fact in the profitable business of conductin'% !itnessin' and facilitatin' the transactions of security interests and further claim they re0uire the consent of both parties prior to pro$idin' any such ser$ices. V900W Furthermore% claim all transactions of security interests re0uire the consent of both parties and do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuin' under any #ct for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-9and am not sub"ect to any #ct.


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht V9:0W Furthermore claim o!nership of my sin'le share in the corporation kno!n as the 7@ &EA 8 @*A5- and demand a copy of said share such that !ill become the shareholder and thereby be in the position of e2ercisin' my o!n $otin' ri'hts. Furthermore claim to recei$e the correspondin' di$idends for as lon' as said 7@ &EA 8 @*A5operates under the illusion that Imoney has some $alue6 3not!ithstandin' the fact that Imoney has no $alue6 has been admitted by C- &reasury. E$idence of this admission can be supplied% and is any!ay publicly a$ailable4. V920W Furthermore claim that my inalienable @atural ?i'ht to &rial .y +ury for any apparent trans'ressions on my part% includin' an inalienable @atural ?i'ht of Cabeas Corpus% and these shall not under any circumstances be infrin'ed. V9=0W Furthermore claim the ri'ht to be entirely free to determine my o!n medication needs at all times and ne$er under any circumstances be forced to in'est or other!ise recei$e into my body by !ay of $accination% electro-ma'netic ener'y% audio or $isual ener'y or any other method any substance or alien ener'ies do not consent to accept. V9>0W Furthermore% claim the ri'ht to con$ene a proper court de "ure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers% 'o$ernment principals or a'ents or "ustice system participants !ho ha$in' been ser$ed notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make la!ful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission !ith the la!ful e2ercise of properly claimed and established ri'hts and freedoms. V9;0W Furthermore% claim the ri'ht to fulfil my duty to shoot any forei'n troops in the 7nited 8in'dom !ho are armed and attemptin' to police or 'o$ern me or my fello! countrymen !ithout consent and to $ie! them as an in$adin' force !hich must be la!fully attacked. #nd further claim to ri'ht to nominate as many deputies as may be necessary

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word !ho by their o!n free !ill and consent are prepared to assist me in fulfilment of this duty to my Country. V9<0W Furthermore% claim the la! of a'ent and principal applies and that ser$ice upon one is ser$ice upon both. V9)0W Furthermore% claim the ri'ht to deal !ith any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum usin' discussion and ne'otiation and to capture on $ideo tape said discussion and ne'otiation for !hate$er la!ful purpose as see fit. V9F0W Furthermore% claim my SCCEA79E for any trans'ressions by peace officers% 'o$ernment principals or a'ents or "ustice system participants or a'ents of the medical profession or any other parties !ho trespass upon and thus unla!fully hinder -y ,eaceful Self% Veronica: of the Chapman family% as defined in attached Schedule #. V990W Furthermore claim the ri'ht to use a @otary ,ublic to conduct due process of the aforementioned SCCEA79E a'ainst any trans'ressors !ho by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests% directly or by pro2y in any !ay. #ffected parties !ishin' to dispute the claims made herein or make their o!n counterclaims must respond appropriately !ithin F57?&EE@ 3:>4 days of ser$ice of notice of this action. ?esponses must be under 5ath or #ttestation% upon full commercial liability and penalty of per"ury and re'istered at the ,lace of Claim of ?i'ht pro$ided no later than fourteen days from the date of ori'inal ser$ice as attested to by !ay of certificate of ser$ice. Schedule . is a$ailable for the resolution of any ob"ections. Failure to re'ister a dispute a'ainst the claims made herein and then successfully defeatin' these claims in a proper court of la! !ill result in an automatic default "ud'ment securin' fore$ermore


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht all ri'hts herein claimed and establishin' permanent and irre$ocable estoppel by ac0uiescence barrin' the brin'in' of char'es under any statute or #ct or re'ulation a'ainst -y Self Freeman-on-the-9and Veronica: Chapman for e2ercisin' these la!ful and properly established ri'hts% freedoms and duties.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word ,lace of Claim of ?i'ht: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Aated: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Claimant: Veronica: of the Chapman family \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ndependent 1itness :: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #ddress: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ndependent 1itness 2: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #ddress: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ndependent 1itness =: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #ddress: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht Schedu$e A ,enalty term of imprisonment to apply to each and e$ery indi$idual reasonably in$ol$ed in the trans'ression% includin' all senior officers or line mana'ers as accomplices in la!. &rans'ression -y Self bein' 0uestioned% interro'ated or in any !ay detained% harassed or other!ise re'ulated -y Self handcuffed% transported% incarcerated or sub"ected to any ad"udication process that is outside Common 9a! "urisdiction -y Self forced to suffer the effects of !hat has come to be kno!n as a non-lethal or less-thanlethal !eapon such as a &aser -y Self forced to under'o any in'estion of ener'ies or substances forced onto or into my body% !hether under to 'uise of medication or not% !ithout my e2pressly notarised consent -y Self bein' attributed anythin' did not actually speak or !rite in the e$ent that my !ritten or ,enalty &erm of mprisonment : year

2 years

; years

:0 years

; years.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word spoken communications are sho!n to be tampered !ith


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht Schedu$e A 5b"ections and ?esolutions.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word Schedu$e ) Supporti$e 7nderstandin's.


<otice o" ?nderstandin& and Intent and )$aim o" 1i&ht Schedu$e ;
#dditional Claims.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

7ppendi8 : .)%%ary o1 Free%an "rin#iples

here is a lot of information in this book% and it may take a fe! reads in order for the !hole situation to sink in. (ou may also find the need to e2plain to others. !rite this #ppendi2 for those reasons% fundamentally to e2plain e2actly /!here the Freeman is comin' from/ t 'oes like this. # Statute is Ta le'islated rule of a SocietyT. # Society is Ta 'roup of like-minded indi$iduals !ho come to'ether to deliberate% determine% and act to!ards common 'oalsT. &hose are the definitions. # dictionary can be consulted in order to $erify them. For anythin' to e2ist in 9a! it must ha$e a @ame% to !hich it can be referred. #s far as a Society is concerned% it must also ha$e a -embership. ndi$iduals apply for -embership !hen they consider the Tcommon 'oalsT are those they can support. For this to occur% the Society must ha$e defined its 'oals in the first place G such that #pplicants can kno! !hether or not the Tcommon 'oalsT are those that can be supported by -embership. f% at any time% a -ember determines that he or she can no lon'er support the Society/s espoused 'oals% then he or she has the ability to ?ES *@ -embership. &hat/s a Society% and Statues are the le'islated rules it sets for itself. #pplication for -embership is an application to a'ree to be bound by the Society/s rules. Since Statutes only bind C7??E@& -embers of any Society% they ha#e no affect on non(.embers. &his is identical to the ,olicy 3Company ?ules4 of any Company% since a Company is the same thin' as a

Summary o" Freeman 6rinci*$es Society. ,undamentally0 in terms of <status<% the employees of a Company are indistin'uishable from -embers of a Society. So% before Statutes can be used to bind an indi$idual in 9a!% a number of proofs need to be forthcomin': :. ,roof that the Society has a 9e'al @ame% by !hich it can be uni0uely identifiedO 2. ,roof that the Society has set% and published% its Common *oalsO =. ,roof that the indi$idual has applied for -embership% and said application !as acceptedO >. ,roof that the indi$idual has not subse0uently resi'ned. Sub"ect to all of the abo$e proofs% an indi$idual is bound% in 9a!% by the Statutes of the Society of !hich sEhe is a -ember. n this case% by applyin' for -embership% the indi$idual C5@SE@&EA &5 .E .57@A. f any one of the abo$e cannot be pro$ed% then an indi$idual is only bound% in 9a!% by the Statutes of the Society% F CE 5? SCE C5@SE@&S &5 .E .57@A. n anyEall other cases% the indi$idual is not bound by the Society/s Statutes% in 9a!. So ... before 'oin' any further ... indeed before takin' one more breath ... the abo$e statements need to be rebutted @ S7.S&#@CE ... or% by silence andEor lack of rebuttal ... #CCE,&EA. &hat/s by anyone% and e$eryone% !ith !hom !e may be forced to interact. /9e'al obli'ations/ are al!ays addressed to a @amed ,arty. (ou are not a @ame. (ou are a so$erei'n flesh H blood Cuman .ein'% !ith a li$in' soul% and not a 9e'al Fiction @ame% such as T- SS VE?5@ C# CC#,-#@T 3or any $ariation4. (ou are not a @ame% because a @ame is merely marks on paper% pi2els on a computer screen% or sound pressure !a$es in the air% !hen spoken.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word @o!% some may ask: T1hat/s the differenceBT .ut the difference is enormous. t/s the difference bet!een the marks on the paper 3etc.4% and a flesh H blood creature that is /a!are/ - in other !ords somethin' that is /conscious/. @o!% the point is - and this is !hat it is really all about 3if you think about it4: Co! do you 'rab the attention of a creature that is /a!are/B 1hen you !ant that attentionB Co! do you 'rab the attention of a flesh H blood creatureB 1ell G simple G you C#99 &D (ou C#99 it by /!hat it is commonly called/D &his one% the one !ritin' this book% is C5--5@9( C#99EA as: 4eronicaD #nd% since there is more than one Veronica in the !orld% the Caller may need to be a bit more specific G and so add my clanEtribeEfamily to the callin'% and to call: 4eronicaH of the Chapman family. 1hen /m C#99EA this !ay% you 'et my attentionD CeyD t !orksD &he 9e'al Fiction @ames used% e.'. T- SS VE?5@ C# CC#,-#@T 3and so on4% are actually the @ames of little ships. 9ittle ships that the Vatican considers it o!ns. 1hen one !rites to these little ships% they should send their letters to the Vatican% not to me. 1hy does the Vatican do this 3$ia the 78 *o$ernment4B Very simply because most people think that they are their 9e'al Fiction @ame% and respond accordin'ly. &his places them% by tacit consent% as C5@SE@& @* -E-.E?S &5 &CE S&#&7&ES R75&EA. t/s a deception% of course. 5ne is ne$er told this% is oneB 1ell% they ne$er told me% but !e/$e found out. So the deceptions don/t !ork any more. 3&he nternet is a !onderful thin'% if used for somethin' other than "ust typin' Tbi' titsT into a Search En'ine4 Cere/s one more point. # @ame is not the flesh H blood. # @ame is #&&#CCEA to the flesh H blood. 7sually by one/s parents% at birth. (ou T* VE the child a @ameT% don/t youB (ou * VE it a @ame. t doesn/t ha$e one% as

Summary o" Freeman 6rinci*$es the flesh H blood comes into the !orld% so you * VE it a @ame. &he @ame is #&&#CCEA. #nd this is pro$able by the fact that a Aeed ,oll can AE&#CC a @ame% and #&&#CC a different one. 3+ust the same as re-namin' a ship% !here the old name is blotted out% and the ne! one painted o$er4. f someone says to me: .re you 4eronica Chapman( G the truthful ans!er is: )o, I3m not a )ame. f someone says to me: .re you the flesh = bloo# so"ereign -uman 7eing, with a li"ing soul, to which the )ame 4eronica Chapman is .TT.C-0*, at this moment in time( G then ha$e to say: +es, it seems like that% in order to remain truthful. 3.ut /m ne$er asked that 0uestion% in that !ay. #m B4 -y Self% the Cuman .ein'% the flesh H blood% attention 'rabbed by callin' Veronica: of the Chapman family% remains solely under the Common 9a! "urisdiction of En'land. ,ro$ided do not: :. 2. =. >. .reach the peaceO Cause deliberate harm to anyone elseO Cause deliberate loss to anyone elseO 7se de$iousness in my promises H a'reements G

G then do not $iolate any tenet of Common 9a!. #nd% if anyone thinks that may ha$e done% then the mechanism of &rial by +ury e2ists to try me% and find me innocent or 'uilty% as its $erdict. Aoesn/t itB &hey can take me to Court if they like. .ut /ll "ust claim Common 9a! "urisdiction% and ask the Court if it has Common 9a! "urisdiction. 7nless there is a +ury sittin'% the Court !ill ha$e to ans!er: )o. So !ill ask the Court !hat "urisdiction it has o$er -y Self. #nd it !ill be forced to admit that% !hile it may ha$e "urisdiction o$er the -#&&E?% it has @5@E o$er -y Self !hatsoe$er. 5b$iously !ould be askin' the Court to pro$e that am a C7??E@& -ember of the Society !hose subsistin'

Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word re'ulations the Claimant H the Court are attemptin' to impose G so they/d better be ready to rebut "ust about e$erythin' !rote about Statutes H Societies% abo$e. &his mi'ht cause them a bit of a problem% since !hat !rote !as the plain% un$arnished% truth. @o Statute is abo$e Common 9a!. Statutes are bound by Common 9a!. f they e2ceed Common 9a!% then they are null O #oid. #nd that/s the 9a!-of-the-9#@A 3!hich is Common 9a! G and actually nothin' more than Common Sense4. &he reason for this is simple. Common 9a!ECommon Sense !as around lon' before /,arliament/ and /*o$ernment/ !ere in$ented. &hese entities !ere in$ented under Common 9a!ECommon Sense G not abo#e it. <4ot abo#e it<% because only a complete pillock !ould e$er claim to someho! TAo better than Common SenseT% surelyB Conse0uently only such a pillock !ould claim that ,arliament could TAo better than Common SenseECommon 9a!T. So% !hat is ,arliament doin'B (ou tell meD t certainly isn/t TAoin' better than Common SenseT% is itB .ecause that/s impossible% isn/t itB #ny ar'ument to the effect that% because ha$e a $ote% am someho! bound by the Statutes% is entirely spurious. For the follo!in' reason. .efore any -ember of ,arliament can take a seat in the Couse of Commons% they must s!ear alle'iance to the rei'nin' -onarch. @ot to those poor suckers !ho did their so-called /ci$il duty/% and put an T]T a'ainst said -,/s @ame. Conse0uently the alle'iance of those <;0^ sho!ers of shit is not to you H % it is to the Rueen. She mi'ht $ery !ell be bound by !hat they decide% but - since their alle'iance is not to you H - !e are not so bound. Co! can !e beB f Cuman T#T makes a promise to Cuman T.T% Cuman TCT is not bound by that promise. /ll "ust thro! in a couple of other ma2ims from old ?oman 9a! 3!e !ere under ?oman 5ccupation at one time in our history4.


Summary o" Freeman 6rinci*$es &he first one is TConsensus Facit 9e'emT G !hich% translated% means TC5@SE@& -#8ES 9#1T. Consent. ConsentD &he 9a! can only be made by consent. Co! many people% do you think% !ould consent to pay ncome &a2% ?oad &a2ES5?@ etc. if anyone actually dared to ask directlyB .ear in mind !hat /$e !ritten about the *rand Aeception of /money/. ;hy0 do you think0 the Go#ernment is so shit( scared of any 2eferendum? 1n anything? The I&0 2oad Ta" D anything? .ecause they !ould not obtain consent. #nd the ma"ority kno! that% as !ell as do. &he rish most certainly do% as in: Keep "oting Irelan# $ we will grin# you #own until you say +es . &hey can only 'ain consent by 'rindin' us do!n. 3Co!e$er% the consent is really "ust a plea to Lstop the 'rindin'N4. Consent makes 9a! G and they do not ha$e consent. (ou kno! it. kno! it. &he other ma2im is T9et he !ho !ill be decei$ed% be decei$edT. So don/t be decei$ed. #nd then !e ha$e /Contracts/. 1e are constantly AECE VEA into makin' Contracts !e did not realise !e !ere makin'. Co!e$er% any and all Contracts !e ha$e been AECE VEA into makin' are null H $oid% @ 9#1% on the basis of: :. 9ack of full disclosure by the other ,arty 2. 9ack of any Contractual Consideration bein' offered by the other ,arty entirely from its o!n resources. =. 9ack of la!ful &erms H Conditions% under Common 9a!. &he deceptions are crimes under Common 9a!. #nd one final% final thin'. f anyone thinks - for one second - that all a Freeman is doin' is tryin' to /ta2dod'e/% then they/d need to think that a'ain% on top of e$erythin' else. #nd here/s the reason.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word &he so-called /*o$ernment/ !as elected to look after the roads% infrastructure H health care etc. #nd to protect our freedoms G not to erode them continuously. #s such% they are 'i$en the po!er to create a /-onetary illusion/% $ia C- &reasury. 1e let them create !hate$er they decide they need. Aon/t !eB 3Co!E!here does money come from thenB4 So% if #@( *o$ernment #'ency 3e.'. C- ?e$enue H Customs4 !ants money% then they can 'et all they need from the -#8E?S G C- &reasuryD &hey are the ones !ho make itD Con<t ask us= ;hy ask us? ;e don<t make it= &ell me G !hy can/t C- ?e$enue H Customs% and the AV9#% etc. 'et all their money from those !ho create itB 1hy do they need to bother usB 1hat% precisely% is the point in botherin' meB 5r any of usB 1e elect the *o$ernment to look after these thin's G !e 'i$e them the po!er to create as much /money/ as they !ould e$er need G and the $ery first thin' they do is demand it from usDDD CuhBBBDDD f it !asn/t so bloody serious% and utterly% preposterously% absurd% it !ould actually be hilariousD t/s perfectly true% isn/t itB ,lain Common Sense% isn/t itB 3#nd the ans!er% by the !ay% is that /the money/ has to pass throu'h us for one reason% and one reason only: &5 C5@&?59 7S. /-oney/ is nothin' more - and nothin' less - than a .ind(,uck. t ser$es no other practical purpose4. &he sooner e$eryone comes to terms !ith this% and stops decei$in' people% the better for all concerned. #s the deceptions become more H more e2posed% "ust hope the *reat .ritish ,ublic 3in fact e$eryone on this planet4 has mercy on the souls of these so-called /*o$ernment #'encies/. 4o! it<s been said. 4o(one0 ha#ing read this0 can claim ignorance any longer.

Summary o" Freeman 6rinci*$es 7nless and until these Freeman ,rinciples are rebutted% @ S7.S&#@CE% they stand as the ?E#9 &(% and the &?7&C% in 9#1.


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word



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