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Job Offer-Small Arms Survey : 50% during two weeks-URGENT Student for a translation Polish to English, 30.

chf/hour, please send your cv to: as soon as possible (before Monday 2nd December 2013) The Small Arms Survey started the Transparency Barometer in 2004. Transparency Barometer uses a set of guidelines to analyse to analyse the transparency in reporting practices of major exporters. Are considered major exporters those exporting at least USD 10 million in small arms, light weapons and their parts, accessories and ammunitions in at least one year calendar year since 2001. At this moment 52 countries are included in the Barometer. The Transparency Barometer is composed by 7 parameters, subdivided in 43 criteria. These criteria are all focused on aspect of reporting practices and do not investigate the accuracy of the data provided by states. Thus, countries are evaluated according to 1) Timeliness; 2) Accessibility and consistency; 3) Clarity; 4) Comprehensiveness; 5) Deliveries; 6) Licences granted and 7) licences refused. The scoring system is based on three different sources: UN Register and UNComtrade, international instruments receiving data from countries on voluntary basis, and national arms export reports, when available. National arms export reports however are often published in original language or the english version covers a limited amount of information. Thus, we need translators who are not required to translate line by line the national report but rather score the country according to the parameters and criteria of the Transparency Barometer. The criteria would require to assess whether the report include specific type of information on small arms and light weapons and to what extent this information are complete and clear.

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