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COMES NOW the plaintiff by the undersigned attorney, and unto this Honorable Court, respectfully allege: 1. hat the plaintiff is of age and resident of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " #hile the defendant is also of age, #ith residence and post$office address at !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " %. hat the plaintiff is the absolute o#ner and lessor of that certain building located at !!!!!!!!!!!! ,and no# leased and occupied by the defendant" &. hat the defendant leases and occupies the said building under the e'press obligation of paying a rent of ( !!!!!!!!!!!!!! a )onth payable in ad*ance #ithin the first fi*e+,- days of each )onth" .. hat the defendant has not paid the rents for the said building for the )onth of !!!!!!!!!!!!! and !!!!!!!!!!!!!! of the current year" ,. hat the further)ore, the defendant has failed to co)ply #ith the conditions of his lease na)ely!!!!!!!!!!!!! " /. hat the plaintiff has se*eral ti)es de)anded of the defendant to *acate the abo*e pre)ises and to pay his bac0 rents, no# a)ounting to (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , the last de)and for pay)ent ha*ing been )ade on hi) personally and in #riting on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or )ore than fi*e days before the filing of this co)plaint. WHE1E2O1E, it is respectfully prayed that, after due hearing, 3udg)ent be rendered in fa*or of the plaintiff: +a- 2or the restitution of the abo*e $ )entioned pre)ises" +b- 2or the pay)ent of ( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, representing the arrears of rent no# o*erdue, #ith legal interest fro) the filing of this co)plaint, and costs of this suit.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! day of !!!!!!!!!!!!!, 14 !!!!!!!!!!!!!.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + 5ttorney for the (laintiff-

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! + 5ddress-

6E1727C5 7ON 8915

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