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Janelle Carter Revision Memo

I decided to revise my narrative essay, simply because it was informing others about how to become a Homicide Detective. I thought my narrative essay would be the easiest to revise and add on. The first major challenge that was made was changing practically my whole essay into third person; besides my introduction and conclusion. I included new information such as: the different types of police officers, the training required for each and every field, the salary difference for police and the detectives along with the many similarities and differences with their job duties, and lastly how Law Enforcement discriminates against women in the police force. I also left things in from my original essay like the things you can do to get the experience, the mandatory field and academy training that each and every officer has to do, and the requirements for becoming any type of law enforcement officer. I believe these changes brought my paper to life; they gave me more things to elaborate on, and think my paper is much better than the original narrative essay.

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