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Foster's wobbler To celebrate of the arrival of the new Millennium, a striking new bridge was built across the

Thames, joining St Paul's Cathedral in the City with the Tate Modern on the South Bank !ondoners and tourists alike flocked when it o"ened to the "ublic on #une $% &%%% 'ts "o"ularity came as no sur"rise to the distinguished design team ( architect !ord )oster, scul"tor Sir *nthony Caro and engineers *ru" ( but the fact that it wobbled did The bridge was closed after just three days, and finally reo"ened two years later after e+tensive work to make it more robust !ord )oster said he would throw himself off the bridge if it wobbled again, but luckily for him it didn't ,es"ite the new(found sturdiness, eight years on it is still affectionately known as -the wobbly bridge -

The Millennium Doom Tony Blair had ho"ed that the ,ome would be a showcase for .ew !abour 'nstead it turned into a /$ billion white ele"hant, attracting just over half the $& million visitors originally forecast by the then ,ome minister !ord )alconer 0$ ,ecember $111 and $ #anuary &%%%2 disastrous launch when 3'Ps were forced to 4ueue at rail stations to obtain their tickets to what su""osed the 56's all(singing all(dancing celebration of the new Millennium Several guests ( including some who had secured millions in s"onsorshi" for the ,ome ( 4ueued at Stratford tube station in east !ondon for u" to two(and(a(half hours because security scanners could not co"e with the influ+ The finger was being "ointed at the Metro"olitan "olice which "laced only one +(ray machine at Stratford station, where many of the dome's $%,7%% guests "assed through security checks

Shopping's a riot 'n &%%7, 8,%%% fren9ied sho""ers stam"eded on the midnight unveiling of Britain's then(biggest 'kea store ( it closed just :% minutes later leaving &% in need of hos"ital treatment ;ne woman was said to have been threatened by a man with a mallet, and another waiting in the checkout 4ueue was -mugged- for her cut("rice sofa The :7 security guards were re"orted to have fled the scene as "olice were called and a fleet of nine ambulances ferried "eo"le to hos"ital with heat e+haustion and crush injuries The huge crowd had gathered for the o"ening of the Swedish furniture store in <dmonton, north !ondon, entertained by fire eaters, stilt walkers and music

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