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Reflection Sheet 4: My internship presentation truly speaks to whether I am able to communicate with my peers not only what practical

experiences I am gaining at my internship as well as why I made the decision to intern at a four-year Catholic institution. It was not the best presentation I have given but I gained insight on what I need to work on to improve the way I communicate with others. When I speak about communication I refer to all aspects of it from verbal to written. This has been an ongoing challenge for me because even though I have all these ideas that I want to continue talking about I struggle with the why and how of every idea and argument that I state. I struggle with identifying why someone else should care about what I am talking or writing about. As I move along my process of growing and becoming a new professional I am aware of the importance that this clarity and explanations will have on the future of any initiatives and programs that I try to put forward. I understand that in order to be the best advocate for my students I must continue to develop my communication skills with special attention put on evidence and elaboration and how this will determine the outcome of the various areas where I try to implement change. Through this presentation I was able to look at my strengths as a public speaker and those areas that need improvement in order to get better. This specific presentation felt more comfortable because it was in front of a smaller group of my peers where all of them were able to provide me with very intentional and specific feedback whereas if it would have been with a larger audience it was have a bit of a challenge to have that conversation about the presentation and what worked along with what needs improving. As I think of my future in higher education and my desire to present I feel that these types of presentations in graduate school are preparing me a bit more for those future presentations where I will be in front of a much larger audience with people I do not know and not having the confidence and full knowledge/research to present would truly affect the outcome of the presentation as a whole.

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