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Rules and Conventions of the Figured World of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 The

figured world I have chosen to observe is the final two installations of the Harry Potter movie series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2. More specifically, I intend to focus on three scenes that center around major themes in the movies. I think that these three scenes would be Harry, Ron, and Hermione breaking into the Ministry of Magic veiled by Polyjuice Potion, the three breaking into Gringott's wizarding bank and their subsequent return to Hogwarts, and the final battle on Hogwarts ground. The world I am observing is currently in utter chaos, the wizarding community has just learned of Lord Voldemorts return, but is unaware that he is currently controlling their government officials. Harry, Hermione, and Ron, the three main characters, are on the run from the government, while attempting to gather resources necessary to thwart Voldemort and to finally put an end to his reign of terror. In this state of panic, much of the wizarding community has pulled away and hidden in terror. Those willing to rebel are both plotting secretly and fighting outright. Murder is common, as Voldemort and his followers are coldhearted and do not care for those who are of no use to them. There is very little happiness in these movies; instead a somber tone is always occurring. Forms of communication are dangerous as they may be intercepted, but the rebels communicate by means of a secret, coded radio station, which needs a different, unknown password for every broadcast. This is the only way the trio gets any information of the wizarding world while on the run. In the first two examples for observation, loud noise is discouraged as it would draw attention to the characters and reveal them as the run-aways. In the final scene however, a battle takes place and so loud noise is to be

expected. An example of when inappropriate behavior occurs is the happiness displayed when the trio returns to Hogwarts. The major discourse communities will be Death Eaters versus rebels. Other communities include the Muggles, ministry officials not on the rebel side and unaware of Voldemort's control, and the portion of the wizarding community who are hiding away.

Observation Assignment

Amelia Howden

Site Location: the Ministry of Magic scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Observation One Observation One Self-Made Movie Trailer (Above & Beyond): Description of Location: The Ministry of Magic Headquarters for the British branch of the wizarding government is located in Whitehall, London, England. This building is the headquarters for the government, much like the White House and Capitol building in the US. This building, however is located underground as to be invisible to muggles, and can be entered several different ways. One of these ways is by flushing oneself down a toilet in an abandoned subway entrance. Any entrance into the ministry deposits you in a large fire grate, used for both apparition and the Floo Network in order to get in and out of the building magically. The grates are located in the Atrium, a gigantic room that serves as the lobby for the Ministry. It is made up of blackish green marble and dark wood. Where once stood the Fountain of Magical Brethren, a sculptured fountain depicting magical creatures working together, now stands the Magic is Might monument. Voldemort, now having complete control of the ministry, had the Death Eaters put this statue there. It features a witch and wizards standing atop a great stone reading Magic is Might, which is in turn held up by a group of muggles who are sculpted to look in pain under the enormous weight of the rest of the sculpture. To exit the Atrium and get to other floors, one must use the magical gilded elevators, which move at extremely high speeds to get to the 10 various different floors.

Figured World: A figured world is an environment or situation, in which certain mannerisms, acts, or behavior are deemed appropriate or otherwise so.

Rules and Convention for Appropriate Behavior: In this particular observation, Lord Voldemort (the most powerful dark wizard of all time) is in control of the Ministry, so appropriate behavior is extremely different from normal. While usually, people in the Ministry would be talking to each other on the way to their offices, most employees are silent. They are this way out of fear, as they know that new law enforcers are watching them. The employees do not know at the moment that the law enforcers are in fact, Death Eaters, Voldemorts followers, but are aware to be careful around them so as to not be terminated form their jobs. There is very little use of magic otherwise what is needed to complete their work. While most employees are unaware of Voldemorts takeover, the shift in governmental control after Rufus Scrimgeours, the previous Minister for Magic, death has made an obvious impact. Pius Thicknesse, under the Imperius Curse, which allows Voldemort to control his every move, has implemented strict review of every ministry employee to basically weed out anyone who was of anything less than pure blood. In the wizarding society, this means that at no point in the familys lineage has anyone married a muggle or was muggle-born. If muggle-born, the Ministry would find out and the accused was sent to Azkaban, the wizard prison. The ministry has thus become extremely anti-Muggle. Many employees have been forced to make pamphlets about the dangers of interacting with Muggles as a part of this Muggle

Born Registration Commission. Basically, any behavior out of what is enforced by new, extremely strict, regulations is grounds for termination from employment or worse.

Actors: Actors are the individuals in a figured world that play a specific role and contribute to the world itself. These specific actors are not all necessarily important to the entire figured world of the Deathly Hallows movies, but in this specific observation are so. -Harry Potter: the main character of the series and basically the catalyst for most events occurring. Harry is the only known person to survive Avada Kedavra, the killing curse, in wizarding history, especially considering it was cast by the most dangerous dark wizard ever, Lord Voldemort. Harry is the leader of the main trio, including Hermoine Grange and Ron Weasley, but is definitely defying the rules of the figured world in this observation. This is mainly because he is the No. 1 wanted criminal at the time that he breaks into the Ministry under the veil of Polyjuice Potion. His role as an actor in this situation is the rebel leader who is trying to destroy Lord Voldemort. -Hermione Granger: Hermione is one of the sub-main characters in the series, and has been friends with Harry since their first day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry six years ago. She is known as the brightest witch of her age and is the brains behind this operation. Without Hermione, Ron and Harry would have undoubtedly failed to retrieve the Horcrux or even step foot into the Ministry.

-Ron Weasley: Ron is another sub-main character and Harrys best mate. While not the smartest, he is loyal and goes to the Ministry with Harry and Hermione simply because they go everywhere together. He doesnt really have anything to add to the situation, but for some comic relief, as he always seems to get himself into trouble. -Dolores Umbridge: As Undersecretary to the Ministry, Umbridge has a great deal of power in the Ministry. While it is unclear whether she is aware of Voldemorts role in the Ministry, she has the Horcrux on her possession. In this specific observation she plays the role of the power-hungry tyrant. -Yaxley: Yaxley is the Death Eater who first discovers the trio without their disguises, he chases them out of the Ministry, and Hermione however manages to lose him. In the struggle to get away, Rons arm also gets splinched, almost torn from his shoulder. Unfortunately, being a Death Eater, Yaxley also informs Voldemort of Harrys visit to the Ministry as well as the whereabouts of their original safe house. Yaxley also plays the role of the villain.

Artifacts: An artifact can be not only a physical object, but also an idea or emotion which is significant to either the world itself or the actors within it. -The Horcrux: the locket containing a piece of Voldemorts soul is the only reason the trio broke into the Ministry in the first place. Horcruxes are of dire importance as to destroy them all is the only way to kill Voldemort for good. -The Trials: The Muggle-born imprisonment trials show how corrupt the government is at this point. The trials are basically a sham, anyone discovered to be muggle-born is said to have stolen the magic and subsequently sent to Azkaban. This

is however not the case, as magic cant be stolen and used. While it is not obvious Voldemort has taken over the Ministry, if people werent so afraid at the present time, the wizarding community would be in uproar at the unfairness of these trials. -Polyjuice Potion: disguises are detrimental to this situation. Without them, Harry, Ron, and Hermione would have no hopes of getting into the Ministry in the first place. They, however, end up running out too soon and revealing the trio to the Death Eaters, making life much more difficult in the end. They did, on the other hand, finally allow them to retrieve a real Horcrux.

Discourse Communities: A discourse community is a group within the world that share a commonality either in idea or way of communicating within this observation of the Ministry -Ministry Officials who seem not to know about Voldemort: Such as Umbridge, these officials relish in the amount of power now given to them. Especially to the ones who believe in the new regimens set by Pius Thicknesse, whom, under Voldemorts control, is the new Minister for Magic. Their commonality is their lust for power obvious by their arrogant attitudes. -Ministry Officials aware of Voldemorts takeover: As far as we are aware these people are entirely Death Eaters, Voldemorts followers. They constantly strut about as if they own the place, which in theory they do. They are also persistently threatening lower employees in order to get what they want. -The rebels: This group is mostly comprised by the Order of the Phoenix, the organization plotting Voldemorts downfall, joined by Harry, Ron, and Hermione

whom are too young to join the Order its self. These people are seen holding their heads high while still following current rules as to not get into too much trouble. They are continually standing up to Death Eaters, but also speak in low whispers in order to not draw attention. Most do not come into the Ministry anymore.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communication whether in written or spoken form -Literacy Practices in this observation are mostly face-to-face discussion. Among the trio it is much more casual, while slightly worried, and mostly in hushed tones to avoid being caught. While in disguise, the three try not to speak too much to other wizards, as they would most likely blow their entire operation.

The Observation: *Note, it is unaddressed as to what period of time this scene takes place in. However, as most employees are just arriving at work, we can assume it is morning. It is also unclear as to how long the scene actually lasts in movie-time versus real-time. In realtime the scene is about 25 minutes long, while in the movie they would have been discovered after about 15 minutes. For the sake of the observation, time will be mapped as if it were 30 minutes. 8:30 AM After scouting the Ministry of Magic entrance for several weeks, Harry, Ron and Hermione decide it is time to act on the break-in. They stun three ministry employees and use Polyjuice Potion mixed with a hair from each of the employees heads to mimic their appearance, they also steal their clothes.

8:35 AM the trio, disguised, follow other Ministry employees into an abandoned Subway bathroom in the middle of London. Here they must split from Hermione and go into separate bathrooms. They discover that they must flush themselves down the toilet into the Ministry. 8:38 AM After finding Hermione, Ron is separated from the group. Yaxley, a Death Eater, demands that Ron, disguised as Reg Cattermole, a maintenance worker, fix his raining office. Hermione, disguised as Mafalda Hopkirk, must then follow Dolores Umbridge down into the courtrooms where she is holding trials for muggle-borns. As Harry is disguised as Albert Runcorn, a Death Eater, no one stops him. 8:40 AM Harry finds Umbridges office. Outside, he sets off a smoke bomb, courtesy of Rons twin brothers, and steps into her office. After he looking around, he does not discover the Horcrux. He does, however, find files tracking each member of the Order of the Phoenix, which worries him. Before leaving the office, he takes the late Mad-Eye Moodys (a previous member of the Order before his murder a few weeks earlier) all-seeing glass eye from its place in Umbridges front door. 8:45 AM In the elevator, Harry finds Ron drenched from Yaxleys office. They make their way down to the courtrooms to find Hermione. Here, they discover Rons wife on trial. Looking up, Harry discovers that Dementors, hideous cloaked creatures that feed on human happiness and bring a cold, desperate, despairing feeling upon people, guard the room. Harry shoves Ron into the room upon the premise of bringing Mary Cattermoles husband to observe the trial. 8:48 AM After listening to a few questions accusing Mary of stealing a wand, Harry pulls out his own wand as his disguise disappears. Umbridge asks Runcorn what

he is doing to which Harry replies, Youre lying Dolores, and one mustnt tell lies, a reference to a previous movie in which Umbridge tortured Harry and carve the words into his hand. Harry then stuns Umbridge with the Stupefy spell and Hermione rips the locket (Horcrux) from around her neck. 8:50 AM Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Mary make it to the elevator closely followed by Dementors. As they begin to suck out the humans souls, Harry casts a Patronus Charm, a particularly advanced and extremely difficult spell but also the only thing that can protect against a Dementor attack, and they manage to get away. 8:52 AM They arrive in the Atrium and the trio successfully gets away from Mary, all of their disguises having now disappeared. 8:53 AM As the trio makes their way quietly through the Atrium, people begin to recognize them. Turning around, they see Yaxley chasing them and begin to run towards the fire grates that lead out of the Ministry. Harry casts a spell on stacks of wanted posters featuring his face, turning them into a tornado that provides them a few seconds of head start. 8:55 AM They reach the grates and Hermione apparates them out of the Ministry. Yaxley grabs onto them just as they disappear. Hermione manages to get him loose and they apparate to a new location. 8:56 AM Arriving in the Forest of Dean they discover that the struggle with Yaxley has left Ron splinched, his left arm almost ripped from his shoulder, leaving deep gashes in his arm, and hurry to fix it.

Observation Assignment

Amelia Howden

Site Location: the Gringotts break-in scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Observation Two Description of Location: Gringotts Wizarding Bank is a large, multistoried white marble building situated on Diagon Alley. Two wizard guards guard the bronze doors of the bank. Inside the doors lies a long marble lobby lined with desks at which hundreds of goblins sit. Doors leading to the vaults line the lobby. The passageways to the vaults are made of stone and, being miles underground, are dim. There are a number of vaults below the ground, and the depth of the vault suggests the varying size and security measures placed upon it. The deepest are the largest, high-security vaults, typically belonging to very rich, very old, pureblood wizarding families, such as the Lestranges. Many high-security vaults are guarded by dragons or sphinxes and require a Goblins touch to enter. Lower-security vaults simply need a key. Carts on tracks are used to navigate the vaults and are very fast, like a rollercoaster. Another form of security is the Thiefs Downfall, which, at a lower level, the carts pass through. This waterfall dissolves all enchantments and spells, revealing annoying attempting to break in.

Rules and Convention for Appropriate Behavior: Gringotts Bank is heavily secured, so one must be on their best behavior and only be entering for good reason. The plaque outside reads, Enter, stranger, but take heed Of what awaits the sin of greed For those who take, but do not earn, Must pay most dearly in their turn. So if you seek beneath our floors A treasure that was never yours, Thief, you have been warned,

beware Of finding more than treasure there. As such, trespassers are not tolerated. Harry, Ron, and Hermione manage to break-in with the help of Griphook, a goblin, but are forced to use the Imperius Curse on Bogrod, a head goblin, in order to gain further entry. Security is notified when they pass under the Thiefs Downfall, exposing them. This is only the second break-in in Gringotts history and is extremely unusual as it was successful.

Actors: Actors are the individuals in a figured world that play a specific role and contribute to the world itself. These specific actors are not all necessarily important to the entire figured world of the Deathly Hallows movies, but in this specific observation are so. -Griphook: Necessary to the break-in, the trio strikes a deal with Griphook in order to get into the bank. Goblins are naturally tricky, and so he ends up deceiving them, leaving the trio for dead once inside the vault. Griphook steals the sword of Gryffindor, which is later retrieved by Neville Longbottom, and escapes, betraying the others. -Bogrod: Under the Imperius Curse, Bogrod leads the group down to the Lestranges vault. He is needed, as only his touch will open the vault doors. After Griphook abandons them, the dragon-guards flames incinerate Bogrod. -The Dragon: Guarding the Lestranges vault in order to prevent intruders, the dragon has been domesticated to expect pain when it hears the noise of the goblins Clankers. Hermione calls this barbaric. The dragon provides a means of escape from the bank after the trio retrieves the cup.

Artifacts: An artifact can be not only a physical object, but also an idea or emotion which is significant to either the world itself or the actors within it. -Helga Hufflepuffs Cup: Another Horcrux, and again the only reason they break into Gringotts. It contains another piece of Voldemorts soul which when destroyed will finally weaken him. It is hidden in Bellatrix Lestranges vault, a trusted follower of Voldemort. -The Invisibility Cloak: An important artifact through the entire series, the cloak is of dire significance especially in this scene. It hides Harry, the number one wanted wizard, and Griphook, a goblin on the run, from the guards as well as the goblinemployees of Gringotts. It is also one of the three Deathly Hallows. -Polyjuice Potion: Again detrimental to the situation, if Hermione were not disguised as Bellatrix using the potion, they would have never gotten through the front doors.

Discourse Communities: A discourse community is a group within the world that share a commonality either in idea or way of communicating within this observation of Gringotts Wizarding Bank -Gringotts Employees: Gringotts Wizarding Bank was founded and is employed by goblins. A highly intelligent, yet sneaky race that are very strict about the guarding of gold. They are already suspicious of Hermione-disguised-as-Bellatrix as soon as she steps into the Lobby. They communicate with a language called Gobbledegook. -Security Guards: After the Goblin Rebellion, wizard guards replaced the previous goblin guards. They carry Probity Probes and search everyone attempting to enter the bank. Harry confounds the guards in order to break in.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communication whether in written or spoken form -Literacy Practices in this observation are mostly face-to-face discussion. In the lobby, Hermione is the only one who talks, as Bellatrix. Ron and Harry share a whispered conversation but otherwise do not speak. Once inside the vaults, they are less cautious and have full-on conversation.

The Observation: *Note, it is unaddressed as to what period of time this scene takes place in. However, in relation to other scenes it can be assumed that it is late morning. It is also unclear as to how long the scene actually lasts in movie-time versus real-time. In real-time the scene is about 25 minutes long, while in the scene in movie-time must have lasted around 10 minutes. For the sake of the observation, time will be mapped as if it were 30 minutes. 10 AM Harry suspects that Bellatrix Lestrange is hiding a Horcrux in her vault at Gringotts Wizarding Bank. He, Ron and Hermione enlist the help of Griphook, a goblin, to get them into the vault in exchange for the sword of Gryffindor. Using one of Lestranges hairs from the Malfoy manor incident, they transform Hermione into Bellatrix. Ron is disguised as a foreign Death Eater, and Harry carries Griphook on his back under the Invisibility cloak. 10:10 AM After being disguised, the group apparates into Diagon Alley and walks into Gringotts. Hermione approaches the stand and asks to be shown to her vault.

The goblins are suspicious and Harry must use the Imperius Curse to force Bogrod to take them into the vaults. 10:15 AM The cart track leads the group under the Thiefs Downfall, ending their disguises and almost causing them to fall to their deaths. 10:18 AM Arriving at the vault on foot, they use bells to scare the dragon guard. Griphook places Bogrods hand on the vault door and they slip inside. Harry spots the Horcrux, Helga Hufflepuffs Cup, across the vault and begins to move towards it. Hermione bumps into a piece of treasure and it begins to multiply. Griphook tells them its the Geminiocurse and it causes anything that is touched to multiply exponentially. The vault quickly begins to fill up with treasure. 10:20 AM Harry reaches the cup and begins to make his way back to the door. Griphook grabs the cup from him and forces Harry to give him the sword. He then takes Bogrod and exits the vault, saying that he never promised to get them out. 10:25 AM After almost being crushed by gold, the trio makes it out of the vault to be met by guards. Hermione convinces them to jump onto the dragons back. She releases its chains and it rears. 10:28 AM After tearing through the vaults, the dragon bursts into the lobby and shatters the skylight, emerging into the London sky.

Observation Assignment Site Location: the final battle scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Amelia Howden

Observation Three Description of Location: This scene takes place in several different parts of the Hogwarts grounds, but is mainly focused in the castle. The four founding wizards of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin built the castle in the early Middle Ages. Hogwarts grounds are massive and are surrounded by the deep, dark Forbidden Forest. The castle itself is enormous and seven stories tall. Inside is the Great Hall, where a majority of the battle takes place. Severus Snape and several Death Eaters run the school at this point, which has basically become a concentration camp. Most of the students hide in the Room of Requirement in order to escape punishment, a magical room inside Hogwarts that can only be found by those who need it most.

Rules and Convention for Appropriate Behavior: Previous rules and Hogwarts were typical of most schools, however during the battle all rules are lost. The grounds are in turmoil and the battle rages throughout the castle. This is no simple dueling either; dark creatures and Death Eaters alike storm the castle killing students, teachers, and members of the Order. During these scenes there is no appropriate behavior, it is an entirely life-ordeath situation.

Actors: Actors are the individuals in a figured world that play a specific role and contribute to the world itself. These specific actors are not all necessarily important to the entire figured world of the Deathly Hallows movies, but in this specific observation are so. -Severus Snape: Current headmaster and right-hand man for Voldemort whom killed Albus Dumbledore. He, however, is actually a spy for the Order of the Phoenix and while is generally disliked actually does the right thing. -Order of the Phoenix: the protective forces and actual battle-ready soldiers who stand to fight. -Minerva McGonagall: previously vice-headmistress, she stands up to Snape and regains control of Hogwarts before the battle begins. -Lord Voldemort: the ultimate dark wizard is the reason this battle is happening, he is determined to gain all power and to kill Harry Potter. -Death Eaters: Voldemorts followers and army, determined to kill all those who oppose Voldemort. Most are actually extremely cowardly and end up fleeing the battle.

Artifacts: An artifact can be not only a physical object, but also an idea or emotion which is significant to either the world itself or the actors within it. -Nagini: Voldemorts savage pet snake. It is also another Horcrux, but as Voldemorts favorite weapon, almost impossible to get to. The snake must be killed in order to kill Voldemort.

-Rowena Ravenclaws Diadem: Another Horcrux that must be found and destroyed in order to kill Voldemort. -Harry Potter: After seeing Snapes memories in the Pensieve, Harry discovers that he is the last Horcrux and must also die in order for Voldemort to fall. He comes to terms with this and walks to his own execution. -The Resurrection Stone: One of the three Deathly Hallows, this stone has the power to recall loved ones from the dead. On the way to his death, Harry discovers Dumbledore had hidden it in the Snitch he left him in his will. He turns it in his hand and is visited by his lost loved ones who stay with him as he walks into Voldemorts trap. -The Elder Wand: The last of the Deathly Hallows, the wand is supposed to be unbeatable but ends up failing Voldemort.

Discourse Communities: A discourse community is a group within the world that share a commonality either in idea or way of communicating within this observation of the Battle of Hogwarts -Those loyal to Harry and the side of good: These are the people who fight for the greater good and oppose Lord Voldemort. They are made up of the Order of the Phoenix, Professors, and students whom are of age. -The Death Eaters and Dark Creatures: These are the ones who are loyal to the bad side and Lord Voldemort. They attack the castle and those in it, slaughtering many people.

Literacy Practices: Ways of communication whether in written or spoken form -There is also not much communication in this scene past face-to-face communication. Twice during the scene, Lord Voldemort amplifies his voice into the ears of the people inside Howarts castle warning them to give Harry up and instilling terror in them. As Snape dies, he tells Harry to take his tears, which are actually memories and explain everything that has happened in Harrys life up until this point.

The Observation: *Note, it is unaddressed as to what period of time this scene takes place in. However, after research many sources say that the events occurred in late night to early morning. It is also unclear as to how long the scene actually lasts in movie-time versus real-time. In real-time the scene itself is about an hour long, while in the scene in movie-time must have lasted for at least 7 hours. For the sake of the observation, time will be mapped as if it were about two hours. 3 AM After returning to Hogsmeade and being almost captured by Death Eaters, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are led down a secret tunnel into Hogwarts by Neville Longbottom. They arrive in the Room of Requirements where most students have been hiding all year. They emerge to applause from their fellow students. 3:05 AM Ginny, Rons sister announces that Snape wants everyone in the Great Hall. Once in the Great Hall, Harry reveals himself and accuses Snape. He questions how

he dares to stand in Dumbledores place, ordering Snape to tell everyone of his betrayal and how he killed Dumbledore. Snape raises his wand, but Professor McGonagall steps in to defend Harry. Snape apparates and Voldemorts amplified voice fills the hall. He tells the students to give Harry up before the battle begins. The majority of the students surround Harry to protect him from the selfish Slytherins. 3:10 AM McGonagall orders minors to be sent home, and says that the elder students can stay to fight if they wish. Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive and begin to place protective enchantments around the castle. 3:15 AM Harry finds Helena Ravenclaws ghost and convinces her to tell him that her mothers diadem is hidden in the Room of Requirement. Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione go into the Chamber of Secrets to destroy the cup with a basilisk fang. 3:20 AM An army of Death Eaters has arrived outside of the grounds and attempt to break down the enchantments. Voldemort casts a curse that breaks them, but also slightly cracks the Elder Wand. He begins to feel the destruction of the Horcruxes. 3:25 AM The Snatchers and a few Death Eaters attempt to charge the bridge after Nevilles taunts but it collapses and they plunge to their deaths. 3:30 AM The Death Eaters begin to march into the castle and the battle begins. Harry finds the diadem in the Room of Requirement, but he, Ron and Hermione narrowly escape being killed by Malfoy and his goonies. Harry has a vision of Voldemort in the boathouse and the trio runs through the battle to get there. 3:40 AM They hide outside the docks and hear Snape and Voldemorts conversation about the Elder Wand. Voldemort then slits Snapes throat and orders Nagini to

attack, leaving him almost dead. Voldemort once again amplifies his voice saying that Harry has an hour to surrender before Voldemort murders anyone who gets in his way. 3:45 AM Snape gives Harry one of his tears, telling him to take it to the Pensieve before dying. 3:50 AM The trio makes their way up to the castle and into the Great Hall where they discover the bodies of those who died in battle. They find that Fred, Rons brother has been killed, and grieve. Harry also finds Remus Lupin and Tonks, and leaves unable to stay knowing that they all died because of him. 3:55 AM Harry goes to the Pensieve and sees Snapes memories which tell him about his mothers childhood friendship with Snape, his parents deaths, and the truth about Dumbledores death. He also discovers that he himself is a Horcrux and must die in order for Voldemort to be killed. 4 AM Harry finds Ron and Hermione and says goodbye to them. 4:10 AM As he reaches the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he takes out the Snitch Dumbledore left him in his will. He tells it that he is ready to die, and the Resurrection Stone falls out. His lost loved ones appear before him, offering him encouragement and telling him how brave he is. He asks them if they will stay with him and his mother tells him Always. 4:15 AM Harry steps out into the clearing in front of Voldemort, whom turns around and fires the Killing Curse at Harry. He awakes in a white train station with Dumbledore. Dumbledore tells him that the part of him that was a Horcrux has been destroyed. He also tells Harry that he can stay and go into the afterlife or return and

finish what he started. Harry wakes up on the forest floor but plays dead. Hagrid, captured by Death Eaters, carries Harrys body back to the castle surrounded by the army and Voldemort. 4:20 AM They arrive back to the castle and Voldemort announces Harrys death. He asks for people to join his side, but only Malfoy complies. Neville hobbles forward and the Death Eaters laugh. Neville says that they have to continue to fight and Harry is still in their hearts. He tells Voldemort hell join him when Hell freezes over and pulls the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat. 4:30 AM Harry jumps out of Hagrids arms to the applause of the good side and the horror of the Death Eaters. Many of Voldemorts followers decide to abandon him, apparating at the sigh of Harry alive. Voldemort and Harry begin to duel all over the grounds, and more battle ensues in the Great Hall. Molly Weasley, Rons mother, kills Bellatrix Lestrange. During this time Hermione and Ron attempt to kill Nagini. 4:45 AM Neville finds Nagini and slices her head off, saving Ron and Hermione. The last Horcrux has been destroyed, meaning that Voldemort can finally be killed. 4:50 AM Voldemort falters slightly then launches another Killing Curse at Harry, which he meets with a Disarming Charm. The two spells collide. 5AM Harry pushes Voldemorts curse back into the cracks of the Elder Wand where it engulfs him. The wand flies into Harrys hand and Voldemort disintegrates.

Amelia Howden Interview Questions

Interviewing Harry Potter Note: As Harry Potter is a fictional character; this interview was conducted with myself being both questioner and answerer. While I tried to answer from Potters perspective, it is entirely possible that the answers may not reflect what his actual views could be. 1. How did it feel to be breaking into the Ministry of Magic as the most wanted criminal at the time? Bloody terrifying. It was slightly exciting that we were breaking the rules on such a large scale, but mostly we were scared out of our minds. It had to be done, though. Its interesting because I knew we were disguised, and no one could possibly know that it was me posing as Runcorn, but if we stepped one toe out of line, to quote Mrs. Weasley, we would be in big trouble. We also didnt know how long the effects of the potion would last so we were being incredibly rushed. Getting into the Ministry was surprisingly easy, I mean weve been standing on that blimmin street corner watching everyone for two weeks. Once we got inside, we were all separated so we had to try and find the Horcrux without one another. Getting out was the difficult part, obviously, since everyone saw who I was. 2. What was it like being Runcorn? Odd. Really, really odd. Im a pretty short bloke, but Runcorn is massive, it was hard to walk around actually, because he was so tall. Thats the only reason I remembered that I was disguised. I could see a lot

more. It was scary because people were terrified of me, they wouldnt look me in the eyes. Ive experienced that before, but more because they hated me than that they thought I would kill them or something. Wasnt really fond of it. 3. How was communication in the Ministry? How did you talk to one another? Well we didnt. After Ron, Hermione, and I split up, we had no way of knowing where anyone was. As far as talking to other people, I spose we just tried to avoid talking to or looking at anyone, I thought they would find out. Mostly I just tried to look intimidating and nodded at people a lot. I hoped they wouldnt come up to me and ask me anything, I didnt really know much about Runcorn. 4. What was it like to give Umbridge a taste of her own medicine? Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Obviously, it was quite terrifying, as we had to get out right after I stunned her and get away from the Dementors, but it was a great feeling. I think my comment was quite witty if I do say so myself (Umbridge previously tortured Harry by using a special quill that left I must not tell lies carved into his hand, so in the courtroom he said to Umbridge, Youre lying Dolores, and one mustnt tell lies), and yelling Stupefy made everything a bit more worth it, an extra treat. 5. Tell me about Ron getting splinched, how did you react? Right, well I ended up a few feet away, so at first I didnt realize what had happened. I just knew that we had gotten away from Yaxley, which was a shock. I was confused when I opened my eyes in the Forest of Dean; we were supposed to be going back to Grimmauld Place. But then I saw Ron lying on the ground. His arm was nearly ripped from his shoulder. It was kind of a numb horror that I felt. I dont know what we wouldve

done without Hermione, I could hardly move. Ron probably would have died; I dont know how to deal with that stuff. Good thing shes a genius. Reflection I think that my strengths are definitely in my descriptions of different aspects in the figured world. Because I know a lot about Harry Potter it was very easy for me to describe these things. Especially in the observations, because Ive seen the movies so many times, I find details that someone watching it for the first time may not. For example, in the Ministry Break-in observation, Harry says, Youre lying Dolores, and one mustnt tell lies. Someone who doesnt pay a lot of attention in the Harry Potter movies wouldnt take anything from this but its actually an ironic statement. As I said above in the observation, Umbridge tortured Harry into carving the words into his skin. Knowing a lot about the world is also, however a weakness. I assume that people know what even simple artifacts are, when in fact someone whos never seen the movies would have no idea. The only really helpful comments from my peers were about the formatting of my paper. In general, the peer comments werent all that helpful because they were mostly about the format instead of the actual content of my paper. Specifically, someone told me to change my spacing in the observations in order to make it easier to read. Because I typed it, its harder to see these formatting issues. The aspect of the paper I would like you to most focus on are the actors and artifacts. Since you said youre not a Harry Potter fan these areas will give you some understanding of the observations.

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