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Nisha : Good afternoon guys. Do you have any plans for the weekend? Tom : No, I dont.

Rayan : Well, I have been meaning to visit the orphanage near my house. What do you think, Nisha. Shall we visit the orphanage and see if we can help them out. Nisha: its a good idea but I think the flood victims at Balai Riong could really use help right now. Tom : Yes, I agree with Nisha. I think we should visit the flood victims. They are really in need of assistance. Nisha : I read in the papers this morning that the floof victims are in dire need of food, medicine, clothing, as well as cash. Rayan : Youre right Nisha. At the moment, these victims need the publics attention. Tom : Theres a lot to be done before we could go over to help them. Nisha: Yes, indeed. We should first collect some clothing and dry food from our friends and family members. Rayan : I could get my fathers help to obtain permission from our community chairman to start a donation drive in our neighbourhood. Tom : Thats a great idea Rayan. Lets grt started now!

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