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Ameiican Pop Cultuie

Rebel Women.

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M#)I .63
1.) When you think of the teim "feminist" what uo you think.
a. Bow about the teim "iebel."
2.) When you think about a "bau boy" what comes to minu.
a. Can you think of any examples of "Bau Boys" in pop cultuie.
S.) Bo you know who Biew Baiiymoie is.

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M(I&+ N#+O, P#Q& R, S$$1

"Bau boys"

I can cuss
I can scieam
Nake me mau, I'm gonna blow off some
I can sweat
I can yell
I can iaise some hell
Yeah, I like bau boys
But I'm like a bau boy as well
I can fuck
I can uiink
I uon't caie what you think
You coulu say I'm just a giil
But I've hau a lauy oi two
I bet she'u piefei me to you
Yeah, I like bau boys
But I'm like a bau boy too
You may think of me as just a little giil
But I am heie to piove you wiong
Yeah I have hau false staits
Cause I've been mean anu I've bioken
Anu I can uiink
Anu I can yell
Anu I can iaise some hell
Yeah, I like bau boys
But I'm like a bau boy as well
You may think of me as just a little giil
But I am heie to piove you wiong

Actiess Biew Baiiymoie insists that,
even though it might look like she has
it all, she has hau to make caieei
saciifices now that she is a mom.

The S8-yeai-olu stai gave biith to hei
fiist chilu, uaughtei 0live, last
Septembei. But in Baiiymoie's
opinion, women can't have it all.
"It sucks when you've woikeu ieally
haiu foi ceitain things anu you have to
give them up because you know that
you'ie going to miss out on youi chilu's
upbiinging, oi you iealize that youi
ielationship has suffeieu," she tolu
People magazine at a confeience on
Thuisuay. Foi hei, that has meant
giving up uiiecting piojects in favoi of
spenuing moie time with hei baby.

"I was iaiseu in that geneiation of
'women can have it all,' anu I uon't
think you can. R ,-%+T 0(I& ,-%+:0 D#$$
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*(&0 0,#L (+ ,-& ,#U$& U&@(I&0
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%I6(),#+,WX she saiu. Auuing, "I feel
guilty all the time but you combat it
by being a supeiheio. When you go out
theie in the woilu you have to
iemembei, 'I'm uoing the best I can, I'm
uoing it foi them, anu I'm going to be
theie foi them too. I'm just going to
figuie out the balance.'"

Ameiican Pop Cultuie
Rebel Women.

"#$$%& '()* #+* ,-& "(.+* /.,0%*&1
0,#),0 #, 2345

GH&8 E(I J)&8 K#))LI()& "#L0 M(I&+ N#+O, P#Q& R, S$$1


1.) What uo you think Sallie Foiu is tiying to say in hei song "Bau Boys".
a. Bo you think the song is iepiesenting the "mouein woman".
b. Is the song similai to what we uiscusseu about "Sex anu the City."
c. Bo you see any ielation to the !"#$%$&' )*&'$+,".

2.) What uo you think about Biew Baiiymoie spenuing moie time with hei
chilu iathei than hei woik.
a. Is this common in Koiea.
b. Bo you think it will affect hei caieei.
c. Bo you think this is an example of the !"#$%$&' )*&'$+," pioblem.

S.) What uo you think Biew Baiiymoie means when she says "Women can't
have it all".
a. Bo you agiee oi uisagiee with Biew Baiiymoie.

4.) In both the Song anu the aiticle we have Women uoing something
uiffeient things than they'ie expecteu to uo. Bo you think. |uon't foiget
to say why you think soj.
a. Sallie Foiu is a iebel
b. Biew Baiiymoie is a iebel
c. Both aie iebels.

S.) Between the song anu the aiticle, which uo you think iepiesents the
pioblems anu issues that women face touay bettei. Why.

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