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SINGKATAN DAN SIMBOL/(ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS) AC ASTM B! o C carat cc cg cm cm$ cN DC g &' I) +cal +g +gf +N +,a +. +.

A +/ar +0 12333 +0( l m mm$ m4 m4(5) uCi mm mN alternating current American Society for Te ting Material "ec!uerel #egree( ) Cel iu Carat cu"ic centimetre( ) centigram( ) centimetre( ) !uare centimetre( ) centine%ton( ) #irect current gram( ) (ert' infra*re# +ilocalorie( ) +ilogram( ) +ilogram force +ilone%ton( ) +ilo-a cal( ) +ilo/olt( ) +ilo/olt *am-ere( ) +ilo/olt *am-ere( )*reacti/e +ilo%att( ) 12333 +ilo%att (our litre( ) metre( ) meta* !uare metre( ) cu"ic metre( ) cu"ic metre( ) at a -re ure of 1314 "ar an# a 1314 m"ar an# a tem-erature of 16oC7 microcurie millimetre( ) Milline%ton( ) $89

M,a N No7

)M t+ t (u(:ue(-ac+) u $u 1$u 1233u ;. . /ol7 0 %7i7t7(7 < =o yr g7/7%

Mega-a ca ( ) Ne%ton( ) num"er ort(o* -ara )inggit Malay ia Stic+( ) Tonne( ) -ac+ -iece /item -air #o'en t(ou an# of -iece /item ultra*/iolet /olt ( ) /olume %att( ) %(ic(e/er i t(e (ig(er -ercent > #egree( ) year gro /e(icle %eig(t

Di"uat $33? Ma#e $33? @9 Sulit KA7&T7(BC) 616/11*13 SK7D ,er"7 37B3C3/1? .ol7 $4 (S+713)(C)D ,N(,;$) 44?/>>I.E Bagi -i(a+ #an ata nama Menteri Ke%angan/ On behalf and in the name of the Ministe of !inan"e

DATOF &AGI A&MAD &;SNI MO&AMAD &ANADHLA& Timbalan Mente i #e$an%an/ $8?

Deput& Ministe of !inan"e @A'an dibentan%'an di De$an Ra'&at menu ut subse's&en (()*+ A'ta #astam (,-.E @To be laid befo e the De$an Ra'&at pu suant to subse"tion (()*+ of the /ustoms A"t (,-.E


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