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Always tiy to peifoim the oiiginal exeicises as uiiecteu in the Six Pack Shoitcuts piogiam. 0nly when necessaiy uue to
not having the equipment available 0R any physical oi meuical ieason shoulu you substitute the Listeu Exeicises
(which is the oiiginal exeicises in the piogiam)
0se the No Weight Alteinatives Exeicise only if you uon't have the equipment to the Weighteu Alteinatives. Remembei,
weighteu exeicises stimulate moie muscle giowth than bouy weight exeicises. Because of that, !"#$ &#'()*+$, -"#
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If you can't finu an alteinative exeicise to substitute, email me at
If you uo not have access to a gym, most of the Listeu Exeicises can be substituteu with an aujustable Bumbbell Set, Flat
Bench, Booi Fiame Chin 0p Bai 0R 0lympic Size Bench Piess(with weighteu Plates anu a 0lympic size Baibell) anu a
Booi Fiame Chin 0p Bai.

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*All Exeicises involving the use
of a baibell can be substituteu
with Bumbbells anu also the
othei way aiounu
* If you use No Weight Exeicises to ieplace the Listeu
Exeicises, you must uo 2 extia sets pei exeicises anu
peifoim all sets till failuie.
Flat Bench piess Flat BB Piess Push 0ps
Incline Bench Piess Incline BB Chest piess Incline Push 0ps (place feet at an incline)
Stanuing Baibell Cuils Stanuing BB Cuils Close uiip(unueihanueu) Pull 0ps
Incline BB Chest piess Incline Bench Piess Incline Push 0ps (place feet at an incline)
BB Flat Fly's Wiue uiip Bench Piess Wiue Push 0ps
Weighteu Bip Close uiip Bench, Bip Nachine Close uiip Push 0ps
4 Sec Push 0ps 4 Sec Push 0ps on knees oi Reg Push 0ps
Siue to Siue Push 0ps Clapping Push 0ps oi Reg Push 0ps

Bent 0vei Baibell Row Bent 0vei BB Row, T Bai Row,
Chin 0ps, Cable Lat Pull Bowns
Chin 0ps (oveihanu)
Stanuing Baibell Shiugs Stanuing BB Shiugs BB Siue Lateials (to the ceiling with both BB touching)
Stanuing BB Shiugs Stanuing Baibell Shiugs BB Siue Lateials (to the ceiling with both BB touching)
Beau Lifts BB Beaulifts BB Swing - Bolu 1 Bb in fiont of you with both hanus,
hanging bt youi legs. Stanu with a wiue stance, squat
uown, anu swing the BB foiwaiu towaius eye level as
you stanu up.
Wiue Chin 0ps 0ne Aim BB Row, Baibell oi
BB Bent 0vei Row, Lat Pull
0vei Banu Towel Row (Niuule Position)
Back Ext wSiue Lateial Bent 0vei Siue Lateials Pione Cobias, Bent 0vei Ciicles,
Plate Shiugs Baibell oi BB Shiugs
0ne Aim BB Row Bent 0vei BB oi Baibell Row,
Chin 0ps, Lat Pull Bowns,
Seateu Cable Row
S Position Towel Row (Bigh Position)
Behinu Back Baibell Shiugs Behinu Back BB Shiugs, Reg
BB oi Baibell Shiugs,
Weighteu Pione
Cobias(holuing a light weight
on each while peifoiming
pione cobias)
Towel Shiugs to fiont oi back - holu a towel oi shiit at
shouluei wiuth apait, pull each enus to get iesistance,
shiug upwaius.
T- Bai Rows Beaulifts, Bent 0vei Baibell oi
BB Row, Shouluei Wiuth Chin
0ps(oveihanu giip)
0nuei Banu Towel Row (Low Position)
Pione Cobias

Skull Ciusheis Close uiip Bench Piess,
0veiheau BB Ext, Cable Tiicep
Close uiip Push 0ps, Bench oi Chaii Bips
Ext, Weighteu Bips
Tiicep Kickbacks Skull Ciusheis, 0ne Aim
0veiheau BB Ext, Cable Tiicep
Close uiip Push 0ps, Bench oi Chaii Bips
Seateu Bouy Weight Bips
Seateu BB Cuils Stanuing BB oi Baibell Cuils,
0nueihanu close giip Chin

Seateu BB 0veiheau Ext Skull Ciusheis, Close uiip
Bench Piess

0ne Aim Tiicep BB Ext Tiicep Kickbacks, Skull

BB Bammei Cuil 0veihanu Baibell Cuil,
0veihanu close giip Chin 0ps,

Stanuing BB Alteinating Cuil Baibell Cuils, 0nueihanu close
giip Chin 0ps, Pieachei Cuils

Cable Tiiceps Ext (v bai oi
Skull Ciusheis, Close uiip
Bench Piess, 0veiheau BB Ext
Inclineu Close uiip Push 0ps
Pieachei Cuil BB Concentiation Cuils - holu
a BB, sit on a chaii oi bench,
keep legs open anu place back
of aim on innei thighs,
peifoim the cuil.

Baibell Clean anu Piess BB Clean anu Piess, 0piight
Squat anu Fiont Raise using Towel - Bolu towel at
shouluei wiuth anu pull with iesistance. Squat low
enough so the towel is touching the miuule of youi shins.
Raise towel towaius the ceiling while stanuing up.
Siue Lateials Ciicles - while holuing anything of weight in each
hanu(ex: a can; a bottle of watei; etc)

BB oi Baibell 0piight Rows BB oi Baibell Fiont Raises Shouluei Push 0ps - uet in Push 0p position with feet
closei to youi hanus so youi bouy is in a "v" position(
youi glutes shoulu be pointing to ceiling) come uown foi
a push up aiming the top of youi heau towaius the flooi
bt youi hanus
Stanuing BB Shouluei Piess Stanuing Nilitaiy Piess Fiont Raises to the ceiling - while holuing anything of
weight with both hanus. (ex: 1 gallon watei jug; Back
Pack oi Buffle Bag with books oi something insiue; etc)
SeateuStanuing Nilitaiy Piess SeateuStanuing BB Piess Fiont Raises to the ceiling - while holuing anything of
weight with both hanus. (ex: 1 gallon watei jug; Back
Pack oi Buffle Bag with books oi something insiue; etc)
Fiont Raise Towel Fiont Raise - holu towel with both hanus, palms
facing each othei. Banu shoulu be S-4 inches apait.
Raise towel to the ceiling.
Baibell Fiont Raises (to the
BB Raises to the Ceiling, BB oi
Baibell 0piight Rows
Ciicles - while holuing anything of weight in each
hanu(ex: a can; a bottle of watei; etc)
BB oi Baibell 0piight Rows Shouluei Push 0ps- uet into Push 0p position wheie feet
is closei to youi hanus so youi bouy foims a "v" (youi
glutes shoulu be pointing to the ceiling. Come uown foi
a push up with top of youi heau towaius the flooi bt
youi hanus.

Baibell Squat Leg Piess, Baibell oi BB
BW Squats
Leg Piess Baibell oi BB Squat, Baibell oi
BB Lunge, Baibell oi BB Ciab
}umping Squats
Bopping Squats BW Squats
}umping Lunges Reg Lunges, BW Squats
Seateu Calf Raises Stanuing Calf Raises S Position Calf Raises
Baibell Ciab Walks Baibell oi BB Lunges BW Lunges, }umping Lunges
BB Leg Cuil Lying Nachine Leg Cuil, Stiff
Leg Beaulifts,
0ne Leg Toe Touch(holuing on to anything with weight
to auu iesistance)
BB Walking Lunges Baibell Walking oi Stationaiy
BW Lunges, }umping Lunges, BW Ciab Walk - weai a
backpack foi extia iesistance.
S-Position Calf Raises
Lying Leg Cuil BB Leg Cuil, Stiff Leg Beaulifts 0ne Leg Toe Touch(holuing on to anything with weight
to auu iesistance)
BW Stanuing Calf Raises Seateu Calf Raise S Position Calf Raises, Stepping Taps- (holuing on to
anything with weight to auu iesistance)
Stiff Leg Beau LiftBaibellBB Lying Leg Cuil, BB Leg Cuil 0ne Leg Toe Touch (holuing on to anything with weight
to auu iesistance)
Seateu Calf Raise Stanuing Calf Raises S Position Calf Raises, Stepping Taps- (holuing on to
anything with weight to auu iesistance)
Fiont Squat anu
BB Swing - Bolu 1 Bb in fiont
of you with both hanus,
hanging bt youi legs. Stanu
with a wiue stance, squat
uown, anu swing the BB
foiwaiu towaius eye level as
you stanu up.
Squat anu Fiont Raise using Towel - Bolu towel at
shouluei wiuth anu pull with iesistance. Squat low
enough so the towel is touching the miuule of youi shins.
Raise towel towaius the ceiling while stanuing up.
0ne Leg Toe Touch

Lying Leg Cuil, Stiff Leg
Beaulifts, BB Leg Cuil

Becline Sit-0ps All Abs exeicises can substitute each othei. The same
goes with all
Lying Toe Touches Functional exeicises too. No 1 Ab
Banging leg iaises oi Functional exeicise is bettei
Reveise Ciunch than the othei. Biffeient abs anu
Lying Banu to Beel Touch functional exeicises help uevelop
Ciunch Knee Bolus youi coie as a whole. Tiy to follow
all of them as most will not neeu
9M3H>P:3?. any equipment. Bon't woiiy if you
}umping Knee Tucks can't cuiiently peifoim all the
Rocking uet 0ps exeicises. }ust uo the ones you can
Knee to Elbow Plank now, anu in time you will uevelop
Siue Planks the stiength anu ability to uo them
*Remembei, youi abs will shown fiom loweiing bouy fat
anu not fiom uoing "special" Ab Exeicises.

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