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Romeo and Juliet The 2 chief families of Verona, the Capulets and the Montagues, have been enemies

for a long time. One evening Romeo M. and 2 his friends go to a ball given by the C. As soon as Romeo sees ord Capulet!s daughter, "uliet, he is struc# by her beauty and it is love at first sight. After the ball, Romeo stops under the balcony $here they start spea#ing to each other and declare their mutual love. They decide to get married the ne%t day. &n the same morning Tybalt #ills Mercutio and Romeo #ills Tybalt. 'e is banished and he leaves for Mantua. ord Capulet proposes a marriage for "uliet $ith Count (aris. On the night before the ceremony, she drin#s a special drun# that $ill ma#e her loo# lifeless for )2 hours. Romeo isn!t informed of the plan, so poisons himself by her side and $hen "uliet $a#es up and sees Romeo, she #ills herself $ith Romeo!s dagger. C. or T.* is characterised by elements of comedy and tragedy. &t!s a comedy because of the instant attraction, the mas#ed balls and the comic servants. &t differs from the conventional comedy because in the end #no$ledge isn!t for everybody. &t!s a tragedy because of the tragic role of chance+ the heroes must fight against e%ternal forces that ma#e their relationship difficult. Themes* the 2 fundamental themes are* the lack of knowledge, $hich derives from bad communication+ the reflection upon language made on the part of Juliet. ,he sho$s e%traordinary boldness for a young girl and courage to ta#e the poison. ,he belongs to no characterisation, classification or idealisation* she is a real $oman. Love as light* love is one of the most important aspect of R.". &n the first act Romeo is presented as a man belonging to the - courtly love convention-. .hen he first sees "uliet, he compares her to the brillant light of the tourches that illuminate Capulet!s great hall. &n the balcony scene, he associates her $ith sunlight, daylight and the light emanating from angels . &n the final act, darkness has triumphed over light, $hen Romeo sees "uliet apparently died.

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