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Nathallie Chavez Lynn Raymond January 20, 2014 WP 2 Culture and Names Nathallie Lynnette Chavez is my full name,

Nathallie means Christmas baby but I was born smack down in the middle of summer. Nathallie is spelled different; I always say that my mom was in a lot of pain in the hospital when she decided to add and h and an extra l. Thats the least of my curiosity when it comes to my name though. Im one out of nine, and all of my siblings are named after someone in our family. Sara the eldest, is named after our dads mother, Yaritza the second eldest, her middle name is Yadira like my mother. Then, theres Gonzalo Sebastian, Gonzalo is our dads brother name, and Sebastian is our dads grandpas name. The list goes on to the very last child, only person that doesnt have a relatives name is me. Not only are names passed down but theyre reused within the same generation. For example, my sisters name is Sara and my cousin from our dads family is also named Sara. We also have two Gonzalos, two Joses, two Sebastians, and there are probably more. I never thought anything of it, until right now. I do think names are important in the Hispanic culture, they dont shoot for originality. Were very family oriented and keeping the names going is priority. Ive met several Hispanics with horrid names, they even admit that they arent the best, but its within a family so they dont mind. Most of my family from my dads side is Catholic and born and raised in Mexico, theyre the ones who reuse names. As for my mother side, they are also Mexican, but raised in Texas, and theyre Pentecostal. While they are still traditional with naming children, they lean more on biblical names rather than family names.

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