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Date and Name of Event 494 BC Plebeian Strike

Justification of Significance This was the poor people rising up so they could get fair representation in the Italian Government.

340-338 BC Rome Conquers Italy

This was a new power coming into place in Italy that would rule for a long time. During this time the Roman Empire would become one of the largest empires in all of worlds history.

264-146 BC Punic Wars

These wars were for the struggle of power in Italy. Carthage was trying to take Italy from Rome and went to war 3 times in order to try and take power. However in the last world war the Romans attacked and razed their enemys cities. This revolution changed Italys more war lead government to a more peaceful government. They went from a very authoritarian dictator which they always had to having a government with a leader and other advisors. This is the

133-31 BC Roman Revolution

476 Fall of the Roman Empire

time were Julius Caesar came. The fall of the Roman Empire lead Italy into the middle ages. This marked the end of the ruling Emperors in Italy to start modernizing their government.

1400-1559 Renaissance

Italy had the Renaissance which brought new cultural changes to Italy. This spread from Italy to influence much of Europe in cultural diversity. Napoleon freed Italy from Austrian and other foreign rule. Napoleon then went on to conquer much territory under the name of Italy.

1796 Napoleon freeing Italy

1914-1919 World War 1

Italy was on the side of the victors in this war being on the same side as Britain and the United States. However since the victors were so harsh on the losers of this war (mainly Germany) this set up the second world war.

1939-1945 World War 2

Mussolini who is a Fascist leader sides with Germany in this war. In 1943 the Fascist Government fell, and in 1945 Italy was defeated in this war.

1980-1990 Growth and Corruption of Italy

Italy grew greatly during this time period, marketing and trade with other countries was going excellent. However the leaders of Italy lead to the corruption of the government which affected Italys economy. This lead to Italys recession that still affects Italy today.

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