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Homework (Topic B)

1) Below, bold every content word. Remember that content words provide meaning to the sentence. The aggressive campaigns of King Nebuchadnezzar were secondary to his primary concern, the rebuilding of Babylon. Most of the records left by Nebuchadnezzar are of his building endeavors. His obvious zeal for the city of Babylon, particularly its religious temples, is apparent in these records and the archaeological discoveries of previous centuries. The Babylonian king invested vast amounts of money, time, and interest in his capital city. Inside Babylon, the king built the magnificent temple of Esagila, the ziggurat Etemenanki, and the most famous Hanging Gardens.

2) The paragraph above has a lot of information that would be difficult for a young student writer. Pretend you have to write this paragraph so that a 10-year-old student could understand it. Rewrite the paragraph as simply as you can without losing any essential information. It might help to pretend that you are telling your student a story.

Mallett & Voigt (2011)

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