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Kaitlyn Morson Pennsylvania State University Spring 2014 Philosophy of Education Education: the process of receiving or giving systematic

instruction, especially at a school or university. If you look up the definition for education, this is the first that is provided. Education: an enlightening experience; this is the second. My philosophy of education is a combination of these two definitions. I consider education to involve both learning and teaching. However, I feel that the term, enlightening, gives education much more justice. As an inspiring educator, I dream of my students walking into my classroom each day delighted to be there, and excited to learn. Further, I want my students to continue that desire for education long after their High School graduation. Which is why I picture education as a never-ending quest; we want to continuously learn new things, but also share with those around us the knowledge weve attained. In general though, I feel that education is an entity to be respected. As students, it is our job to respect our educators and fellow learners opinions in the same way that we would wish to be respected. However, as teachers, I believe that it is our job to represent education in a productive and safe manner. I want my students to feel respected, and safe in my classroom. My opinion revolves around the question: how will they learn if they dont feel that they are in a safe place? I feel that mutual respect is the answer to that question. After safety is secured in a classroom, instruction can run smoothly, and students can hopefully be enlightened by what is being taught to them. Throughout my educational career thus far, Ive learned that this cycle is the ultimate goal for educators and learners; Moreover, Ive realized that this cycle is the overall goal of education.

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