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Pares 1 Modesto Pares ENC 1102 Professor Jacobs April 7, 2014 The Yellow Wallpaper To analyze Charlotte Perkins

Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper some ways would be: the theme, narration, and the Autobiographical criticism of The Yellow Wallpaper. The Yellow Wallpaper is about a woman, named Jane and her telling the story of her husband named John, and her writings in a diary. The story is told over the course of a few weeks and through Janes diary; in this diary Jane writes about how she feels sick and has told, her husband, and her brother, both respected physicians, about her disease and the two of them told her that she just need to de-stress and relax; this is why theme is a very good research points. The fact that John ignores Janes cries for help and sort of undermines her is the reason she gets worse and worse. As the story continues, in order to de-stress John and Jane go to a summer cottage that they have rented for three months. During this time is when Jane decides to pick up her diary; during her writing Jane starts to write about how John will not change rooms or change the wallpaper, she talks about the bars on the windows and how there is a blotch on the wallpaper that looks like a broken neck with two huge bulbous eyes; the bars represent the fact that Jane is stuck in that room and the face behind the yellow wallpaper represents Jane, that is the reason that symbolism is such a strong point of research, because of all the underlying meanings of the inanimate objects in the story. After Jane takes up the diary, she starts to write about the yellow wallpaper that covers the room she is staying in. At first Jane describes the wallpaper as ugly, beaten down, and horrid. As the story continues she starts to show more of a fascination towards

Pares 2 the wallpaper and at this point her sanity starts to deteriorate. This is where the autobiographical criticism fits perfectly because the author, Charlotte Perkins Gilman also went through something similar where she was losing her sanity and was given the same treatment as Jane in The Yellow Wallpaper which was the resting treatment.

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