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Old Mother Hubbard, went to her cupboard to fix her poor family some dinner.

But when she got there, her cupboard was bare and she was feeling much thinner. She went to her neighbor to borrow some food, but to her amazement her neighbor had moved. She got in her car to drive to the store, then realized her gas tan was empty once more. !hen she thought, "Oh the church will provide," and went to the house where her bishop resides. She came round the corner and saw a big line, and wondered how others had read her same mind. She waited for hours till it was her time, then loo ed at her portion#the size of a dime. She wal ed home feeling helpless as anyone can be# "$ used to have money on my money tree%" She started to thin what she&d done with her cash, when visions of spending came bac in a flash. !ent trailers, big boats, and wide screen !'s# vacations to (urope and to Hawaii% Oh if $&d nown then what $&ve come to now now, $&d be out of debt and have purchased a cow. $&d have bought me some wheat, oats, salt, and sugar too# the things that the prophet has said we should do. ) year&s supply is not new revelation. $ts been in existence many generations. So what ma es it different now then in the past* $ts wisdom in nowing that good times wont last. +ou don,t have to be a scholar to now this is true. -ust read your scriptures# you&ll see what to do. Some say this is doom&s day to tal in this way. +ou&re right $ suppose if you did not obey. ".or if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear." Buy your supplies that will last for a year. !amara /hitmer

Mesa, Az

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