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Science 8

Chapter 8 Review

Name _______________

This is your study guide. I will be collecting this when you come in to write your test. The answers must be complete and neatly done. The answers will be posted to my website under Ch. 8 handouts. Do this like a test and then check the answers. If you get something wrong then be sure to go over it a few times so it is solid for the test. 1. What is the difference between mass and weight !. What is a force What is a balanced and unbalanced force Why

". What states of matter are described as incompressible #. What is viscosity

What affect does it have on fluid flow rates &Describe both li'uids and gasses(

$. %ow is viscosity affected by temperature ). What does polarity mean

%ow does this affect the properties of water

*. What is the difference between adhesion and cohesion 8. What are appropriate units of measure for each of the following +( Weight ,( -ass C( .olume D( /ressure 0. What are the two categories of forces %ow are they different 2ist an e3ample of each one.

11. What types of forces fall under each category

11. Why can water striders stand on the surface of water 1!. What is pressure What is the e'uation -ake up a 'uestion of your own about pressure. ,e sure to solve it using all units.

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