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Falling Down Grey State The Believer Anonymous 04/22/13(Mon)13:02 No.13130711 Let's have a /pol/ approved movies thread.

Show me something new. I'll start: >Chaser ex cop (now pimp) hunts down sick fuck who kills his girls. 10/10 asian action m ovie >Falling Down Cispriviliged white male goes batshit insane bcuz of immigrants, liberals and sh it like that. >Gran Torino Clint Eastwood is old, racist, and alpha as fuck. >Irreversible Fucking sick gay fuck rapes a girl and the girl's boyfriend and friend wants to hunt him down. There is a quite disturbing rape scene (worst thing I've ever see n in a movie) and a 10 minute long trip to the most hostile gay bar ever. >King of the Devil's island Young fella gets taken to a prison island for young fuckers where corruption and pedophiles but he's alpha as fuck. >La Haine This movie predicted the chimpouts in Paris. 10/10 shit. Prepare to be culturall y enriched. >Taken Some serious guy's daughter decide to go to Europe fo' shit's and giggles, but g et culturally enriched as fuck. Serious guy then fights through his way of the s hittiest shitholes of europe, leaving behind opressed, colored, and mutilated co rpses. Not some deep movie, but quite enjoyable. >Taxi Driver Similiar to Falling Down. White cis-male had enough of progressive society free of hate and shoots some mothafuckas. His first victim is a shoplifting nigga. 10 /10 scene. Had tears in muh eyez. >My Joy A feel of Eastern-Europe Drive They Live

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