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Jasmyne Johnson January 28, 2014 History response Part 1: 1. Was religion very important to families in this time?

Why? 2. Did the parents think that their children should be perfect? And never do wrong? 3. Were majority of the poems written with rhyme scheme? 4. Did education play a big role?

Part 2: 1. Getting in trouble/disobeying their parents (dressed or undressed, going to be, the story of little suck-a-thumb, the dreadful story of Harriet and the matches) 2. Religion (a token for children) 3. Emotions-being mean, nice, or rude (Breakfast, the good girl, the cruel boy) 4. Scaring children into being a certain way 5. Education/ being educated (The history of the Fairchild family, general depravity of mankind, look at your copy)

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