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Fux's classification of consonance and dissonance

compared with the differing ideas of two medieval theorists

Musical name Frequency ratio

Octave 2/1

Fifth 3/2

Fourth Major 3rd Minor 3rd Minor 6th Major 2nd Augmented Major 6th Minor 7th Major 7th Minor 2nd (tone) 4th (tritone) (semitone) 4/3 5/4 6/5 8/5 9/8 11/8 13/8 14/8 15/8 12/11

J.J. Fux (1660-1741)

Perfect concords


Imperfect concords


Imperfect concord


John of Garland (13th c.)

Perfect concord

Intermediate concords Intermediate concords

Imperfect concords

Intermediate discords Discord

Strong discord


Strong discord

Anon. of St. Perfect Di concord

Imperfect concords

Im-perfect concord


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