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Introductory When did you first notice your feelings as a gay man (in other words that probably

you were different from what the society wanted you to be)? & How did you come out to yourself? Does the family know about this? What was their reaction? When did he come out to others? 2nd set Do gay people feel repressed by the society, when it comes to expressing themselves? Does clothing/ fashion play an important role in influencing the gay men's liberty to express themselves?(right from your growing years)How important is it for you? What was influential at this stage? Do you feel this becomes a very essential part of your identity?)

Why do you think gay men have always been associated with creativity? (aesthetic/ beauty)

Coding Gay mens fashion/ clothing has frequently been ahead of fashion (unusually high sensitivity to beauty), attention seeking & meant to be sexy, which started off to hunting a sexual partners(during 1920s). Does it always have to be? Have you across across ever?

Discrimination based on the attire Do people treat you differently because you are gay or when they suspect that you are different? (Based on how you carry yourself, your clothing, gestures)

Socio - economic group Does socio economic group play an important role in coming out in terms of sexuality? (do the upper[elite] classes have more clearly defined homosexual identity in terms of the adoption of dress & demeanour) Does it play an important role when it comes to adoption of dress with respect to their sexuality?

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