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The Bully

Danielle Bruckert

The Adventures of

Volume 2

The Bully

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The Adventures of

Volume 2

The Bully

Published by Red Sky Ventures D nielle !ru"kert # 2$%& 'irst Rele se September 2$%&( This )dition * nu ry 2$%+
This te,t is v il ble -or -ree distribution by priv te individu ls nd org ni/ tions. 0o p rt o- this te,t m y be reprodu"ed -or "ommer"i l use without e,press permission o- the uthor.

For Zehnya and Supercow This spe"i l edition is published s tribute to Twin 1 kes 2ivit n 2lub( 3ount in 4ome( 5rk ns s( nd their "ontributions to liter "y nd spe"i l needs edu" tion. 5 spe"i l th nks to 3 ggie )dgerton nd -riends -or their "ontributions to this edition. 2ont "t the uthor t: d 3ore books like this one re v il ble t 3ore books -rom the uthor re v il ble t nielle

One fine ordinary day, Cow was taking a stroll in the park.

Today there was no crime to fight; all the bad men were locked up.

And there were no lives to save; the life guard was on duty at the beach,

and the neighbourhood watch was on patrol in the streets.

But, Cow could hear a call for help !ho could it be"

#t was a young boy. $e was being bullied by some older kids. The children were being very mean to him.

%uick as a flash, &upercow was there

The biggest bully was so surprised, he lost his balance, and fell on his bottom.

&upercow hung the big bully by his shirt collar to a tree, to give him a time out, asking him to think about what he had done wrong. After a short time, the big bully realised his mistakes, and he said '&orry(.

All the kids now realised how wrong they had been. They felt very ashamed of what they had done.

&eeing him so upset, one girl went to comfort the little boy being bullied, and gave him a big cuddle.

The big bully realised how wrong he had been, and promised to never be mean to anyone ever again; &upercow let the big bully down.

&eeing all his work was done, &upercow flew away to save another day.

And Cow went back to what was )ust, an O*+#,A*day.


This story is entirely fictional, any resemblance to real people, animals, cows, bugs, or fish, (especially anyone in the picture above) is purely coincidental.

Supercow D scl! "er

Bullying happens when someone hurts someone else on purpose. Bullying can affect anyone, anytime or place. ALL bullying is wrong!!

$u d!nce for % ds
Other People's Feelings

Bully n#

It's not nice to ma e other people feel ba!, "ust the same way we !on't want someone to ma e us feel ba!. #O$ Play nicely, treat others nicely, share, compliment, ma e others happy. #O%'&$ 'urt other i!s, call names, whisper, tease, hit( ic (pinch, hurt others feelings, or ignore others by not as ing them to "oin in acti)ities.

*e're all the +ame, in that, *e're all #ifferent!

%O B,&&,-, %O *O-+,! .ust #IFF,-,%&. .ust because someone is !ifferent !oesn't mean that they are better or worse than the rest of us / it's !ifferences that ma e us more interesting! *e all ha)e special talents, all of us, an! no one shoul! be pic e! on because they seem !ifferent or not as goo! at something, or because they ha)e special nee!s. An!, remember also, we're all the same in that no one wants to be hurt, no one wants to feel ba!, left out, or pic e! on.

+upport 0our Frien!s

If a chil! in your school is being bullie!, tell someone, a frien!, parent, or teacher. An! be nice to them, ma e sure you an! your frien!s support them an! they feel welcome. +et an e1ample, !on't hurt others, be in! to others. #on't support a bully or anyone who hurts others, ma e it clear to them it's %O& o ay.

Bullies are loo ing for your response2 whene)er you can, ignore the bully$ / wal away, !on't say anything, !on't let them get to you. Fin! other frien!s$ -emember, you're perfect the way you are, an! there are always plenty of goo! people that will accept an! lo)e you, "ust as you are. &ell a frien!, teacher, or parent straight away, !on't be afrai!, because bullying is wrong, no matter what, an! must be stoppe!.

Being Bullie!

+ometimes we feel hurt by others, or we may feel not as goo! as someone else, an! this ma es us want to hurt someone else to ma e us feel better. &his is the worst thing that we can !o to oursel)es an! for those aroun! us. 3a ing others feel ba! is not a way to ma e oursel)es loo better or feel better. 'urting someone because we are being hurt is e4ually wrong, if we're being hurt by someone we nee! to tell someone about it. Fin!ing a frien! an! someone to support us the way we are is the best way to feel better about oursel)es, an! the best way to fin! a frien! is to be a frien!!

Being a Bully

&ree % ds Boo's Adv ce on Bully n#

Kids that bully hurt other kids on purpose. Bullying is very bad. Bullying can hurt people with: Words, teasing, calling them names, saying unkind things about them; Or by actions, hitting, pushing, kicking, pinching, throwing objects; Or by ignoring them and leaving them out o activities.


BU))*+N$ Dos Do be nice !nd Don(ts Don't hurt

Wh!t Cool % ds Don(t Cool Kids don't bully! Cool Kids don't hurt other kids on purpose; Cool Kids don't udge others; Cool kids don't let others bully or be bullied; Cool kids aren't mean to others.

What Cool Kids Do Cool Kids are nice to others by caring, sharing, helping, and putting others first; Cool kids support all types of kids no matter what their differences or abilities; Cool kids think about other people's feelings; Cool kids support kids who are being bullied.

Make the bullying pledge: I promise never to bully or be with someone who bullies others. If I see someone being bullied, I will help them by telling an adult. I promise never to hit, push, or say unkind words to hurt someone on purpose. ________________________________________________
Name Date Signed

Bullying is best !efine! as !iscrimination by a stronger entity against a wea er entity. Although usually in)ol)ing chil!ren, bullying has no limits of age, cree!, or race, an! can affect anyone.

$u d!nce for P!rents


Bully n#

5enerally, a chil! will not not tell anyone they are being bullie!, often until it is too late, especially not an a!ult, unless there has been a prior relationship of trust built up. +ome inci!ents of bullying in teenage years ha)e resulte! in !eath an! suici!e, an! yet the chil! was still too afrai! to spea out. 3any teenagers an! mi!!le6gra!ers will ha)e moo! swings, but it is really important as a parent, caregi)er or concerne! a!ult frien!, that you monitor any out of character moo! changes, or beha)ior changes an! spea to the chil! concerne! as soon as possible. Being a)ailable, being obser)ant, an! being a frien!, can be your biggest metho!s of support for a chil! in !ifficulty.

A confi!ent chil! will shrug off or counteract bullying, an! the bully will usually loose interest soon enough. It's no fun bullying someone that !oesn't bite. ,nsuring a chil! is sure of themsel)es, secure in their own self image, accepting of their abilities an! !isabilities, will mean they are less li ely to be a )ictim of bullying, or if they are, they ha)e the ability to !eflect the attac an! turn the situation to their a!)antage.

If a chil! comes to you for support, it is )ital that the situation is han!le! correctly. Incorrect han!ling can result in more subtle an! more )icious bullying, which coul! be much more emotionally !amaging than straight physical attac s. If it is the first time you ha)e !ealt with the issues see a!)ice an! research the sub"ect carefully. Both generically an! personally, !on't "ump in feet first, especially if you are emotionally in)ol)e!. &ime ta en to search a solution usually will result in a better solution for all.


+tart early by instilling confi!ence an! trust with your chil!. ,nsure they ha)e a high self worth, an! a high le)el of trust in you to share problems without fear of repercussions. &his is har!er than it soun!s, but much easier than it is for a chil! to put up with bullying silently. If you start early an! eep practicing, it will ha)e rewar!s.


Links to Bullying Support Sites http://en.wikipedi .org/wiki/!ullying www.bullying."

,ORE BOO%SOther boo s a)ailable by the author$


A.out the Author

#anielle Bruc ert is a %ew 8ealan!er li)ing abroa!, who now calls Africa home. 'er chosen career is as a professional pilot, she has wor e! in a )ariety of a)iation capacities from instruction to airline flying, an! is the author of se)eral a)iation te1t boo s. #anielle starte! writing chil!ren's boo s as a creati)e outlet from the stress of her '!ay "ob' an! as a brea from the sometimes monotonous wor re4uire! for her professional writing. +he began with the 3ac an! #ipper series, aime! at 96:; year ol!s, inspire! by two of her own !ogs. After ha)ing chil!ren of her own, she su!!enly foun! she ha! a muse, an eager resource for test rea!ing, an!, by benefit of age, an honest critic. It was fun an! rewar!ing to write creati)e stories to match her chil!ren's learning cur)e. Because of her passion for chil!ren's literature, an! the role it plays in literacy stan!ar!s, all of #anielle's boo s are a)ailable free in eboo )ersions. &his also le! #anielle to create the website 'Free <i!s Boo s' to share goo! 4uality free chil!ren's boo s with others, contributing to impro)e! literacy stan!ar!s worl! wi!e

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