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Junk Food:Eating junk food can have a significant impact on one's health.

Though many people enjoy eating junk food and think it tastes great, the health consequences can be serious, and can range from everything to low energy levels to weight gain and illness. The term "junk food" encompasses a fairly broad category of food, but it typically refers to foods that are relatively high in caloric content, but low in nutritional value. unk food is often high in sugar, salt, white flour, and fat, particularly saturated fat. !t is often heavily processed and pre"packaged, making it easy to prepare and consume. # few e$amples of foods often considered to be junk food include fast food, sweets such as ice cream, candy, donuts, and pre"packaged treats, soda, and potato chips, among many others. %ost people have no trouble identifying junk food& it is when they want to stop eating junk food that the trouble starts. The first effect of eating junk food is its impact on energy levels. %any people skip breakfast or other meals throughout the day, choosing instead to grab a quick snack or a soft drink. The junk food causes energy levels to spike, which people like, but then energy levels will quickly plummet, sending one back into the kitchen for another quick snack. !n addition, junk food can cause moodiness, and make it difficult to get enough sleep at night, so energy levels are never restored to normal.

Healthy Food:'ealthy eating is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. (ather, it)s about feeling great, having more energy, stabili*ing your mood, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible+all of which can be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you. ,ou can e$pand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a tasty, healthy diet. -eople often think of healthy eating as an all or nothing proposition, but a key foundation for any healthy diet is moderation. .ut what is moderation/ 'ow much is a moderate amount/ That really depends on you and your overall eating habits. The goal of healthy eating is to develop a diet that you can maintain for life, not just a few weeks or months, or until you've hit your ideal weight. 0o try to think of moderation in terms of balance. 1espite what certain fad diets would have you believe, we all need a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals to sustain a healthy body. 2or most of us, moderation or balance means eating less than we do now. %ore specifically, it means eating far less of the unhealthy stuff 3refined sugar, saturated fat, for e$ample4 and more of the healthy 3such as fresh fruit and vegetables4. .ut it doesn't mean eliminating the foods you love. Eating bacon for breakfast once a week, for e$ample, could be considered moderation if you follow it with a healthy lunch and dinner+but not if you follow it with a bo$ of donuts and a sausage pi**a. !f you eat 566 calories of chocolate one afternoon, balance it out by deducting 566 calories from your evening meal. !f you're still hungry, fill up with an e$tra serving of fresh vegetables. Save Water:7ater is one of the nature)s precious gifts to mankind. #ll living things consist mostly of water e.g. the human body is of two thirds of water. !t is clear, colourless liquid that appears blue when viewed through a thickness of 86 ft. The colour reflects not only

from physical causes but also from suspended impurities. 7ater is the most essential component of life and is vital for sustenance. The importance of water in our diet is apparent as it helps the body to perform specific metabolic tasks and regulates our body temperature, moreover water is unique as it's density is similar to that of cell protoplasm. There is no doubt that water is everywhere and it is very important to our Earth and the life inhabiting it. 7ater contains no calories and is a significant factor in losing weight. !t is the key component in determining the quality of our lives and is a universal solvent. 7e should teach children to turn off faucets tightly after use, adjust sprinklers to water your lawn. -lant in the fall when conditions are cooler and collect water used for rinsing fruits and vegetables to water house plants, wash your pets outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water and repair leaking pipes, harvest rain water. -eople use up our planets fresh water faster than it can naturally be replenished so, save water for the Earth, family and community. 9ultural views of water are based on predominant religious views, like the :anges (iver in 'induism. 7ater is known as the eli$ir of life. 0o conserve water to save life. Global Warming::lobal warming is a slow steady rise in Earth's surface temperature. Temperatures today are 6.;< =9 35.>> =24 higher than 5?6 years ago.The basic cause seems to be a rise in atmospheric carbon dio$ide, as predicted by 0vante #rrhenius a hundred years ago. 7hen people use fossil fuels like coal and oil, this adds carbon dio$ide to the air. 7hen people cut down the Earth's forests 3deforestation4, this means less carbon dio$ide is taken out of the atmosphere by plants. !f the Earth's temperature becomes hotter the sea level will also become higher. This is partly because water e$pands when it gets warmer. !t is also partly because warm temperatures make glaciers melt. The sea level rise may cause coastal areas to flood. 7eather patterns, including where and how much rain or snow there is, will change. 1eserts will probably increase in si*e. 9older areas will warm up faster than warm areas. 0trong storms may become more likely and farming may not make as much food. These effects will not be the same everywhere. The changes from one area to another are not well known. -eople in government and !ntergovernmental -anel on 9limate 9hange 3!-994 have talked about global warming. They do not agree on what to do about it. 0ome things that could reduce warming are to burn less fossil fuels, adapt to any temperature changes, or try to change the Earth to reduce warming. The @yoto -rotocol tries to reduce pollution from the burning of fossil fuels. %ost governments have agreed to it. 0ome people in government think nothing should change.

Speech on Save Forest :0o far as human knowledge goes life e$ists only on this plant. !t is our moral duty to see that we do nothing which hinders its growth. The role and importance of forests in a developing society like !ndia burdened with enormous population pressure, poverty, pollution and yet trying to implement ambitious development project needs no elaboration. .ut we have been continuously e$ploiting our natural resources. The consequences of such continuous and wreck less use of trees and other natural resources would be disastrous. Aver the past decade or so, more and more attention is being paid, all over the world, to forests, on which human e$istence depends and the maintenance of which is now increasingly being considered as essential for mankind.

The question remains that how would you define a forest/ #re 2orests just large areas of land covered with trees/ Bo, a forest is much more than just trees. !t also includes smaller undergrowth plants such as mosses, shrubs and bushes and flowers in addition to many kinds of birds, insects and other animals, who make their homes in the forests. 2orests have always been of great importance to human beings. -rehistoric people found their food mainly by hunting and by gathering wild fruits and animals. 7ith the development of civili*ation, people settled in towns and cities. .ut they still returned to the forests to get timber and to hunt. Today, people depend on forests for their economic value, their environmental value and the valued culture and recreation. 2orests provide many important products such as wood, various fats, gum, oils etc. !n some tribal society, forest plants and animals make up a large part of the people)s diet. 7e cannot deny them of their food. #s long as there are forests, people can count on a steady supply of forest products. 2orests also regulate the climate directly. They provide a home for many plants and animals that can live nowhere else along with those which are on the verge of e$tinction. .y eliminating these forests, we are not only jeopardi*ing our future, but theirs as well. Today, great e$panses of forests have been eliminated because of logging activities, industrial pollution and for mans own selfish needs. (apid forest destruction is often a symptom of social unrest. Carge numbers of poor landless families move into the forests and clear the trees in order to grow crops and for other purposes. %ore forests are stripped to provide wood for fuel. !n the commercial timber industry, trees are also felled for e$port. .ut can not we save these trees/ ,esD 7e can with a joint effort take the e$ample of 'imachal apples growers" they use cardboard cartons for packing their produce and thereby avoiding the wastage of wood. !ndia)s unique chipko movement is also e$emplary. 7e need to generate a massive public awareness and concern for our forests we must restrict the use of wood to an absolute minimum. # tree for every child should be our slogan. Then and only then will our planet become worth living. Speech on Good Habitat reading , eating and in general Educational researchers have also found a strong correlation between reading and vocabulary knowledge. !n other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read e$tensively, and if you read e$tensively you are likely to be or become a good readerD !t is advisable to indulge in at least half an hour of reading a day to keep abreast of the various styles of writing and new vocabulary. !t is observed that children and teenagers who love reading have comparatively higher !Es. They are more creative and do better in school and college. !t is recommended that parents to inculcate the importance of reading to their children in the early years. (eading is said to significantly help in developing vocabulary, and reading aloud helps to build a strong emotional bond between parents and children. The children who start reading from an early age are observed to have good language skills,

!)d like to share with you some of the healthy eating habits !)ve learned, researched and challenged along the way in my 8"year journey to my healthiest me yet. #s ! near closer and closer to my personal goals, ! often feel so blessed to have learned the information !)ve learned the last couple years and e$perience these habits working firsthand. ! feel fortunate to be able to inform you of a few things !)ve been taught. F'ealth is not just about weight or appearance, but rather about a much bigger picture. ! really believe that you can)t be a healthy person unless everything is working together,G #t the top of my list is the H5 eating habit and that is that you want to eat every 8"> hours. !t helps to not think about it so much as a meal or a snack, but more as a feeding opportunity. 0o throughout the day you)re giving yourself the opportunity to do better or to do worse I to move closer to your health goals or physique, or actually move further away. The benefits of eating frequently throughout the day are that first, we)re actually going to help stimulate our metabolism so the more frequently we)re eating, the more nutrients we)re getting to the system, the more we)re burning body fat and the more we)re burning calories and the more energy we have throughout the day. , F2ood and your metabolism is like putting a log on a fire. !f you wait until the fire burns down too long, putting a log on won)t do any good. !f you add wood in regular increments, you keep the fire revved and burning all day " just like adding a little food in regular increments keeps your metabolism revved and burning more calories each day :ood habits everyone needs for successD This list of good habits will serve you well whether you are a parent, student, entrepreneur or just a regular person. Cearning these habits now will help everyone get ahead in life. 5. :et on a good schedule. 7e need structure and routine in our lives. Aur bodies e$pect it. They perform best when we operate on a regular schedule. 7e especially need to eat and sleep about the same time each day. !f you are the parent of a young child, it is your job to teach this habit early. This routine stays with a person their whole life and helps them to develop good work habits. 2ind a schedule that works for you and stick to itD 8. Eat a healthy diet. Aur brains need the right food to perform at their peak. 1on)t go to school on an empty stomach. 0tudents need to train themselves early to eat a balanced and healthy diet. 7e tend to carry the habits we learn when we are young forward with us for most of our lives. Cearning to eat right now can avoid many health issues down the road. >. Cearn to e$ercise. 7e need physical activity to stay healthy. The benefits of regular e$ercise are well documented. 7e need to find e$ercise routines that are fun and match our individual tastes. 1eveloping a good e$ercise routine is a habit that will increase both the quantity and quality of your life. <. -ractice gratitude. !t is so easy to get in the bad habit of envying what others have. The grass often seems greener on the other side of the fence. !t is vitally important to learn gratitude. -ractice thinking about the things you have to be thankful about. ! do this with my daughter each evening when ! put her to bed. ! ask her to recall the good things that happened that day. 7e then take a few minutes and give thanks for those things.

This helps us both to train ourselves to be grateful. ?. 1evelop good study habits. 0tudying effectively is a skill. -eople that live life to the fullest are Traffic #wareness -rogramme J" The human and economic damage caused by road crashes is largely preventable. Cack of knowledge and awareness regarding road traffic rules and regulations, violation of traffic rules, flaws in road design and engineering, coupled with driver behavior, can be overcome with concerted effort. Cack of awareness and consciousness about road safety among road users, worsen the problem. 1rivers, for instance, are often not conscious of the inherent risks of high travel speeds, and overcrowded passenger buses. This problem can be mitigated with public awareness campaigns, improved driver training and testing, and better trained enforcement personnel and engineers. 0tandardi*ing the collection of collision data can also bridge a very significant informational gap. !mportant design and traffic calming measures such as median drivers, speed bumps, rumble strips, road markings, traffic signs, and roundabouts are usually not present in most of these countries. %oreover, because much of the traffic in !ndia consists not of motori*ed vehicles but rather bicycles and pedestrians, the building of separate non"motori*ed traffic and motorcycle lanes to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and a safe environment is imperative. The programme on (oad 0afety should be conducted for school children with the objective of educating and influencing the school children about basic road safety behavior, norms, rules and regulations. 2urther, the programme aims at improving road safety behavior of school children and raising their awareness level with regard to safety measures, traffic rules, regulations and related safety procedures

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