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Should teachers help parents to raise their kids? 1.

Teachers are not substitute parents

They can help parents to educate knowledge, discipline and moral to their kids, but not to raise their kids. Basic social skills and physical hygiene should be learned by kids at home. Kids should learn how to take care of own cleanliness and how to speak to other children or properly address adults. Behavior problems and hygiene problems are major issues; many teachers have complained of spending 85% of their time disciplining bad behavior and physical cleanliness. They felt like overly educated babysitters instead of teachers. 2. What are the actual duties of parents?

Parents feel that teachers need to help them more to take care of their kids since they often spend more time with those kids in school. Parents blame schools and teachers for the lack of discipline of their children. They thought their duties as a parent stopped when their kids were sent to school. But, what is the meaning of being parents if they cant spend their times for educating their own children? What are the actual duties of parents if theyre not educating and raising their kids? 3. The difference between school and nursery

Some parents, especially single parents find that it is difficult to take care of a child or children alone. They thought schools dont take measures to support them. Assemblies are scheduled in the morning when parents need to report in to work. Parent teacher conferences are also scheduled when parents are still on the job. Sometimes there is no after school care. However, schools are not places for kids to be cared when their parents are working. Schools are not nurseries. Teachers have no obligations to take care of these kids. Teachers must maintain a professional standard at all times, I mean, they are teachers, not nannies. Moreover, single parents can find a guardian to attend childrens school activities and take care of their children after school. Relatives, friends or nannies, there are so many choices for these parents. 4. The difference between teachers and parents

Parents are always the main role of childrens life. Most of them choose to use own moral standard to influence their kids behavior and thoughts. Not every parent may be able to accept the moral standards which are inculcated by teachers to their children as every family has its own teaching method towards its next generation. Therefore, teachers are actually playing the supplement role in childrens life. It is no doubt that teachers is an important part in childrens life, however, kids should learn to communicate with their parents first before they can learn to communicate with other kids or teachers in a proper way. By this, children can also realize the difference between parents and other adults. In home, parents will teach their children patiently when they made mistakes, but in schools, teachers might scold them directly in front

of other children. This also explains why children who are taught by parents mostly have higher self-esteem and self-confidence.

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