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Weekly News
April 14th-April 18th Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Vocabulary archaeology- is the study of the way humans lives a long time ago. document - means to keep a record. era - is a period of time in history, usually beginning with an important event. evidence- is proof of something. expedition- is a journey made for a particular reason. permanent- means to last a long time without changing. tremendous is very large or great. uncover something is to discover it, or make it known. Wonders Unit 5 Week 5 Skills Genre: Informational Articlegives facts and information about a topic that include a real person, an actual event, a real place, or a real thing. Skill: Sequence-The sequence is one kind of text structure that authors use to organize the information in a text.

Consonant+ le syllables

1. pebble 2. humble 3. double

4. gamble
5. trouble 6. uncle 7. needle 8. fiddle 9. cuddle 10. cradle

Important Dates & Reminders April 17th Progress Reports April 18th - Good Friday Holiday April 25th- last 4-H payment is due May 5th -6th ACT Aspire Testing May 8th Talent Show May 16th- Field Day! May 19th-21st 4-H Camp May 20th-Last Full Day of Classes! Communication: The last day to purchase a yearbook at $30 will be Wednesday, April 30th. Starting May 1st, you can still purchase a yearbook (if there are any left) but the price will be $35 and will be on a first come first serve basis. Test Schedule: Mon: Math Ch. 10 Mid Chapter Check (2-D Shapes) Wed: Multiplication Fact Test Thurs: Math Ch. 10 Test (2-D Shapes) Fri: Reading Test Language Quiz Spelling Test
Parent Signature

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

11. jungle
12. single 13. marble 14. ramble 15. tackle 16. ankle 17. freckle 18. buckle 19. hustle 20. tangle

Strategy: Summarize-to retell the most important details in a paragraph or section. Vocabulary Strategy: Figurative Language- writers use Figurative Language to more effectively describe an idea.


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