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Alison Culver 302-302

Purpose Statement Getting students to learn how to analyze is a very important skill. This unit plan will be devoted to teaching students how to compare and contrast stories. The students have been introduced to stories and their structure. The next step is to work with them so they learn how to analyses and think deeper about these stories. I want the students to be able to learn what comparing and contrasting means. I will introduce ways of organizing their thoughts with venn diagrams. My goal is that by the end they can use a venn diagram fro organization. In addition I want them to be able to recognize similarities and differences in the stories we read. I want to encourage the students to notice the feelings of the characters in the stories. I want to go deeper than just who the characters are and what the setting is. I want to students to be able to recognize the problem and solution in the stories we read. I also want to expose then to different perspectives through the stories that are chosen. I want to show them the value in reading stories from other perspectives. In short I want students to be able to think deeper about the content they are reading. I want them to be able to start to organize their thoughts through writing and diagrams. The purpose of this unit is to get them working on the analyzing part of reading and to expose them to new stories. I also want to include different workshops into the lesson to continue to work on their group skills. I want the students to continue to grow as a community. I want them not only to improve on working in groups, but I want to grow their understanding on why it is important. This will not be through be explicitly saying it, but I want to show them how other peoples opinions are important and we can all learn more when learning together.

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