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Garcia 1 !

Jiordy Garcia Professor Jacobs ENC1102 17 April 2014

A Short Writing on The Birthmark by Nathaniel Hawthorne The Birthmark is about a newly wed couple, the wife; Georgiana is beautiful but has a small blemish on her cheek, the husband; Aylmer is a scientist that is obsessed with removing her birthmark. Analyzing the characterization, setting, and Feminist criticism, is the easiest way to approach this story. Characterization makes one see that Aylmer is a scientist which is barely compassionate and has an obsession with his work, making him symbolize the cold nature of science. While Georgiana symbolizes love, by the way she tries to please her husband. When one uses characterization it helps the reader get in the head of the character and understand most of their motives, and reasons why they do their actions in the story. Knowing the setting of the story helps us understand why Georgiana lets her self be put down by her husband. At that time, woman where only good for satisfying her husband, and maintaining to the house duties. When Aylmer tells Georgiana he is not pleased with her anymore because of her birthmark she becomes stressed and would do anything to make Aylmer pleased with her again. Feminist criticism explains to the reader the roles of women and how she is supposed to act to be accepted into society. She is inferior to her husband because she lacks an income and education. The lack of knowledge and wealth is one of the reason why Georgiana is not able to

Garcia 2 ! say no to Aylmer. This for of criticism helps the reader better understand the roles of a woman in the 1950s. Both the literary elements and criticism help break down the story so one can better understand the intentions, actions, and feelings of each character.

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