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Jamisha Lawton Professor Jacobs Freshman Comp ll 2 April, 2014 Jamaica Kincaids Girl Annotated Bibliography

Bailey, Carol. Performance and the Gendered Body in Jamaica Kincaids Girl and Oonya Kempadoos Buxton Spice. Merdians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism. 2010: 106123. EBSCOhost. Web. 27 March.2014. This source is a comparison between two West Caribbean authors. Jamaica Kincaids Girl and Oonya Kempadoos Buxton Spice. The main goal of this source is to show me how two authors from the same culture relate with their two different stories. It goes into details about how gender roles are enacted in their country. These stories relate because they both show how woman are to behave themselves and that woman should always obtain their household duties. They differ because Girl is such a short story it only says so much but Buxton Spice says a lot more and even goes into detail about the role of the men in their country. This source will only be useful to me because I receive information on how Kincaids writing is similar to someone who comes from where she is. I will probably only use this source only once or twice throughout my paper. It doesnt really pertain to anything that I need and have to have for my paper, it just gives me insight on how Kincaids work relate to others.

Becnel, Kim. Literary Context in Short Stories Jamaica Kincaids Girl. Great Neck Publishing.2007. EBSCOhost. Web. 27 March.2014. This source gives me a plot summary of Jamaica Kincaids Girl. It is going to be very useful to me for my paper. It goes into detail about the historical, societal, religious, scientific and biographical views of the short story. It starts off by giving a content synopsis of the short story and what each thing in the beginning of the story means. It tells you how each character may feel at the moment and why they feel that way and It gives us details about where the story takes place, Antigua, which is where the author is from.. Girl is not a hard story to understand, but it is important that you know the importance of the story when you are reading it. The goal of this source is to help understand the story from different views and aspects. Compared to my other sources this would be my second best source. This is my shortest source, but it is one of my most useful ones. This source would be used to help me better analyze the story. Because Kincaids work has been told to be unusual or difficult, this source breaks it down so you know exactly what everything means and that is important for me seeing that I need to know the themes and what each character represents.

Bloom, Harold. Jamaica Kincaid. New York: Info Base Publishing,2008.Print This source just goes through different stories of Jamaica Kincaids work. Im able to see how she usually writes and how others analyze her stories. It also has Girl in the book so I can receive a little more information on the short story. The book starts off with an introduction from the author giving his own opinion on Kincaids works. It then goes into an analyzation of Kincaids novel A Small Place, a discussion about caribbean writers and their language and then

authorizing the slut Girl. The main goal of this source is to help me understand Kincaids writing through other stories as well as Girl and to see how others analysis her work. Compared to my other sources this will probably be my least used source. Unlike my other sources it gives me very little information about the short story I am analyzing and if it does its similar to the information Ive already received. Although I am exposed to Kincaids other stories and understand her work a little better, this source wont be very useful to me.

Mays, Kelly J. The Norton Introduction to Literature. New York: W.W Norton & Company, Inc., 2013. Print. This source is the actual story. Of course it plays a huge part in my paper because I will need it to help analyze the story. This source tells the story of a young girl receiving commands from her mom about how to become a respectable woman. It is a one sentenced story and the mother does majority of the talking as the girl only speaks twice. The main goal of this source is just for me to read the story and make my own interpretation of what it means before I get the actual facts. Compared to my other sources this will be my third best source to use for my paper. Mainly because I have to make my own interpretation of what the story means and it doesnt break down to me what the story actually means. There is no main goal in this source except to tell the story. Even though it is not my number one source it is a source that has to be used and it will be very useful for my paper.

Milne, Ira Mark. Girl. Short Stories for Students. 2000: 85-98. Web. 27 March.2014. This source is very useful. It goes into detail about everything I will need for my paper. To sum it all up, this entry tells me about the author, why she wrote the story, what the short story symbolizes and why the author wrote it. Im given the style the story was written in which is point of view and the historical context of the story and the author.This entry also lets me know what I need to know about the characters & how they each fit into the story, which is very important for my paper. The main goal of this source is to give a breakdown of the story, why the story was written and background information of the author. Compared to my other sources, this source is the best source for me because of all the information I receive. It's very useful to me being that my paper will based off theme and characterization and this source gives me information about both. I receive a biography of my author which is important for my paper because the story I am analyzing and most of her other stories are based off of her life. This source helped me learn the importance of Jamaica Kincaid's work

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