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May 2013 To Whom It May Concern: I have worked as an Educational consultant/coach in the American Sign Language School (M347)

for the past year. I observe Sara teaching on a regular basis. I review her planning and assessment and observe her in professional development workshops. Sara is a passionate teacher, has sound pedagogy and constantly wants to keep current of new educational trends. She has a natural warmth and empathy with her Pre K students of 4/5 year olds. Sara is an excellent communicator she follows the lead of her students to build on their strengths and gives them the confidence to try new things. She is fun and her enthusiasm for learning and teaching is infectious. I have observed exciting art projects, math, taught in a real way and a rich literacy program with her signing the story and all children enjoying the experience. Sara is very organized with her planning and assessment; she uses the childrens learning stories and interests to drive the curriculum. She is a great advocate for children, encouraging them to meet their potential. Saras sincerity, warmth and curiosity make her a respected member of the wider school community, she speaks out in meetings, voicing her opinions and ideas, and she supports other teachers with ideas and strategies. The parents respect Sara and she uses every opportunity to include them in the program. Her sincerity and warmth means she gets the best out of children and teachers. Sara is the lead teacher in the class and encourages and supports the paraprofessional, and works in a very collaborative way with her co-teacher. The children in her class will be confident, competent learners, with a wide range of strategies, skills and experiences to scaffold and develop future learning. I strongly recommend her for tenure. Please contact me if you would like any further information. (Mrs) Judith Soper Educational Consultant AUSSIE PD New York Cell: +13477515557 Email: ! !

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