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Edgar Maldonado ENG 1102 Angela F. Jacobs Literary criticism essay of "T e T ing in t e Forest" !y A." !

yatt 1#$0%s !ritain is t e setting. Germany is trying to get !ritain to s&rrender 'it constant bombing in t e cities. "o !ritain starts e(ac&ating t e c ildren to t e co&ntry side of !ritain. T at is ' ere t ese t'o com)letely o))osite *ids meet and becomes friends. +ne 'as "T in and dar*, taller..."-A." !yatt .0./ er name 'as 0enny. T e ot er 'as ")l&m) and blonde and c&rly"-A." !yatt .0./ and er name 'as 0rimrose. 1 en 0enny and 0rimrose got to t e mansion t ey 'o&ld be staying at t ey decide to go on an ad(ent&re to t e 'oods 'it anot er girl b&t ' at t ey sa' at t e 'oods 'ere more de(astating in so many 'ays. A giant 'orm 2&st de(o&ring e(eryt ing in its )at . terrified of ' at t ey 2&st sa' t ey 2&st 'al* bac* to t e mansion and ne(er s)ea* of it again. &ntil t ey gro' &) and come bac* to mansion. one goes bac* to face t e dreaded beast and t e ot er tells t e story of it. As soon as its o(er one is )res&med dieded. T at s ort s&mmary 'as of A." !yatt%s s ort story "T e T ing in t e Forest." 3 am going to do a literary criticism of t is bea&tif&l story. A." !yatt as a certain 'ay of 'riting er stories. 3f t ere e(er is a story t at s e 'rote and it so&nds familiar it is beca&se s e li*es to 'rite stories t at are infl&enced by myt s. " e 'rites er stories in a &ni(ersal ty)e 'ay so t at er stories co&ld a))eal to a 'ide a&dience. According to "amant a Matt e's )enny and )rimrose are described as " t e arc ety)al )airing of dar* and fair " 1 ic is going bac* to t e &ni(ersal ty)e of

story 'riting. A." !yatt e(en refers to ansel and gretel ' en tal*ing abo&t o' lost 'ere )enny and )rimrose. "T ey 'ere not meant meant to *no' ' ere t ey 'ere going or, li*e 4ansel and gretel, to find t e 'ay bac*." -A." !yatt .0$/ Also stic*ing to t e &ni(ersal ty)e of er 'riting in t e story t e )retty one )rimrose s&r(i(ed ' ile t e fair one died ' ic to me seems li*e a &ni(ersal ty)e of ending. ' ic reminds me to gi(e a criticism of t e literary elements of t is story. T e first literary element of t is criticism is going to be imagery. For t e )eo)le ' o do not *no' ' at imagery is it is any sensory detail or e(ocation in a 'or*. A.". !yatt as some really descri)ti(e imagery in er stories. 3n " T e T ing in t e Forest " T e 'orm t at 'as in t e forest 'as describe so 'ell t at it made my imagination flo' ' en 3 read it. " 3ts face555' ic 'as triang&lar555 a))eared li*e a r&bber or fles y mas* o(er a s a)eless s)ro&ting b&lb of a ead, li*e a monstro&s t&rni)." -A." !yatt .06/ 3n all my readings A.". !yatt as t e best imagery 3%(e seen. Anot er e7am)le of er ama8ing imagery is ' en s e described o' terrified of t e 'orm. " &gged eac ot er ,s a*ing 'it dry sobs." 3 can see t e t'o little girls )etrified on t e floor not *no'ing ' at to do.T is leads me to t in* ' at does t e 'orm mean is t ere anyt ing to it. To one of t em t e 'orm 'as "more real t an ot er t ings." 1 ic leads me to t in* abo&t ' at t e 'orm really symboli8es. 1 ic leads me to t e my second literary element symbolism. T e 'orm can signify many t ings in t e story. one of t em is 'ar. 0enny and 0rimrose can be imagining t e 'ar9destr&ction t at is a))ening to t eir to'n and magnify )l&s gi(e it life, ' ic ca&se t em to see t e 'orm. T e 'orm lea(ing destr&ction ' ere(er it mo(ed co&ld be anot er re)resentation of 'ar. "t e trail of obliteration and destr&ction." -A."

!yatt .06/T e 'orm can also re)resent a &n)leasant tr&t . T at maybe 0enny and 0rimrose 'ere 2ealo&s of Aly so t ey *illed ere o&t of 2ealo&sy and t ey 'ere so tra&mati8ed by ' at t ey did t ey came &) 'it t e 'orm to co)e 'it ' at t ey did. All of t at made me 'ant to critici8e it in 2&rgain and myt (ie'. T e ' ole )enny and )rimrose c aracter )ro(es t at 2&ngian and myt criticism is best. 0enny and 0rimrose are a ' at Maria Margaronis 'o&ld say a "fairy5tale sisters" "one is fair and t e ot er is dar*" -Maria Margaronis/ T ere arc ety)al friends. 0l&s t e 'orm is being based of t e myt of t e Loat ly 'orm. T ere is also t e arc ety)e of t e fair c aracter li(ing and t e ot er dieing. 0enny t e dar* one dies and 0rimrose t e fair li(es on. According to Maria Margaronis "T e moral is t at t e forces s a)ing o&r li(es are often inaccessible: t eir a))re ension ta*es effort and acc&racy, e(en a des)erate co&rage" ' ic t at moral can be seen as a &ni(ersal moral. T at t ere is my literary essay of "T e T ing in t e Forest" !y A." !yatt.

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