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Narrative Descriptions Counseling Services: School counselors will provide preventative large-group guidance lessons for all students.

They will also provide group counseling and individual counseling for students identified as high risk. Consultation Services: School counselors will consult will all stakeholders (administrators, teachers, support staff, students, parents, community members) regarding student needs. Referral Services: School counselors will make appropriate referrals to community agencies to meet the needs of all students. Crisis Response Role: School counselors will create and implement a crisis response plan, including a crisis response team. They will provide crisis response training to all staff. School counselors will hold quarterly meetings to review the crisis response plan and to discuss any changes. Student Assistance Team Role: School counselors will identify and train students for the student assistance team. Collaborate with students to create solutions for students needing assistance. Advocacy for system change: School counselors will promote a more positive school climate amongst the faculty and staff. This will include promoting communication and collaboration across the board, promoting the belief that all students have the ability to learn and succeed, and being an advocate for all students. School Improvement Role: School counselors will use data to set goals and implement new programs. They will involve all stakeholders in the improvement of the school. Role in Closing the Achievement Gap: School counselors will use data to identify at risk students and work towards improvement in the three domains. Role as advocate for individual students: School counselors will advocate for all student needs according to the ASCA National Standards for students. How School Counselor Networks with School Personnel: School counselors will meet monthly with advisory council to discuss student progress. They will also encourage school deans to be more present and available in their respective schools. How School Counselor Networks with Community: School counselors will collaborate with community agencies to create alliances. This will also allow students to engage in community service projects within their community.

How School Counselor Networks with Profession: School counselors will join ASCA and ISCA and abide by their ethical guidelines. School counselors will also consult with one another regarding difficult ethical decisions.

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