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Bullying Why me?

Ayah Hamad Bigelow 3A

Dear Reader, Bullying has become a major crisis in our generation and is affecting thousands of kids each day. In American schools kids cant feel safe because people are making their days harder and longer. Innocent children being harmed because they look different or for no reason at all. Kids getting bullied for things they cant control or were born with; Race, Orientation, and or Disabilities. Some bullying situations take over the victims lives. Many develop eating disorders or even cut themselves because they feel like its their fault they're being abused. In the most serious cases children cant take the suffering anymore and feel committing suicide will give them the easiest escape. It is our duty to kill bullying so that no more adolesant kids have to endure this type of agony. By joining as one and standing against bullying we could make an outstanding impact in an Anti-Bully America, as our parents once remember.

Bully- An overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller or weaker people.

Hi, my name is Luke Strong. Im 9 years old and I have Down Syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs when an extra copy of chromosome 21 is made; it results in physical and mental disabilities. The first 5 years of my life were wonderful with my parents and siblings. The trouble began when I started school and realized how cruel children could be. That was also when I first realized how different I was from the other kids in my grade. As I got older the bullying became worst and I would cry myself to sleep each night dreading the fact I had to wake up in the morning and go to school just to be punished. Bullying played a major role in my life and I wanted so bad to be normal. I didnt choose to look like this or to be tormented in school; they didnt care about how I felt they got joy out of making my life miserable. Day by day would hate myself more the same things running through my head, Why me? Why did God choose me out of everyone? I became resentful of everyone and everything and I was even trying to hurt myself. I told my parents about what was going on and they got me help. Today I feel better than ever because Ive embraced the way I am. Being but through bullying has showed me that no matter what anyone says Im smart, handsome, and confident in my own skin.

I pretended like I was Luke Strong because it gives the reader another perspective of bullying. He is a fictional character and this is my Pros piece. Better than them. U are not. Leaving them with life-long scars. Leaving them with memories too harsh. You are just a coward. Bullies have this mindset that they are superior to all. Help your children to stick up for themselves so their scars dont follow them to adulthood.

You have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like a nothing. You with your voice like nails on a chalkboard calling me out when Im wounded. You, picking on the weaker man. -Taylor Swift


To make sure all students have a safe experience in school the bully policy will be strictly enforced. This includes the following: Absolutely no name calling will be allowed. Any physical activity intended to harm another student. Cyberbullying is not permitted. The destruction of personal property.

There will be no exceptions if a student is committing these kinds of acts. Immediate action will be put in place so that justice can be served. Most schools do have a bully policy but most dont enforce the rules. If parents and students talked to the school board changes could be made so that necessary action is put in place.

Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground. Like a skyscraper. -Demi Lovato

Mom-" Hey son!" Kid-" Hi." Mom-" How was school today?" Kid-" Fine, I guess." Mom-" Did you learn anything new today?" Kid-" No. Can I go to my room now?" Mom-" Okay. I'll have dinner ready." One third of kids in the United States actually tell their parents if they are being bullied. Look for the warning signs and take notice. Make sure they don't suffer alone!

These are just some of the names kids get called every day and its my expository piece.

You made me insecure Told me I wasnt good enough But who are you to judge. Selena Gomez

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