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Diana Karlsson 3/25/14 4 hour

Ancient Rome C.E.R.

You might know the geography of ancient Rome. You might know the economy of ancient Rome. But did you know that the geography of Rome affected the economy. There were many good and bad impacts the geography of ancient Rome had on the economy. Some good and bad impacts were the seas and mountains. The geography of Rome has good and bad impacts on its economy. The climate had a good impact on the economy of ancient Rome. In source B it says, Italys mild climate allows people to grow a wide variety of crops, and,A plentiful food supply was one key factor in Romes early growth. Because the climate was mild, crops were able to grow better, and then the crops were traded for goods needed to build a better city. Also when there are more crops than needed because of the climate, the Romans could trade the extra crops for goods needed for a city. In source D it says, Farming was the base of the Roman economy. Farming was important because the climate let farmers produce more, that will be traded for goods. So, the climate helped the economy by producing more crops to trade. A bad impact on the economy was the mountains and volcanoes. In source B it says, This rugged land made it hard for ancient people to cross from one side of the peninsula to the other. Because it was hard for the people to cross they could not trade very well with the other side making the economy go down. Volcanoes were also a problem. In source B it says, In addition, some of Italys mountains, such as Mount Vesuvius, are volcanic. Th eir eruptions could devastate Roman towns. If a volcano erupted near a town the town could be destroyed and with all of the tradable crops of that town. If the crops are destroyed the economy will go down. So, because of these reasons, mountains and volcanoes and bad for the economy. In conclusion, there are good and bad impacts on Romes economy because of its geography. A good impact is the climate because it helps produce more crops to trade. A bad impact is the mountains and volcanoes because mountains make it had to cross to the other side to trade. Also volcanoes can destroy all the tradable crops of a town. Rome economy was heavily impacted by its geography.

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