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SN Kansagra School

Lesson Plan- Interpretation of Topographical Maps

1. Std 10- Scope of Syllabus- Interpretation of various aspects like Occupations,

Climate and Vegetation, Modes of irrigation and Modes of transport Instructional Objectives:
Students would be able to interpret type of occupations carried out by people based on evidences given on a topographical map 45 D/7 and 45 D/10. Students would be able to describe the climate of the region along with suitable reasons based on the evidences provided on the topographical map 45 D/7 and 45 D/10 Students would be able to name the different types of vegetation shown on the topographical map 45 D/7 and 45 D/10 based on the evidences given. Students would be able to interpret which modes of irrigation are used by people in a map extract and chief mode of irrigation used by people in a particular map extract. Students would be able to identify modes of transport used by people in the map extract and the chief mode of transport used by most people in a particular map extract.

Teaching methods Explanation through lecture Discussion amongst group members Hands On Learning

Detailed plan First 15 minutes explanation of the concept will be done by the teacher. Next 15 minutes will be used by students for discussion amongst group members/ doubt solving done by teacher Last 15 minutes will be used by each student to complete the CW assignment number 12 individually. Teacher will monitor each student and guide if required. Additional practice questions will be given as a soft copy to students on edmodo as HW assignment number 12.

SNK / Department of Geography/Std 10 2014-15

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