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Creative Writer and Daydream Sigmund Freud

In this work, Freud describes the inspiration and imagination of creative writers in his works. It turns out that the force of imagination is childhood game. Not every child who plays behaves like a creative writer because he creates a world of his own, arranging everything in a new way that makes them happy. The children spend a lot of time and emotion in his game, as well as a creative writer who created the fictional world they write. The writers and children use the imagination to create the characters and the plot. The children are so seriously in play even forget about the real world. Freud stated that the children were able to distinguish fiction from reality; the author also has this capability. The reason for someone to create a world of imagination is that some things can only be enjoyed if imagined in the mind. The real world cannot give pleasure, though in fact sadly, in the fantasy they can find pleasure. Like the readers who enjoyed the novel because it is a source of entertainment that frees the mind and allow them to participate without actually involved. Freud considers the general psychology of creativity and activity is ideation to create new ideas. What the artists created psychologically is similar to what is done by a child. The children get fun when they play. They rearrange anything in the world in their own way. The children are allowed to fantasize, but they know that their games are not real. As well as the artists who created a new world in their minds are focused on the emotions that are separated from the real world. The dream has similarities with the artwork, which is a product of the unconscious. It is all hidden because dreams, fantasies, and desires containing artwork that we are ashamed to be shared with others. What Freud intent of the word "wishes" is the erotic and aggressive instinctive desire. Freud saw the artwork as "wish fulfillment" is the same as other products from the unconscious. Wish fulfillment is the result of an undelivered wish/ desire. In this work, Freud expressed the creative process involves three time periods; Present forming an impression at this time, this is a major factor in raising the unsatisfied wish. Past an impression in the memories of childhood, where the unfulfilled desire is.

Future - impression and memory of the past that creates a potential future situation. It was the fulfillment or completion of unfulfilled wish. The past, present, and future are strung together on the thread of the wish that runs through them. The unfulfilled wish made us take advantage of the opportunity in the present to create a picture in the future based on past patterns. Therefore, the past, present, and future come together to create a fantasy. Freud has a concept of id, ego, and superego. Id is irrational and immoral force that lies at the the unconscious level of the human mind. Id is forcing erotic desire in a person. It is a blend of sexual desire. Baby born with id (human nature) to survive and comfort. Id is also the desire as aggressive, sensual, eroticism, sexuality. Childhood presented erotic things that given by parents such as breastfed, hugged, kissed, and so on. However, there is the superego that brings the principles of morality and human values. Superego not let id expressing its wish. There is always a conflict between id and superego because they are always in contrary. But Ego works on the principle of reality as a mediator between the id and superego. When the desire is unfulfilled, it is pressed and pushed back in our unconscious; they materialized in the form of a dream. In literature logic and superego are not too tight. Talking rude is usually allowed in the work. Art is almost always as a symbolic representation of the id. Dream and art is similarity because they two are a series of symbols. Psychoanalysis can be applied to study literature in three ways: 1. Studying the author to understand the text. 2. Studying the text to understand the readers and time period. 3. Studying the author through the text (a reflection of his childhood).

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