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Nutr 203 Reflection Statement Nutrition 203 was clearly an essential class to prepare students for the professional

environment. The information I learned from this class I will take directly into my career when working with patients or clients in a one-on-one setting. This class opened my eyes to the vast differences among different ethnicities and cultures not only in diet, but also diet practices. I now understand the importance of acknowledging cultural differences and taking the time to research these differences in each client so you can effectively help them while respecting their practices. In addition to how important the information I learned in this class, I genuinely enjoyed this class and was so intrigued by the different cultures and religions I learned about as well as the types of food consumed in these different cultures and religions. The most significant project that we did in this class was the Cultural Heritage Project. Professor Rupp challenged each student to research into their own cultural background to discover our ethnicity and reflect on our own dietary practices that are influenced by our culture. This project helped me realize how important my dietary practices and rituals are to me, and how important it is for me to respect others dietary practices. It also forced me to look into parts of my background I had never known before and discover interesting things about my own family and culture. This was such an influential class to me, and Professor Rupp taught it in a very intriguing, effective manner. I will take the information from this class into my practice in my future career.

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