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Nutr 302L Reflection Statement The lab section of Nutrition 302 covered both information and procedures that

can be applied directly to my future career as a dietitian. Learning how to perform the different laboratory tests that will used in the clinical setting will be instrumental to the understanding of what those labs may indicate. Applying the practice to the material explained in Nutrition 302 makes it possible to make nutrition diagnoses stemming from nutrient deficiencies. This class was the first time the NCP note procedure was introduced, which is a vital skill to the profession, especially in the clinical setting. The techniques used in our research and manuscript writing were also reinforced in this class, which I can apply to any future research I perform. The most significant project in this course was the Animal Study Research project. We researched the effects of Capsaicin on athlerogenic rats. This allowed us to used blood lipid panel tests the assess the health status of the rats and furthermore, the effect of the substance we were testing on their health. Although this research was done on rats, this is the basis for human research to make new discoveries on how to improve human health and medications. Dr. Hong is a prominent dietitian in research so learning from her the different procedures was extremely beneficial. Having the lab class made the material easier to understand and more memorable.

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