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Permanent Mandibular First Premolar : 34

Dr. Saman Malik Masudi PPSG - USM

[buccal, lingual and occlusal views]

Premolar : 34

Premolar : 34 [Cusps]
Buccal cusp :
a. long and sharp. b. the only functional cusp during occlusion.

Lingual cusp : usualy small and nonfunctional. Mesiobuccal cusp ridge is shorter than the distobuccal cusp ridge. Occlusal surface slopes sharply to the lingual.

Premolar : 34 [Buccal view]

Buccal view : Prominent buccal ridge and a large pointed buccal cusp. Two buccal developmental depressions are often seen among the three buccal lobes. Mesial cusp slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than the distal cusp slope.

[occlusal-lingual view]

Premolar : 34

Premolar : 34 [Lingual view]

The lingual surfaces is much narrower. Most of occlusal surface can be seen from this view. Lingual cusp tip lines up with the buccal triangular ridge. Mesial fossa and distal fossa are each side of triangular ridge. Mesiolingual groove usually separates the mesial marginal ridge from the mesial cusp slope of lingual cusp.

[mesial and distal views]

Premolar : 34

Premolar : 34 [Proximal view]

From mesial view, buccal outline is longer than lingual. Mesiolingual groove can be seen near lingual margin. Distal view similar to mesial view except the absence of a groove near margin. Distal marginal ridge much more developed than the mesial.

Premolar : 34
[occlusal view]

[occlusal view : fossae and ridges]

Premolar : 44

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