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Meet your SGA By: Tyler Brantley Micah Messer, a University of South Alabama Computing senator, works tirelessly

to improve all aspects of the university. Although Messer has only served one year as an SGA senator, he has made sure to leave a positive impression of himself. Messer has helped the campus in many ways. He, along with Senator Taylor, is

sponsoring the Student Center computer lab. More than $16,000 of equipment will be added to the lab. His actions impact more than the College of Computing. I make sure I am representing the students of the School of Computing first, but I will always do my best to serve every student as a senator, Messer said. Messer was one of the SGA senators that sponsored the new election amendment. The amendment limited USA students to voting for SGA candidates within their own colleges only. Like all SGA senators, Messer is a member of multiple committees. These include the Legal Affairs Committee, which deals with new amendments and by-laws, and the Appropriations Committee, which distributes funds to specific organizations as long as it abides by the Constitution. Messer was driven to become an SGA senator because of a passion to help others. I joined because I wanted to serve the students, he said. This goes beyond the campus because he is involved in the Army ROTC, as well. Messer is currently a sophomore with a major in Computer and Information Sciences and a minor in Military Science. He is also currently a professional photographer and videographer.

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